Ep 38: Play time
Digimon correction
Ep 38: Play time
Digimon is owned by: Taoianimation
I do not own the characters, in the TV show, it is owned by Taoianimation
Digimon correction is owned by me: Jail251!
Co-writer for this chapter: @SneakyFox47
(Zen's P.O.V.)
I stared down at the three mega level Digimon and one ultimate level Digimon. I didn't know what to do. I barred my teeth as I looked at the four powerful Digimon.
Reymon levitated by my side, his fangs were barred and he looked ready to fight any of the four Digimon.
Then out of nowhere I heard James yell loudly. "Retreat! Everyone get into the woods!" he shouted loudly.
I grabbed Reymon and forced his paws around my neck. I felt the ghost fox's tail wrap around my waist and I started to sprint towards the woods.
When I looked back I could see the four digimon look at one another and back at us kids, who were running away. Each of us speed off in different directions.
I snap my head back in the direction I was heading and continue sprinting.
I ignored the branches that slap my face. I controlled my heavy breathing as I continue running. Reymon held his paws tightly around my neck. "Zen I think I smell someone up ahead." He warned me.
I came to a slow trot and looked through a bush. Running full speed through the forest was Crystal with Glaciamon trailing behind her.
"Crystal where should we go?" Glaciamon asked in a rush.
Crystal looked terrified but she continue running. "Anywhere but here!"
I ran out of the woods and ran after her. "Crystal wait for us!" I shouted, hoping that she could hear me.
Crystal slowed down and looked behind her back to see me. "Zen!"
She stopped and ran over to me. "Do you know where the others went?" she asked looking around for anyone else.
No one walked out of the woods to greet us. "No I haven't seen anyone else. You were the only I could find. We should continue running though." I suggested.
Crystal nodded and started to sprint.
I ran after her.
We ran for a while, running through the forest. Every shadow we saw sent us on edge, because we thought it was one of those evil digimon ready to attack us.
Are breathing became shallow and forced.
Glaciamon had her tongue sticking out now, and the dragon digimon was painting to keep up with us.
"Maybe we should stop here." Reymon said after a while.
We stopped running and sat down on the ground.
Crystal rubbed her face and sighed. "Gosh what happen..." she whispered in disbelief.
Reymon sniffed the air and rubbed his right arm with his paw. 'Those four digimon came out of nowhere." He cried. "I just hope the others got out okay."
I placed my hand on the dog's shoulder. "I know for sure that they got okay. We just have to stay together and we will be okay.' I reassured him.
Reymon smiled softly.
Glacuamon walked over to Crystal slowly and plopped down next to her. "Gosh." She yawned and started to take deep breaths. "We haven't run like that in a while." She mumbled.
Crystal pet the dragon on the head. "I think we were able to get away from them." She sighed and put her other hand on her forehead. "Gosh if only if Riley was here." She trailed off after that.
I understand Crystal feeling depressed over Riley not being here. Hell I wished Jason was here but that was beyond the point. We had to find the others and fast before those evil digimon could get to us.
Reymon ears perked up. "Maybe you guys could check your watches and see if the map app is working again." He suggested.
Crystal nodded and clicked the app on her watch. A groan came from her as she looked up from the app. "It's still not working our Digivices are not picking up and no one else is picking up either." She muttered sadly.
Glaciamon rubbed the back of her neck. "Why are those things not working...I mean they never had a problem like this before. I mean it was specifically made by us, in the past in our legendary forms. Maybe the watches are just having a problem for some odd reason." She whispered.
Crystal grabbed her knees and brought them close to her chest. "I don't know and I really don't care...'
I looked at my friend who was like a sister to me. I walked over to her and sat next to her. "Come on sisie, let's get going." I whispered.
Crystal shake her head. "I am staying right here Zen." She whispered.
"I am waiting for the others right here, maybe if we wait long enough they will find us." She said sadly
"I don't think that will happen."
"How do you know?"
'Well for one, I think all of us went in different directions and we were being chased by those evil digimon." I answered.
Crystal crossed her arms over her chest.
'Come on Crystal, if we stay here it won't help us."
Glaciamon walked in the middle of us. "Okay you two step fighting! It won't solve anything. You both have good points. If we stay here, we might be found by the others, on the other hand we could be found by the enemy. And Zen, leaving the area is a good idea because we could lose the enemy more but if we leave the area we might lose the chance of being found by the others."
I sighed and nodded. "You have a point."
Reymon rubbed his face with his paw. "So I guess, we have to come up with a decision. Do we stay or do we go..."
Glaciamon nodded to agree with him.
Crystal covered her face with her hands "Well I am staying here, that's my vote."
Before anyone else could say anything. Reymon eyes narrowed and he barred his fangs. An angry growl started to form in the back of his throat.
Glaciamon bawled her fist. "One of them found us."
Crystal and I hopped to our feet and look around the forest desperately, for any sign of the four digimon we saw from earlier.
We could finally see though. Morning was already among us. When we ran, we ran through most of the night, full speed. Daylight now covered the forest. Beams of light reflected the morning dew on the grass.
"OH, looks like I found some new playmates." Puppetmon's voice shouted from the forest.
Crystal bawled her fists. "Come on out, you stupid puppet!"
"That wasn't very nice..." The puppet's voice sounded hurt. "You should know better, warrior of friendship."
Crystal snarled and shouted. "Oh shut up and rot somewhere away from here!"
Puppetmon jumped from a tree to our far right. His hammer held tightly. "Hey! You should play nicely."
Glaciamon ran towards the puppet digimon. Ice started to form in her muzzle. "Burning ice!" she shouted and allowed a blast of ice to slam into the puppet's chest.
Reymon flew behind her and his eyes started to glow with dark energy. "Shadow beam!" he snarled and released a blast of dark energy.
The puppet digimon sneered at the ice attack and jumped away from the blast of darkness. "So we get to play after all!" he shouted with joy, jumping from foot to foot. "My turn!" The puppet digimon reached behind his back and pulled the wooden cross of his back. "Flying cross cutter!" he roared. He threw the cross.
The attack spun in the air and strike Glaciamon in the chest and continue to fly towards Reymon, which struck him in the face.
The wooden cross came flying back to the puppet who caught it in his gloved hand. "That was fun." He cheered.
Glaciamon and Reymon had fallen to the ground from the sudden attack but both of them slowly got back up.
Glaciamon held her paw up as her claws started to glow with ice. "I have to protect Crystal!" she snarled and flew towards Puppetmon once more. "Tundra claw!" she screamed.
The puppet reflected the attack with his hammer and tried to hit the dragon on the head with his hammer.
The dragon digimon was able to do a backflip in the air and nearly got hit by his attack.
