Trust Issues

3rd Person POV

The web series camera opens on Ruby's face as she addresses you, the reader....wait-

Ruby: Hey Dinobot fans! Ratchet scanned some Decepticon activity in New Mantle's Subway system. The Dinobots are going to check it out before the military shows up and make a mess. And maybe get the King some good press.

The ground bridge opens up and Grimlock looks at the entire Dinobot team, Ruby quietly gestures to motivate them before going through.

Grimlock: *sighs* All right! We all gonna work together as team!

All the Dinobots said in agreement...

Dinobots: No.

The web cam then cuts to Grimlock laying against the stadium and says.

Grimlock: Team's been having trust issues.

The camera then switches to Slash in the same spot, and holding up an empty juice bottle and says.

Slash: A certain water dweller, promised she wouldn't drink my juice.

Slash then crushes the empty bottle and says.

Slash: Guess what?

The camera then cuts to Paddles burping on screen loudly and smirking at the camera.

The camera switches again to Swoop holding an electric guitar and says.

Swoop: Snarl said he didn't touch my precious, but I know he did.

The scene switches to Snarl who says.

Snarl: Did me break Swoop's guitar? Nah. Me glad it's broken? Yes.

And the camera switches back and forth between the other Dinobots grief against each other and finally switches back to Grimlock and says.

Grimlock: Might not trust roommates. But you have to trust teammates. Lives depend on it.

The camera switches back to the present as the Dinobots step through the portal and see a couple of explosions and people running away. Those same people see the Dinobots and become even more scared as they run away faster.

Civilian: It's the Dinobots! Run!

Ruby: Hey! They're here to help!

Another explosion calls the group back to what they were here for. They see a group of old enemies, the Insecticons.

Paddles: Who that?

Grimlock: Insecticons. Worked for Megatron during the Cybertronian War. But me thought they were all destroyed.

Slug: So, why we ain't smashing them!

Slug shoves past everyone and charges for the Insecticons, Grimlock then yells.

Grimlock: It ain't a one-man show, Slug!

Slug readies his blasters but they suddenly break. Slug then grew angry and turned to Swoop.

Slug: Swoop! You messed up my guns, didn't you?!

Swoop: Maybe it was the same guy who broke my guitar?

Slug growled, but is then shot in the back by one of the Insecticons.

Insecticon: *screeches*

Grimlock: *ROARS*

Grimlock rushes forward and punches the Insecticon, sending it flying backwards and through several others like bowling pins. The other Insecticons screech and charge for the Dinobots, Slug transforms and charges forward smashing through them with ease. Sludge transforms and grabs an Insecticon in his mouth and throws it while others start crawling onto his massive body. Snarl swings his tail and stabs through several Insecticons. Slash tries to hold her ground and goes to kick one of the Insecticons, but is grabbed and held by her neck.

Slash: Paddles! A little help?!

Paddles is seen swinging her blade through several Insecticons and says.

Paddles: Me busy!

Grimlock transforms into his Dinobot form and roars before letting loose a fire breath attack, destroying several more Insecticons.

Team RWBY is seen helping trapped civilians and guiding them out, when an Insecticon lands behind Ruby. She fires her Crescent Rose at the monster's face, which does not damage whatsoever.

Ruby: Back off, bug!

Suddenly, a green laser blasts through the Insecticon, destroying it. Ruby looks and grows a smile at an old friend.

Ruby: Penny!

The Dinobots have had a somewhat complicated relationship with Penny after the war ended. Penny is a genius weapons developer and Protector of Atlas, the Dinobots, well, you know how they are.

Snarl: Who invited her?

Paddles: Paddles like flying human.

Penny takes offense and asks.

Penny: Don't I get a thank you?

Slug pretends to be overly excited and exaggerates.

Slug: Oh! Penny!

Slug then loses the act and taps Penny on her metal head.

Slug: Please.

One of the Insecticons shoots Penny and sends her into a wall. Grimlock growls and charges for it, but then the ground gives way to a hole with other Insecticons crawling out of it, but Grimlock falls down the deep hole. Penny then grabs Grimlock and starts flying him back up and says.

Penny: Good thing you called for help.

Grimlock, confused by this, responds with.

Grimlock: What you talking about?

