Chapter 10

The next morning Maggie got up and collected all her paintings from the images in her head and dreams. She carefully carried the pile to McGonagall's office. On her way, she bumped into someone. They both regained balance and thankfully the paintings didn't get damaged. 

" Do you need help?" Blaise asked from the other side. " Where are you taking these too."

" McGonagall," Maggie answered. " And I got it."

" Are you sure?" Blaise asked as they started to walk.

" I am sure," Maggie answered.

" Can you even see where you are going?" Blaise asked.

" Yeah, I know by the painting on the wall," Maggie answered.

" What about other people?" Blaise asked he took some giving her sight pasted some canvases.

" Hopefully they move," Maggie breathed as they started to walk. 

" Draco lost us 50 points," Blaise informe.

" I know, I was there when it happened," Maggie confirmed.

" Did you lose 50 points for Ravenclaw?" Blaise asked.

" 20, Professor McGonagall was really impressed with my chalk art," Maggie answered. 

"The well was you?" Blaise asked in shock. " That is so good."

" Thanks," Maggie smiled. They soon reached the transfiguration room and waiting was McGonagall and Dumbledore. 

" I will see you later," Blaise said before leaving.

" See you later," Maggie agreed as McGonagall closed the door. They then looked at her paintings.

" This is exactly like how it is set up," McGonagall said to Dumbledore.

" How long have these dreams and blinks been happening?" Dumbledore asked Maggie.

" Since I was little, but I never told anyone about them till this year," Maggie answered.

" When did you paint the troll one?" McGonagall asked.

" A week before the troll incident," Maggie answered.

" You have a gift Ms. Diggory," Dumbledore stated. " You are like a seer, but different."

" What I paint are things from the future?" Maggie questioned.

" Something along those lines," Dumbledore said. " This is a very rare gift, you must never give in to the dark side with this gift."

" Or let your paintings fall into the wrong hands," McGonagall added. Dumbledore then took the paintings and left the room.

" Have you done your scheduling for next year?" McGonagall asked.

" Yes," Maggie confirmed.

 " Would you like a class that is offered to third years and above?" McGonagall asked.

" What class would that be?" Maggie asked.

" Art," McGonagall answered. " You clearly have the talent, it will be an easy class for you."

" Would that affect my schedule?" Maggie asked.

" Not the slightest," McGonagall assured her. 

" Can I learn another subject?" Maggie asked. " I can teach it to myself."

" What class is that?" McGonagall asked.

" Ancient Runes," Maggie answered.

" Done," McGonagall confirmed.


It was now the night of detention. Maggie, the golden trio, and Draco were following Filch outside.

" Pity they let the old punishments go, there was a time, in detention, we'd find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. Oh, how I miss the screaming," reminisced Filch. " You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do in the dark forest." They had just reached Hagrid at his hut, he was carrying supplies while crying. " Oh good god man, you're not still on about that dragon about that bloody dragon are you?"

" Norbet's gone," Hagrid sniffed. " Dumbledore sent him off to Romania, to live in a colony."

" Well that's good isn't it, he'll be with his own kind," Hermione said.

" Yeah but, what if he doesn't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all," ranted Hagrid.

" Oh for god's sake get it together man. You're going into the Dark Forest after all," Filch reminded him.

" The forest! I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there!" exclaimed Malfoy.

" Are you scared to go into the forest Draco?" Maggie asked him.

" Students aren't allowed! And there are-" He got cut off by a howl. " Werewolves." 

" There's more than werewolves in those trees lad. Can be sure of that nighty night," Filch said before walking away.

" Right let's go then," said Hagrid as they headed towards the forest.

" If you are scared, you can hold my hand," Draco offered to Maggie.

" I will be fine, but thanks for the offer," Maggie said. " I can fend for myself."

" As the smartest witch in our year, you probably can," Draco agreed. 

" You think I am the smartest?" Maggie asked blushing.

" Everyone does," Draco stated. " And unlike Granger, you are not arrogant about it either."

" Thanks," Maggie said blushing more before they stopped walking. They looked to see Hagrid dip his fingers in silver and thick puddle.

" Hagrid, what is that?" Harry asked.

" What we're here for, see that?" Hagrid asked the group. " That's unicorn blood that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago." All of their mouths dropped open. " Now, this one been hurt badly by something. Everyone looked around the forest. " So, it's our job to go find the poor beast. Ron and Hermione, you're with me, then Harry, Draco, and Maggie go together." They all looked at each other and sighed.

" Okay, I get Fang," blurted out Draco. 

" Fine, just so you know he's a bloody coward," Hagrid informed, Draco's smile vanished. 

" We have Maggie, we will be fine," Harry said.

" I am 11," Maggie reminded him.

