Part 9: Vs Devimon: Angemon Awakens

When last we left of Ryu and Coredramon defeated Ogremon and discovered the amazing abilities of the Drago Souls. Now they flew around hoping they could find the others there as well.

Ryu: Hey Coredramon, you ok?

Coredramon: Yes. I'm actually feeling pretty good after the last fight.

Ryu: I'm talking about your energy. Do you feel like you'll go back to Dracomon any time soon?

Coredramon: A funny thing actually, I'm not feeling that low on energy. I feel like I could stay like this for at least a few more days.

Ryu: Really? The other times after a fight you De-Digivolved when it was over. Heh, maybe it's a sign that your getting stronger.

Coredramon: I mean I DID hold my own against Ogremon for a good time. Not to shabby if I do say so myself.

Ryu: Also, you do remember where TK headed to right?

Coredramon: Yes. But why did you choose to head to him?

Ryu: Well, a while back I made a promise to Matt. It was if he wasn't there to protect TK, I said I'd find a way to be in his place. If he needed that protection that is.

Coredramon: I see. Well you're a good person for the Ryu.

Ryu: I guess, but since coming here, I've gradually seen TK become more, mature. Well as mature as an 8 year old could get, but still. I'm just wondering when Matt will notice it.

Coredramon: Well when he does, I'm sure he'll come to terms with it eventually.

Ryu: We can hope.

Coredramon: Look! Down there!!

Ryu looked down to see Greymon and Garurumon fighting Ogremon and Leomon.

Ryu: If those two are here then that means Tai and Matt are here too!

Coredramon: I'm going down for a landing!

Coredramon started diving down to the battlefield. That's when Tai noticed the noise in the air.

Tai: Matt, do you here that?

Matt: Yeah, it's coming from the sky.

TK: Hey guys look up!!

They all looked up the see that Coredramon and Ryu were up coming down to them.

Tai: It's Ryu and Coredramon!

Matt: Sweet! The Calvary's arrived!

Coredramon: G Flare Breath!!

Coredramon shot a blast from his mouth towards Leomon connecting and sending him flying back. They landed on the ground and Ryu stepped off from Coredramon's head with an eyebrow raised.

Ryu: So, you guys gonna listen to my instincts next time?

Tai: Okay I guess it was one us, but we can focus on that later!

Ryu: You're right, we've got some big fish to fry. Also, what's up with Leomon, he's different now.

Matt: A bunch of black gears stuck into him and now he's super charged!

Ryu: Those things are a real pain in the butt. Alright Coredramon, let's go!

Ryu jumped back on top of Coredramon worrying Tai and Matt.

Matt: Ryu what are you doing?!

Ryu: You missed a few things guys! Don't worry!

Ryu put in a coin into the Dragon Gauntlet.

Ryu: Alright, Dragonic Thunder!

Ryu shot thunder at Leomon shocking everyone.

Greymon: What in the world?!

Garurumon: He just shot lightning at him!

Tai: How the heck can he do that?!

Matt: I don't know but it's working!

Ryu saw TK and Patamon near them and jumped off of Coredramon.

Ryu: Coredramon, I need you to hold off Leomon for a little bit!

Coredramon: Right!

Ryu ran towards TK and Patamon grabbing them.

Ryu: Come on guys! You gotta get out of the way!

TK: Ok!

Patamon: R-Right!

He ran towards Matt barely avoiding Ogremon thanks to Greymon.

Ryu: Here Matt!

Matt: Thanks, but how did you shoot lightning at Leomon like that?

Ryu: I can explain later, right now we've gotta focus on beating them!

Coredramon: Ryu! A little help would be nice!

Ryu placed another coin in the gauntlet and aimed at Leomon who Coredramon was having slight trouble with.

Ryu: Dragonic Slicer!

He swung his arm hitting Leomon who barely fell backwards.

Ryu: Looks like that one didn't do as much. Alright then-


From the sky Togamon came and body slammed Leomon surprising Ryu.

Ryu: Never mind then.

Matt: Woah, Togamon!

???: Guys, you're never going to believe this!

Izzy and Mimi came flying from the sky with Kabuterymon.

Tai: Hey Izzy, what's happening?

Once they landed they stepped onto the ground.

Izzy: We have the solution to all our problems!

Ryu: And that is?

They held up the devices they grabbed when they came to the Digital World.

Mimi: Check em out.

Izzy: They call them Digivice's! They have the ability to completely eradicate the black gears.

Tai: Well let's test them out.

Ryu: Getting rid of those things will feel way better than it should.

Ryu started walking towards Leomon with Tai following.

Ryu: Hey kitten face, come and take a shot at a real challenge if you've got the guts you overgrown hair ball.

Matt: Uh, Ryu? Have you gone nuts?!

Leomon: I must do as I am commanded. Come here-

Tai: Now!

Ryu and Tai held up their Digivice's as they glowed and started flinging the Black gears out of Leomon.

