Chapter 27
Maggie was now in the Great Hall with everyone in her year.
" What do you think is going on?" Mandy asked.
" You know as much as I do," Maggie admitted.
" You didn't see this coming?" Hannah asked.
" I can't see everything," Maggie admitted.
" So only life-threatening stuff such as basilisk?" Justin asked.
" I guess," Maggie shrugged. " I do not have full control."
" Welcome third years," Dumbledore greeted everyone as he stepped up the podium, everyone went silent and looked at him. " We have noticed that not many of you are friends are close, so the staff decided to have you all spend one night together."
" What?!" Everyone demanded.
" You heard correctly," McGonagall smiled. " This Friday night you will be spending a whole night together, and if you can do it without killing each other, you will be able to go to Hogsmeade whenever you wish."
" That does not sound bad," Maggie said.
" Come on Maggie, you are willing to spend a whole night with Malfoy?" Ron demanded.
" It's just for one night," Maggie pointed out. " What is the worst that can happen?"
" I like your spirit Ms. Diggory," Professor Flitwick said. " You will be the leader for the Ravenclaw and make sure everyone Ravenclaw in your year is there on Friday night."
" Leaders?" Hermione asked.
" There will be leaders, ones who make sure the night goes smoothly without adult supervision," Snape explained.
" Who are the other leaders?" Maggie answered.
" Hermione Granger for Gryffindor," McGonagall answered.
" Justin Finch Fletchley for Hufflepuff," Professor Sprout answered.
" And Draco Malfoy for Slytherin," Snape answered.
" What time does this start?" Maggie asked.
" are the only one up for this, " Ernie pointed out.
" Don't be a bunch of milksops," Maggie huffed.
" You shall be there seven o'clock sharp, right after dinner," Professor Lupin informed.
" And what if we do not want to come?" Pansy asked.
" Detention for the rest of the year and house points will be deducted," Professor Vector answered.
" It is just one night," Maggie said, " We can do anything-"
" Has to be legal," Professor Sinistra insisted.
" We can do a night of studying, painting, bonding," Maggie listed.
" Can you stop encouraging this?" Isobel growled.
" Would you like detention for the rest of the year?" Maggie asked.
" No," Isobel asked.
" Would you like to be the reason we lost lots of house points?" Maggie asked.
" Says the girl that lost us 20 points before," Sue reminded.
" The past is past," Maggie shrugged. " We need to focus on the future, after Hogwarts, we will probably never see each other again."
" I can't wait, to never to see Malfoy," Ron huffed.
" Ron please," Maggie pleaded. " It will be fine, one night together and we can go to Hogsmeade whenever we want. Picture all that butterbeer."
" Well that doesn't sound bad," Ron admitted.
" All those trips to Zonkos, Honeydukes, any shop," Maggie listed.
" I agree with Maggie," Draco said. " We should be able to sacrifice one night together without killing each other...even if I have to be in a room filled with mud..."
" Don't finish that sentence," Maggie ordered fiercely.
" So it is settled, Friday after dinner, we will lead you to a secret room and you be there all night till Saturday morning," Dumbledore confirmed. " I suggest you take the remainder of the time to come up with ideas to do with those fourteen hours, more or less."
That Friday Maggie had a duffle bag with her at the table.
" Can't believe you are so into this," Anthony groaned.
" Come on Anthony," Maggie huffed. " It will not be that bad."
" You want me to sleep in the same room as Crabbe?" Anthony asked in disbelief.
" If all you can get through this night without one complaint, I will give you each a free painting," Maggie offered.
" Deal," the Ravenclaw in year all agreed.
" Malfoy seemed to be hanging on to every word you were saying," Terry pointed out.
" Everyone was," Maggie said. " I did most of the talking."
" You are not wrong," Michael agreed. After dinner, Hagrid led them to the room where Dumbledore waited for dinner. When Maggie walked in she saw a snack table, each corner for each house to put their items, and two bathrooms, one for boys, one for girls, each with about eight stalls.
" One night," Dumbledore said as everyone in the year filed in. " Good luck." He closed the door and everyone looked at each other.
" Well Ms. It won't be so bad Diggory," Pansy began. " What exactly do we have in mind for tonight."
" Well, the first study, I will do some free paintings and then games," Maggie answered.
" Sounds boring," Lavender huffed.
" For games in mind I have Truth and Dare, Spin the Bottle, and Seven Minutes in Heaven," Maggie listed.
" Now this is going to be interesting," Daphne breathed.
" We are thirteen, do you really think Seven Minutes in Heaven is necessary?" Hermione demanded.
" You don't have to play if you do not want to," Draco said. " Whatever happens in this room, stays in this room."
"No one secret will get out to the rest of this school," Justin added. " After this night we could have shit on everyone in this room."
"So you spill shit about someone else, we will spill shit about you," Maggie added. " So do we agree on not spreading each other's secrets?"