Reymon took this time to fly close to the puppet. The ghost fox digimon had darkness starting to cover his entire body. "Nightmare terror!" he called out.
He flew dangerously fast and slammed his body against Puppetmon.
The puppet digimon skidded back and held his left gloved hand out to catch himself, from skidding back anymore.
The puppet digimon grinned. 'Oh this is really fun, you two really know how to have a blast." He laughed and held up his hammer. "Puppet pummel!" He jumped back when bullets of sand fired from his hammer.
The bullets of sand flew towards Crystal and I. We both stared horrified by the incoming attack.
Right before the attack hit us, though Glaciamon and Reymon jumped in front of us. Taking the incoming blast head on.
"Glaciamon!" Crystal shouted in shock.
"Reymon!" I cried out.
We both ran towards our fallen digimon.
Both of our digimon had wounds from that attack. Blood was now appearing in their fur and scales.
I looked at the puppet who was now clapping his hands in delight. "That was funny, you two weren't expected that were you?" he asked.
Crystal got up and held her wrist out. "I am tired of you! Come on please work." She whispered as she stared down at her blue watch. "Correction digivoultion start!" she screamed.
Nothing happen. Crystal cried out when the watch did nothing.
"Why isn't this thing working?!"
I tried myself I held up my wrist. "Soul charge, titanium!" I waited for my body to turn into orange data but no pain came to me. I felt no surge of energy.
Puppetmon laughed. "Looks like, the tamers are having emotional issues."
I raised my eyebrow. What did he mean emotional issues...Then it hit me! Oh my gosh, when our digimon digivovled it was because of our emotions. Was it because of the destruction of earth? That caused us to have problems with our digivices? I thought.
Puppetmon slowly started to walk over to us. "Time to finish this game, I really wished we could play longer but I have another play date with your other friends. Unless if my friends got to them first though." He chuckled as he held his hammer out.
I barred my teeth. If there was only something we could do. I tried to think positive, I tried to think of anything but my father disappearing in data and my mom but all I could think about was that in general. How could I think of anything else when a talking Puppet with a hammer, is about to kill us?
Glaciamon and Reymon slowly started to lift up from the ground. "We have to protect them." They whispered in unison.
Crystal tried to grab Glaciamon's paw to hold her back but the dragon was fighting back from her grip. "Glaciamon you can't fight."
I grabbed Reymon's tail but the ghost dog still tried to levitate away from me. "Come on Reymon! Stop!"
There was nothing else we could do. How could they still fight? Their only rookie digimon against a powerful mega.
Puppetmon stopped a few feet from us. "Well play time is over." The puppet laughed as he launched himself in the air with his hammer held out in front of him. "Puppet pummel!" he cackled.
Before the puppet's attack was completed a roar was heard in the forest.
Crystal and I' attention turned to the sudden roar in the forest to see a new digimon running into the clearing.
The figure was tall, He was a humanoid lion. He had long white hair, piercing green eyes. On his forehead was a black hat with gold rims. On the cover of the hat was a red triangle. In the lion's maw was a small twig, he wore a jacket that was made of black letter. A chain hung on the right side of the jacket. His jacket was open to show his strong chest, which a scar of an "x" was shown. On both of his paws was armored fingerless gloves that were red and had gold braches on them. In his right gloved hand was a sharp sword. He also wore baggy blank paints. On the lion's feet was golden armored braches. On his tail, was a golden tail ring.
The lion roared once more, and slashed his long sword in the air. "King lion!" he called out. A huge slash of golden light appeared in the air.
The golden slash strike the puppet digimon, causing the puppet to slam into the ground.
Puppetmon jumped to his feet. "Hey that wasn't very nice!" he cried out.
The lion digimon jumped in front of Crystal and I. His sword held over his chest. "You shall not harm the chosen children of the digital world." He snarled.
The puppet digimon bawled his gloved fists. "Fine! I will play with them later." He cried and ran the other way away from the clearing.
Crystal and I sighed in relief and picked up our digimon. Who both were seriously injured.
The lion digimon turned to us, which caused us to cringe in surprised. Was he going to attack us now?
"Looks like I came just in time. I thought I heard the sound of a battle in this area." He said in a tough voice.
I titled my head in confusion. Why did this lion look so familiar? "Wait, do I know you!?" the lion flinch at the random outburst. "Did I meet you at Reymon's castle when you were a leomon?" I asked.
The lion nodded. "It's been a long time sense, I seen you Zen. Where is your other friends?" he asked.
With Crystal's help, we both explained the dilemma we were in.
The lion sighed. "I see, so looks like the sovereigns thought it was a good idea to separate all of you away from one another. I know of another group of tamers that could help you find your friends. Follow me." He instructed and started to walk the way he came from.
Crystal looked at me with worry. "Are you sure we should trust him?" she asked. "We don't even know what he is now."
I held up my wrist and information about him filled my digivices. "He is a BanchoLeomon, a mega level digimon. He is known to be a true warrior due to his courage, trustfulness and his complete will to continue to fight until his final breath." I informed her.
Crystal narrowed her eyes. "Fine let's just follow him."
I nodded and we walked after the lion digimon.
"You don't have to worry Crystal, He helped James, Cody and I when we were looking for Jeffrey and Amanda. He gave us shelter, and taught us of our powers. And also he was the one to introduce me to Riley, Jason and Marie. If I didn't meet him, you would have never met Riley."
Crystal nodded and we continue walking through the forest until we made it to a small village.
A group of puppy like digimon ran by our feet.
BanchoLeomon laughed as one yip at his feet. He patted the young digimon on the head and continue walking.
The lion walked towards a building which was decorated in vines and all kind of flowers known to man. The building looked like a green house.
BanchoLeomon walked through the doors.
When we walked inside we heard a loud whine.
"Guilmon hungry, Takatomon, do you have any food?" a childish voice asked. It was even more childish than Puppetmon. It also had somewhat of a whinny voice.
Crystal looked over to the voice to see three adults sitting next to three digimon. Two of them looked familiar. "Rika? Is that you?" Crystal asked. She ran over to the women to see if that women was Rika.
I looked over at the three adults and started to look them over. The women who was called Rika had short orange hair. She had light blue eyes and she was wearing a black t-shirt and tan shorts. Standing next to the women was a tall fox creature, standing on two hind legs. She had yellow fur, with a white furred stomach. The fox had purple gloves with peace symbols in the middle of them. The women was sipping away, from a small white cup.
Sitting to the right of the women, was a man. He had short spiky blue hair, he had silver eyes. He wore a brown shirt with an orange jacket over it. He also wore brown slacks and gray shoes. On his shoulder was a small bunny like digimon. It had white fur, with some green markings on its body. A small smile formed on the bunny's face as Crystal ran over to them.
