Chaul/Sjips (SFW)
TW: Threesome/ Stuff is implied.. insest RPS......might make you laugh (it did for me)
Title: ~Sjincest~
Chris walked quickly across the airport, able to make out the back of his partner’s head from a mile away. The building around him turned into a blur, other busy people milling around, dragging their suitcases. The bright lights of the timetable board were just visible in the side Chris’ vision, but he ignored them, he had only one destination.
As he kept his brisk pace, Chris began to note down little details about the man. His hair was slightly shorter than usual, but that was understandable as he’d been away for so long – he must have had it cut recently. But something that stuck in Chris’ mind especially was the significant lack of suitcase by his feet. Shrugging it off, Chris took a final step and stopped behind him.
The pale man wrapped his arms around the taller man’s waist, resting his head on his shoulder and kissing the side of his neck quickly. He instantly felt the man in his arms tense, clearly not able to see it was him. Pulling away from the bearded man, Chris took in his scent, finding it strangely unfamiliar.
“I missed you so much.” Chris mumbled, loosening his grip on the man, spinning him around to face him.
“Do I know you?” The man asked, looking Chris dead in the eyes, his usually soft baby blue eyes oddly harsh.
“Paul, c’mon.” Chris chuckled, taking the weird act as a joke.
“Oh, I’m not Paul, that’s my tw-”
“Chris!” Someone that sounded exactly like Paul interrupted Paul, making Chris turn to face him, a severally confused expression on his face.
Chris couldn’t take in what he saw next, the man calling his name was Paul, but Paul was stood right next to him. He took a big step back, letting the two men stand next to each other whilst he closed his eyes, wishing that this was some messed up dream that he was having. But, as he opened them, the two men were still there, still the same person, still both Paul.
“Wait. What the fuck?” Chris almost shouted, raising his hands to his head and looking down at the floor.
“I missed you.” The second Paul began, leaning in for a hug, only to be rejected by Chris taking another big step back.
“Someone, please explain what the fuck is going on.” Chris replied, covering his eyes with his hands.
“Chris. It’s ok. He’s my twin brother. Identical twin brother. It’s fine. I’m Paul, he’s James.” Paul said gently, resting his soft hand on Chris’ arm.
Chris flinched slightly before revealing his eyes, instantly seeing the irresistible sight that was Paul – it was definitely Paul – his face scrunched into a concerned frown. Chris couldn’t help but smile, taking all of his will power not to pull the man in for a kiss.
“You have… an identical twin?” Chris asked, mouth staying open long after he finished talking.
“You didn’t tell him?” James spoke, causing both the men to turn and look at him.
“It didn’t come up in conversation.” Paul replied, raising an eyebrow at his own excuse.
“Paul, you absolute bender.” Chris said, his tone friendly but his face still confused.
“I’m sorry.” Paul said weakly before he was pulled in for a tight hug by Chris.
“So, you two then? Looks like Paul’s been keeping a lot of things a secret.” James smiled as the two men eased away from each other’s grip.
“What? No, we’re just friends.” Paul lied, beginning to blush a light pink.
“Well, judging by the warm welcome, I’d say you’re a little more.” James smirked, prizing the fact that he knew something Paul didn’t.
“It’s just a hug it’s noth-” Paul’s reply was interrupted by Chris.
“I thought he was you. So I…” Chris started, not meeting Paul’s gaze.
“Oh god.” Paul groaned, running a hand through his messy, long hair. “What did you do?” He asked hesitantly, not sure whether he could take the reply without laughing.
James took the invitation to wrap his arms around Paul’s waist and rest his head on his shoulder.
“It went a little like this…” He mumbled before planting a quick kiss on his twin’s neck and pulling away.
Something inside Chris began to warm at the sight he’d just witnessed and it confused him beyond belief. Was he enjoying it? No, that’s weird. Paul didn’t appear fussed by it at all, in fact he looked like he liked it.
“Wait, do you two… kiss often?” Chris asked, not having enough time to think about his words before they were coming out of his mouth.
James and Paul laughed together, surprising Chris yet again at how two people who looked exactly the same could sound so very different. Paul’s chuckle was cheery and higher pitched, but James’ was strangely dark and deep.
