That's One Huge Dinosaur
A/N: here's chapter 4 for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoy
Timeskip: A few days later at Delilah's house
The group is sitting in Delilah's living room eating some lunch as they discuss what has happened recently. "You holding up okay Selena"? Taylor asks as Selena smiles at him while she replies. "I'm good Taylor still annoyed about what happened with that woman and her Torvosaurus but Cody's little speech put things into perspective for me". Selena reaches over to her brother and ruffles his hair slightly as Cody smiles while saying. "Thanks sis but I'm really worried about what that woman and Gaius want with those dinosaurs"? The group falls silent for a minute or so but before any of them can say anything their Dino Holders begin to beep and they all take off towards the lab.
At the lab
The group come running in and they see Lucy but there is someone standing next to her. This person is a man with curly black hair that reaches his chin along with a scraggly black beard and light grey eyes. The man is wearing a similar white lab coat as Lucy and underneath this lab coat the man is wearing a light grey shirt underneath that has the top button undone and dark blue jeans along with black boots. "Eddie! You're back"! Matt yells as he runs up to the man and gives him a quick hug, the now named Eddie chuckles a little as he returns the hug and replies. "How you doing Matt, Lucy told me about what you've been doing". Matt smiles a little as he replies. "I'm doing good but I'll tell you all about it later". Eddie nods as Delilah turns to her sister and asks. "Lucy do you know where the new dinosaur is"?
Lucy nods her head and replies. "It's in Mongolia, I'm not sure precisely where in Mongolia it is". The black haired woman looks a little defeated, Delilah walks over and gives her sister a side hug and asks. "How about after we deal with this dinosaur me and you have a little sister time together"? Lucy smiles back at Delilah and replies. "That sounds good sister, I could use a break from work and we haven't spent an awful lot of time together recently". Delilah nods in response as the group enter the teleporter and disappear.
Eddie chuckles as he reaches into his lab coat pocket and pulls out a box of cigarettes and places one in his mouth but before he can light it Lucy says. "Outside if your gonna smoke". Eddie chuckles as he takes the cigarette out of his mouth and replies. "Yes boss lady". Lucy shakes her head with a very small smile on her face as she responds. "You haven't changed since college Eddie". The black haired man laughs a little as he replies. "Nope but then again neither have you". Lucy giggles a little as she agrees as she extends her hand to Eddie and gestures for him to give her a cigarette as she says. "I could use one right now as some form of stress relief". Eddie nods as the pair leave the building for a quick break.
In Mongolia
This time the group lands in a sort of swampy area. "Well at least its not a forest this time". Cody says as the whole group lets out a little chuckle as they wonder through the swamp to see what dinosaur they'll encounter this time, it didn't take them long to find clues but all they can find at the time are freshly chewed vegetation and very large footprints but even Cody can't figure out what dinosaur left them. "Best I can tell is that we're dealing with a Sauropod but that's all I can tell". The group sighs a little since with all their thinking they can't come up with what this dinosaur could be.
However the group then hears two loud dinosaur roars with Delilah being the first one to take off running with the others close behind her. After about a minute of running Delilah comes across a new person with two dinosaurs fighting, this new person is a man with short messy black hair along with brown eyes and what looks like a small scar running across the bridge of his nose. The man is wearing a short sleeved blue t shirt that fades to white in a kind of wave pattern along with sea foam green knee length shorts and black trainers. The first dinosaur is a large Sauropod that is a light silver colour on top with its underbelly and legs being a dark pink colour and the dinosaur its fighting is also a Sauropod but this one is larger and a dark grey colour and has bright yellow spikes running across its back.
