dih tiep

Take-home exam

Theory of Translation

Name of course participants: write your name here MA2009

Part A: Answer the following questions

1. In your own words, explain loss and gain in translation. Give an example to illustrate your answer.

In my own words, the loss and gain in translation is happened in two Context and Lexical problems: Two problems will occur when the principle in TL and SL have acceptable sameness. If the TL is the same as the SL, the translation process will get advantages and transfer the cultural features; the figures of speech as well as the writer's/speaker's purposes. An example for the sameness in the lexical aspect in Vietnamese and English: Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi Trung Quốc. We can translate easily without the encounter: Tomorrow, I will go to China. But, if the cultural feature or the figures of speech intervenes in the lexical aspect, this will cause the difficulties in the translation process. Due to the variety of culture in languages, the careful consideration to Context and Lexical aspect is necessary for the translation process. Let me give one more Vietnamese example: Ex: Em toi dang choi ngoai san  In yard Beside that, something we cannot translate, Cultural Untranslability: Ex: Rice / Bathroom In addition, sometimes we change the meaning because of the differences in culture:

2. In your own words, explain decoding and recoding in the translation process. Give an example to illustrate your explanation.

The process from decoding to redecoding, the translator must: accept the untranslatability of the SL phrase in the TL on the linguistic level; accept the lack of a similar cultural convention in the TL; consider the range of TL phrases available, having regard to the presentation of class, status, age, sex of the speaker, his relationship to the listeners and the context of their meeting in the SL; consider the significance of the phrase in its particular context - i.e. as a moment of high tension in the dramatic text; replace in the TL the invariant core of the SL phrase in its two referential systems (the particular system of the text and the system of culture out of which the text has sprung).

For example: Vietnamese: Xin chào English: hi, hello, hallo Italian: Ciao Chinese: Nĩ-hão (喂)

Part B:

For each of the following texts make a translation in which you adopt the communicative approach to translation.

I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. All that is in my mind when I meet a young person. He may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary clichés about respect for elders - as if mere age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong.

Fidden Hughes from Out of the Air, The Listener

(Write your translation here)

Tôi tìm thấy những người trẻ thú vị. Họ có một không khí tự do, và họ đã không có một cam kết thê lương để có nghĩa là tham vọng hay tình yêu của sự thoải mái. Họ không phải lo lắng các nhà leo núi xã hội, và họ không có cống hiến cho những thứ vật chất. Tất cả điều này có vẻ như chúng tôi để liên kết với cuộc sống, và nguồn gốc của sự vật. Nó như là đã được một số chúng sanh trong ý thức của vũ trụ trong tương bạo lực và đáng yêu với chúng tôi ngoại thành sinh vật. Tất cả những gì trong tâm trí của tôi khi tôi gặp một người trẻ tuổi. Ông có thể được conceited, thô lổ, táo bạo hoặc fatuous, nhưng tôi không quay về bảo vệ để cliches thê lương về sự tôn trọng các trưởng lão - giống như tuổi tác chỉ là một lý do cho sự tôn trọng. Tôi chấp nhận rằng chúng tôi có bằng, và tôi sẽ tranh luận với anh ta, như là một bằng nhau, nếu nghĩ rằng ông là sai trái. Fidden Hughes từ Out of the Air, The Listener

. Ngân hàng Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn tỉnh Quảng nam đã giúp vốn cho một số bà con nông dân có hoàn cảnh khó khăn mua thêm phân bón, chăn nuôi trâu bò, cải tạo vườn tạp. Một số địa phương đã dùng quỹ xóa đói giảm nghèo để phát triển đàn lợn, cải tạo ao hồ phục vụ cho nuôi trồng thủy sản

(Write your translation here)

Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Nam province which has helped some farmers are disadvantaged to buy more fertilizer, cattle breeding and improvement of the garden complex. Some local funds for poverty reduction for developing pigs, renovating ponds for aquaculture

Part C: highlight the best answer in yellow in the following multiple questions. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Which method atempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact conventional meaning of the original?

