Chapter 23
The day it was time for class, Maggie already used the time turner and now was in Divinations. The room was filled with different fumes, a bunch of small, short circular tables and chairs. The room looked like an antique cup shop. Red scarves were on all the lamps. The professor was a woman, she had glasses that made her eyes look enormous and very tangly and dirty blonde hair.
" Welcome my children. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the sight!" She then ran into the table, some people looked at Maggie.
" This definitely your type of class freak," Isobel whispered to Maggie.
" Hello, I am Professor Trelawny. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future! This time we shall be focusing on the art of reading tree leaves so please take the cup of the person sitting opposite of you." Everyone exchanged cups, Maggie took Mandy's cup. " You see the truth lies beneath. Like a sentence within a book. Waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds!" She grabbed hold of Seamus's head. " First, you must look beyond!"
" What a load of rubbish," said Hermione causing Ron to jump.
" I think it's brilliant," Maggie said.
" Where did you two come from?" Ron demanded.
" We? We've been here all this time," Hermione said as Trewlany walked over to Neville.
" You boy. Is your grandmother quite well?" Trelawny questioned.
" I-I-I think so." Neville stuttered. Maggie saw something flash in her mind, she tried to shake it out so she could pay attention in class.
" I wouldn't be so sure. Give me that cup," She instructed. Dean gave her the cup. " Oh, hmmm, pity." She took one looked and put it back on the table, Neville looked into it once she turned away.
" Maggie," a voice whispered, she looked back to see Draco. " What does my cup say?"
" Doesn't Pansy have it?" Maggie asked.
" I wanna know," Draco pleaded.
" Fine," Maggie gave in.
" Broaden your minds!" Trelawny instructed before turning to Ron. " Your aura is pulsing dear! Are you in the beyond? I think so!"
" Sure," Ron said nervously.
" Look at the cup, tell me what you see," Trewlany demanded. Ron took the cup and began flipping through the pages of his book.
" Um, well. Harry's got some sort of a wonky cross, that is suffering. And, uh that there could be the sun, and that's happiness. So you are gonna to suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it," Ron reported, Hermione stifled a laugh.
" Give me the cup," Trewlany instructed, Ron, who did as he was told. She took one look and threw the cup back while letting out a scream.
" What is it Professor?" squeaked Pavarti.
" My dear boy...You have the Grim," Trewlany gasped.
" The Grin? What's the Grin?" Seamus asked.
" The Grim not the grin, you idiot" Dean responded.
" The Grim," Lavender Brown began. Everyone looked over to see her hunched over a textbook. " Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it is among the darkest omens in the world. It is an omen...of death." Class ended, and everyone was packing up and putting the teacups back.
" Maggie," Draco whispered to her. She looked over to see him holding out his cup. " My reading." Maggie grabbed it and images flashed in her head. The cup dropped out of her hand, and Draco caught it.
" My dear is everything alright?" Trelawny asked. Maggie looked up to see the whole class looking at her.
" I'm fine," Maggie breathed as she stood up. " Better get to my next class." She then left with everyone else.
" Wait what did you see?" Draco asked as he ran up to her. She continues to walk, he grabbed her hand and they both stopped walking and faced each other. " What did you see Maggie?"
" Pain," Maggie answered. " Lots of pain." She ripped her hand out and walked away as fast as she could. Moments later she was heading down to her next class, she was walking with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
" You don't think that Grim has anything with Sirius Black," Ron asked.
" No," Maggie answered.
" Oh honestly don't listen to her Ron. If you ask me Divination's a very wooly discipline," Hermione scoffed.
" It's not wooly," Maggie argued.
" Well Ancient Runes is a much more fascinating subject," Hermione stated.
" Ancient Runes?" Ron questioned. " Exactly how many classes are you taking Hermione?"
" A fair few" Hermione answered.
" Hang on, that's not possible. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination, you'd have to be two places at once," Ron said.
" Oh don't be silly Ron," Maggie giggled. " How can anybody be at two places at once? Divinations are not wooly."
" It's stupid," Hermione rolled her eyes. " It's distorted just like your paintings...A perfect subject for you."
" My paintings mean something," Maggie argued. " All you are is someone that is extremely arrogant when it comes to knowledge."
" How dare you!" Hermione growled, and the boys got in between the two girls.
" Maggie you should go help Neville," Harry advised. Maggie looked over to see Neville falling over and being attacked by his Monster book.
" Fine," Maggie groaned, she walked over and picked up the book, and stroked its spin. The book calmed down and lay calmly in Maggie's arms.
" How did you do that?" Neville asked in shock.
" Stroke the spin," Maggie advised. " It makes them calm for a bit."
" I will keep that in mind," Neville nodded as he stood up.
" Come on! Gather around!" Hagrid greeted the class when they were at his hut. " Come closer. Less talkin if ya don't mind." Everyone went silent. " I got a real treat for ya today! A great lesson! Follow me!" He leads them through the woods, they stop at a small clearing. " Right you lot, stop the chattering and form a group over there. Now open your books to page 49."
" Exactly how do we do that?" demanded Malfoy.
" Just stroke the spine of course," answered Hagrid. Everyone did as they were told. Neville took his book out of Maggie's arms, opened it and the book started to attack him once more, he fell over, and people laughed.
