It was now exam season and Maggie has successfully taken them with a breeze. She managed to finish an hour 40 minutes earlier than everyone else. She was sitting outside in the sun. She was reading a book
" What are you reading?" a voice asked.
" Princess Bride," Maggie answered. She looked over to see Justin.
" Haven't you already read that?" Justin asked.
" Yes," Maggie laughed. " But it's my absolute favorite."
" You know they made a movie out of it right?" Justin questioned.
" Movie?" Maggie asked in confusion.
" It's a motion picture," Justin explained. " You should come over to my house over the summer, I can show it to you."
" Really?" Maggie asked.
" If you love the book then you are going to adore the movie," Justin stated.
" Oh I will be over," Maggie confirmed. " I need your address though."
" Of course," Justin laughed as he sat down with her. " Are we going to keep the business up during the summer?"
" I don't think we have discussed that part yet," Maggie stated.
"Let's go find the others," Justin urged as they got up. They soon found the others in the courtyard.
" So what are we going to do with the business in the summer?" Justin asked.
" Tell them that spots are limited cause the artist wants to have summer fun too," Mandy answered,
" How many spots should we have?" Maggie asked.
" Ten and only ten," Hannah answered.
" We will get the word out," Fred offered.
" Take parchment for them to put a date down and their name," Maggie advised.
" Will do Ravenclaw princess," George said as the twins walked away.
" So we have a new position I think," Justin stated. They sat down on a bench and corner of a wall. " Maggie is the artist, of course, Mandy is the manager and money manager, Hannah is the promoter, I keep a list of customers and times, and the twins are messengers and suppliers."
" That seems about right," Maggie agreed.
" How much have we made this year?" Justin asked.
" We have made about 1000 galleons, not enough for a shop," Mandy answered.
" But it's a good start," Hannah reminded her.
" I am going to go start and finish my last painting of the school year," Maggie stated as she stood up.
" Who for?" Mandy asked.
" Tracey Davis," Maggie answered as she walked away. As she walked away she heard a few whisperings and Padma and her dormmates besides Mandy walked up to her.
" Is it true?" Padma asked.
" What is true?" Maggie asked confused.
" Oh no," Lisa breathed.
" What?" Maggie demanded.
" Pansy Parkinson spread a rumor that you and Harry are together," Sue informed.
" Why would she do that?" Maggie asked.
" That doesn't matter," Isobel stated. " But everyone thinks you and Potter are together."
" I will set Parkinson straight," Maggie growled before storming away. She found Pansy right outside the Slytherin common room talking to Draco.
" How's Potter?" Draco asked a bit angrily.
" We are not together," Maggie answered. " If we were together, you would have heard it from my mouth and not Pug's face."
" I'm telling the truth Drakey-poo," Pansy whimpered.
" I believe Pansy," Draco said.
" I swear I am not dating Harry," Maggie said. " If I was lying then I will never paint again."
" That is really serious," Draco said as his eyes went wide. He then looked at Pansy. " You little-lying snake." Pansy's eyes looked wide then she glared at Maggie angrily.
" Mad that you got caught in your own lie?" Maggie spat before storming away. She was almost to her common room when she saw the trio.
" Maggie!" Harry called out. " We need you for tonight."
" What?" Maggie asked. They explained to her their theory on Snape, Dumbledore is gone and Fluffy falls asleep to music.
Maggie was now in the Gryffindor common room. It was after curfew, they were at the top of the staircase, wand in hand.
" Ready?" asked Hermione.
" As ready as we'll ever be," Ron answered. Harry had the invisibility cloak under his arm.
" Okay let's go," said Harry, they tiptoed down the stairs until they were in the common room. They were surprised to hear a croak and then saw Trevor sitting on an arm of a chair.
" Trevor?" Maggie asked. " You shouldn't be here."
" Neither should you," said Neville getting up from the chair. " Your sneaking out again aren't you?"
" Now Neville listen we were, we were," said Harry.
" No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you!" argued Neville as he put up his fist.
" Don't be stupid Neville," scoffed Ron.
" Your the ones that said I need to start standing up to people," Neville reminded them.
" But not to us!" Hermione argued. Neville was still ready to fight all of them, both fist at ready.
" Neville I'm really sorry about this," Maggie apologized as she pulled out her wand. " Portrificus Tortalus" Neville froze and fell backward, only able to move his eyes.
" Your a little scary sometimes. Brilliant but scary," stated Ron. They walked out all apologizing to Neville, they carefully sneaked up to the forbidden corridor.
" Alohomara," Hermione said once they reached the locked door. Fluffy was snoring and the harp playing on its own.
"Wait a minute he's-" began Ron.
" Snoring," Hermione finished as a snore blew off the cloak.
" Snape has been here already, he put a charm on the harp," Harry said, Fluffy's paw laid over the trapped door. They then altogether moved the huge paw off the trap door.
" I'll fall first, don't follow until I give you a signal," began Harry. " If something bad happens, get yourselves out."
" Wait, does it seem a bit quiet to you?" asked Hermione.
" The harp stopped playing!" Maggie exclaimed as she ran over to it.
" Eh! Yuck!" exclaimed Ron as slobber landed on him. They looked to see the dog was awake.
" JUMP!" Maggie advised them as she tried her best to play the harp.