Matt: You know these things back quite a punch.

Matt joined as the three Digivice's brought out the rest of the gears disintegrating them while also turning Leomon back to normal. Ryu had a proud smile on his face before speaking

Ryu: Uh huh, way better than it should have felt.

Izzy: It worked! We destroyed the Black Gear!

Ryu: Well then a little history lesson might be necessary.


Ryu: So that's the story huh? Some kind of Children of Destiny called the Digidestined are said to save the Digital World, and we're those children?

Leomon: That is correct. The fact that you have the Digivice's and can make your Digimon Digivolve is proof. Wouldn't you say, Coredramon?

Ryu looked up at Coredramon who used to be a Babydramon and soon Digivolved into Dracomon and then to who he is now.

Ryu: ... This makes me feel like I'm in an anime or some story.

Leomon: What is that?

Ryu: Ahhh never mind. But besides that, do you know anything about this thing called the Dragon Gauntlet and Drago Souls?

Ryu held his right arm showing the gauntlet and the five coins on them.

Leomon: Actually yes. It was said in another Legend that a child from another world would be able to wield the gauntlet and master the powers of the Drago Souls that came with it. Though I didn't think the child would also be a Digidestined.

Tai: Drago Souls?

Leomon: The Drago Souls are Digimon Technique's that have been lost in time itself. Powerful ones at that.

Matt: So Ryu's able to use Digimon moves because of it?

Coredramon: It would seem so.

Ryu: Yeah. Also, I don't think I can take it off.

Izzy: Really?

Tentomon: Have you tried prying it off.

Ryu looked up with an annoyed look.


Ryu: Alright Coredramon, ready?

Coredramon: Ready.

Ryu held on to a rope he tied to a tree was Coredramon pulled with all of his might on the gauntlet.




Ryu: It's not gonna come off from brute force I'll say that.

Palmon: Do want me to try?

Ryu: It wouldn't work. But now that that's all cleared, I think we should head up to Infinity Mountain to take Devimon down.

Izzy: I agree. My theory is that we'll be released if we free the island. Once our purpose is served there's no other reason the for us to remain.

Mimi: And I'll finally be able to change these clothes.

Matt: But, what if it's a force that's too big for us to handle. What even is the cause?

Ryu: Matt, don't you remember at the mansion?

Matt: What about it?

Coredramon: The one who separated us was Devimon.

Matt: You think it's him?

Ryu: I'm positive.

Leomon: They are correct. To save the Island you must defeat him.

Ryu: Guys, if we don't do this, than we may never get back to our world. Not only that, but we'd be abandoning everyone of the island. And I can't just do that so easily. I'm gonna do everything I can. So, who's with me?

Matt: Ugh, when you say it like that it's too hard to say no.

Tai: Yeah! Come on everyone let's show Devimon what we've got!

Soon enough after everyone gathered their courage, Devimon burst through the ceiling of the fake mansion growing in size.

Ryu: ... I know he's a bad guy his timing is impeccable.

Izzy: Bad guys always seem to think bigger is better.

Leomon: I'm afraid not. The power Devimon posses is immense so be careful!

He began to fly up and landed in the tree's near the group.

Ryu: Uhhh guys I don't know anything about prophecies but something tells me you all have to Digivolve right now!

Devimon turned and flew everyone but Leomon, and Coredramon who grabbed Ryu. Devimon shot a wave of Darkness at Leomon who flew back as it also hit the other Digidestined.

Devimon: You are fools! Do not think I will play silly games with you I am far too wise for that.

Ryu: We gotta fly Coredramon!

He nodded as he flew into the air with Ryu on his back.

Coredramon: G Flare Breath!!

He shot his laser into Devimon making him go back.

Ryu: Alright!

Ryu put a coin into the gauntlet as it glowed blue.

Ryu: Tempest Dragon!!

He thrusted his fist forward as a blue energy Dragon crashed into Devimon. He was forced back as he looked towards Ryu.

Devimon: You insolent little-


Devimon was hit with a barrage of missiles that came from Ikkakumon who was beside Joe.

Joe: That's a bullseye Ikkakumon!

Soon after Birdramon appeared.

Birdramon: METEOR WING!!

She blasted Devimon with multiple fireballs as Sora came running in.


All Digimon did just that as they began to Digivolve into their own Champion Levels. All accept Patamon who stayed back with TK.

Greymon: Nova Blast!!

Garurumon: Howling Blaster!!

They shot fire blast at him and Garurumon jumped onto his arm.

Tai: I think they got him!

Devimon shook them off as Ryu deadpanned.

Ryu: Have you learned nothing from my mistakes Tai?

Matt: OH NO!!

Devimon: You're attacks are pitiful!

Kabuterymon: Electro Shocker!!

Togamon: So you want a Needle Spray do ya?! HAAAA!!!