The last adult was another man. He sat to the right of the woman named Rika. He had short spiky brown hair with yellow goggles in the middle of his forehead. He had brown spiky hair and hazel eyes. He wore a blue baggy shirt and silver shorts. Next to the man stood a childlike dinosaur. It had red scales and a silver stomach with three black diamonds on its chest. The dinosaur had bat like ears and a playful smile.
The three adults turn to see Crystal and Glaciamon running over to them. The women called Rika gave a slight smile and set down her cup, which was filled with coffee, or a substance that looked very similar to coffee. The liquid was a bright hazel with steam coming from the center of the cup.
"Hey what's up kiddo!?" she whispered in a tired voice.
Crystal had a very worried look on her face instead of answering the women'squestion. She asked quickly. "Are you okay!? The last time I saw you. You were in the hospital, that dragon attacked you and stole your blood."
The man with the goggles eyes widen. "Oh so this is the girl, you told Henry and I about." He whispered as he stared at Crystal with amazement.
Rika put up a reassuring hand to calm her down. 'Were all fine Crystal, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle." The red head grinned at her and then gave a light punch to her shoulder.
"Even though you were complaining most of the time." The fox standing next to her whispered. That must have been her partner I thought.
Crystal laughed and covered her mouth when Rika gave her a glare.
The man named Henry chuckled. "Don't worry Crystal, Rika isn't the girl she once was. She couldn't hurt a fly now." He teased.
Rika raised an eyebrow and gave the man a playful smile. "Want to beat?" she asked. She kicked the guy under the table.
Henry let out a painful groan. "Okay maybe I was wrong."
The bunny digimon next to the man grinned. "When are you ever wrong?" he asked in a playful voice.
"Be quiet you." He mumbled.
I felt a strong hand fall on my shoulder and quickly turned around. I nearly spooked Reymon who was flying right next to me. The ghost fox flew straight in the air by my actions.
When I turned around, BanchoLeomon was standing there with his paw held out. He must have been the one who touched my shoulder. Dang I forgot he was there. He spooked the hell out of me.
The lion looked at me with a surprised glance but he regained his composure. "I am going to get you all some supplies for your journey. You should ask for some help from those tamers over there." He suggested. He then looked at me with a smile. "I will be right back." He informed me and turned around and walked out of the building.
Reymon levitated down right next to me. The ghost didn't look so thrilled of my sudden actions. "I am really sorry for scaring you."
"It's okay." He whimpered.
I patted the fox on its head and he smiled. "Why don't we introduce ourselves to those tamers over there?" I suggested by pointing to the three adults that Crystal was talking to.
Reymon didn't look so sure about this idea but he slowly nodded. "Okay..."
I walked up to the three of them and stood next to Glaciamon and Crystal.
The three adults turned to my direction to see who I was. All three of them were surprised by my arrival. They must have not seen my when I walked in with Crystal.
"Hi my name is Zen Gabriel." I said as I waved at them. "Ah nice to meet you guys." I then pointed to Reymon who was still flouting right next to me. "And this is my partner Reymon." I informed the group.
Reymon gave a shaky wave. "Ah...Hi" he stuttered. The ghost dog hid behind me, he must have been frighten by the sight of new people and digimon.
The man with goggles smiled at me. "Well hi there, I'm Takato and this is my partner Guilmon." The red dinosaur walked behind me and waved at Reymon.
"Don't be afraid, do you want to play a game?" the dinosaur asked in a playful voice wagging its tail like a dog.
Reymon slowly held on to my back and hid by fading away a little.
Guilmon's tail and ears drupe. "Aw...why won't you play with me?" he cried.
The bunny digimon hop unto the table and looked Reymon In the eyes and held up a tiny claw. "Momentai Reymon, Momentai" The bunny digimon said with a small smile.
Reymon tilted his head in confusion. "What does Momentai mean?" he asked.
The bunny digimon grinned. 'It means, don't be sad all the time." He cheered. "Always be happy."
Reymon shrugged and turned to Guilmon. "What do you want to play?" he asked.
Guilmon's tail started to wag. 'Let's play tag." The dinosaur suggested.
The fox smiled and nodded. Along with the bunny digimon, the three of them went outside to play A game of tag.
The man who I guessed was Henry smiled at me. "I am Henry, and that digimon was my partner Terriermon"
The women who was named Rika smiled at me. "I'm Rika, and this is my partner Renamon." She gestured to the fox who stood behind her with her arms across her chest. "Trust me when I say none of us are as loud as that rabbit." She teased.
I laughed. "Well you could say that again." I chuckled. "He reminds me of Panthemon."
Crystal rolled her eyes. "Oh great, now you reminded me of that tiger." She whined in a teasing tone.
After that statement Crystal and I sat in open chairs next to the three. Glaciamon jumped into Crystal's Lap, while Renamon continue to stand right behind Rika. Was that fox some type of body guard or something?
Glaciamon spoked up from Crystal's lap. "Gosh it's so weird to see you in this digital world. But I wouldn't doubt that there would be weird things happening after our Earth getting destroyed." She mumbled. The dragon really didn't wanted to continue that conversation. I could tell by her face, and how Crystal started to look uncomfortable about it.
Renamon looked confused. She tilted her head. "Your planet was destroyed? How?" she asked.
Crystal looked down at the table not answering the conversation.
I looked up and whispered. "Well I guess whoever that dragon was, that stole Rika's blood used it somehow to destroy the Earth.' I suggested.
Takato shake his head. "That is completely wrong, destroying someone planet like that" he spat angrily slamming his fists against the table.
I rubbed my arm uneasily. "Well as far as I know what happen, when Crystal went to your world. A weird puppet stole Rika's blood. Like I said he gave it to that dragon, who used it to destroy the world that Crystal and I know. But I thought it also would destroy all the other parallel worlds that has an Earth as well. Did the same happen to your world?" I asked
Rika shake her head. "No it didn't happen to our world, but I guess are planet might be next.' Rika said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "However we don't know much about this digital world."
"Well this digital world is strange, it looks like a replica of our world. Or at least it used to, I can see some changes. Like this town, doesn't even look like a town that Earth's owns."
Crystal let out a long sigh and then whispered. "Well at least, you didn't lose someone..." she whispered as she continue to stare at the wooden table.
Glaciamon face turned to sorrow. The dragon turned to me with a death glare, practically screaming that it was my fault, in making Crystal depressed.
"I wouldn't say that, with our jobs...we lose people every day..." Henry's voice trailed off when he noticed Glaciamon shaking her head no, and making motions to stop talking.
Takato seem to not have notice Glaciamon's warnings. "Yeah but in the end we save more lives with it." Takato smiled.