A. word-for-word translation

B. communicative translation C. semantic translation

D. free translation

2. Loss occurs in the process of translation when

A. when translators do not have specific skills

B. when terms and concepts in the SL do not exist in the TL

C. when translators attempt to enrich or clarify the SL text D. all are correct

3. Communicative translation

A. tends to produce a literal translation

B. tends to produce a word-for-word translation

C. addresses itself mainly to the second reader

D. attempts to reader as closely as possible the linguistic content of the message.

4. Which method attempts to produce on its readers an effect as closely as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original?

A. word-for-word translation B. communicative translation C. semantic translation D. literal translation

5. Semantic translation A. addresses itself mainly to the second reader.

B. tends to produce a free translation.

C. remains within the original culture

D. is concerned with producing on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.

6. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the following translation?

"Find her!" he barked at me.

"Hãy tìm cho ra con nhỏ" ông ta sủa vào mặt tôi.

A. Translating metaphor by simile B. Same metaphor combined with sense

C. Reproducing the same image in the TL

D. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image

7. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

Time was flying and they should have been on the trail an hour gone. Thời gian bay quá nhanh, đáng lẽ họ đã lên đường được một tiếng rồi.

A. Same metaphor combined with sense

B. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense C. Reproducing the same image in the TL

D. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image

8. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

Michael Corleone felt his body turning to ice

Toàn thân Michael Corleon lạnh toát như nước đá.

A. Deletion B. Same metaphor combined with sense C. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense D. Converting metaphor to sense

Take-home exam

Theory of Translation


Part A: Answer the following questions

1. Explain the relation between language and culture and its implication(s) on translation. Give an example to illustrate your answer. In my opinion, Language and Culture have closed relationship.Language is the verbal expression of culture. A culture's language contains everything its speakers can think about and every way they have of thinking about things. According to Edward Sapir, "Language is a guide to social reality." For example, the Latin language has no word for the female friend of a man (the feminine form of amicus is amica, which means mistress, not friend) because the Roman culture could not imagine a male and a female being equals, which they considered necessary for friendship. In translation, language is the means to convey culture to people. However, no culture is the same, that is the reason why we have some problems when translating. For instance, Loss and Gain, sameness cannot exist between language: Ex: Em toi dang choi ngoai san  In yard Beside that, something we cannot translate, Cultural Untranslability: Ex: Rice / Bathroom In addition, sometimes we change the meaning because of the differences in culture: Ex: Love you love your dog  Yeu em yeu ca duong di loi ve  Yeu em yeu ca tong chi ho hang

2. Explain the semantic approach versus the communicative approach to translation.. Give an example to illustrate your explanation.

According to Peter Newmark, Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation can be illustrated follow this gradation:






Semantic Translation (ST) is personal and individual, follow the thought processes of the author, tend to over-translate, pursues nuances of meaning, yet aim at concision in order to reproduce pragmatic impact.

Communicative Translation (CT) is social, concentrates on the message and the main force of the text, tend to under-translate, to be simple, clean and brief, and is always written in a natural and resourceful style.

For example:

1.Cái khó, cái quan trọng, cái cơ bản vẫn là vấn đề thể hiện nội tâm

The difficult, the important, the basic thing is how to express inner-world (Semantic Translation)

The question is how to express inner-world (Communicative Translation)

2.Cô ta nói tiếng Việt chƣa đƣợc, huống chi là tiếng Anh

 She doesn't speak Vietnamese well, how can she speak English?

 She doesn't speak Vietnamese well, let alone English.

Part B: For each of the following texts make two translations, one in which you adopt the semantic approach and the other the communicative approach.

People are always talking about "the problem of youth". If there is one - which I take leave to doubt - then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings, people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.