“This is fucking weird.” Chris confessed, shaking his head as he spoke.
There was silence, neither of the two answering Chris’ question, leaving him to his confused state.
“You have an identical twin?” Chris repeated, mimicking his confused tone from earlier before chuckling himself.
“Yeah, and you kissed him.” Paul joked back, finally gracing Chris with a response.
“I’m not going to lie, it was quite a good kiss, you’ve got a nice one here, Paul.” James smiled, punching Paul lightly on the shoulder before taking his suitcase and starting to walk towards the airport exit.
“Thanks?” Paul replied, not sure how he was meant to react to the comment.
James continued to pull the suitcase behind him as he walked, the wheels creating a soft rumble as they knocked against the tiles of the floor.
“Explain things, now, please.” Chris pressed as he followed the twin out of the airport, Paul walking beside him.
“Um, well, I have a twin.” Paul smiled, taking the situation like a joke, when it really wasn’t one.
“I’m serious. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” Chris asked, sounding a bit too forceful but wanting Paul to know he wasn’t especially happy about the whole thing.
“I didn’t want you to get annoyed.” Paul replied, sinking his head down to look at the floor.
“Well, I’m annoyed now, so that didn’t work, did it?” Chris snapped, stepping out onto the pavement outside the airport.
“I’m sorry, please don’t be like this.” Paul mumbled, still facing the ground.
“Just…” Chris sighed loudly, “No more secrets, ok?”
“Yes, of course.” Paul nodded, looking up at Chris, seeing the anger in his eyes immediately fade as Paul’s eyes locked on his.
“Come here, you.” Chris smiled, gently cupping Paul’s cheeks before kissing him deeply, his palms rubbing against his beard and his fingertips tangling in his hair.
“I’ll just wait here, third wheeling.” James said loudly, making Chris pull back from Paul quickly and blush a deep shade of pink.
“Aw, and he blushes too, that’s so sweet.” James added, patting Chris on the head gently, making the shorter man fill with embarrassment, he wasn’t used to being patronised like this.
“Shut up.” Chris said, glaring up at him and narrowing his eyes slightly.
“Aw, Paul. Have you seen this face? Aw, he’s all angry. Too cute.” James continued to tease, reaching out to tug at Chris’ cheeks.
“Fuck. Off.” Chris spat, his sharp reflexes making his arm snap upwards, knocking James’ away.
“James, don’t.” Paul warned, knowing just what Chris was capable of when pushed.
“Ok, ok. Sorry.” James said gently, lowering his hands to his sides.
“Are we going to go home now, or are we staying here all day?” Paul smiled, doing his best to defuse the tension between the two men.
“Yeah, let’s go home. My car’s over in the car park.” Chris smiled back, taking hold of Paul’s suitcase and wrapping his free arm around his partner’s shoulders.
“How have you been Chris?” Paul asked, looking down at him, there eyes meeting once more.
“Alright, but I’m much better now you’re here.” Chris teased, winking at the use of the cliché chat up line.
“Oh, how I’ve missed that sexy wink.” Paul fake-swooned as the three arrived at the car.
“I bet you have Paul, you kinky bastard. You probably got off just thinking about my wink. Look. It’ll give you a hard on right now.” Chris joked, winking repeatedly at Paul, only to have the bearded man bite his lip and force a blush to his cheeks, moving his hands to cover his crotch.
“How did you know?” Paul teased, pulling open the car door and sitting down in the passenger seat whilst Chris opened the boot and threw in his suitcase.
“You coming then, other – not as nice – Paul?” Chris called over the vehicle to James, who stood there in silence, trying not to listen in to their very graphic conversation.
“If that’s alright.” James replied, flashing a hopeful smile.
“Get in.” Chris said gently as he slid down into the driver’s seat and closed the door behind him.
“Thanks.” James said back as he sat down in the back, pulling the seat belt across his chest.
“Home.” Chris smiled as he put the keys in the ignition and turned them, starting the engine.
“Home.” Paul echoed, resting his hand on Chris’ knee and squeezing it gently.
When Chris woke his head was pounding and his vision was blurry, driving him to close his eyes immediately and try to adjust. He didn't know how he’d got like this and he couldn't remember where he had been before. But he knew he was in a bed, the duvet pulled over him and his head resting on the soft pillow.
