Revival Of Long Lost Reptiles
A/N: here's the first chapter for my Dinosaur King AU and hopefully ya guys will enjoy this. Also just saying that all the characters in this story will be original characters made by me.
In Sanjo Town
Sitting in the living room of her parents home is a 13 year old girl with long black hair that is tied in a ponytail and she has dark hazel eyes, this girl is of average height and build. This girl is wearing a light blue t shirt along with a rib length black jacket along with blue jeans. This girl has a book on the carpet that she is studying. "Delilah, are you here"? A polite and gentle voice calls out as the now named Delilah replies. "I'm in here mom". As a woman with the same black hair as the teenage girl but this woman is older around 30 years old and is wearing a light yellow cardigan along with a white t shirt and a light blue skirt. "Taylor and Kaelin came asking for you earlier, they were wonder if you wanted to hang out with them and the rest of your friends today". Delilah nods her head as she closes her book and replies. "That sounds good, I'll be back later mom". Delilah grabs a pair of dark red trainers and after putting them on she runs out of the house to where the place her friends always hang out.
At a park
Delilah arrives at the park and sees four other people around the same age as her, the first one of these people is a boy with silver hair that is shaved short on the sides with top and back being a bit longer, he also has bright blue eyes. This boy also stands at around above average height and has a slightly above average build, the boy is wearing a short sleeved red hoodie with a sleeveless dark yellow t shirt underneath along with black baggy shin length shorts and dark brown books. "Finally got here Delilah". The boy says with a smile on his face as Delilah retorts back. "Would have got here sooner if you actually told me earlier Taylor". The now named Taylor just lets out a laugh as the girl next to just shakes her head and says. "You never change do you brother". Taylor just scratches the back of his head and replies. "Well I could say the same about you Kaelin". The now named Kaelin smiles at her brother, Kaelin has long dark purple hair that curls at the ends along with having dark green eyes. Kaelin has an average build and stands slightly above average height, she is wearing a light yellow hoodie with a white trim and a pair of black leggings and white trainers.
Before Delilah can speak a boy with short spiky black hair along with having a few freckles across his nose and light grey eyes, this boy is standing around average height and has an average build. He is wearing a maroon zip up jacket with a black shirt underneath along with a pair of dark blue shorts and a pair of red and black trainers. "How are you Delilah"? The boy asks as the black haired girl replies. "I'm doing good Matt just reading a book at home before coming here". The now named Matt smiles as he asks again. "A dinosaur book"? Delilah responds by just nodding her head as everyone lets out a chuckle with someone then commenting. "That's my brother for ya, he's got a way of sharing his passions that just gets you hooked to". Everyone turns to see a girl with fiery red hair that is unkempt that reaches the top of her spine along with having bright green eyes, this girls is wearing a black leather jacket with an orange t shirt underneath along with light blue jeans and black boots.
"That's Cody for you Selena, his passion is very infectious". Taylor tells the now named Selena as Delilah looks around and couldn't see Selena's brother as she asks. "Say Selena where is Cody"? However before Selena can reply everyone hears loud fast footsteps coming towards them, everyone in the group turns to see a boy with dirty blond hair that reaches the back of his neck he also has dark brown eyes. This boy is wearing a long sleeved t shirt that is dark green that fades to black as it reaches the bottom along with black jogging bottoms and dark red trainers. In his hands the boy is a large egg shaped object. "Hey Cody whatcha go there"? Taylor asks as the now named Cody replies. "I'm not sure I found this in the forest near mine and Selena's house". Delilah then asks Cody. "Shall we open this"? Cody looks at Delilah with a big grin on his face and nods his head rapidly with everyone gathers around as Cody opens the egg shaped object and inside are four things, a rock with what looks like a wind gust in the middle of it and a sort of metal button on the front of it. The other things are three cards one of them has the picture of a dinosaur that has grey, white and red stripes. The one of the other cards has a scaly ostrich like creature and the final card shows two dinosaurs with one of dinosaurs being the dinosaur on the first card shooting what looks like a pressurised wind blast at the other one.