" Don't be such a wimp Longbottom," Draco stated as he and his group passed.
" I'm okay, I'm okay," Neville informed, Maggie took the book back and stroked the spin.
" Maybe your book doesn't like you," Maggie stated.
" So funny," Neville playfully sassed as he stood back up.
" Oh tremendously funny!" Draco laughed. " Really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs! Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes!"
" Draco!" Maggie gasped.
" Shut up Malfoy!" Harry demanded as he began walking towards Draco. He threw his bag to Crabbe and met Harry in the middle.
" Harry no," Maggie pleaded as she got in between the two, now everyone made a circle around them.
" Dementor! Dementor!" Draco shouted sounding terrified. Everyone looked and the Slytherins roared with laughter. Maggie shook her head and let out a gasp when she saw Hagrid. Everyone looked to see him walking back over to them, he had a Hippogriff with him.
" Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid asked Maggie rummaging through her bag, she pulled out paper and a pen. Hagrid tossed the Hippogriff a ferret who gladly ate it. " Say hello to Buckbeak?"
" Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Ron asked.
" That Ron is a Hippogriff," Hagrid answered. " First thing to know about Hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You don't want to insult a Hippogriff. It may just be the very last thing you'd ever do. Now, who'd like to come say hello?" Everyone stepped back. " Well done Harry." Harry looked to see he was the only one that did not back up. " Come on." Maggie went over to the rock that Neville was at, placed her stuff on it, and began to draw. " Now you have to let him make the first move, it's only polite, so step up, give a nice low bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does you can touch him if not...well we'll get to that later. Now bow...nice and low." Harry slowly bowed his head. Buckbeak began to freak out. " Back off! Hagrid back off!" Harry stepped back and broke a twig in the process. Buckbeak stared curiously at Harry before bowing back. " Well done Harry! You can pet him!" Harry gently put his hand in front of him. " Let him come to you." Maggie managed to sit on the rock as she doodled Buckbeak. Soon Harry was petting the magnificent creature. " I think he might let you ride him now."
" What?" Harry asked.
" Come on don't be afraid," Hagrid laughed as he picked up Harry and placed him on Buckbeak.
" Hagrid, I don't think I can do this," Harry denied.
" Sure you can." Hagrid encouraged before smacking the animal's hind. Buckbeak then took off flying, and Maggie was madly doodling.
" That looks amazing," Neville stated as he looked over her shoulder.
" Thanks," Maggie breathed.
" It looks done," Neville stated.
" Not quite yet," Maggie breathed, she took out her wand and tapped it against the paper. The doodle of Buckbeak was now taking off and flying.
" Woah," Neville smiled as he took the paper. Before they could say anything else Harry and Buckbeak returned to the class. Everyone clapped as Hagrid helped Harry off. Out of the corner of Maggie's eye, she saw Draco beginning to pass the rock.
" Draco no!" Maggie insisted as she jumped onto his back, he kept walking, she latched on to him, and he made sure she would not fall.
" Yeah, you're not scary at all you great ugly brute!" Draco sneered.
" Malfoy!" Hagrid. Buckbeak got on its hind legs, and Maggie closed her eyes and spun the two around, she felt her self-get stricken, and the two fell over, and Maggie rolled off of Draco and stared at the sky. Hagrid got Buckbeak to calm down and back off.
" Oh, he's killed me! He's killed me!" groaned Draco.
" You're not even the one hurt!" Justin hissed as he rushed over to Maggie. Draco looked and saw he was not even hurt, he looked over to see Justin beside Maggie who was staring blankly at the sky.
" It hurts," Maggie said to Justin, she was looking at him, tears threatening to spill.
" It probably is not that bad," Justin assured her. He put his hand under her back and helped her sit up, he removed his hand to see it covered in blood; Maggie leaned against Justin for support.
" She needs to get to the Hospital!" Hermione urged.
" You should take Draco," Maggie said. " I did fall on him, I could have broken his arm."
" I'll do it since I am the teacher," Hagrid said as he picked up Draco. Justin did the same thing to Maggie, she put her head against his chest, and as he carried her. The rest of the class followed or went in separate directions.
" Maggie!" Mandy gasped as she ran up to the side of them.
" Mandy," Maggie smiled. " Justin, I am getting blood all over you."
" That is the least of my worries," Justin stated.
" You just let yourself get hit instead of Malfoy," Mandy reminded her. " He deserved it, he knows Hippogriffs are easily offended."
" It was just an instinct, " Maggie shrugged.
" You can't save everyone," Justin said,
" I can try," Maggie said as she began to close her eyes.
" Eyes open Missy," Hannah ordered. " We need are more than just a business partner." Soon Justin set Maggie on the bed and Madame Pomfrey took care of her. Cedric visited her and tackled her with hugs and kisses all over her face. He told her to be more careful, he told her that he doesn't like these yearly heart attacks of her getting hurt all the time. It was now late, Maggie was the only one in the wing and Justin walked.
" You should be in your common room," Maggie stated.
" I figured you would want something to read," Justin said as he held up a book.
" I can read it later," Maggie assured him.
" Fine, I will read it to you," Justin said as he pulled up a chair.
" Go to bed," Maggie insisted.
" Not until you do," Justin said as he opened the book. He read the book to her until she fell asleep. " See you in the morning." He then left the room.
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