Zoethian (SFW)
TW: The Yogscast like to ballroom dance
Title: ~A River Of Red And Gold~
For one of the first times in Rythian’s life, he was welly and truly speechless.
As he descended the stairs he caught a glimpse of his apprentice, and the sight took his breath away.
When the two of them had been invited to the opening party for Honeydew Inc. they’d been reluctant to accept, considering who would be there. It seemed to Rythian like the last thing he wanted to do was to spend an evening with all of his worst enemies packed in the same room as him. Much too easy to stab a sword in his back and make it look like an accident. But he’d finally relented on Zoey’s behalf, as she complained that they hardly ever saw anyone outside of Blackrock anymore.
And so here he was, decked out in a suit of the deepest black highlighted by the startling green of the enderpearl at his chest. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing he’d ever worn, but when Zoey had seen him trying to sneak out of the house in his usual robes she’d shoved him into their room with the thing and told him to change. He assumed she’d found her own room because when he’d come down the stairs she’d been waiting for him.
Zoey looked at him shyly, which was not an emotion he’d ever seen on her face. “Do I look alright?” She asked, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.
“You look amazing,” Rythian assured her, “more than amazing. Gorgeous, splendid, so beautiful that the only words I can think of are in languages so old no one remembers them.”
And she really was. Her dress was floor length and shimmering in a river of red and gold, showing a figure he’d never really appreciated until that moment, and her hair was caught up in an intricate net of gold. He suddenly felt underdressed.
Zoey smiled at him, looking him up and down. “You don’t look so bad yourself. I knew the black would suit you. Does it fit alright? I had to rush when making it and I didn’t have your exact measurements so I had to guess for some and-“
“Zoey,” Rythian cut her off, “I love it, and it fits great. It still doesn’t hold a candle to yours, but that’s good. More credit to you.” He reached down to grasp her hand. “Now let’s go.”
They activated their flying rings and headed towards the waypoints of the factory off in the distance. “It looks beautiful, all lit up like that!” Zoey cried, pointing it out.
“Beautiful’s one way to put it,” He answered, grimacing at the traces of technology apparent even at this distance. “But yes, it does appear that they’ve pulled out all the stops for this.”
Together they touched down next to the gate and Rythian put his arm out for Zoey to grasp.
She noticed his strained expressions as he took in their surroundings. “You ok?”
He nodded, fixing a neutral expression on his face. He led her down the gaudy red carpet laid out for the arriving guests and up to Strippin, who was standing at the door as a bouncer. He showed their invitations and they were led inside by an unknown serving boy. The exterior was just as dressed up at the exterior, covered in lights and the most top-of-the-line technology money could buy. “They’ve outdone themselves this time; Christ some of this stuff is fancy.”
Zoey nodded in enthusiastic agreement. “I don’t even recognize half this stuff. Like that one!” She pointed at a vaguely gun looking thing. “What is that doing in a Jaffa Factory? That doesn’t look work related.”
Rythian rolled his eyes. “Lalna does work here from time to time, it doesn’t surprise me it’s all so high grade.” They came upon a large set of double doors, which were pushed open for them by the young boy.
Inside there was everyone they’d ever met on the server and then some- it was clear they were late arrivals. Zoey gazed around, starry eyed. “Look at all the people! I haven’t seen this many others since, well,“ She cut herself off, and Rythian knew she’d about to finish with since I met you. “it’s been a long time.”
They walked into the crowd and were immediately surrounded by Zoey’s friend, all cooing over her dress and how long it’d been since she’d stopped by. He felt a twinge of guilt in his stomach at the thought that he’d been keeping Zoey away from her friends. His apprentice eagerly exchanged hugs with all of them and greeted them all individually before going back over and grasping Rythian’s hand.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately, but as you can see I’ve had good reason.” Her friends gasped at their contact and grinned at her with sly smiles, promising to catch up with her later. One by one they melted into the crowd.
“I had no idea you were so popular.” Rythian remarked as soon as they were gone. Zoey shrugged.
“They’re great, but two or three of them were only saying hi because they saw me with you.” She batted his arm playfully. “You’re rather handsome, you know. And you have a reputation as the gorgeous mage who’s work in magic is far beyond anyone else’s.”
At first he doubted her, but to his great surprise he was approached by several people that night who had heard exactly what she’d said and wanted to discuss his research and discoveries with him. It was intriguing, but also tiring.
Finally they were approached by two rather more important guests. “Ah, Rythian,” Xephos said as he came near, “I was hoping you and Zoey would come. I know we haven’t interacted all that much, but I figured that was a little silly since we live so close. Goodness knows some of these people live much farther.”
Rythian raised the glass of champagne he’d acquired somewhere earlier in the night in a sort of toast. “Fair enough.”
Honeydew, who was standing beside Xephos, had his own, rather larger, tankard of alcohol. “Have you had a look around? Looked at all the decorations and such? Xeph here’s been admiring them all night with that demigod of his.”
Xephos spluttered and blushed. “Ridge and I are friends, and that’s all.”
“Sure, sure.” The dwarf said good-naturedly. Rythian had always liked the shorter member of the Honeydew Inc. team, and Xephos too. He was glad they were on their way to a better relationship with the pair, since he liked them in spite of their companions. His attention was pulled back when Honeydew spoke again. “So, you two danced yet? I think they’re playing something slow next.” Sure enough, the musicians chose that moment to start up a waltz. “Come on, go dance. It’ll be fun.” He smiled and shooed them in the direction of the dance floor.
Rythian looked at Zoey. “May I have this dance?”
He held out his hand, and Zoey grabbed it. “Of course, silly.”
He pulled her out to the middle of the floor and put a hand on her waist, leading her into the steps. Zoey raised an eyebrow. “You know how to dance?”
Rythian shrugged. “A little. I was taught once, a long time ago. I apologize if I’m a bit rusty.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re fine, don’t worry about it! Better than I could do on my own, after all.”
They fell silent, revolving slowly in an elegant rhythm. Slowly he realized that they were in the middle of a circle, the rest of the guests giving them some room. He caught site of the smirking face of Honeydew and the soft grin of Xephos, and he flashed them the smallest of smiles.
He turned his attention back to Zoey, watching the delight on her face. She noticed his gaze. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” he said, shaking his head, “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be able to be here, so close to someone as beautiful as you.” He watched her face turn pink.
“I’m not that pretty,” she said, her cheeks now roughly the color of her hair.
Rythian laughed for the first time of the night. “You’re right, you’re so much more than that. I’ve been through so many places and seen so many people, and none of them have held a candle to you. Zoey Proasheck, you are by far the most beautiful girl I have ever met. You’re the girl that fell from the sky, the one that plays with fire and outshines the moon. And you know what?”
Zoey, who had been gazing at him with an embarrassed smile on her face, looked at him with an expression of the purest emotion.
“I think I love you.” He leaned down to kiss her gently, and she wrapped her fingers into his hair. “Oh, Rythian, I love you too. I really do!”
He barely registered the cheering of the crowd, focused as he was on the redhead before him. He kissed her again, a smile on his face, thinking that it really had been a wonderful night.
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