When we heard those heartless are her then I came to spider.
Shane:Are you saying there but why that didn't make sense.
Spider:Because they trying making taken army from kind.
Sunset:Well that bad news for us if they had more army.
Sci-twi:Do you know which of them are close spider.
Spider told us close we stop are Amy and Mona Lisa then Ezra talk us.
Ezra:Well discord I thinking two groups working together defeat Mona Lisa and Amy rose
Discord(smile):I agree and best we supries for them.
Sunset:It just me or they working together kinda give creep.
Raphael:Don't worry sunset I make sure Mona kill you I promise.
Sunset was happy then I talked everone and ponys.
Shane:Ezra and discord group take those two and use two items and take they taken magic away from them.
Twilight:Promise us you all be alright afther this.
Ezra:We promised ready guy's.
When they went they look at Amy and Mona then Ezra had a plan.
Ezra:do you told is Amy think any hedgehog look like sonic.
Sunset:You had no idea she is blind and think ever hedgehog is sonic even shadow.
Discord:That why I pick manic on Amy because I use my magic manic look like sonic.
They look at manic and they shock.
Raphael:Manic it's that you man you do look like sonic.
Manic:I know this our plan from both Fluttershy.
Fluttershy:Well I think this plan might work and I ask manic and I sorry we didn't tell you sunset.
Sunset:I agree Fluttershy and this is amazing plan.
Ezra:Our plan is trying out smart on Mona Lisa with her wepeons off line.
Raphael:Well I agree that plan but want she use that magic on you.
Ezra:I gotten covered on that ready even one.
When starting they plan Amy trying talk to Mona about Sally.
Amy(mad):Is Sally think she have sonic to her self that she wrong sonic is mine.
Mona:Why I had Amy I would have flash instead this child.
Amy:Sonic it that you.
Manic:Yeah it me if you want me Amy you try keep up.
When Amy trying catch up to sonic then discord both Fluttershy and slash defeat Amy rose .
Fluttershy:Amy rose you lost and nice one discord.
Discord:I can't believe Amy been trick that best prank we even did.
Slash:Nice going manic and thanks for your help.
Manic(smile):Anytime I glad I come along stop amy.
Amy:Your not sonic I can't believe I been trick.
When Fluttershy pit one item on Amy She lost her all magic Amy out cold.
Sunset:Well that one down I can't they defeat Amy already.
Raphael:I think we not been onbad side to discord ever.
Ezra:Gotta say that plan did work and your all right Amy is blind.
Mona:I know you Ezra you cut my arm.
When they saw Mona Lisa they defeat Mona Lisa then Raphael came to her.
Raphael:Just you know Mona I love sunset and they no way I going with you ever again.
Ezra:Sunset you are lucky you date raph I think is amazing.
Sunset:Thanks Ezra and I happy you and fairtytail here help us.
They other item they took take taken magic away from Mona then she out cold.
They went back tell us good news but someone already there.
Ezra:everyone we back and we defeat these two.
Nastu:That good new but we got company.
Fluttershy:Who here nastu it them.
Shadow:Well look.
They look is none other Rouge the bat.
Sunset Rouge what are you doing traitor.
Rouge:Look like you two groups beat Mona and Amy I thought both be hard I was wrong.
Fluttershy:Well it want hard and why you here Rouge.
Shane:Rouge will explain us truth because she not traitor.
Sonic:Just be becareful Discord she trying get guys track to her.
Discord thanks I guess .
Next Rouge told us about Sally plan wipe munats and humans by wish is dark magic.
Song who where are we by red
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