Penny, now a little confused herself, tries to explain.

Penny: The distress signal you sent me?

Grimlock still had no idea what she was talking about.

Grimlock: Huh?

Penny thought for a second before remembering who she was talking to and figured.

Penny: Oh, I get it. You don't want the others to know.

The camera switches back to Grimlock in Amity and he says in a annoyed tone.

Grimlock: Didn't call her. Don't need her. Just like Penny to make sure me Grimlock "under control."

The scene switches back to the fight as Ruby, for one, is excited Penny showed up.

Ruby: Whoo hoo! Go, Penny!

Slam: *series of distrusting grunts*

One last Insecticon tries to blast Grimlock, but Penny got in front and fired her super laser to counter it. The beams clash and struggle to overpower the other. Penny then calls out to Grimlock.

Penny: *strained speech* Grimlock! Your fire breath!

Grimlock charges up his fire breath and helps Penny's laser overpower the Insecticon and destroy it. Penny drops to her knees from the power drain, but quickly recovers and says.

Penny: Whew, thanks Grim.

Swoop: Whoo! Score another win for Dinobots! Hey oh!

Slug then asked Grimlock.

Slug: What you think those Cons were here for?

Grimlock: Don't know. *turns to Paddles* Ever seen them?

Paddles: No.

The camera switches to Grimlock in Amity Stadium and says.

Grimlock: Me like Paddles. Kid's got potential. But, she works for the mad scientist, Shockwave. Been trying to destroy Grimlock and humanity for long as me can remember. Why allow a mole on the team? *moves closer to camera* Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

The camera switches back to the now somewhat destroyed subway. Penny's on board computer sensors alert her.

Penny: There's been a break in at Poledina Labs. As soon as I got called away to help you, my lab was attacked. I don't think it's a coincidence.

Penny takes off back towards her lab. Sludge then asked Grimlock.

Sludge: We called robo-girl?

Grimlock: No, but someone made it seem like we did.

Slash: This Insecticon attack does seem more like a distraction than an actual attack.

Grimlock decides to follow Penny back to her laboratory. As soon as the Dinobots walk up to the main lab building, and Swoop lands on the ground, there's an explosion from inside. A small robot uncloaks itself, the Dinobots then hear Penny over their comms.

Penny: Penny to Dinobots. Do not destroy the robot! Over.

Grimlock: You heard her.

Grimlock turns around and notices one member missing.

Grimlock: Wait. Where Paddles?

The scene switches to Paddles stomping on the little robot. Paddles then chuckles and says.

Paddles: Paddles smash.

Penny lands in front of the Dinobots and she is not happy.

Penny: What is the matter with you?

Grimlock approaches and says.

Grimlock: Uh, your welcome? She stopped it.

Penny then explained.

Penny: I didn't want it destroyed. I wanted it to escape with the tracker I placed on it.

Ruby: Oh, so you could track it back to whoever sent it. Smart.

The Dinobots and Team RWBY follow Penny inside her lab where she pulls up a security feed of the little robot breaking into a sealed vault.

Penny: That spybot bypassed all my security measures and broke into one my most secure vaults and I still have no idea how.

Grimlock: Grimlock tell ya. It cloaks.

Penny, unimpressed by the joke retorts with.

Penny: Aren't you the smart one.

Grimlock: Well, Grimlock no billionaire genius, but me get by.

Slash then asks a valid question.

Slash: What's in that vault anyway?

Penny responded with.

Penny: Classified.

Grimlock: Was classified. Now it problem.

Ruby then hears the door to the lab and sees Paddles and Snarl leaving the room. She is quick to follow them as they head towards the classified vault and tells them.

Ruby: Guys, we're not supposed to be here. If Penny finds out-

Snarl: *mocking* You'll never get her to personalized your autographed photo. *normal* Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Snarl arrives at the huge, heavily armored vault door and has the number 88 on it. Snarl swings his tail and stabs the spikes into the door, then pulls the door off it's hinges and opens up the vault. Snarl then tosses the door away as Ruby freaks out.

Ruby: Oh, Penny's gonna be mad at us.

Snarl walks in and sees what looks like several armored suits as big as the Dinobots.

Snarl: Well, merry Christmas in July. I knew it!