" We agree," Everyone said at once.
" Good," breathed all four leaders.
" So let's start out the night with studying and some portraits," Maggie suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Pavarti smiled. About three hours later they were done with studying and portraits.
" We can we kick it up a notch?" Fay asked.
" Sure," Hermione answered. " What should we do?"
" Truth or dare," Fay insisted.
" How about we split it up?"Susan asked. " We do all truths and then all dares."
" Truth is borning," Millicent groaned.
" All depends on the type of question," Megan said.
" Meaning?" Blaise asked.
" Any question can be asked, " Morag answered. " From personal to random to sexual." They then all got in a circle and began to ask away from each other. Maggie sat in between Justin and Mandy.
" So who goes first?" Mallory, a friend of Fay asked.
" You can start since you asked," Hermione suggested.
" Fine, are we starting with truths?" Mallory asked.
" Truth," Susan answered.
" So Terry, what is a bad habit of yours?" Mallory asked.
" Leaving things to the last minute," Terry answered.
" Typical Ravenclaws," Millicent rolled her eyes.
" At least we get things done," Terry shot.
" Guys we have to make it out alive," Maggie reminded them.
" Sorry," they apologized as they looked away from each other.
" Your turn to ask someone Terry," Susan insisted.
" Harry, what are you most self-conscious about?" Terry asked.
" My scar," Harry answered.
" Shocker," Draco rolled her eyes.
" Draco!" Maggie hissed.
"Sorry Mags," Draco apologized.
" Blaise, what is the color of your boxers?" Harry asked.
" Pink," Blaise answered, a lot of the classmates snickered.
" I always admired a man that is willing to wear pink," Maggie admitted, Blaise blushed.
" Really?" Blaise asked.
" I admire people that are willing to bend the stereotype that only girls can like pink," Maggie explained. " Your turn Blaise."
" Lisa, what is the color of your bra?" Blaise asked.
" Orange," Lisa answered. " Mallory, who is your celebrity crush?" Lisa asked.
" Kirkly from the Weird Sisters," Mallory answered.
" Can she ask someone twice?" Cormac asked.
" There is an odd number of us, so one of us will have to ask," Maggie explained. " So it will be Mallory."
" Hermione, what is your secret pleasure?" Mallory answered, everyone, perked up and turned to look at Hermione, her cheeks flushed. " Well?"
" Guys," Hermione protested.
" It won't leave this room, Mione," Maggie answered. She then hung her head in shame and looked up.
" My guilty pleasure metal music," Hermione answered.
" That is unexpected, but I dig it," Maggie smiled.
" If you dig it so much then Maggie what is a turn-on for you?" Hermione asked everyone turned to look at her, this time Maggie flushed. A couple of the boys and some girls perked up to listen to her closely.
" I get turned on by hands," Maggie answered
" Why hands?" Pansy laughed.
" Well I tend to work with my hands a lot, and I love seeing what someone else's hands can do," Maggie explained. Seamus then cat whistled and everyone laughed.
" Cormac what is the most embarrassing you caught your parents doing?" Maggie asked.
" My mom giving my dad's head," Cormac asked.
" I would bleach my eyes if I saw that," Hannah said in horror.
" Seamus, what is the most childish thing you've done?" Cormac asked.
" Told McGonagall my dog ate my transfiguration homework," Seamus answered making everyone laugh.
" I thought it would be believable!" Seamus defended himself.
" You blow up things five times a day, I would not believe you," Dean said.
" Dean's being mean to Seamus," Draco pointed out.
" They are best friends, I can't do anything about that," Maggie said.
" Isobel who do you hate most?" Seamus asked.
" You," Mandy whispered to Maggie, they both giggled.
" My dad's best friend's kid," Isobel answered. " She's ten years older and tries to act like my mom."
" Sounds like Bill sometimes," Ron admitted. " He tries to act like my dad."
" Pansy, what is the most expensive thing you've stolen?" Isobel asked.
" What?" Pansy gasped.
" We all know you are a pro at stealing, the secret is safe here," Justin explained.
" I stole a pair of diamond earrings from the store," Pansy answered.
" How did you not get caught?" Mandy asked.
" It takes practice to be this level of a pro," Pansy answered.
" Padma what is a turn-off?" Pansy asked everyone turned to see Padma flush.
" I hate it when a guy bites his nails," Padma answered. " It is a total turn-off...Ernie, what is the stupidest thing you've done?"
" I accidentally put itching powder down my pants instead of lotion," Ernie answered.
" That must have been a very itchful day," Hannah giggled, Ernie glared at her.
" Hannah, what is a silly fear of yours?" Ernie asked.
" Belly buttons," Hannah asked.
" You have a belly button of your own," Susan pointed out.
" I try not to look at it," Hannah admitted.
" Megan, who are you jealous of?" Hannah asked.
" Lavender," Megan answered. " She has such hair goals."