When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain - that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

a) Semantic translation Ngƣời ta luôn nói về "vấn đề của tuổi trẻ". Nếu có điều đó, cái mà tôi vẫn hoài nghi, là do những ngƣời lớn tuổi tạo ra chứ không phải từ chính những ngƣời trẻ tuổi. Chúng ta hãy xem xét từ cơ bản và đồng ý rằng, giới trẻ cũng là những thế hệ loài ngƣời đi sau, cũng giống nhƣ bao ngƣời lơn tuổi khác. Chỉ có một sự khác biệt giữa ngƣời già và ngƣời trẻ: ngƣời trẻ có một tƣơng lai rực rỡ phía trƣớc họ, còn ngƣời già có một tƣơng lai huy hoàng phía sau. Và có lẽ đây chính là vấn đề. Khi tôi còn trẻ, tôi càm nhận rằng mình non nớt và không vững bởi tôi là một cậu bé mới đến trong một ngôi trƣờng to lớn, và liệu tôi có vui khi trở thành điều gì đó thú vị nhƣ một sự chú ý. Có điều, trở thành sự chú ý cũng đem lại cho bạn sự xác nhận nhất định. và đó chính là điều mà những ngƣời trẻ tuổi đang tìm kiếm.

b) Communicative translation Ngƣời ta luôn nói về cái gọi là "vấn đề của giới trẻ », điều mà Tôi luôn hoài nghi đó là do những ngƣời lơn tuổi tạo ra chƣ không phải xuất từ chính những ngƣời trẻ tuổi. Xem xét cặn kẽ, chúng ta nhất trí rằng những ngƣời trẻ tuổi là thế hệ tiếp nối của bao lớp ngƣời đi trƣớc nên họ cũng nhƣ bao ngƣời lớn tuổi khác vậy. Tƣơng lai rực rỡ của ngƣời trẻ đang chờ đón phía trƣớc, còn với những ngƣời lớn tuổi, tƣơng lai huy hoàng ấy đã ở lại phái sau lƣng. Sự khác biệt này chính là vấn đề giữa họ Thời trẻ, Tôi thấy mình non nớt và e ngại khi trở thành cậu học trò lạ trong ngôi trƣờng lớn, và đƣợc xem nhƣ cái gì đó thú vị hay là trung tâm của sự chú ý. Dẫu vậy, điều đó cũng giúp bạn có đƣợc sự xác minh nhất định, cái điều mà bao ngƣời trẻ tuổi đang tìm kiếm..

Ngày 1/8, Lào phát hiện thêm hai ổ dịch cúm gia cầm mới tại hai trại chăn nuôi ở quận Xaythany, thủ đô Vientiane. Tại Thái Lan, số người nghi nhiễm cúm gia cầm đã lên đến con số 131.

a) Semantic translation On 1st of August, Lao found out two more new outbreaks of Avian Influenza at two breeding farms in Xaythany district, Vientiane captain. In Thailand, the number of people suspected of contracting bird flu have reached to 131.

b) Communicative translation On 1/8, two more new outbreaks of Avian Influenza at two breeding farms in Xaythany district, Vientiane captain of Lao were discovered. In Thailand , the number of people suspected of contracting bird flu have reached to 131

Part C: highlight the best answer in yellow in the following multiple questions. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Loss occurs in the process of translation when

A. when translators do not have specific skills B. when terms and concepts in the SL do not exist in the TL

C. when translators attempt to enrich or clarify the SL text

D. all are correct

2. Which method attempts to produce on its readers an effect as closely as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original?

A. semantic translation B. literal translation C. word-for-word translation D. communicative translation

3. Which method attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact conventional meaning of the original? A. semantic translation B. free translation

C. word-for-word translation D. communicative translation

4. Communicative translation A. addresses itself mainly to the second reader

B. attempts to render as closely as possible the linguistic content of the message.

C. tends to produce a literal translation

D. tends to produce a word-for-word translation

5. Semantic translation A. remains within the original culture

B. is concerned with producing on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.

C. addresses itself mainly to the second reader. D. tends to produce a free translation.

6. Which of the seven procedures suggested by Newmark was applied in the following translation?

Time was flying and they should have been on the trail an hour gone. Thời gian bay quá nhanh, đáng lẽ họ đã lên đường được một tiếng rồi.

A. Reproducing the same image in the TL

B. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image C. Same metaphor combined with sense D. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense

7. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

Michael Corleone felt his body turning to ice

Toàn thân Michael Corleon lạnh toát như nước đá. A. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense B. Converting metaphor to sense

C. Deletion D. Same metaphor combined with sense

9. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

"Find her!" he barked at me.