Trying again, Chris eased his eyes open, blinking a couple of times at the light before finally looking around and identifying that he was, in fact, in Paul’s bedroom. Comforted slightly by his new-found knowledge, Chris let out a low groan into the pillow and stretched out, his arms knocking against the headboard of the bed before he pulled them back down.
It was only when Chris stretched out his legs that he realized he wasn't wearing any underwear and a smirk emerged on his lips. Piecing the bits together, Chris assumed he and Paul had had a few drinks before calling it a night and going to bed. The lack of pain in his behind notifying him that Chris had been on top.
The bed next to him was empty but warm, Paul had only recently got up, and the covers were a ruffled mess. Sighing loudly, Chris pressed his face further into the pillow, knowing there was no need to get up just yet. He turned over so he was lying on his front, his muscular chest pressing into the duvet.
Chris was too busy trying to get comfortable to hear the bedroom door creak open, the sound of rustling sheets filling his ears. He groaned again, slipping his arms between the two pillows, his muscles flexing slightly as he gripped the soft material close to him.
“You made that noise a lot last night.” Chris heard Paul tease, making him flinch slightly before raising his head up and looking behind him, seeing the bearded man’s smirk.
“How come you remember last night?” Chris complained before dropping his head back into the pillow.
“You don’t?” Paul almost scoffed, somehow finding it funny.
“No and my head hurts really fucking badly.” Chris said into the pillow, his tongue knocking against the fabric as he spoke, causing him to raise his head again and wipe his tongue on the pillow, cleaning it of the small fibers.
“Babe, why are you making out with the pillow?” Paul laughed, edging over Chris.
“There’s fluff in my mouth.” Chris mumbled before giving up and closing his eyes once more.
“Aw.” Paul teased as he sat down next to Chris on the bed.
“Let me sleep.” Chris said loudly, knowing that Paul was about to ask for cuddles or something equally as soppy.
“Kiss me first.” Paul said sweetly, earning another groan from Chris.
“No.” Chris teased, pushing his face deeper into the pillow.
“Fine, then I won’t let you sleep; I’ll keep you awake all morning.” Paul replied, drawing out certain syllables, making his voice oddly seductive.
“Fine.” Chris said back sternly, preparing himself for whatever Paul had in mind.
The bearded man leaned down on the bed next to Chris, moving his head down to the pale man’s back, planting small kisses across his shoulders. Chris’ shoulders twitched at the sensation, driving Paul on, making his kisses faster and hungrier.
Chris emphasized a groan, hoping it would have the desired effect on his partner. As his kisses turned into lick, running his warm tongue over Chris’ bare back, the shorter man smirked into the pillow. Paul’s hand began to run down the middle of Chris’ back, his finger tip rising and falling along with the ridges of his spine.
“Let me sleep.” Chris repeated, despite loving the way Paul was making him feel.
“Nope, you missed your chance. All I wanted was a kiss.” Paul mumbled into the curve of Chris’ neck before biting down on the skin and nibbling it between his teeth, warming it with his breath.
“Come here then, I’ll kiss you now.” Chris replied, stifling a moan at the sensation on his neck, lifting his head up from the pillow once more.
“Too late.” Paul said quickly, continuing down Chris’ back, running his teeth along the skin along with the tip of his tongue.
“You’re just going to lick my back all morning?” Chris teased, knowing how to influence his partner.
“No…” Paul smirked in reply before trailing his hands down beneath the covers to Chris’ arse and cupping it tightly.
“Can… I have… that kiss… now… please?” Paul panted as he flopped down on the bed, his legs still on top of Chris’.
“Fine.” Chris sighed before smiling broadly as the taller man leaned upwards and kissed him deeply, his hand brushing against his cheek.
“You’re such a tease.” Paul said after his breathing had evened out, his arm stretched out across Chris’ chest.
“You love it.” Chris said back huskily, moving in closer to Paul.
Paul hummed as he pressed his back against Chris’ chest, sharing their body warmth. Chris snaked his arm around Paul’s waist, his fingertips running along the ‘v’ shaped line where Paul’s legs joined to his torso. Something inside Chris woke up as he began to nibble the skin on Paul’s neck, pulling him closer into his chest.