They both shot their own attacks and were batted away by Devimon. Leomon lunged towards Devimon's back with this blade ready but Ogremon came out.

Leomon: YOU!!

Ogremon: You've got no chance against the likes of us kitty cat!!

He was sent away by another wave of Darkness as Ryu started to panic.

Ryu: Crud! We've tried everything but nothings making a dent in him.

???: You haven't used everything yet.

Ryu: 'You again?! Just what are you talking about?!'

???: You still have one more Draco Soul Left.

He looked at his side and saw the coin with the black X.

Ryu: Oh yeah, Cross Dragoon!

???: Before you use that Soul, just know that the backlash that comes with it won't just tickle.

Ryu: If it helps my friends then I don't care! Alright, Draco Soul!!

He threw the coin into the coin as it glowed a crimson red.


Jet black lightning came out and surrounded Ryu as he realized exactly what the voice meant.

Ryu: ARGH!!

Matt: Ryu what are you doing?! Stop, you'll serious get hurt!

Sora: What's happening?!

Ryu's eyes shot open as his other eye turned red as well. His canine teeth sharpened to a point as he leaped up towards Devimon with incredible speed and height with an electrical aura.

Joe: How was he able to do that?!

Tai: It must've been that Draco Soul!


Devimon turned to be met by a powerful punch in the face by Ryu making him fall down.

Devimon: You insolent brat!! You dare strike me?!!

Ryu landed on the ground and an even bigger strain was put on his body.

Ryu: ARGH!!

Coredramon: Ryu!!

Devimon: You obtained the Draco Souls?! But I had hid them away long ago how could you have possibly found them?! And if you did you must have taken the crest as well!!

Devimon raised his foot ready to crush Ryu.

Ryu: 'Well this is how it ends huh? Not able to move and crushed by a giant monster. Why do I feel like this could happen again somewhere?'

Before Devimon could lower his foot Coredramon tackled him in the side.

Devimon: Off with you!!

He flung Coredramon down towards Ryu.


Coredramon: I'm ok. Accept for the fact the I think I see Devimon turning different colors.

Ryu: Yeah I don't think I can move.

???: Next time wait for me to explain.

Ryu: Yup, all ears next time.

Devimon turned to TK and Patamon who fired explosive bubbles at his hand doing nothing.

Ryu: Get away from him!

Ryu tried to will himself to move but had no response from his body. Just when it looked like they were about to be crushed by Devimon's massive hand, a bright light shone from it.

Ryu: Is that what I think it is?

???: That Patamon is Digivolving.

Patamon: Patamon Digivolve Too:

Angemon: Angemon!!

Patamon had transformed into an Angel with 6 wings and a staff. Ryu looked at him absolutely dumbfounded.

Ryu: An Angel?

Coredramon: It's Angemon!

Ryu: Huh... I fell like I missed some kind of foreshadowing to this.

Devimon: What's this? Another foolish attempt?

Angemon: The forces of good are more powerful, even you can't stop us.

All of the Digivice's began to glow as the Digimon De-Digivolved. Ogremon came out of Devimon once again but was batted out by the light from Angemon's staff.

Devimon: Now youngest done it!


Angemon: Don't worry, I'll get him.

Soon his staff slowly disappeared as his fist began to glow.

Devimon: Come here pretty boy!

Angemon: I'll stop you! HAND FATE!!!

He shot a beam of light through Devimon's chest as they both started to glow and disperse.

Devimon: You used up all of you're power, that wasn't very smart Angemon. Now you are no use to anyone! Can't get away from the Dark Forces, evil is everywhere. So don't savor you're victory. There are other Digimon who are just as powerful as I am. Some that are even stronger! I wonder what you'll do when you run into them.

That line hadn't gone unnoticed by Ryu.

Ryu: Woah. Did I hear that right? It took everything we had to beat Devimon, and he wasn't even the most powerful evil Digimon out there?

Devimon: You haven't won at all. What a waste of time! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

That was all he said before completely dispersing.


Angemon looked down at TK and smiled.

Angemon: TK, I'll come back again, if you want me to.

That was all he said before disappearing as well.


He fell to his hands and knees sad at the loss of his friend. And at that moment, some of Angemon's feathers fell down in front of TK transforming into an egg. Ryu made his way to the others with Dracomon.

Dracomon: Hey it's a Digi-Egg.

TK: Do you think it could be Angemon.

Ryu: Of course, don't worry Tk. I may not be a Digimon but I can tell right now he's just resting to get all of his strength back.

TK: I will make sure to take really good care of him.

He held the egg close.

TK: You saved my life Angemon.

Sora: Huh? Look the Island is coming back together again!

Ryu: Well I'll be, defeat the big bad boss and everything goes back to normal.

Suddenly, the red crest in Ryu's pocket glowed.

Ryu: This thing. Devimon called it a Crest?

A light in the sky shone as a small tag floated down.

Ryu: Huh?


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