"Hãy tìm cho ra con nhỏ" ông ta sủa vào mặt tôi. A. Reproducing the same image in the TL

B. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image

C. Translating metaphor by simile D. Same metaphor combined with sense

Take-home exam

Theory of Translation

Name of course participants: write your name here MA2009

Part A: Answer the following questions

1. In your own words, explain loss and gain in translation. Give an example to illustrate your answer.

In my own words, the loss and gain in translation is happened in two Context and Lexical problems: Two problems will occur when the principle in TL and SL have acceptable sameness. If the TL is the same as the SL, the translation process will get advantages and transfer the cultural features; the figures of speech as well as the writerfs/speakerfs purposes. An example for the sameness in the lexical aspect in Vietnamese and English: Ngay mai toi s. .i Trung Qu.c. We can translate easily without the encounter: Tomorrow, I will go to China. But, if the cultural feature or the figures of speech intervenes in the lexical aspect, this will cause the difficulties in the translation process. For also an example in Vietnamese as a SL: Ngay mai .a la ngay c..i c.a em r.i The difficulty here is the temporal language. So to transfer this into English as a TL is to understand the culture as well as figure of speech here. Due to the variety of culture in languages, the careful consideration to Context and Lexical aspect is necessary for the translation process. Let me give one more Vietnamese example: gN.u c.m .? Con ngheo h.n c. Ch. D.u n.a la.h gc.mh and gch. D.uh is considered difficult to translate, even untranslatable.

2. In your own words, explain decoding and recoding in the translation process. Give an example to illustrate your explanation.

To me, this is a difficult translation process, because it refers to the characteristics of the languages as formal or informal, status, age, sex of the speaker, his relationship to the listeners and the context of their meeting in the SLc

So the process from decoding to redecoding, the translator must: . Accept the untranslatability of the SL phrase in the TL on the linguistic level.

. Accept the lack of a similar cultural convention in the TL. . Consider the range of TL phrases available, having regard to the presentation of class, status, age, sex of the speaker, his relationship to the listeners and the context of their meeting in the SL. . Consider the significance of the phrase in its particular context - i.e. as a moment of high tension in the dramatic text. . Replace in the TL the invariant core of the SL phrase in its two referential systems (the particular system of the text and the system of culture out of which the text has sprung). Finally, the translator omitting of difficult expressions in translating was immoral. For example: Vietnamese: Xin chao English: hi, hello, hallo Italian: Ciao Chinese: N.-hao (.)

But it can not be decoded correctly while we use Xin chao, to transfer as hullo (English), N.n-hao (Chinese) that is used for the informal expression.

Other example:

Vietnamese (SL) gN.m 1961, c.n c. vao phuc trinh c.a Phai b. vi.n tr. quan s. M. t.i Vi.t Nam (MACV), r.ng r.ng r.m la n.i .n nau an toan cho l.c l..ng v. trang Quan gi.i phong mi.n Nam Vi.t Nam, va nh.ng v..n cay, ..ng ru.ng . nh.ng vung gxoi ..uh la ngu.n cung c.p l..ng th.c cho Quan gi.i phong, T.ng th.ng Kennedy .a quy.t ..nh cho phep MACV ...c s. d.ng ch.t da cam .. lam r.ng s.ch la cay trong m.t chi.c d.ch mang ten Hades (co ngh.a la t. th.n . va .i.u nay ph.n nao ch.ng minh r.ng nh.ng ng..i khai sinh ra chi.n d.ch .y, .a bi.t ro v. m.c .. nguy hi.m c.a no ..i v.i moi tr..ng thien nhien, v.i ..ng, th.c v.t)h (p.24) MACV = Military Assistance Command, Vietnam English (TL) gXoi ..uh is a difficult special language (idiom). According to a source of material on the Net "vung xoi ..u" to refer to the confusion the "enemy" and "us". This time the name evolved nine years - against the French colonialism. Like beans confused with steamed glutinous rice in this local, "we" and "enemy" with a face. so that translates as "mixed military presence areas"

Part B:

For each of the following texts make a translation in which you adopt the communicative approach to translation.