This sent Crystal off. She grabbed the end of her jeans with her hands and tears started to stream down her face. "Everyone who wasn't a tamer on our Earth, was not able to escape." She began to sob. Her shoulder bopping up and down. "They weren't able to escape the destruction of Earth. And...My family along with my other friends were some of the many who couldn't escape. They died." She sobbed loudly at the word.
Takato's face fell, "Oh gosh Crystal...I didn't mean to make you cry." He whispered as he held up his hand.
Crystal continue to cry, she grabbed her shoulders with her hands and continue to sob.
Rika walked over and placed a hand on Crystal's shoulder. "We save one life, we save the world." She whispered.
I was confused by her statement. What did Rika mean by that? Did she mean if we save others, which will bring us to a saved world?
Crystal continue to sob. "But...But I couldn't save my family." She covered her eyes with her hands "I literally held my brother in my arms, when he turned into data and was ripped out of my life. How can I continue anymore?" she asked between a sob.
I watched my friend cry and wrap my arms around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and sobbed harder. I patted Crystal, who was like a sister to me. I didn't like when she was upset, but with her family gone, it completely destroyed her.
"Come on Crystal, don't cry. We have to continue fighting for everyone we love. We can let them die in vain."
Crystal stopped crying and broke the hug. She whipped her tears away with the back of her palm and nodded. "Your right." She whispered
I smiled and nodded slowly.
Glaciamon had a worried look on her face but she slowly nodded.
Rika gave Crystal a squeeze on her shoulder. "Don't worry Crystal, we are here to help." She informed her.
I smiled. "So you guys could help us find our friends?" I asked hopefully.
Rika nodded. "Of course."
Henry grinned. "Well, as long as your friends are not dragons that steal blood." He teased.
This caused a few chuckles between us.
Glaciamon shake her head. "Nope, well one of our friends, doesn't know how to sing but he can ruin peoples ear drums. So I don't know." She chuckled.
Takako laughed. "Oh, no we have to look for a garage band."
BanchoLeomon walked up to us, with two bags. Which must have been for Crystal and I. Because when I looked over to the three adults, they had their own supply backs. Rika had a small purse on her shoulder, while Henry and Takato had backpacks.
I whipped away the rest of her tears away and turned to the three tamers. Her attitude quickly changing to a smile. "Sorry, I am glad that you're going to be helping us." She said
The three older tamers nodded. "Of course." They all said in unison.
Crystal turned to BanchoLeomon and took the blue bag from him. "Thank you." She put the bag on her back.
I grabbed the black bag and placed it on my back. "Thanks BanchoLeomon, are you going to come with us?" I asked hopefully.
The lion shake his head. "I am sorry, but I am needed here. Maybe are paths with cross again one day." He informed me with a friendly smile.
I nodded. "Well, where do you suggest that we go first?" I asked.
BanchoLeomon placed his paw on his chin. "Well the first place, I will suggest looking for your friends is the mystical deserts, many tamers have been reported going missing there."
I nodded. "Thanks again."
The lion smiled and patted me on the head. "Your welcome young friend, good luck in finding your friends."
With that BanchoLeomon left the building.
I turned back to the others. "Well next stop to the desert." I informed them.
The others nodded.
We left the building to stop the three digimon playing their game of tag.
"But I don't want to stop playing." Guilmon cried.
"We will play later." Takato shouted as he tried to pull on Guilmon's tail to make him stand up.
Terriermon smiled. "Come on Guilmon, maybe wherever we are going will have some food." He suggested.
At the mention of food, the dinosaur digimon jumped to his feet which caused his tamer to go face first into the ground.
I walked over to him and helped him up.
"Guilmon!" Takato shouted.
Guilmon ears drupe. "Sorry." He whispered.
Reymon flew next to me. "Well I had fun.' He informed me in a whisper.
At least he was having fun. I thought, it was hard for him not to be scared of others.
I started to walk towards the forest
It took two hours but we all finally reached the desert. Sand whipped around us, and our digimon.
The three adults behind Crystal and I were wearing protection over their eyes. Takato was wearing his goggles, while Henry and Rika wore sunglasses.
In the time we walked through the forest. Crystal and I told the three tamers and our digimon, how we get separated from our friends. We also told them about how tough Blackwargreymon, Diablomon, Puppetmon, and Okenusmon were.
"So have you encountered any of those digimon, since the separation from you friends?" Renamon asked, as Crystal and I finished our story.
I nodded. "Yes we ran into Puppetmon, he attacked us and nearly destroyed our digimon. For some reason our digivices aren't working." I informed them.
Reymon nodded. "Puppetmon was no cake walk, I am just glad we got away." He shivered.
Rika put a hand to her chin and continue to walk, until she looked between Crystal and I. "How come your digivices won't work?" she asked.
Crystal shrugged. "We have no idea, they worked perfectly fine, a few days ago. The watches started to have some problems when we went back to Earth once. The map app seem to be malfunctioning because it wouldn't register the other digivices. And now the digivoultion app won't even work now."
We continue to walk through the desert when Henry looked back at me.
"We never had that sort of problem before, when digivoultion wouldn't work. I wonder why your digivices won't work. "
I shrugged again.
Glaciamon stopped in her tracks which caused all of us to stop to see why the dragon stopped.
The dragon was sniffing the air as she had her eyes closed.
I looked around the sandy hills that seem to surround the whole area. I was worried that Glaciamon could have caught a scent of any evil digimon.
The others seem to have the same thought. They all looked around as well.
"Maybe we should split up?" Takato pitched in the silence. He must have meant, if we split up we could find whatever Glaciamon was picking up on. We all stared at him in silence. "Your right bad idea." He trailed off.
Glaciamon took one last sniff in the air and her eyes snapped open. She tugged on Crystal's shirt sleeve and then asked. "Why do I smell cotton candy in the middle of the desert?"
Crystal deadpan at the dramatic question, which build up in the long silence. But she quickly regain her composure. "I have no idea." She whispered.
After that question everyone looked at Glaciamon like she grew another head.
Rika snickered and looked towards Crystal. "Okay, I think your partner has lost it."
Reymon sniffed the air and shake his head. "No, I can smell it to."
Guilmon then sniffed the air and his tail began to wag quickly. He pulled on Takato's shirt sleeve. "Same here, can we go eat some cotton candy Takatomon!?" Guilmon asked cheerfully.
Takato looked down at the ground with a sigh. He didn't look like he knew what to say to the dinosaur.
Lucky for him, Henry came to his rescue. "Guilmon, last time you had any type of food in the digital world was when you had the chocolate. Remember?" Henry shake his head.