Delilah immediately pulls out her Dino Holder and her dinosaur and card and slashes it down while yelling. "Flood them Baryonyx"! As the Baryonyx appears in a flash of dark sea blue even though it is a large creature the Baryonyx is dwarfed by the two Sauropods. "Ah so the children that Gaius and Camilla fought have arrived". The new man says as Delilah sneers at the man while she replies. "Yep and this time we'll be take those dinosaurs away from you". The man just smiles while shaking his head and calmly waves his hand and says. "Agustinia ignore the Nemegtosaurus and remove that Baryonyx". The dark grey dinosaur begins to move away from the other Sauropod and stomps towards and swings its neck right at the Baryonyx, but the bipedal dinosaur just moves out of the way but jumping backwards a little bit and goes to retaliate with a bite to the front right leg. But the named Augustina swings its right leg forward and bats the Baryonyx away and tries to counter attack with another kick but with its left front leg, however the Baryonyx side steps to avoid the attack then Delilah pulls out one of her move cards and yells. "Galli Rush"! Just before she slashes the move card down the man pulls out a move card of his own and calmly slashes it on his own Dino Holder that is a sea blue colour as he says. "Tapejara Dive".
An ostrich like dinosaur appears and sprints towards the Augustina however its path is interrupted by a flying dinosaur as the pair collide and take each other out as Delilah looks on shocked as the man smiles and orders the Augustina to continue attacking the Baryonyx as it turns to the side and flicks its tail towards the smaller dinosaur. But it cannot land the hit as the Baryonyx avoids the attack and tries to counter attack with a jumping bite to the underbelly, but the Baryonyx mistimes the bite and snaps its jaws shut way too early and actually bounces off of the underbelly. "Augustina finish this Baryonyx off we have more important things to take care of". The Augustina stomps forward while it and the Baryonyx continue to clash the rest of the group notice what is going on and see the Nemegtosaurus all alone. "Let me get redemption for last time". Both Kaelin and Selena say at the same time as they both call forth Chasmosaurus and Abelisaurus respectfully however while their dinosaurs charge towards the Nemegtosaurus they are intercepted by two new dinosaurs.
"What the hell happened"! Selena shouts but as the dust clears they two familiar dinosaurs. "Wait a minute that's an Anchiceratops and an Yangchuanosaurus". Cody says as the group does a double take and see that he is telling the truth and Cody is indeed correct. "Woah there kids, you didn't think this would be easy did you plus we can't let Damian have all the fun today". A familiar voice calls out as the rest of the group looks over to see Gaius and Camilla standing there with smiles on both their faces. Selena snarls at Camilla while Kaelin looks at Gaius with a fire in her eyes as their previous opponents get ready for a fight.
"Woah it seems your a little angry at us, can't imagine why". Gaius casually says with a subtle smile on his face as Kaelin replies. "You kidnapped that poor Anchiceratops and that Yangchuanosaurus, now you're probably forcing them to do who knows what". Gaius and Camilla look completely taken aback as they let a small laugh while Camilla responds. "I do not know where you got that absurd idea from but we haven't forced these dinosaurs to do anything". Gaius shakes his head as he adds. "You kids have been watching too many cartoons". Gaius's Anchiceratops charges forward with its head down right towards Kaelin's Chasmosaurus, the Anchiceratop's head slams into the side of the Chasmosaurus as Kaelin shouts. "Get em Chase you've got this, I believe in you"! Gaius looks at Kaelin with a small smile on his face almost like he is proud of her for some reason.
Chase manoeuvres around the Anchiceratops and goes to slam its head into its right flank, but the Anchiceratops moves out of the way with Gaius saying. "Good job Ansora, now how about a little move card"? Gaius asks rhetorically as he produces a card from his pocket and casually swipes it across his Dino Holder as he says. "Giga Raiden". A large sphere of lightning begins to form between the horns of the Anchiceratops as it fires a huge beam of lightning right at Chase, the beam slams into the side of Chase but the Chasmosaurus just about stays on his feet as Kaelin rushes to Chase's side and asks. "You okay buddy"? Chase nods his head letting out a soft groan as Kaelin pulls out her own move card and slashes it down while yelling. "Inazuma Phalanx"! As Chase rushes forward at full speed towards Ansora and launches her into the air and then creates several large lightning spheres and fires them right into Ansora sending them crashing straight into the ground, Ansora shakily stands up as Gaius rushes to her side. "Ansora you okay girl"? Ansora lets out a pained groan as Gaius taps a few buttons on his Dino Holder and the Anchiceratops reverts to card form in a flash of yellow.