I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. All that is in my mind when I

meet a young person. He may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders - as if mere age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong.

Fidden Hughes from Out of the Air, The Listener

(Write your translation here) Toi th.y thanh nien gi. th.t la thu v.. H. qu. la nh.ng ng..i phong .ang, va h. ch.ng c.n ph.i rang bu.c minh v.i nh.ng hoai bao hay s. .am me gi c.. H. c.ng ch.ng ph.i la m.y b..n ch.i trong xa h.i, and h. c.ng ch.ng ph.i s.ng vi v.t ch.t. T.t c. .i.u nay d..ng nh. g.n k.t h. v.i cu.c s.ng nh. th.. ban ..u c.a t.o hoa. .i.u nay d..ng nh. th. h. la nh.ng sinh linh m.ng manh trong v. tr. ..y b.o l.c va h.n thu. Co th. anh ta kieu ng.o, t. ph., tho l., ng.c ng.ch va ..n ..n nh.ng toi khong ph. nh.n r.ng anh ta la ng..i r.t ton tr.ng nh.ng ng..i l.n tu.i . nh. th. tu.i tac la cai c. duy nh.t .. ma ton tr.ng. Toi bu.c ph.i ch.p nh.n r.ng chung toi binh ..ng v.i nhau, nh.ng toi s. s.n sang tranh lu.n n.u ngh. r.ng anh ta sai l.m.

Fidden Hughes t. Out of the Air, The Listener

. Ngan hang Nong nghi.p va Phat tri.n Nong thon t.nh Qu.ng nam .a giup v.n cho m.t s. ba con nong dan co hoan c.nh kho kh.n mua them phan bon, ch.n nuoi trau bo, c.i t.o v..n t.p. M.t s. ..a ph..ng .a dung qu. xoa .oi gi.m ngheo .. phat tri.n .an l.n, c.i t.o ao h. ph.c v. cho nuoi tr.ng th.y s.n

(Write your translation here)

Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Nam province has helped some disadvantaged farmers buy more fertilizer, breed cattle and improve the complex field. Some local authorities used poverty reduction funds for developing herb of pigs, renovating ponds for aquaculture.

Part C: highlight the best answer in yellow in the following multiple questions. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Which method atempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact conventional meaning of the original?

A. word-for-word translation B. communicative translation

C. semantic translation

D. free translation

2. Loss occurs in the process of translation when

A. when translators do not have specific skills

B. when terms and concepts in the SL do not exist in the TL

C. when translators attempt to enrich or clarify the SL text

D. all are correct

3. Communicative translation

A. tends to produce a literal translation

B. tends to produce a word-for-word translation C. addresses itself mainly to the second reader

D. attempts to reader as closely as possible the linguistic content of the message.

4. Which method attempts to produce on its readers an effect as closely as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original? A. word-for-word translation B. communicative translation

C. semantic translation D. literal translation

5. Semantic translation

A. addresses itself mainly to the second reader.

B. tends to produce a free translation. C. remains within the original culture

D. is concerned with producing on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.

6. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the following translation?

gFind her!h he barked at me.

gHay tim cho ra con nh.h ong ta s.a vao m.t toi.

A. Translating metaphor by simile

B. Same metaphor combined with sense C. Reproducing the same image in the TL

D. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image

7. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

Time was flying and they should have been on the trail an hour gone. Th.i gian bay qua nhanh, .ang l. h. .a len ...ng ...c m.t ti.ng r.i. A. Same metaphor combined with sense

B. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense

C. Reproducing the same image in the TL

D. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image

8. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

Michael Corleone felt his body turning to ice

Toan than Michael Corleon l.nh toat nh. n..c .a.

A. Deletion B. Same metaphor combined with sense C. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense D. Converting metaphor to sense

Tran Dinh Nguyen

to lan, me, hoangyen41, emc0811

show details 9:52 AM (3 minutes ago)

Dear everyone, Here's the exam questions. Please answer all the questions as you would do in a traditional examination. Submit your answers via attachment. Be sure to write your full name and class name in the SUBJECT of the message, as follows: SUBJECT: NguyenVanNamMA2009 Don't worry if you have a problem with this new way of sitting an exam. You can print the questions, answer them and submit to me in person. Best luck N

Take-home exam

Theory of Translation

Name of course participants: Trịnh Khắc Thùy Hương

Part A: Answer the following questions

1. Explain the relation between language and culture and its implication(s) on translation. Give an example to illustrate your answer.