Terriermon laughed on Henry's shoulder. "Yeah! And you instantly gain weight from it, because it was cursed by that witch like digimon." He chuckled and puffed out his cheeks and chest.
Crystal looked down at her partner. "Where did the smell come from?" she asked.
Glaciamon pointed a claw towards the left. "I smelled it in that direction."
Crystal nodded and ran towards the area her partner pointed out.
When Crystal reached the top of the sand dune, she had stopped in mid run to look down at whatever laid on the other side of the sand dune.
We all walked up to her side to see what Crystal was looking at.
When I looked down I saw one huge pink doll house. This house was about the size of a two story house. The paint was bright pink, the window shudders were white, the same with the door and the roof.
"Okay that's one weird place to have a doll house." I mumbled.
Reymon sniffed the air again. "I smell humans inside." He informed all of us.
"Maybe it's the others!" Glaciamon suggested.
"Or it could be other humans from other dimensions; maybe even from your guy's earth." Rika added on.
We nodded and started to run towards the doll house.
Once we reached the door, we all stopped to look at the golden door knob. I looked back at the others and the digimon. All of their eyes stared at me. Waiting for me to make a move. Why did I have to be the one to make a decision?
I turned back to the door and grabbed the knob. I wrenched the door open.
When I open the door, I was in awe, in what was in front of us, and it was completely impossible. Inside the house, was a larger area. There were amusement parks, gaming areas, malls and food courts. Sounds of the rush of a roller coaster was heard, a bang from a shot gun flared out in the distance, the "bing, bing" of a pin ball machine was heard in the arcade.
Humans walked around inside the huge place happily, some laughing, and others goofing off. There was no presence of hatred or sadness in the air.
I looked back at the others, which all of them had amazed looks of their own.
Reymon sniffed the air inside the house and shrugged. "I don't know for sure, there is too many scents to pick up on our friends."
Terriermon pulled on Henry's paints leg. "Maybe we should check out an area where their friends hang out?" the bunny digimon suggested.
Rika nodded agreeing with him. She turned to us and asked. "What do your friends like to do, we could start in their favorite areas."
Henry walked over to a rack that hung on the wall to the right of us. He picked up a pamphlet and showed it to us. Laughter from kids and adults made it hard to hear in the area, so all of them had to speak up.
Guilmon watched happily at all the humans that passed us. His tail wagged back in forth, when a group of ten years ran passed, the dinosaur digimon attempted to run after them but Takato caught him by his tail. "Stop Guilmon, we don't need to get separated as well."
Guilmon pouted. "Awe!!! But I wanted to play' he whined.
Takato sighed. "We will play later, okay?" he asked.
The dragon nodded and went back to people watching.
Crystal put a hand to her chin as she looked at the pamphlet in her hands.
I looked over the pamphlet and was shocked to see how big this place was. They had an Olympic sized swimming pool, and four grand hotels, which all of them were rated five stars.
"Well Cody and James are gamers, so I guess we could start in the arcade." She suggested.
I nodded to agree with her. "Elizabeth would definitely would be around James, so that is a no brainer, so we should look there first."
I looked around the heavily populated area. Looking over people's heads, and game booths set up. When I finally caught sight of a small store with the words "Arcade" In huge red letters.
With people pushing at us, when we walked through their paths. We finally made it to the small store. Terriermon had to be held in Henry's arms, in case he got lost in the mixer of the crowd. While Takato had to hold onto Guilmon's shoulder. So the dinosaur wouldn't go running off.
Once we walked inside, the first thing that came to my nose was the small of cheese pizza. The walls were painted a dark purple, the lights in the room was dimmed down so it could give a calming atmosphere. The floors was purple fuzz.
I scanned around inside the place. Laughter and the steady sounds of pining could be heard. Kids and adults were playing different games. From Pac-Man to, just dance revolution.
Rika looked around the whole area, and chuckled a little. "Damn some of these games are a lot older than we are, and I grew up in the arcades." Rika laughed. She went up to an old arcade game and smiled.
Henry nodded. "Yeah those were the days, but consoles are just as good." He chuckled as we walked around the area for any sign of our friends.
Terriermon looked at me. "Hey, what do your friends look like? He asked hopping on Henry's head.
Crystal smiled at the bunny digimon. "Well our friend James is tall, but shorter than Zen. He has short blonde hair, blue eyes. He also has red goggles on his forehead. He wears a red t-shirt with a black jacket over it, and black slacks. And his digimon partner is a phoenix."
Glaciamon continue. "Cody is shorter than James. He has short brown hair, green eyes. He wears an orange t-shirt and green jeans. His digimon partner is a tiger.
Reymon nodded. "And finally Elizabeth. She is about the same height as James. She has long black hair with pink highlights. She wears a yellow t-shirt and a pink skirt. Her partner digimon is a rat." He informed them.
I snickered. "And James' partner Phemon is beyond annoying." I teased.
Rika smirked. "Greeat another gogglehead." Rika laughed.
Everyone laughed as Takato's face turned red. He covered his face to try to hide his embarrassment by standing by a random girl, but she quickly moved out of his way.
"I think they are fashionable." Takato mumbled.
Henry, Rika and their digimon shake their heads.
Guilmon looked up at his tamer. "I think they are very fashionable Takatomon."
This caused Crystal to go into another laughing spree. But she stopped when, some random women tapped her on her shoulder. Crystal turned around to face her.
"Hello, you all must be new guests, Right?" The women asked. She was tall. She had short red hair with a strawberry hair pin in the middle of her hair. She wore a blue t-shirt and white shorts. Above her right shirt pocket was a name tag that read. "Hello my name is Abigail, how can I help you have fun today?"
Crystal shake her head and politely said. "Ah no, we are just looking for our friends."
"Well, I can show you around here." She gripped Rika's arm and dragged Crystal over in another direction.
"What the-"Rika grabbed Abigail by her arm and judo flipped her.
Glaciamon barred her fangs at the women as she held her arm as she was on the ground in shock. "What was that for?" she asked angrily.
Abigail slowly got up. She had a very sad look across her face. She rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry, I must have used to much force, I can help show you guys around. Maybe I can help you guys find your friends."
Rika crossed her arms over her chest as she stared angrily at her. "She had a tight grip on my arm, plus I don't like being man handled." She rubbed her arm lightly.
Abigail frowned. "I am really sorry, please let make it up to you all." She called out and a few other employees walked up with trays in their hands. On the trays were small pieces of chocolates in the shape of a hammer. Strange shape though. "These are very good chocolate that our business serves, do you all want to try one?" she asked with a hopeful look.
Crystal looked at me for a second and then shrugged. "Chocolate is chocolate." Both her and Glaciamon grabbed a piece and pop it into their mouths. "Gosh that is so good." She murmured as she closed her eyes.