Penny then flies into the room with the rest of the Dinobots behind her.

Penny: What is going on in here?

Grimlock asks the same question, but directs it at Penny instead.

Grimlock: What is going on in here?

Snarl then explains.

Snarl: This is why I left the military. This is where Penny keeps her contingency plan, codenamed Dinobuster.

Slash: Dinobuster? What is he talking about Penny?

Snarl: Ain't it obvious? Look at the armors, and the weapons on these babies. Each one designed to fight one of us.

Sludge: Penny build armor to fight Sludge? Sweet!

The camera switches to Sludge in Amity Stadium, sitting silently for several seconds before he finally figures put what that actually meant.

Sludge: Wait. What?!

The camera switches back to the present and Paddles admires the weapons on the Dinobuster designed for her.

Paddles: Nice blade.

Slug: It was designed to kill you Paddles. I say we destroy them first!

Grimlock stomps his foot down and gets the Dinobots attention.

Grimlock: Stand down!

Grimlock calms down as he continues.

Grimlock: You right to be mad, but that not who we are anymore. We've seen enough.

Grimlock herds the Dinobots out of the room and Ruby is genuinely hurt as she walks past Penny. Penny then tries to explain.

Penny: Look guys. You've gotten out of control in the past.

Slash suddenly turns around and almost lunges at Penny, but Grimlock catches her in his hand as she yells.

Slash: I'm about to go out of control now!

Grimlock: No worry. Penny knows better than to send her toys after us. Or at least she better know.

As the Dinobots leave, Blake pushes Yang past Penny so she doesn't lose her cool. Weiss then stands next to Penny and says.

Weiss: Needless to say, I'm disappointed in you.

Weiss then follows the others out of the building. The camera then switches to Grimlock in the stadium.

Grimlock: It one thing to build a weapon to use against me, but building them to hurt my friends, my family. That's wrong.

The scene switches back as the Dinobots say nothing as they still process the revelation. Yang then says.

Yang: I can't believe Penny doesn't trust us!

Blake: I thought being friends meant something to her.

Ruby: This has got to be some kind of mistake. Right?

As Grimlock readies to call for a ground bridge, an explosion scatters the Dinobots and Team RWBY across the field. Grimlock recovers first quickly and gets to his teammates and Team RWBY.

Weiss: What was that?!

As all the Dinobots stand next to Grimlock they see their adversaries are Penny's Dinobuster armors. Swoop then says.

Swoop: Yeah, someday we are just gonna look back on this and laugh.

Grimlock: Swoop, me not laughing.

Slam: *series of grunts*

Grimlock: She never trusted me. I know you're in there, Penny!

Grimlock charges forward but is blindsided by the Dinobuster made to battle him. The hit was enough to send Grimlock flying and crash into a jetliner. He recovers quickly and asks.

Grimlock: Why you attack us? We were leaving.

Slug: Not me. I'm staying! *Roars*

Slug charges forward and rams into the armor built to fight him, but the armor simply does a circle throw, using Slug's momentum against him and throwing him across the ground. Slug recovered and faced down his armored opponent. The rest of the Dinobots were targeted by their own specific armors. Swoop transformed and took off into the skies with his armor in hot pursuit. Slash was finally against someone as fast as her and she started getting overwhelmed. Sludge was struggling to overpower his armored opponent which was as big and strong as he was. Slam was up against what looked like a turtle armored suit and isn't effected by his attacks. Paddles was trading sword strikes with her armored opponent, and was pushed back into Slash. Slash looks up at Paddles and says.

Slash: You're gonna watch my back this time, right?

Paddles: Y-Yeah. Paddles watch.

Paddles' armor fires a laser at her, but was quick to roll out of the way. Unfortunately, the laser hits Slash in the back-

Slash: *screech of pain*

Grimlock looked and saw Slash struggle back to her feet, he then looks and sees all his teammates struggling, and grows very angry.

Grimlock: *growls* This ends NOW! *ROARS!*

Grimlock transforms into his Dinobot form and tail swipes his armored suit and sends it flying into a distant warehouse. He then turn to the others and roared as he did the same with the other armored suits. Grimlock didn't notice Team RWBY being snatched up by something fast, he then charges for the warehouse and sees his armor before roaring again. The armor tried to blast Grimlock with it's hand lasers, but Grimlock simply tanked through it and tackled it to the ground. Grimlock stood up and stomped one foot onto the suit and uses his jaws to tear the head off the suit.