There are numerous of the cultural differences between the two speech communities influencing the translating process. In most common case of such adaptation, we shouldprovide additional information in the target text to compensate for the lack of some knowledge shared by the receptor of the source text.


Dinner theatre: Xem hát có phục vụ ăn tối giữa các phần biểu diễn

Affirmative actions: chính sách bồi thường cho những phụ nữ và dân tộc thiểu số vì đã bị phân biệt trong quá khứ.

2. Explain the semantic approach versus the communicative approach to translation.. Give an example to illustrate your explanation.

Communicative translation attempts to produce on its render an effect as close as posible to that obtained on ther readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render as closely as the semantic and syntactis structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original.

Semantic translation remains within the original cultue and assists the readers only in its connotation if they constitute the essential human message of the text. One basic difference between the two methods is that where there is a conflict, the communicative must emphaixe the "force" rather than the content of the message.

A communicative translation tends to be smoother, simpler, clearer, more direct, more conventional, conforming to particular register of language, tending to undertranslate. Meanwhile, a semantic translaition tends to be more complex, more awkward, more detailed, more concentrated, and pursues the thought- processes rather than the intention of the transmitter. It tends to over translate, to be more specific than the original, to include more meanings in its search for one nuance of meaning.

E.g: Life without a friend, death without a witness

Semantic translation: Cuộc sống không có bạn thì khi chết cũng không có ai viếng.

Communicative translation: Sống không bạn thà chết cô đơn.

Part B: For each of the following texts make two translations, one in which you adopt the semantic approach and the other the communicative approach.

People are always talking about "the problem of youth". If there is one - which I take leave to doubt - then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings, people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one:

the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.

When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain - that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

a) Semantic translation

b) Communicative translation

Ngày 1/8, Lào phát hiện thêm hai ổ dịch cúm gia cầm mới tại hai trại chăn nuôi ở quận Xaythany, thủ đô Vientiane. Tại Thái Lan, số người nghi nhiễm cúm gia cầm đã lên đến con số 131.

a) Semantic translation

b) Communicative transaltion

Part C: highlight the best answer in yellow in the following multiple questions. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Loss occurs in the process of translation when

A. when translators do not have specific skills B. when terms and concepts in the SL do not exist in the TL

C. when translators attempt to enrich or clarify the SL text

D. all are correct

2. Which method attempts to produce on its readers an effect as closely as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original?

A. semantic translation B. literal translation C. word-for-word translation D. communicative translation

3. Which method atempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact conventional meaning of the original? A. semantic translation B. free translation

C. word-for-word translation D. communicative translation

4. Communicative translation A. addresses itself mainly to the second reader

B. attempts to render as closely as possible the linguistic content of the message.

C. tends to produce a literal translation

D. tends to produce a word-for-word translation

5. Semantic translation A. remains within the original culture

B. is concerned with producing on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.

C. addresses itself mainly to the second reader. D. tends to produce a free translation.

6. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

Time was flying and they should have been on the trail an hour gone. Thời gian bay quá nhanh, đáng lẽ họ đã lên đường được một tiếng rồi.

A. Reproducing the same image in the TL

B. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image C. Same metaphor combined with sense D. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense

7. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation? Michael Corleone felt his body turning to ice

Toàn thân Michael Corleon lạnh toát như nước đá. A. Translating metaphor by simile plus sense B. Converting metaphor to sense

C. Deletion D. Same metaphor combined with sense

9. Which of the seven prodecures suggested by Newmark was applied in the follwing translation?

"Find her!" he barked at me.

"Hãy tìm cho ra con nhỏ" ông ta sủa vào mặt tôi. A. Reproducing the same image in the TL

B. Replacing the image in the SL with a standard TL image

C. Translating metaphor by simile D. Same metaphor combined with sense

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