Glaciamon nodded to agree with her. "This is the best chocolate I ever tasted.' She cheered.
I face palmed. "We don't know where we are and Crystal, and Glaciamon get candy from a stranger."
Everyone else ran to get one except. Rika, Renamon, Reymon and I. We eyed it suspiciously.
"I'm good, I don't like sweets.' Rika walked off with Renamon.
I ran after the two off them, with Reymon trailing behind me.
Rika talked to me with her face forward as we walked through the crowds of people once more. Flashing lights flashed across our faces. "We will find your friends ourselves without help from Abigale"
I nodded. "I don't have a good feeling about this place. " I whispered to her.
Reymon flew next to me and whined. "Those chocolates smelled funny to."
Rika nodded. "Neither do I." We walked around for a while until I heard familiar voices in the distance. I looked around to see that no one else was following us.
"Did you hear that?"
Reymon shivered. "This...place gives me the creeps."
We stopped in a halt, when we heard heavy footsteps running towards us. We quickly turned around to see Abigail from earlier running towards us. A happy grin was on her face. She waved at us. "Hello you four! You guys and your digimon are party poopers. Your friends have already visited the amusement parks and the food courts. Why don't you join them?" she asked tilting her head slightly.
This lady creep me out. EVEN her left eye twitch slightly.
Rika held a finger up at her. "Okay back off!!!" Rika spat stepping up to her.
Abigale was a mere five foot three inches while Rika towered her with five foot nine inches. This looked like it was goanna be a cat fight.
Abigale gave Rika a sneer expression as she pushed Rika with her finger. "I'm tired of your attitude." She sang. "Have fun or else." She shoved passed Rika and walked towards a couple playing games.
"I will punch her until she vomits and or passes out." Rika growled angrily holding up her fists.
I agreed with her. "That lady needs to wake up!" I mumbled. I looked around us and pointed out a library. "Let's go in there and talk. Maybe miss have fun or else will leave us alone." I suggested.
Reymon nodded. "I hope so."
Rika smiled. "Her IQ is probably too low to go into a library anyways." We walked in and sat down. I sat in a blue arm chair. With Reymon flouting in the air next to me.
Rika on the other hand, started to walk through the aisle with Renamon following behind her.
I grabbed the black bag that was on my back and searched inside. I pulled out a few sandwiches and a number and placed the food in my lap.
Reymon looked up at me hopefully and I handed the ghost dog a sandwich bag, which he happily open and pulled out his prize. He started to eat the ham sandwich with greediness.
I looked at the number which was written on a small piece of paper. It looked like a cell phone number. On the paper it read above the number. "If you need my help."
I held up my wrist and clicked the phone app. I then started to punch the cell number in. Soft rings was heard from my digivice. BanchoLeomon picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"
"Whoa! You have a cell phone?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes, I took one when I was being a spy in the sovereigns bases. I took a phone, so when you all return to the digital world, I could keep in contact with you to inform you about information." He exclaimed.
"Oh that's cool"
"Well do you need any help?"
I pondered and looked over to Rika. She was reading an old looking book. Renamon was looking over her shoulder. The fox looked interested in the subject.
"Well yes, the group and I stumbled upon a house in the middle of the desert-'
"Wait! Is the house pink?" he asked.
I Stopped talking and blinked. "Yes, how did you kno-"
"Zen get out of there now! Humans get trapped in there and are forced to have fun. Their energy is used for puppetmon's to make him stronger.
I looked over at Reymon who was shocked just as much as I was.
"I am coming over there right now.' He informed me. The lion ended the call.
I turned to go tell Rika and Renamon but stopped when I saw her laying on the ground passed out. Blood was across her face, trailing down from the right side of her head.
Renamon looked like she was attacking a figure but I couldn't make out who they were.
"RIKA!" I yelled as I ran to get her.
"Oh sh-"
"ZEN, lookout!" Reymon's voice shouted from behind me. I looked behind me just in time to see a bat connect to my face.
Everything went black.
"Zen wake up!" a soft voice called out to me.
I slowly open my eyes. "Did you get that tag number for that car?" I mumbled as I put my right hand over my head to feel the wound from the baseball bat. Blood soak my hand and pain surged through me.
'What are you talking about Zen?"
My eyes opened and I saw Rika in shacks.
I noticed I was in shacks as well. "What the..." I looked around in the darkness. "Reymon are you there?" I asked looking around for the ghost fox but only silence filled the room. Only Rika was in front of me.
"Where is our digimon?"
"You think I have any idea, oh Renamon..." she reached to her head and winced.
A sound of the cell door opening was heard. "I told you should have had fun." A voice cackled. Abigail came in view and sat down between us. "Now looks like you both get to meet my boss." She giggled crazily.
I barred my teeth at her. "Where the hell is Reymon." I roared.
She smiled. "Who?"
"You bitch! Where is our digimon?" Rika yelled.
The women put her hand to her chin. "Digimon...what happen to your digimon. Oh you must mean those two creatures that we put on the hunting range. Yep whoever takes them out gets a free meal, and guess who is playing the game? Your little friends." She laughed.
Rika gritted her teeth as Abigail walked up to her and punched Rika in the face. Rika spat out blood while glaring at her. Rika grabbed Abigale by her shirt and puller her down to her level.
Abigale grinned. "What are you going to do?" she asked in a smirk.
Abigale then grabbed Rika's hair and shoved her face into the wall.
"Leave her alone!" I cried out. I tried to get up but failed. The shackles held me tightly to the wall.
A childish voice was now heard in the darkness of the room. "That's enough Abigale, let me meet these two trouble makers.' A familiar voice chuckled.
Abigale stopped and stepped away from Rika.
Puppetmon walked into view. "Hello Zen did you miss me?" he asked with a smile. "Oh and you brought me a new playmate!" he said happily glancing towards Rika.
"Zen do you trust me?" I heard Rika asked. I saw the glimmer in her hand as she showed me she was holding a golden key.
"Of course" I whispered.
"SO what do we have here?" Puppetmon said as he got down on his knees to check out Rika. He was too ignorant, to not notice the key in her hands.
She smiled and kicked her knee up in his face. She threw the key at me, which made me notice she was free from her shackles. I caught the key. "Get everyone and get out I'll deal with them!"
Puppetmon fell backwards and tried clumsily getting back up. When he was able to he faced me. "Give me that key." He cried like a four year old. He tried running towards me but he was stopped in his tracks. He turned around to see that Rika was holding his wires. "Go!"
I kicked Puppetmon in his chest which caused the puppet to fall backwards.
Abigale gasped and ran towards Rika.
Rika dropped kick the women to the ground and ran to the puppet digimon.