“Again?” Paul smirked, titling his head back and revealing more untouched skin for Chris to dampen with his kisses.
“Again.” Chris smirked back, turning so he was on top of Paul and kissing him deeply on the lips.
Paul arched his back slightly, letting Chris move his hands and hold him there as he slid his tongue inside his mouth and tangled it around Paul’s. Chris broke from the kiss only to catch Paul’s lower lip between his teeth and tug on it, growling quietly.
“Shit, that’s hot.” A man said from the doorway, causing Chris to drop Paul and pull the covers up around the pair of them, not risking looking at whoever was there.
“Oh my god.” Chris mumbled as he hid himself behind the duvet, closing his eyes in attempt to calm himself.
“Go away James.” Paul said casually whilst trying to pull the covers down and comfort Chris.
“What the fuck? Why are you always here? Paul, seriously, is there something weird going on that I should know about because this is fucking creepy how calm you are about this.” Chris ranted from under the covers, still not bringing himself to look at either of the men.
“You want the truth?” Paul asked, his voice now nervous and shaky.
“Yes!” Chris practically shouted.
“James and I… sometimes… have threesomes.” Paul replied, gulping loudly afterwards.
“What?” Chris spluttered, raising his head from under the duvet to see if Paul was being serious.
“I haven’t since we've been dating.” Paul added, giving Chris a weak smile.
“I am fucking done. How many more surprises Paul? Are you actually a girl?” Chris shouted as he wrapped the duvet around him and got up from the bed.
“Chris.” Paul said calmly, grasping the duvet as it started to lift of his body as well, causing it to slip down from Chris and fall to the floor.
“Fuck you.” Chris cried as he covered his privates with his hands marched across the room, heading towards the door, only to have his way blocked by James.
“Chris, calm down.” James bargained, pressing his hands on Chris’ chest, keeping him still.
“I will punch you in the fucking face if you don’t get out of my way right now.” Chris spat, shoving James against the wall and slamming the bedroom door behind him.
“James, you arse.” Paul scolded, shooting daggers across the room to his identical twin.
“I can fix this. This has happened loads of times before.” James said confidently, edging towards the door and twisting the door open.
“Might that not be a hint that you need to stop doing this?” Paul snapped, getting up from the bed and edging over to the door.
James opened the door and began to step through, but was pulled back by Paul, giving him a wary look.
“Let me.” Paul said sternly, stepping out through the door and walking over to Chris’ room.
He knocked lightly on the door, expecting a much more violent reply than the one he received.
“Go away.” Chris called almost tunefully.
“Please, let me talk.” Paul said gently, pressing his forehead against the door.
“Is James there?” Chris asked as he flopped down on his bed.
“No.” Paul lied as he signaled that James should occupy himself with something else for a couple of minutes.
“Fine.” Chris sighed, wrapping himself in his covers and rolling onto his back.
Chris heard the door click open and looked up to see Paul step across the room, still very much naked and making no effort to cover himself up – not that Chris wanted him to.
“I know this must be weird, but it’s nothing disgusting, we don’t actually fuck each other, we just… collaboratively fuck other people.” Paul explained, speaking much too confidently about it, for Chris’ liking anyway.
“I just.” Chris spluttered, sitting up in his blanket cocoon and looking into Paul’s eyes, “I can’t believe you wouldn't tell me.” Chris finished.
“Because I've stopped. I don’t do it anymore. I love you, and I don’t want anyone else.” Paul said sincerely, sitting down next to Chris and taking his hand.
Chris bit his lip slightly, wanting to say something but not knowing how Paul would react. Instead he kept it to himself, hiding a smirk that threatened to emerge on his lips. Paul’s eyebrows furrowed as he saw the change in Chris’ expression.
“What?” Paul said, gripping Chris’ hand tighter as the pale man bit his lip again.
“What does it feel like… doing it with James?” Chris asked quietly, looking down at his lap.
“Well initially it was a bit odd, but after a while it got a bit more no-” Chris interrupted Paul’s gentle reply.
“No, I mean, what does it feel like for the other person.” Chris mumbled, still looking down at his lap.