Grimlock: Gonna scrap you, Penny!

Grimlock then used his jaws to tear the chest of the armor open, but to his confusion, Grimlock saw the armor was-

Grimlock: Empty?

Penny is then heard off-screen...

Penny: Good thing for me.

Penny flew into the warehouse and blasted the recovering armors, but was knocked out of the sky by Sludge's Dinobuster armor and crashes at Grimlock's feet. Grimlock then transforms back into his robot form as Penny says.

Penny: Okay, we're in trouble.

Swoop: No, really?

Penny: I designed these things with nano-incinerators. Made to destroy the tiny robots in your bodies. I think I've got an idea though.

Grimlock: Yeah? What's that?

Penny: Hold still.

Penny rapid fires her lasers and drops a whole cargo plane on the Dinobusters. The Dinobusters recover quickly and see the Dinobots then blast them into nothing. The camera then zooms out as Penny explains to the Dinobots in a completely different location.

Penny: Well, my hologram trick worked. Whoever took control of the Dinobusters think they've destroyed us, for now at least.

Slam: *series of grunts*

Penny: I got Team RWBY to a bunker. They'll be safe.

In the chaos Grimlock managed to grabbed one of the Dinobusters and took it with them, but it remains inoperable. Grimlock sets the armor down and says, relieved.

Grimlock: Thanks, Penny.

Slug approached Penny and grabbed her head and pretended to be grateful.

Slug: Yeah, you're a real pal.

Slug then let out his anger and slammed Penny's head into a wall as he yells. Everytime Penny's head reappears on-screen, she has different comical looks on her face.

Slug: We could've been scrap, Penny!

Snarl was quick to protest.

Snarl: Slug, stop man.

Grimlock: Enough!

Penny falls out of the wall and lands on her rear, but recovers remarkably fast and says.

Penny: Well, if you Dinobots are done smashing me- *spits out a bolt* I'd like to show you something.

Penny uses the console next to her and pulls up security footage of the spybot in the Dinobuster vault. The spybot fires a single beam at each one as Penny explains.

Penny: That spybot planted a virus in all my Dinobusters, giving someone remote access to them.

Penny turns off the video and says.

Penny: They'll be coming for us, and this time, a hologram won't stop them.

Penny looks at Slash as she asks.

Slash: So then how do we stop your us-busters?

Penny: You don't. We need arc fission weapons, and we don't have them.

The camera switches to Grimlock standing behind his team and saying.

Grimlock: Got what we need right here.

Grimlock points to the Dinobuster armor he brought with him and says.

Grimlock: Fight fire with fire.

The other Dinobots, except Sludge, voiced their doubts about this plan working as Grimlock takes apart some pieces of the Dinobuster.

Slug: You really think this scrap is gonna save us?

Swoop: Yeah, did you get hit in the head?

Snarl: Dude, this is a piece of junk.

Slam: *doubting grunts*

Penny was surprised as she steps close to Grimlock and says.

Penny: Your own team doesn't trust you. How can you expect the world to?

Grimlock doesn't answer and finally tears off the armors arm and shoulder pauldron and tries to apply it like suit of armor but...

Grimlock: *growls* Dumb thing won't stay.

Penny sighs and flies up to Grimlock's face and says.

Penny: Look you big- Hang on, you're gonna break it.

Penny the uses her hand lasers to weld the armor together so it stays on Grimlock.

Grimlock: Going after me Grimlock get. But why them?

Penny: What happens when you or one of them get out of control and the rest couldn't or wouldn't help? That possibility frightens people.

Grimlock actually thought about that very question everyday he wakes up. He responds with.

Grimlock: Me.... We trying to change that. Me think some times people will never trust us.

Grimlock shows off his new armor attachment and the other Dinobots follow suit and take a piece of armor or some sort of weapon. Suddenly, the Dinobusters can be heard approaching the bunker and Penny kills the lights in the room. The armored suits enter the room and turn on their scanners. The camera switches to the armors POV as it scans the room. Until it finally looks left and sees Grimlock as he says.

Grimlock: Boo!

