The Son of Neptune
Last time on Different War:
In the meantime, Lord Zeus was having a hissy fit. "My son DIED?!" He shook from anger.
"Lord Zeus, it was an accident." Piper tried to calm him...only to make it worse.
"WHO!" The one word bounced off the walls.
"It was Lady Hera!" Jason yelled. "She showed her true form and I didn't look away!"
"You died?" I asked, shocked that my little brother died and came back. Realizing who did it, I turned to the cow goddess herself. "Hera..."
Annabeth started to laugh. "At least Jason wasn't turned into a guinea pig like Percy was!"
Now On Different War:
~Nico's Perspective~
Knowing Annabeth, that was her way of stopping a massive fight from breaking out.
"Good job, Annie..." The ghost spoke under their breath behind me.
I blinked, forcing the tears back
"Annabeth!" Percy whined. "We don't talk about that! It only happened once!"
"Wait, Percy was turned into a guinea pig?" Frank asked, confused.
"That explains a lot from when he was getting his memories back." Hazel commented with a small smile.
"My son lost his memory?" Lord Poseidon questioned.
"Yeah, we both lost our memory before we were sent to the other camp." Jason interjected.
"Actually Percy was put to sleep for months before he resurfaced in Camp Jupiter. The Roman camp." I added in seeing the confused looks from the past demigods, excluding the Romans.
"How long?" Annabeth demanded, eyes going red from unshed tears.
"I don't know exactly-"
Annabeth glared at me, then at Percy. He raised his hands defensively. "Hey, this hasn't happened to me yet."
Annabeth rolled her eyes, leaning on Percy.
I smiled slightly.
"What happens to Percy while he's at the Roman camp?" Jason asked, curious about what his cousin had to go through.
"Percy told me that the first thing that happened after he stayed with Lupa is being chased by the two sisters of Medusa."
"A pair of gorgons." Apollo snorted.
Hazel gave the sun god a strange glance. "Frank and I were on sentry duty at the Caldecott Tunnel entrance when Percy came running up with an old lady in his arms."
"At first, I thought he was a Roman God, but it turned out he was only carrying one." Frank continued. "It was hard to watch an amnesiac Percy Jackson talk back to a god as if he had nothing to fear."
"It even looked like Mars was enjoying it. They seemed to have a conversation." Hazel shuddered at the thought.
A snort of laughter came from the spirit. It seemed like Dad didn't notice or doesn't know there is a ghost here that belonged in the underworld...or the future underworld?
"Because of Percy, we won the war games. Something that never happens against the bigger cohorts." Frank smiled at the memory.
"Towards the end of the game, one of the centurions died. She didn't stay dead for long as we quickly found out that Thanatos had been captured." I cut in.
"Who would capture death?" My father asked, looking concerned at the thought.
"Who would steal from a god...?" Thalia spoke under her breath, glaring at Luke who didn't notice the harsh look.
Percy burst out laughing suddenly.
"Ignore him. He's insane after all of the quests that he had gone on. Continue." I spoke up for my breathless-from-laughing cousin.
The demigods in the room started to laugh. Even though it was the cold truth, you had to learn to laugh at your situation or find the funny in it as a demigod.
"I would assume the giants captured Thanatos, correct?" Athena asked.
"Yes. Gaea had Alcyoneus hold Death hostage in Alaska." I answered.
"The land beyond the gods." She nodded in thought.
"Anyway, Mars-"
"-gave a quest to Frank to go to save Thanatos in Alaska." Hazel finishes, giving Jason a strange look for saying the war god's Greek form.
"He tried to explain that a quest was being issued, but Percy kept interrupting him. In the end, Mars claimed me and said I would lead the quest. We had to choose another person to go on with Percy and I because my dad demanded it." Frank laughed a little at the memory.
Poseidon smiled proudly. "The sea doesn't like to be restrained."
"Why was he talking back to Ares this time?" Annabeth asked, her eyes shining brighter from amusement.
"This time?" Jason questioned.