"Surrendering Gaius"? Kaelin asks as the dark brown haired man just shakes his head as he replies. "Did you forget I still have another dinosaur partner"? Kaelin looks shocked as Gaius summons his Pentaceratops and immediately uses a move card yelling. "Gatling Spark"! As the Pentaceratops sprints forward and begins to jab at Chase with its horns at lightning speed as small lightning sparks explode off of the Pentaceratops's horns with every hit. Chase then flies back letting out a groan as he turns back into a card.
While the fight between Gaius and Kaelin is going on Selena and her Abelisaurus taking on Camilla and her Yangchuanosaurus. With the Yangchuanosaurus moving first and going to bite at Aliyah's neck, but Aliyah easily dodges and while dodging leaps into the air while rotating trying to hit the Yangchuanosaurus with her tail, the tail slams into the Yangchuanosaurus's neck with the dark grey dinosaur remaining standing as it runs forward and goes for Aliyah's neck. But Aliyah avoids the attack and tries to do the same thing, however the Yangchuanosaurus easily dodges the attack as Camilla reveals a move card and calmly swipes it across her Dino Holder and says. "Burning Dash". Flames begin to form around the mouth of the Yangchuanosaurus as it sprints full speed at Aliyah, the jaws of the Yangchuanosaurus clamp down around the neck and raises its head and then slams Aliyah straight down as an explosion of fire engulfs the both of them. The Yangchuanosaurus jumps back as all that's left of Aliyah is her card, Selena rushes forward and collects it as she says to herself. "Damn it, still not good enough". Camilla looks at Selena with concern as she walks closer to her and says. "You'll get stronger darling and I look forward to seeing how strong you and your friends can become".
Selena looks at Camilla confused as she asks. "Why do you want us to become stronger, aren't we in the way of your plans"? Camilla nods as she answers. "You are but you can say that you kids have lit a competitive fire in us and isn't life more fun when you have a rival". Selena nods as she replies. "Just you wait, the next time we meet I'll win". Camilla smiles as she responds. "Looking forward to it".
Back with Delilah and Damian
The Agustinia rears up onto its hind legs and goes to stomp Delilah's Baryonyx, but the nimble dinosaur moves out of the way as Delilah pulls out her final move card and yells. "Tragedy of the Sphere"! As the Baryonyx creates a large watery sphere that traps the Agustinia inside as it runs full force and slams its body into the sphere creating a large watery explosion sending the large Sauropod into the air and then quickly crashing into the ground, the Agustina staggers to its feet as Damian says. "You've got this Azura, now lets use a move card of our own". As Damian produces another move card and slashes across his Dino Holder and calmly says. "Aqua Whip". The newly dubbed Azura creates a watery whip that ensnares the Baryonyx and then Azura launches the Baryonyx with the water whip and then catches it mid air as she then forces the Baryonyx into the ground causing it to glow blue and turn into a card as Damian then orders the Agustinia to attack the Nemegtosaurus quickly dispatching of the second Sauropod with the help of Gaius and Camilla.
"That was fun kids but looks like we win again". Gaius says as he, Damian and Camilla disappear in a flash of light. Delilah looks a little defeated until Matt says. "Hey we may not have gotten the dinosaur this time but we actually managed to give them a good fight this time". Delilah smiles at that comment as Kaelin adds. "Yeah and I managed to take out one of their dinosaurs so I have a good feeling about the next meeting we have with them". Everyone nods and instead of leaving with their heads hung low in defeat the group leaves with their heads held high and a fire in their eyes.
In a random location
Damian, Gaius and Camilla appear in their base with smiles on their faces as a familiar man walks up to them. "I take it you succeeded"? Damian nods as he replies. "Indeed Merlin and it seems the kids are becoming stronger". Merlin returns the smile as he replies. "Very good, I haven't felt this motivated for our plan in a long time". Everyone lets out a small laugh together as Camilla intertwined her fingers with Merlin's and the group walk off.
A/N: and that concludes this chapter, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and I'll see ya guys in the next chapter.
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