Grimlock punches the armor hard across the room, Penny says right after.

Penny: Dinobots! Charge!

Slash had boots on that increased her already insane speed, and started running circles around her Dinobuster, while also dismantling it piece by piece. She stopped running in front of the suit and watched it fall to pieces in a pile.

Slash: How do you like me now?

Swoop flew past his Dinobuster, baiting it to follow.

Swoop: That's it. Come to papa.

Swoop dodged the first two laser blasts, he then pulls up hard and does two mid air backflips to get behind the armor. He then fires his machine blasters, which the armor blocked with a hard light dust shield. But Swoop had dropped a rocket whilst he was doing his backflips. The rocket lands on the armor and destroys it.

Swoop: Get good, scrap heap.

Snarl stood against his charging Dinobuster, but now was sporting two sets of rocket launchers on his shoulders.

Snarl: *laughes* Now we're cooking!

Snarl fires the rockets and destroys the Dinobuster. Sludge used the chest plate to better endure the punches thrown by his Dinobuster.

Sludge: It clobbering time!

Sludge grabbed his opponent lifted the armor into the air and then slammed it back into the ground before stomping on it's power core. Slug, with extra headgear and spikes on his horns, charges at his opponent, powers through it's attacks and stabs it in the chest.

Slug: Hmph!

Paddles threw her sword like a boomerang, that flew around the armor and then comes and stabs it in the back.

Slam, well slams, his tail club on the ground hard enough to cause a fissure. The resulting shockwave launches his Dinobuster into the air and it lands on it's back. Slam then has no trouble destroying.

Suddenly, the armors that were still functional started doing something and using magnetism to pull all the Dinobusters together in one big whirlwind.

Snarl: Uh-oh, what are those bozos up to now?

Slug: Look alive, everyone!

Grimlock grabs Penny and she says.

Penny: They're.... merging?

The end result was a massive combined mech way bigger than all of the Dinobots. Swoop freaked out and yelled at Penny.

Swoop: When were you gonna tell us your us-busters could go presto-chang-o?!

Penny: The armors have been compromised. Someone else is doing this.

The mech turns to Grimlock and uses several cables to rip Penny from his grip and combine with itself.

Penny: Whoa!

Grimlock: Penny!

Penny starts grunting and expressing pain as she is connected to the mech. The mech then projects a hologram of an all too familiar foe.

Shockwave: Hello, Dinobots. Prepare to meet your doom.

Grimlock: *growls* Shockwave.

Shockwave: Oh, yes. The raw power of our creation is quite intoxicating, Penny.

Penny is seen still writhing in pain, trying to get herself free.

Shockwave: While I would relish grinding the Dinobots to liquid, I'm on a tight schedule.

The hologram disappears and the mech starts charging up an energy ball, with Penny writhing in agony. It fires and all the Dinobots are forced to dive out of the way. The blast blows a hole into a wall which reveal an empty elevator shaft. The mech walks to it and flies up the shaft and into the skies above Atlas. Grimlock gets up and rallies his Dinobots.

Grimlock: Come on! Penny needs us!

Everyone follows Grimlock to the elevator shaft, Paddles was a little hesitant to follow. Grimlock turned his head back to her and yelled.

Grimlock: Paddles! Let's go! Now!

Paddles gives in and follows the Dinobots as they all climb out of the top. Swoop grabs Sludge and flies him up to the mech, Grimlock grabs Slash and throws her, but everyone else jumped as hard as they can all land on the mech.

Grimlock: We have to bust Penny out of there.

Suddenly, one of the mech's arms reaches up and around trying to flatten the Dinobots. It misses and Grimlock grabs it with his hands, the others follow suit and they pull the arm. The arm starts to break apart, but the mech spins in midair, Swoop takes to the air and follows the mech. Grimlock is then seen next to where Penny is being held, she turns her head to him and says.

Penny: Grimlock, you have to forget about me! You have to bring this thing down!

Grimlock: What you saying?

Penny: My power core is charging the Dinobusters to critical mass. Shockwave has turned them into a gigantic flying bomb!

The hologram of Shockwave appears again and informs the heroes.

Shockwave: You've gone and spoiled the surprise, Penny. How illogical.

Penny: You're mad. Millions of people will die!