" Thanks," Lavender smiled.
" Michael, what is your dream job?" Megan answered.
" An astronomer," Michael answered. " Sue what time do you get up in the morning?"
" Sometimes five," Sue answered.
"Why so early?" Tracey asked.
" Because some of us never went to sleep or is already up," Sue answered, all the third-year girls looked at Maggie.
" What these paintings won't paint themselves," Maggie defended.
" You should also sleep more," Justin advised. " Lots of loss of sleep can affect you badly in the long run."
" I am fine," Maggie assured him. " Your turn Sue."
" Zacharias are you afraid of the dark?" Sue asked.
" A little, but I am a wizard is should be fine," Zacharias asked.
" Justin if you were stuck on an island who would be stuck with?" Zacharias asked.
" Ernie," Justin answered. " Bros forever."
" BROS FOREVER!" Ernie cheered making everyone laugh.
" Crabbe, what is your shoe size?" Justin asked.
" Nine and a half," Crabbe asked. " Weasley most embarrassing photo of you."
" I don't have it with me," Ron said.
" Then describe it," Maggie ordered.
" Thank you, Maggie," Ron hissed
" My pleasure," Maggie smiled.
" The picture is of me peeing the toilet for the first time when I was getting potty trained, you can see everything," Ron answered, everyone, laughed. " Daphne, who is your childhood crush?"
" Merlin," Daphne answered.
" He's so old," Lisa reminded her.
" And like a very famous wizard," Daphne pointed out. " Goyle how many children do you want?"
" Sixteen," Goyle answered.
" Bless that woman that will bear you sixteen children," Maggie said with wide eyes.
" Maybe it will be you," Goyle said as he wiggled his eyebrows.
" I can compromise with three," Maggie said.
" You are willing to sleep and marry Goyle?" Anthony asked in disgust.
" Love is love," Maggie said.
" Wayne, what is the weirdest thing you've eaten?" Goyle answered.
"The toenails that you shoved down my throat," Wayne answered.
" Ewww," Everyone coursed.
" I am a bully, I gotta have someone eat my toenails," Goyle said.
" No, not really," Pansy denied as she shook her head.
" Pavarti what superpower would you have?" Wayne asked.
" The power to look beautiful all the time," Pavarti asked.
" Did a goddess just wish to be even more beautiful?" Mandy asked. " The prettier you get, the more we all look like trash cans." Everyone laughed.
" Susan, what is your childhood nickname?" Pavarti asked.
" Suickle," Susan asked as she grew red.
"It's adorable," Anthony said, this caused her to blush more.
" Lavender sexiest person in this room?" Susan asked.
" Pavarti," Lavender asked.
" We already know that," Mandy agreed.
" Dean, who would you like to make out with most?" Lavender asked.
" I would not mind making out with paint lips," Dean said. Everyone looked at Maggie.
" I'm already having three kids with Goyle, might as well get in line," Maggie said, everyone laughed.
" Tracey, would you have sex with a staff member?" Dean laughed.
" Lupin," Tracey answered.
" So that is a yes," Pansy answered with wide eyes.
" The scratches on his face make him look hot as fuck," Tracey gushed.
" Ask someone before we hear about your nasty fantasy with Lupin," Millicent ordered.
" Fay favorite song?" Tracey asked.
" Don't forget about me," Fay answered. " Neville strangest place you've peed?" Everyone looked at Neville, he has barely said a word all night.
" I've peed in one of Snape's potions once," Neville answered. " I had to pee so bad."
" I wonder how that affected the potion," Hermione wondered.
" Not very well," Neville answered. " Anthony, what is your top vacation spot?"
" New York, distant relatives of mine are from there, it's always fun to visit," Anthony answered. " Morag what is your favorite place to be kissed?"
" The neck," Morag answered.
" Isn't it heavenly?" Isobel asked.
" Like cloud nine," Morag confirmed. " Millicent, perfect first date?"
" Middle of the Quidditch field," Millicent answered.
" That's adorable," Maggie gushed.
" Pansy, who would you have a threesome with?" Millicent asked, everyone gasped and looked at Pansy. She might as well sign her own death certificate.
" Draco and Maggie," Pansy answered.
" Guys I can't be with all of you," Maggie said. " I am only one Maggie."
" Who is giving Goyle three kids, kissing Dean, and having a threesome with Draco and Pansy," Justin listed.
" Fantastic," Maggie breathed, they all laughed.
" Why did I get asked twice?" Pansy demanded.
" Bad luck," Draco answered.
" Draco what is your darkest fear?"
" This won't get out to the whole school?" Draco asked nervously.
" Promise," Maggie confirmed.
"It's my father," Draco answered. Maggie reached over and grabbed his hand and rubbed it.
" We are always here for you Draco," Maggie said. " Well I know I am." He smiled at her.
" So who is now ready for Dares?" Hermione asked. Everyone raised their hand with eagerness.
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