" Alright let's be on our way," instructed Hagrid, they all went their separate ways.

" You wait till my father hears about this," Draco complained. " This is servant stuff."

" If I didn't know better Draco, I'd say you were scared," Harry argued.

" Scared," Draco laughed off as a strange sound was made.

" Did you hear?" Maggie asked as she took out her wand. 

" Come on Fang," Harry encouraged the bloodhound. They walked more, peering around every corner carefully. They soon stopped walking, Fang began growling.

" What is it, Fang?" Harry asked they looked over to see something cloaked, leaning over a dead unicorn, drinking its blood. Harry gasped and grabbed his scar.

" Get away from it!" Maggie yelled at it. It looked up at them and let out a sound.

" AHHHHH!!" Draco screamed before he ran away with Fang right behind him.

" Get behind," Harry ordered as he got in front of Maggie, the thing flew over to the two students.

" Harry, it's just like one of my paintings," Maggie said. " This is not good." They backed up, till they tripped over a log, they backed up till they found themselves trapped, Harry held onto Maggie and she held on to him, the thing kept floating closer to them. Suddenly something lept over their heads and fought off the thing. The cloaked person then turned around and floated away and out of sight. The two then got up, let go of each other, and carefully walked forward. They saw a centaur walk into a clearing. 

" Harry Potter and his companion you must leave at once," the centaur insisted. " Harry you are known to many creatures here, the forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you."

" What was that thing you saved us from?" Harry asked.

" A monstrous creature," the centaur. " It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. You slain something so pure, but from the moment the blood touches your lips you will have a half-life, a cursed life."

" Who would choose such a life?" Maggie asked.

" Can you think of no one?" the centaur asked.

" Do you mean to say that thing that killed the unicorn, that was drinking its blood? That was Voldemort," Harry said.

" Do you know what is hidden in this school at this very moment, Mr. Potter and his companion?" the centaur asked getting close to their faces.

" The Sorcerer's Stone," Harry breathed. They heard barking.

" Harry!" Hermione called out.

" Maggie!" Draco called out. They looked over to see Fang, Hagrid, Ron, Hermione, and Draco.

" Hello there Frenz," Hagrid greeted the centaur. " See you met our young Mr. Potter and our young Miss. Diggory. All right there Harry and Maggie?" They nodded at them.

" Harry Potter and Maggie Diggory," Frenz stated, they looked back at the centaur. " This is where I leave you both. You're safe now. Good luck." The centaur walked away, and they watched, Hagrid glanced over at the slain unicorn. After detention, Maggie went to the Gryffindor common room. She and Harry explained to the other two, what happened in the forest. Ron looked terrified, while Hermione was trying to process everything.

" You mean You-Know-Who's out there right now in the forest?" asked Hermione.

" But he's weak," Maggie answered.

" Don't you get it! We had it wrong this whole time! Snape does not want the stone for himself, he wants the stone for Voldemort," Harry explained. " With the Exlir of life he can be strong again he'll, he'll come back." He let out a sigh.

" But if he does come back, you don't think he'll try to kill you?" Hermione asked she was worried.

" I think if he had the chance he would've tried killing us both tonight," Maggie said. Ron let out a gulp.

" And to think I've been worried about my potions exam," said Ron.

" Hang on a minute! We're forgetting one thing," insisted Hermione, they all looked at her. " Who's the wizard that Voldemort always feared?" 

" Dumbledore," Maggie answered.

" Exactly!" Hermione exclaimed. " As long as Dumbledore's here, Harry you can't be touched." They all seemed to relax. Maggie quickly and quietly made her way back to the Ravenclaw dorm. When she got there, all the girls were awake

" How was detention?" Lisa asked.

" We went into the forbidden forest," Maggie answered.

" What for?" Sue asked.

" Somebody has been killing unicorns, we found blood and one dead," Maggie answered.

" Who would do such a thing?" Padma gasped.

" You-Know-Who," Maggie answered. " He is in the forest right now, but he is hurt."

" How do you know?" Mandy asked.

" Cause I saw him, he was no less than ten feet away," Maggie explained.

" Were you scared?" Isobel asked.

" You wouldn't be scared?" Lisa asked her.

" How did you come face to face with You-Know-Who?" Isobel asked.

" We split into groups, I was with Harry, Draco, and Hagrid's dog Fang," Maggie explained. " And we saw this thing drinking unicorn blood, I yelled at it, it looked up, Draco and Fang ran away in fear."

" So you and Harry faced You-Know-Who together?" Sue asked.

" No, a centaur named Frenz saved us," Maggie corrected.

" You and Harry would be cute together," Mandy stated.

" That is soooo off-topic," Maggie laughed.

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