Shockwave: And from the ashes, you and the Dinobots will be blamed, a squabble of mighty heroes having destroyed a helpless city. And the world will come to hate you as much as I do. Trust me, Grimlock, you can't win.

Grimlock wasn't gonna let this happen and orders.

Grimlock: Everyone, tear this monster apart! You've gotta trust each other, fight as one!

Dinobots: Yes sir!

Grimlock: Paddles! You in?!

Paddles nods. Slash is seen taking out some weapons with her daggers, when two laser cannon appears and fires at her back.

Slash: *groans in pain*

Slam and Paddles both take one out, but the resulting explosion sends them flying off the mech. Slug is seen using his horns to tear off a panel, but he loses his footing and starts to fall.

Slug: Whoa!

Slug is grabbed by Sludge and pulled back up onto the mech.

Slug: Thanks Sludge. Did you take out the other arm?

Sludge: Other arm?

The mech arm in question smacks the two off and into the tundra below.

Slug: Idiot!

Sludge: Jerk!

Snarl is trying to take out the jets on the mech's back but is being fired upon by every turret this mech has.

Snarl: *groans*

Swoop: Hang in there bro! I've got the them!

Swoop flies in firing his machine blasters destroying each turret quickly.

Snarl: Thanks kid.

Snarl turns back and uses his spiked tail to hit one of the thrusters, but it ends up blowing up in his face. The blast sends him flying and landing on top of Swoop and sending them both crashing to the ground. Grimlock reached Penny as she tells him.

Penny: Grim. You have power down the reactors simultaneously. You need a Class 5 EMP, or-

Grimlock: Or unplug them at the same time.

Grimoock pulls on some of the cables, Penny writhes in pain. Shockwave tries to mock them again.

Shockwave: You're too late!

Penny: Let's prove him wrong!

Penny then pulls her right hand off the cables holding her, she then uses her hand laser to cut the rest of herself free. Grimlock then pulled on the power core as hard as he could and tears it all out in one piece. The mech powers down and starts to fall towards the city still. Grimlock throws the reactors away, and picks up Penny, as she's till weak from the power drain.

Penny: Thanks. Now get this thing away from the city.

Grimlock nods, forces the robot into a different angle and then jumps off as hard as he can. The force of the jump sends the mech crashing into the tundra far outside the city. Grimlock lands on the street of Atlas and sets Penny down on the roof next to him, as they both watch the mech crash.

Grimlock: Cutting the cables. Aren't you the smart one?

Penny: *smiles* Well, I am a billionaire, genius, inventor.

All the people down below start cheering, but only for Penny, thinking she saved them all.

Grimlock: Hmph! Figures.

Penny: I trust you, friend Grimlock. I'll dismantle the Dinobusters.

Grimlock thought about it for a moment, then turned his head to Penny and said.

Grimlock: Keep one. In case Grimlock do lose control of monster side someday.

The scene fades to Amity Satellite, where Team RWBY were a little bummed about missing out on the action, but were very proud of their Dinobots.

As everyone went home for the night, Grimlock held Snarl back for a moment and showed him footage of Paddles being the one who broke Swoop's guitar and leaving it next to Snarl as he slept. Vice versa, she broke Snarl's guns and set them next to Swoop. Snarl was confused by the footage and said.

Snarl: I don't get it. So she broke Swoop's guitar, and my guns?

Grimlock: That not all she did.

He showed more footage of Paddles being the one who sent the distress signal to Penny.

Grimlock: Paddles also sent the distress signal to pull Penny away from her lab. And destroyed the spybot. All to protect Shockwave's agenda.

Snarl then turns to Grimlock growing more angry by the second.

Snarl: So that traitor is working for Shockwave? Did she really have to break my guns? You see that? We have to warn the others.

Grimlock: Snarl. No. Paddles no know it yet, but she going to give us Shockwave.

Snarl saw the logic in Grimlock's plan and exclaimed.

Snarl: Oh, brilliant, King. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I like it.

The camera switches to Grimlock alone talking into the drone camera.

Grimlock: Or, turn enemies into friends. Grimlock out.

The camera cuts out and the credits start rolling.

(A/N): Well guys, what'd you think? Interesting at all? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Anyways, hope you y'all have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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