“Oh… Oh!” Paul realized what Chris was hinting at and immediately tried to make him more comfortable, “Do you want to find out?” Paul smirked as he leaned up and kissed Chris deeply.
.~'~.~' What is below is optional, but very NSFW: Smut. If you don't choose to read it, they decide they should do that more often. :)
“Holy shit, James, that feels so good.” Chris moaned as the shorter haired twin bathed his entrance with the warmth of his tongue, making Chris’ dick throb in front of Paul.
Chris was on the bed, kneeling up high, both the twins working him, making him feel incredible. His breathing began to grow heavy as Paul lowered his kisses down Chris’ stomach, teasing around the base of his hard member, driving more whines from Chris’s lips.
“Paul.” Chris moaned in ecstasy, tipping his head back and closing his eyes, loving every second the men’s lips touched his skin.
James moaned into Chris, his tongue flattening and vibrating from the motion, whimpers streaming from Chris’ lips. James gripped tighter to the man’s hips, pulling him back onto his tongue, helping him reach in further, jolting pleasure up Chris’ spine.
Paul began to tease Chris’ length, flicking his tongue across the tip, lapping up the small beads of precum, before tracing the pumping veins with his tongue, earning yet more moans from Chris. Chris began to move his hands down, tangling them in Paul’s hair, egging him on, pushing his head closer to his hard member.
“More.” Chris panted, his head tilted back so far he could feel his short hair brush against his back.
James removed his tongue from Chris’ tight arse, planting small kisses around his hole before pulling away and pressing his chest into Chris’ back. The paler man was just about to complain until he felt James’ rod press against his arse cheek, precum dripping onto his skin.
“More.” Chris said again, louder this time, swallowing the lump in his throat as he braced himself for James entering him.
Soothing the pain, Paul began to take Chris’ length in his mouth, sucking on his bell end as James slid into Chris, his walls pushing against James’ member, forcing it to come to an almost halt. Chris panted louder, the pain not yet hitting him, just wanting more, much more.
“You’re so tight.” James mumbled into Chris’ ear as he slid in deeper, his hips pressing against the back of Chris.
“Shit.” Chris moaned as Paul took his whole length in his mouth, the tip of Chris’ cock going down Paul’s throat, testing his gag reflexes.
Chris interrupted his whimpers with whines as James’ member knocked against his prostate, sending flashes of white into his mind, pleasure washing over him. He began to gulp in air, knowing he was close to eruption already but not want to say anything.
Chris removed one of his hands from the back of Paul’s head, using it stroke his length, teasing it slowly, feeling the precum run onto his fingers.
Paul moaned onto Chris’ cock, sending more vibrations and pleasure through him as James thrust into him over and over, pushing him forwards and further into Paul’s mouth. All three of the men started to whimper, Chris’ pace increasing on Paul’s cock as James pounded into his sweet spot.
“I’m.” Chris started, no longer to manage words as pleasure built inside him, moans and whines streaming out of him uncontrollably.
With one final thrust, James gripped Chris tightly, digging his nails into the flesh on his hips, as his hot cum flowed into Chris, coated his walls, a sensation that earned a new pitch of whines from the shorter man. Milliseconds after, Paul gave Chris’ length one last, long, suck before Chris’ load shot down his throat, forcing him to swallow immediately.
Chris screamed in pleasure as the orgasm rocked him, James still riding out his inside of Chris, as the he tugged on Paul’s member as fast as he could. Paul grunted, unashamed, as he came, his seed coating Chris’ hand, just as he removed his mouth from Chris’ member.
All three men pressed together as they caught their breath, the twins’ heaving chests pressing into Chris. James slowly slid himself out of Chris, loosening his grip on his hips as he went, being as gentle as he could. Chris finally opened his eyes, his vision clouded with pleasure, the intensity of his orgasm still pleasing him.
“Fuck.” Chris sighed as he dropped onto the bed, his body pressing against the mattress, his chest still rising and falling quickly.
“I couldn’t agree more.” James commented, collapsing next to Chris as Paul mirrored his movements on the other side of the man.
“We should do this more often.” Chris smirked as he stretched out his arms.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Paul smirked, mocking James’ previous tone, before resting his head against Chris’ chest.
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