Puppetmon gaped. "What are you going to do girly?"
"Make time" she growled and knocked out Puppetmon and dragged him towards the shackles.
Abigale grabbed Rika's shoulders and pinned her to the ground.
I ran towards Abigale and pushed her off her.
Rika nodded towards me and said. "I'll handle this just go and get the others!" she instructed.
I nodded at her. "Okay be careful, I will be back with the others, in a few." I reassured her. I raced towards the cell door.
As I was leaving I looked back at Rika out of the corner of my eye.
"Looks like it's just you and me now." Abigale walked towards Rika.
"Oh I know." Rika cracked her knuckles. "I've been waiting for this ever since I meet you."
I ran through the dark hallway that held all the cells. All of them were filled with digimon. How did I not notice before, upstairs were only filled with humans. All of their digimon must be kept prisoner, if they didn't eat the chocolate. Many voices that filled the cells and the air around me were calling for their tamers. I notice a door at the end of the hall and open it.
A staircase led up to a big open area once more. I notice a sign pointing towards the hunting grounds. "I hope I can make it in time." I whispered as I ran towards the grounds.
I continue to run through the humans that walked around me. People tried to tell me to slow down but I ignored them.
I finally notice a huge booth set up and Crystal, Takato, Henry and their digimon getting dressed in hunting gear. I ran in front of the three of them and yelled. "Stop!"
Crystal narrowed her eyes at me. "Why? We're having a blast! Right guys?" she asked the others and their digimon.
The other tamers and the digimon nodded to agree with her.
I looked inside the booth and saw Renamon and Reymon chained to the ground.
Reymon noticed I was looking at him "ZEN!!! Get us out of here!!!" He cried.
I hopped into the booth and ran towards them. I got down on my knees and pet Reymon on the head. "Don't worry buddy, I gotcha." I reassured him.
I started to see if the key from earlier could open the chains but they key wouldn't work. I barred my teeth and got up.
"I will be back" I informed the two digimon.
I ran off the booth and jumped the women in charge of the booth. She fell backwards and with swift hands I grabbed the keys in her pocket and went back to the digimon. I unlocked the chains from Renamon and Reymon.
"We need to get everyone out of here. It should snap them out of this trance, wait why isn't, Rika with you?" Renamon looked at me with confusion.
"Rika is holding off Abigale and Puppetmon." I informed her.
I raced towards Crystal and the others. "Okay you all need to wake up now!" I shouted angrily. I pinch Crystal on the nose, which she hates more than anything because she always sneezes afterwards.
Crystal sneezes and angrily stares at me. "What the hell was that for?" she asked in a growl. She then stopped and looked down at what she was wearing. "Wait...Why I'm I wearing hunting gear..." she mumbled.
"No time to explain." I pulled on Glaciamon's tail which caused the dragon digimon to bite me on the arm.
Wincing in pain I turned to Renamon. "Do you know how to snap those four out of it?" I asked pointing towards Henry, Takato, and their digimon.
'Easy for those two digimon, just give them food, as for Henry and Takato...Just hit them over the head I guess..." Renamon smacked both their heads into one another. Luckily they snapped out of it.
"What the fudge Renamon!?" Takato smacked her paw away.
Henry just sat there examining what he was wearing.
I grabbed a piece of bread that was used for bait for the booth I guessed. I broke the piece of bread in half and handed it to the Bunny and dinosaur digimon, who both ate the pieces of bread happily.
"Okay! Rika needs our help." I informed them.
I started to run back the way I came.
Crystal caught up with me. "Zen what is going on?" she asked
Glaciamon nodded. "Yeah! I want some answers as well."
"You were all put under a spell by Puppetmon."
I ran to the door that led me back up from the cells. I wrenched the door open and ran back down stairs with the others following.
We were only a few feet from the cell I left Rika in. "Rika! I got everyone are you okay?"
When we came around the corner I saw Abigale on the ground in a bloody mess with teeth missing. Rika stood behind her out of breath. She limped over to us with a sigh of relief. "About bloody time, let's get the hell out of here before the baby wakes up."
I nodded and smiled. 'That is a relief." I sighed. We all ran back in the direction of the stairs.
Crystal stopped us by holding up her hand. "Wait, what about these trapped digimon and their partners?" she asked.
I looked at the cages filled with digimon. A few of them were on the knees with pleading eyes.
I nodded and ran to each cage opening the doors for the digimon to escape.
Terriermon pointed a finger to the doorway. 'To freedom!" HE shouted
The digimon fled the cell room to go look for their tamers and to wake them up from the spell.
"Alright let's go!" I ordered as we all got out of there.
We raced outside with the other digimon and humans.
"Not so fast!" A voice shouted from behind us.
We all turned back to see Puppetmon standing behind us with his hammer clenched in his hands.
Glaciamon barred her fangs. "How did you get free?" she asked in a snarl.
Puppetmon grinned. "When you have a drill like nose, you learn how to pick locks." He chuckled.
"Pfft I'm sure he picks something else too." Terriermon giggled.
Puppetmon bawled his fists. "You all have ruined everything!' he bawled. "Do you know how many years it took me to capture so many digimon and humans?!"
I growled. "That is completely wrong."
"Yeah, me don't like being held captive." Guilmon cried.
Crystal nodded. "It's too late to stop us anyways."
Puppetmon smirked and held up his hammer. "Even so, I will make sure I get payment for your crimes. Puppet pummel!" He snarled and launched sand bullets towards Crystal and I.
Crystal and I stared at the balls of sand that rocketed towards us in disbelief.
Before the balls of sand could come in contact however. A roar was heard in the forest. BanchoLeomon jumped in front of us taking the attack head on. The attacks slammed into his chest and his face.
"BanchoLeomon!" I cried.
The lion fell backwards. Blood covered the lion's face and chest. Huge wounds appeared all over his body. Orange data slowly started to fly away from his body.
I got on my knees and placed my hand on the lion's shoulder. "Why did you do that?" I asked in disbelief.
Puppetmon looked surprise to but his surprise turned to anger. He started to hop from foot to foot. "I would have gotten him if that stupid lion doesn't try to stop me." He cried.
The lion looked at me with kind eyes. "I did it because I have read the prophecies of you chosen children. You are destine to bring the digital world into new light, to make a new stronger future. I made an oath to the rebellion that I would sacrifice my own life to protect any chosen child in this prophecy."
Crystal started to sob. "I can't go through this again! Please don't die." She cried.
I started to rummage through the bag again to look for any medicine or anything that could help but came up empty handed.
