Chapter 18
Maggie was now in the courtyard with Cedric, they were doing homework together.
" You know Maggie," Cedric began. " I think you are ready for the OWLS next year."
" I think you are crazy," Maggie said.
" I'm seriously Maggles," Cedric insisted. " You are one of the smartest people I know and I am not just saying that because you are my little sister."
" Really?" Maggie asked him.
" And the dumbest for getting in that car," Cedric said.
" I just wanted to get to school," Maggie defended herself.
" So you let Ronald Bilius Weasley take the wheel?" Cedric asked.
" Fair point," Maggie giggled.
" I will talk to McGonagall and some other teachers about it," Cedric offered. " I am sure they won't mind."
" You would do that for me?" Maggie asked.
" Just a big brother looking out for his little sister," Cedric smiled.
Time passed, Filch was ready to give anyone detention for walking past the spot that Mrs. Norris was petrified. Maggie now sat in Transfiguration class, she sat in between Neville and Mandy.
" Can I have your attention please?" McGonagall began. " Right, now today we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so." She pointed her wand at the bird. " One, two, three, Vera Veto." The bird turned into a silver water goblet. " Now it's your turn, who would like to go first?" No one volunteered, not even Maggie. " Mr. Weasley, one, two, three, Vera Veto." Ron picked up his wand and cleared his throat.
" Vera Veto," Ron said, Scrabbers turned into a furry goblet with a tail, it was squeaking. Hermione giggled, Ron glared at her. " That wand needs replacing Mr. Weasley." Maggie then slowly raised her, her visions kept making her question what she was actually seeing. " Yes, Ms. Diggory?"
" Professor, I was wondering if you can tell us anything about the Chamber of Secrets?" Maggie asked. The room became dead silent, everyone laid their attention on McGonagall.
" Very well," McGonagall breathed. " Well, you all know of course that Hogwarts was found over 1,000 years ago, by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously, one did not."
" Three guesses who," muttered Ron.
" Salzar Slytherin wished to be more selected about students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all magical families. In other words: Purebloods. Unable to sway the others he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle. Known as the Chamber of Secrets. But shortly after departing, he sealed it. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within and by doing so purge the school of those who in Slytherin's view were unworthy to study magic," McGonagall nodded.
" Muggleborns," Hermione breathed, McGonagall, nodded.
" Well, naturally the school has been searched many times. No such Chamber has been found," McGonagall explained.
" Professor" Maggie began. " What exactly does legend tell us, what lies within the chamber? "
" Well the Chamber's said to be the home of something that only the Heir of Slytherin could control, it is said to be home...of a monster," McGonagall explained. After class Maggie walked with the golden trio.
" Do you think it's true?" asked Ron. " Do you really think there is a Chamber of Secrets?"
" Yes, couldn't you tell? McGonagall's worried, all the teachers are," Maggie answered.
" But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets and it really been opened then that means..." began Ron.
" The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is who is it?" asked Harry.
"Let's think, who do we know who thinks Muggleborns are scrum?" asked Ron.
" If your talking about Malfoy--" Maggie began.
" Of course! You heard him! You'll be next mudbloods!" Ron said.
" Malfoy may be quite the bigot, but he is not the heir," Maggie argued.
" Maybe Ron is right. I mean look at his family. The lot of them have Slytherin for centuries," said Harry.
" But a long time ago Malfoys did marry muggleborns, nobody knows it though, it's been covered up," Maggie explained.
" Crabbe and Goyle must know!" suggested Ron. " Maybe we can trick them into telling!"
" Even they aren't that thick," denied Harry.
" But there might be another way!" Hermione said as she stopped dead in her tracks.
" Polyjuice potion?" Maggie asked.
" Yes, but we'll be breaking about 50 school rules," said Hermione. "And it'll be dangerous, very dangerous."
" Polyjuice potion?" Ron asked.
" It properly allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily to the physical form of another," Maggie explained.
" You mean if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked.
" Yes," Maggie answered.
" Wicked!" Ron breathed. " Malfoy tells them everything."
" Exactly. But it's tricky," Maggie said. " I've never seen a more complicated potion."
" How long will it take?" Hermione asked.
" A month," Maggie answered.
" A month!" Harry explained. " But Maggie, if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin he could attack half of the Muggle-borns at this school by then!"
" I know, but's the only plan we got," Maggie admitted.
The next day was a Quidditch game, Maggie decided to stay behind instead of going. She was working on a painting when Mandy bust in the room.
" What is it?" Maggie asked cautiously.
" Oliver, Draco, and Harry are all in the hospital wing," Mandy answered as she breathed heavily. " Oliver got knocked unconscious, Draco landed badly. And this mad ball chased Harry, he broke his arm, then Lockhart performed a spell and it made his arm go limp. Harry has no bones in his arm."
" Oh, Merlin!" Maggie gasped as she stood up. She quickly took off towards the hospital wing. She ran in to see three of the beds taken. She ran over to Harry's bed.
" Are you alright?" Maggie asked.
" I'm fine, not having bones feels weird," Harry answered, then bent his wrist all the way back and then let it go as if it was jello.
" Ew," Maggie breathed. She then heard groaning. " What is that sound?"
" Malfoy," Ron groaned. Maggie looked over to see Malfoy on a bed right across from them, he was groaning like crazy.
" Oh, Mr. Malfoy stop making such a big fuss you can go!" Madame Pomfrey ordered as she rushed over to Harry. " Out of my way! Out of my way! You should have been brought straight to me. I can mend bone in a heartbeat, but growing them back."
" You'll be able to won't you?" asked Hermione.
" Oh, I'll be able to certainly, but it'll be painful," Madame Pomfrey said.
" You'll have to use Skelegrow right?" asked Maggie.
" That's right," said Madam Pomfrey, sounding impressed. " You're in for a rough night Mr. Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." Harry took a sip out of the goblet, before spitting it out. " Well, what were you expecting? Pumpkin juice?" Everyone walked away beside Maggie.
" Are you sure you will be alright?" Maggie asked.
" Well according to Madame Pomfrey I will have a rough night," Harry answered. " Other than that, I think I am fine."
" Sorry for not going," Maggie apologized. " I probably could have fixed it."
" It's alright," Harry said. " Lockhart would have beat you to it."
" Most likely," Maggie laughed.
" Why didn't you go to the match?" Harry asked.
" I got more customers on the weekend," Maggie answered. " Eight all weekend."
" But you did only ten in the summer," Harry reminded her.
" Yeah, well, I really want my own store," Maggie said. " Well, we really want our own store."
" For the smartest witch of our year, you are going to open an art shop?" Harry asked. " You are a very humble person."
" Thanks," Maggie smiled. " Hope you get better." She then left the room to let Harry get some rest. On her way to her common room, she got stopped by McGonagall.
" Come with me," McGonagall requested. " Dumbledore would like to talk to you." Maggie followed McGonagall until she stood in Dumbledore's office.
" Head Master Dumbledore," Maggie greeted.
" Ms. Diggory, it seems to me that your brother wants you to take your OWLS this year," Dumbledore said.
" He thinks I'm ready," Maggie said.
" Do you think you are ready?" Dumbledore asked.
" With some of the classes, but not all," Maggie answered.
" Which ones are you uncertain of," Dumbledore said.
" The art one and Ancient Runes," Maggie answered.
" Then it is settled, you will take all OWLS of the basic subjects next year," Dumbledore said.
" Really?" Maggie asked.
" You better start studying," Dumbledore suggested. Maggie nodded and left the office, she now had a whole load on her plate.
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