"What is this"? Kaelin asks as Cody replies. "I don't know but I know that the dinosaur in this card is a Majungasaurus". Delilah turns to Cody and asks. "Cody can you show us where you find this"? Cody nods his head as he pockets the items from the egg and leads the group to where he found it.
In the forest
Cody and the rest of the group come to a small clearing in the forest. "This is where I found it and I spotted a few more as I was digging around". Everyone nods as they begin to dig around and after a couple of minutes the group dig up five more egg shaped objects. "Let's crack them open and see what's inside". Taylor says with a big grin on his face as everyone nods with Delilah opening hers first, inside is the same as Cody's. However her rock has what look likes water droplets in the centre, with one of her three cards having what looks like a large bipedal crocodile that is an orangey red colour. "Looks like a Baryonyx". Delilah says as she looks at the other two cards with one of them have another ostrich looking creature on it running forwards. "Looks like a Gallimimus on this one". The final card has a picture of a dinosaurs trapped in a watery sphere. "I have no idea what any of this means but these are pretty cool". Delilah says as the group then opens there egg containers.
Kaelin has what looks like lightning bolts on her rock and what looks like a large four legged creature with a large crest and three small horns. "Looks like I got a Chasmosaurus card". Kaelin says as she looks at the other two cards and sees one of them has another large ostrich creature with long arms and sharp claws at the ends. "Looks like a Dromiceiomimus running towards something". Kaelin looks at the final card and it looks like the Chasmosaurus with six large lightning spheres surrounding it. "These look cool but got no clue what this is about".
Taylor sees what looks like purple mountains on his rock and the first card has what looks like a smaller Stegosaurus on it with a spine of either shoulder. "Looks like I got a Dacentrurus". He looks at the second card and it has what looks like the same Dacentrurus but in the air with a cone of heat across its back and the final card again has the same Dacentrurus but this time with floating purple shields around it. "Huh interesting".
The next to open their object is Matt and his rock has green blades of grass on it and his first card is a dinosaur that looks similar to an Iguanodon but a little smaller and this one is a green and yellow colour. "Seems like this one is a Fukuisaurus I believe". Matt says as Cody looks at it and nods his head, the second card looks like the same Fukuisaurus slamming its body into another dinosaurs and the final card is the same Fukuisaurus staring at another dinosaur that is trapped by vines. "These cards keep getting odder and odder with no signs of any answers". Matt ponders as everyone seems to nod in agreement.
The final one to open their object is Selena and her rock has a fireball on it and her dinosaur card is a similar to a T-Rex but smaller and this one is dark green with what seems like leopard spots. "I got an Abelisaurus". Selena says with a smile on her face as she looks at her second card and this one has another dinosaur but this one looks much like a Pteradon but it has a crest on its light red and yellow crest on its upper beak, the final card has two dinosaurs on it with one of them being the Abelisaurus and the other dinosaur having a large fireball above its head. "What happens if I do this"? Selena wonders as she rubs the Abelisaurus card onto the button on her rock as she does this a big flash of red light blinds the group slightly and as they get their vision back they see the Abelisaurus that was on the card but this one is standing in front of them in its full size as it lets out a deep loud roar.
"Selena! How did you do that and how can you turn it back"? Delilah asks as Selena replies. "I just rubbed the dinosaur card onto the button that's on the rock, but I dunno how to turn him back. Maybe if I do this". Selena then twists the button and the Abelisaurus bursts into a flash of light and turns back into a card. "That is so cool"! Cody yells as he has a bright grin on his face with everyone smiling, Taylor then turns to Delilah and asks. "Maybe your sister can help us with a way to keep these rocks safe". Delilah nods as they group then heads to where Delilah's sister works and explain to her what has happened she agrees to help them in exchange that they bring anymore of those cards to her so she can study them.
In a random location
"So it seems more of these stones have been found". A voice says with joy evident in his speech as another voice replies. "You seem happy about that Chief". The first voice answers. "Of course that just makes our conquest all the more fun".
A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and I'm sorry if the descriptions for the cards and dinosaurs were bad I'm kinda bad at that stuff.
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