The lion grabbed my arm.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"Zen, please do not give up. You may not think so but you are a very strong individual. You stand up for others and will fight any opponent that gets in your way." The lion then turned to Crystal. "Crystal don't forget why you were chosen in the first place." She stopped crying for a second to listen to what he had to say. "You were chosen because of your kindness, and your will to protect others. Do not let your emotions get away in that. Fight for a brighter future." He whispered to her.
Reymon flouted next to me with a sad look.
Glaciamon held Crystal in her arms. To calm her down.
The lion looked up in the sky and then whispered. "Save the digital world." This was the last thing he said before he burst into orange data.
"No..." Rika whispered.
Takato bawled his fists. "That's it!, Let's go guys." He instructed as he pulled out his golden digivice.
Henry and Rika mimic him. Pulling out a green and blue digivice respectively.
Words wrote across the screen when they held out their digivice.
"Biomerge digivoultion activate"
Takato held his digivice close to his chest. Red light started to surround him. A red sphere of data engulfed him and Guilmon. The two started to form together. "Guilmon Biomerge digivovle to...Gallantmon!" A white knight appeared. He had a Guilmon like helmet on and a shield, with a sword in another hand.
Rika held her digivice close to her heart. Blue light started to surround her. A blue sphere of light engulfed her and Renamon. The fox digimon slowly started to form together with her. "Renamon Biomerge digivovle too...Sakuyamon!"
Henry held out his digivice above his forehead. Green light started to surround him. A green sphere of light engulfed him and Terriermon. The bunny digimon slowly started to form together with him. "Terriermon Biomerge digivovle too...Megagargomon!" A huge robotic dog like solider appeared in the battle field. He wore green and white like amour. He toward the area. He was so huge, he was about the size of a twelve foot building.
Crystal and I watched as the lion's disappeared into data. Both of us were staring at the ground.
Puppetmon clutched his stomach and went into a fit of laughter. "Ha ha I killed, the mighty lion." He laughed.
The lion's data flew around us, until some of it went inside Crystal's digivice.
Crystal looked up angrily with tears still in her eyes. But her face was filled with rage. "How dare you!" She screamed. Her voice was filled with rage and venom.
This caused the puppet digimon to step back in surprise. "Huh?" he asked dumbly.
"Can all Azulongmon's warriors think about is killing?" she cried. "No matter what. I am never going to let anyone else die for us." She shouted angrily. A blizzard started to pick up around Crystal. Her hair flew into the wind as the storm picked up. Snow flew around her crazily.
I bawled my fists. "I use to feel frighten of coming back to the digital world, but now I am going to make sure I will kill you." I snarled as darkness started to cover my body.
Crystal and I slammed our hands over our digivice in unison.
Our digivices which was now covered in darkness and ice. They started to change, until they were larger. Crystal's digivice was now blue with silver outlines. The crest of friendship was above her screen now.
While my digivice was orange and black. With the crest of courage above my screen.
"Correction digivoultion start!" Crystal screamed loudly.
A sphere of blue light surrounded Crystal and Glaciamon "Glaciamon correction evolve too...Khionemon." She shouted.
I turned towards Reymon who was flouting next to me with a shocked expression on his face. "Our turn." I shouted to him.
Reymon's eyes grew wide at my comment. He flew towards me and nodded as his confusion turned to determination.
A mechanical female's voice spoke as my emblem of the skeleton head started to burst with orange light. "Correction digivoultion start!"
An orange sphere of light surrounded Reymon and I.
(No P.O.V.)
"Reymon correction evolve too..."
Reymon slowly started to fly down towards Zen in the sphere of light. Darkness covered the screen. A cemetery showed. A call from a raven was heard. Reymon flew through the graves that covered the grounds. The dog's eyes were glowing a dark orange. A snap from a branch was heard behind the dog. He turned quickly and was engulfed in darkness. A book flew into the air. The book was decorated to have a black cover, with a golden star in the center of it. Images of Reymon, Kitsunemon, and Grimon covered the screen. A figure appeared in the night sky. He wore a black cloak, it was glowing with a silver aura. His hands slowly came out of his long sleeves, they were a light white skeletal like hands. Gripped in his left hand was a scythe. The figure slowly turned around to the screen to show that his face was not shown. Only darkness could be seen from his hood. The figure held up his right hand as the book flew into his skeletal grasp. "Anubimon." He whispered in a grave voice. The orange sphere of light disappeared to show the new legend.
(Anubimon's P.O.V.)
"I am the legend of courage, death, and messages." He whispered.
Gallantmon hoisted his sword into the air. "Alright now it's a fight, lightning joust!" A bright flash of blue light fired from the center of his sword.
Three lights of dragons flew around Sakuyamon. "Spirit strike!" she cried.
Megagargomon positioned his cannons toward the puppet. "Mega barrage!"
I held up my black book and it open on its own flying into the air. "Mystic terror." I gravely shouted. Darkness shot out of my book.
Khionemon held up her clawed hands. "Raining ice!" she shouted as a storm of ice flew out from the air.
All our attacks went towards the puppet digimon with force.
The Puppetmon digimon was sent flying into the house of horror. A huge explosion was seen as he came into contact.
With this seen, I landed on the ground with the other mega level digimon.
In a flash of blinding orange light I changed back.
(Zen's P.O.V.)
When I open my eyes I saw a small ball of gray fur in my eyes. It had green piercing eyes. A small tail and a friendly gaze. "Pufmon." He said happily. This must have been Reymon's baby form. I pet the baby on its head. It rubbed against it with a smile.
Crystal and Glaciamon stood next to each other with grins. She turned to the three other tamers. "Thank you."
Just then we all heard a shout behind us. We all turned on the spot thinking that Puppetmon was about to attack us again but stopped when we saw who it was.
James was on the back of Blazemon with a teenage boy I never seen before. With a huge agumon.
While Elizabeth was on the back of a Gaogamon with an unknown adult women, and a teenage scientist looking male. Miragemon was holding tight to Elizabeth's back.
"Hey guys!" James shouted.
End of episode 38
(Okay thanks again for SneakyFox47 for helping me write this: 3)
Fanny- Next time on digimon correction ep 39, Back to the Maze (refrence to an old movie, you will understand it when you read it.)
"Everyone to the woods!' James voice shouted.
I held SPadamon tightly in my arms and raced to the darkness of the woods.
"Thunder spear." Brontamon's sphere strike in okenusmon arm.
"Gosh that was a weird portal." Jiwon mumbled.
"Where are we?"
"Hey my name is Veemon nice to meetcha, and these are my amigos."
" Spadamon! Guys where are you?" Fanny called out in the small area she found herself in.
"Hello who are you?" A little voice asked behind her. Fanny turned around to see a small four year old looking up at her.
Fanny barred her teeth and yelled at the girl. " Can you just leave me alone! I don't care if you are lost, just leave me alone."
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