" WHAT ABOUT YOU?" Harry asked.
" GO!" Maggie yelled. The dog seemed to be falling back asleep as the three jumped. Maggie then stopped playing and slid over and down the hole. She landed next to Hermione on some plants. " Devil's snare."
" STOP MOVING!" Hermione yelled at the two boys who were moving. The plants were wrapping themselves around the students.
" Both of you stop struggling, this is Devil's Snare you have to relax, if you don't it will only kill you faster," explained Maggie as she sunk through it.
" Kill us faster! Oh now I can relax after it just killed Maggie!" snapped Ron as he continued to struggle.
" RON! Calm down and watch me!" Hermione snapped, she soon joined Maggie down below.
" HERMIONE! MAGGIE!" shouted Ron and Harry.
" NOW WHAT ARE WE TO DO?!" Ron yelled.
" JUST RELAX!" Hermione advised.
" WHERE ARE YOU?" Harry shouted.
" DO WHAT WE SAY TRUST ME!!" Maggie advised. Harry listened and sunk through.
" AHHH! HARRY!" Ron shouted in distress.
" He's not relaxing is he?" asked Hermione.
" Apparently not," answered Harry.
" We've got to do something!" fretted Hermione.
" We learned this in Herbology remember," Maggie reminded Hermione.
" That's right, Devil's Snare hates sunlight," Hermione remembers as she pulled out her wand. " Lumos!" Ron fell through, he got up dusting himself off.
" Phew! Lucky we didn't panic," he said, both girls rolled their eyes.
" Lucky Maggie and Hermione pay attention in Herbology," Harry corrected.
" Wait! Do you hear that?" asked Hermione.
" Yes, what is it?" Harry asked.
" It sounds like wings fluttering," Maggie commented. " According to my painting, we will come across a room full of birds that look like keys. They walked over to see that she was right. " We just have to find the right key that unlocks that door." They walked over to the door.
" Alohamora," Ron said pointing his wand at the door, nothing happened. " I thought I would at least give it a try." They looked at the keyhole. " It has to be an old fashion key."
" There!" Harry cried out as he pointed up. " The broken key!" It was easy to spot the injured key.
" Harry take the broomstick," Hermione advised Harry as she nudged him. He nodded and took off. He flew at incredible speed, all the other keys started to attack him. He somehow grabbed hold of the key.
" Ron! Catch!" Harry tossed the key to Ron who unlocked the door. All of them hustled in as Harry flew in right behind them. They shut the door and locked it before the other keys could attack them all.
" Where are we ?" asked Harry, the dim room looked creepy.
" Is this a graveyard?" Hermione asked Maggie.
" A chessboard," Maggie answered. The room lit up, showing the life-size board and all the pieces.
" There's the door!" exclaimed Ron. They slowly walked towards it, just to have the statues block them with their swords.
" What do we do?" Hermione asked.
" It's obvious isn't it?" asked Ron. " We have to play our way across the room." He then faced them. " Alright Harry, you take the empty bishop square, Maggie you take Rook, Hermione you'll be the Queenside castle and I'll be a knight." They all got into their positions. Ron climbed on top of the knight's horse.
" What happens now?" Hermione asked.
" Well, white moves first, and then we play," explained Ron.
" Ron, you don't suppose this will be like, real wizards you?" asked Hermione. A white piece moved and the Ron moved a black piece moved. The white piece took out a sword and destroyed the black piece.
" Yes Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess," answered Ron. He kept moving pieces, trying not to use the students as much as possible. Soon Ron looked amongst the broken pieces and dust and the board.
" Wait a minute," Maggie breathed.
" You understand don't you Maggie? Once I make my move, then the queen will take me. Then, Harry, you're free to check the king," Ron explained.
" No! Ron! No!" Ron protested.
" What is it?" asked Hermione.
" He's going to sacrifice himself," answered Maggie.
" No, you can't! There must be another way!" protested Hermione.
" Do you want to stop Snape from getting the stone or not!?" Ron snapped. " Harry, it's you that got to go on, not me, no Hermione and not Maggie, just you." Harry nodded reluctantly. Ron gripped the horse and looked forward. " Knight to H3." the horse moved towards the queen. The queen took out her sword and plunged it deep into the horse, Ron screamed as he flew off and landed off the chessboard unconscious.
" RON!" cried Hermione, she started to move.
" Don't move! Don't forget we're still playing!" Harry reminded Hermione, she remained in her square. Harry turned towards the king. " Checkmate." The sword fell out of the king's hand, declaring game over. They all ran over to an unconscious Ron. " Take care of Ron. Then go to the owrly, send a message to Dumbledore, Ron's right we have to go on."
" You'll be okay Harry, your an amazing wizard," Hermione assured him.
" Not as great as you two," Harry said.
" Us?" Maggie asked. " Books and cleverness."
" But there are more important things, friendship, and bravery. Just be careful," Hermione added. He got up and began to walk away, Maggie saw something flash in her head, it was not good.
" Harry!" Maggie breathed going after him.
" Maggie-" Harry began.
" In my head...I don't think we are right about who really is after the stone for You-Know-Who," Maggie explained. " Just be ready for anything."
" I will," Harry assured her. "I didn't know you could play the harp."
" I didn't either," Maggie breathed before walking away.
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