A New Dinosaur Appears

A/N: here's chapter 2 for ya guys

At Delilah's House

The whole group is just relaxing at Delilah's house after a few days of thinking about it they agreed that if any more of the those card turn up they would get their hands on them before anyone else could believing that bad people shouldn't get them. Just then Delilah's phone begins to ring. "Hello"? Delilah answers as the other person replies. "Sis I've got a signal for a new dinosaur, can you come over to the lab now"? Delilah agrees as she and the rest of the group rush out of the house and towards the lab.

At the Lab

"Sis we're here, what's happening"? Delilah asks as they reach her sister they see that this woman looks like an older Delilah with the same black hair she has tied it in a braided bun and she wears a lab coat with a teal cop top underneath along with a black pencil skirt and a pair of heeled boots. "Lucy did you find out where this new dino is"? Taylor asks as the now named Lucy nods as she brings up a map on a large screen with a blinking red dot. "It's located in Canada, Alberta specifically". Everyone nods as Lucy then hands them this weird device as the group looks confused with Lucy explains. "I did some research these past few days and came up with these Dino Holders that will help you store anymore of those cards you find". Delilah gives Lucy a hug as she says. "Thank you Lucy your the best". Lucy smiles as she replies. "You're welcome Delilah and remember to be safe out there". Everyone nods but Cody then asks. "So how are we gonna get to Alberta then"? Lucy smiles as she points to a object towards the back of the lab and says. "This is a teleporter that Taylor and Kaelin's parents helped me work on for the past half a year, it can take you anywhere in the world if you set the right coordinates". Taylor and Kaelin smile at the mention of their parents working on a new fancy project as the entire group enter the teleporter and vanish in a flash of light.

In Alberta

The group appear in a forestry area and a bit discombobulated from their very first teleportation. "I feel very weird, does anyone else feel weird or is just me"? Taylor asks as everyone replies saying they also feel weird but the group quickly recover with Delilah picking a direction and the group begin to walk in that direction. After nearly 10 minutes of walking the group come across multiple trampled trees that look like they've been snapped off their trunks. "What the hell did this"? Selena asks out loud with Taylor replying. "Definatly something big and heavy". Cody crouches down next to his sister and inspects the ground to notice large footprints that don't look like they belong to any animal alive that he knows but then as he looks closer he realises who these footprints belong to. "Hey these are the tracks of a Ceratopsidae, the family that the Triceratops belongs to". Cody says as Kaelin smiles saying. "That's the same family my Chasmosaurus belongs to right". Cody nods as he adds. "They look somewhat fresh so lets follow them and maybe we can find out what dinosaur actually left these". Everyone rushes forward as Delilah shouts to Cody. "Well done Cody, got a ways to go until I match your dinosaur knowledge"! Cody chuckles as he yells back. "Thank you Delilah and remember I've been studying these for longer than everyone here so if you need any information on dinosaurs let me know"!

Timeskip: 20 minutes

The group come to a small clearing and catch their breath a little and as they do the ground begins to shake a little but not in an earthquake kind of way more like an extremely heavy creature is approaching them. "What's going on"? Kaelin asks as a large creature that looks almost identical to her Chasmosaurus but with longer horns appears from out of the bush as Cody almost instantly recognises the dinosaur and announces. "That's an Anchiceratops".

Kaelin steps forward and replies. "Lemme try this one". As she then pulls out the Dino Holder device that Lucy gave to her as she pulls out her Chasmosaurus card and slashes it down as she yells out. "Lets go Chasmosaurus"! A flash of lightning bursts from the card as the Chasmosaurus from the card stands around the same size as the Anchiceratops as they both let out a roar at each other and the two large dinosaurs begin to circle each other and at the same time both ram into each other jostling for power as they both throw each other back.

The Anchiceratops then begins to charge up lightning around its horns as it then fires the lightning right at the Chasmosaurus shocking the large reptile as it then falls to the ground. "Chase no"! Kaelin yells as she rushes to the side of her Chasmosaurus as she places a hand on its large crest as she begins to rub the crest in a comforting manner and says. "Chase are you okay buddy"? The newly dubbed Chase moans in pain as he staggers to his feet as Matt then yells to Kaelin. "Try one of those move looking cards we got"! Kaelin nods as she pulls one of them out and slashes down on the Dino Holder and shouts out. "Inazuma Phalanx"! Suddenly Chase has more energy as he then shoots lightning at the Anchiceratops and sends it flying into the air as several electric spheres appear in an arc over the crest of Chase as he then fires all the spheres at the mid air Anchiceratops knocking it to the ground but it manages to stagger to its fight still looking for a fight.

"Having fun there children"? A voice calls out causing all every member of the group to turn around to see someone standing in a tree, this someone is a man with dark brown hair that reaches the back of his neck that is tied in a low ponytail along with greyish coloured eyes. The man is wearing a long dark yellow trench coat that has a white lining and accents along with a lightish green t shirt underneath and black jeans also with a pair of dark brown boots. "Who are you and what do you want"! Selena yells to the man as he jumps down from the tree and reveals he has a Dino Holder as well but his is coloured a dark golden colour instead of white. "My name is Gaius and as for what I want, right now I want that Anchiceratops". Gaius then produces his own dinosaur card and slashes it across his Dino Holder as he yells. "Crash into the battlefield, Pentaceratops"! As another flash of lightning appears as another dinosaur similar to the Anchiceratops but this one is a little bigger and is a dark orange almost brown colour.

"Pentaceratops, Kamikaze Tackle"! As Gaius slashes down another card the now named Pentaceratops rushes forward and slams into Chase and launches him into the air and just as Chase is about to crash into the ground the Pentaceratops slams its head into his back sending the Chasmosaurus flying into the trees breaking several as a bright flash of yellow light appears then disappears as Chase's card floats down.

Kaelin rushes over to retrieve the card as the rest of the group look stunned but in another swift motion Gaius produces another card and slashes down and shouts again. "Pentaceratops, Gatling Spark"! As the Pentaceratops sprints forward and beings to jab the Anchiceratops with its horns at lightning speed as small sparks of lightning begin to fly off. The Anchiceratops lets out a faint wounded cry as it reverts back to card form as two other cards float down however before the group can move Gaius rushes forward and snags all three cards as he recalls his Pentaceratops and sprints away. "Wait you, get back here"! Delilah, Selena and Taylor yell at the same time but their calls fall on deaf ears as Gaius is too far away to here them.

"Damn it, we failed". Delilah sighs as Kaelin comes back with her Chasmosaurus card. "I'm really sorry guys it's my fault we didn't get the Anchiceratops". Kaelin looks extremely defeated as Taylor walks up to her and gives her a side arm hug and replies. "It's okay sis, remember we only got these cards like what less than a week ago and this was our first time fighting with them". Kaelin smiles back at her brother as Delilah says. "Lets get back home and then we can have a proper discussion about how we should act when this happens again". Everyone nods as they teleport back to the lab.

In a random location

Gaius appears back at his home with a proud smile as he looks at a room with two extra men and three woman. "Came back with a full hand". Gaius quips as he shows them the Anchiceratops card as well as the two move cards he got as well. "Good job Gaius and how were the new stone users"? A voice calls out as the brown haired man replies. "They are just kids, might have some skill to them but for now they'll probably be push overs". Everyone in the room nods as the same voice tell Gaius. "Keep that Anchiceratops and those move cards, they'll come in handy when we run into those kids again". Gaius just nods with a silly grin on his face.

A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and I'll see ya in the next chapter.

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