"It happened in his first quest." Thalia answered her brother with a wave of dismissal.
"Oh, Mars did act as if he knew Percy." Hazel commented. "They were going back and forth like old rivals."
"And then Octavian was saying how it wasn't an official quest because there wasn't a prophecy." Frank explained.
"That's probably something Percy remembers from before. He used to stand up to the gods of Olympus whenever one of us was treated unfairly by our parents." I added, thinking about what happened between my father and Percy at the time of the Titan War. "I wasn't too concerned with Percy's defiance since Mars wouldn't have risked doing something to him or the fact that Percy could have won that fight."
"Do you really think that?" There were other comments around the room after I finished my thought on what happened that day, but I only heard the low, broken whisper from behind me. I wasn't going to look to see how...the lost soul was taking everything that was happening.
It took a few seconds for me to come back to the conversation.
"-must be crazy to go up against so many powerful gods." Leo grinned, bouncing up and down in his seat like a child who had too much sugar.
Hazel frowned. "We were given five days to free Thanatos. And before we left we had to go to a Senate meeting."
"Reyna, the only praetor at the time, made the choice to make me a centurion as only an officer can lead a quest." Frank looked down at his forearm where the SPQR along with Mars' symbol (crossed spears) and one line for his year of service.
"And in the end, since there was an army coming to attack Camp Jupiter, the only way the Senate would help was by giving us a boat." Hazel shuddered thinking about something unpleasant.
Frank smiled at her and took her hand, Aphrodite and Silena squealed slightly at the gesture. "We left the docks in Alameda and stopped in Mendocino because of Hazel's sickness. It didn't help that it was a very tiny boat."
Poseidon smiled kindly at Frank. "The Romans were afraid of the sea. It would make sense that they have the one small boat."
"It wasn't your seasickness, was it?" I asked Hazel, already knowing the answer.
My half-sister smiled weakly. "I had a blackout. I was going to tell Frank, but he already figured it out."
"Figured what out?" Athena asked, her gray eyes trying to calculate the situation.
I sighed, knowing this wasn't going to end well.
"She came from the underworld." My dad spoke up. "Hazel Levesque died in the 1940's."
Silence as everyone tried to figure out how to react to the news.
"Then Hazel was kidnapped by grain spirits." Frank blurted out. His cheeks grew red as we all looked at him. Percy started to laugh. Apollo, Hermes, and Leo joined into the laughter as they were the least mature.
Hazel smiled at Frank in thanks.
"I'm glad they made it out of the battle against Gaea." I felt my eyes sting as I try to hold back all the emotions that I've been keeping in since the war with Gaea.
"Nico?" Hazel's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"
I opened my eyes, not realizing when that happened. "Fine. Can we hurry up? It's been a long day."
Zeus nodded. "We will take a break after this story."
Hazel, as well as Percy, looked concerned still, but continued. "They were karpoi. I was able to distract them until Frank and Percy came. We soon defeated them."
"They wouldn't stay dead, so Percy threatened to light them and the field on fire." Thalia laughed while Annabeth shook her head with a smile. "That's when we saw the army that was on its way to Camp Jupiter. Before the army left, there was a store where a goddess was fighting the monsters that were getting too close by throwing healthy Ding Dongs. We met Iris, the rainbow goddess." Frank stopped, taking a breath.
"Iris told Frank about a seer named Phineas who could tell us where Alcyoneus was hiding. We took the little boat to Portland where we found the seer attacking the harpies that he was cursed to eating his food..." Hazel's voice faded out slowly as I came to a realization.
"No one here was there when the quest of the seven officially started..."
"I know..." I replied softly, feeling the ghost settle down next to me. "I'm the only one here that was there when-" I choked back a sob.
"What is this even for anyway? Do you know why you are here, listening to the life story of a lost hero and all the quests that were a part of the two wars?" His voice was filled with grim amusement.
"I don't know anymore..." We grew quiet after that, focusing back towards Hazel and Frank as they talked through their first quest.
They explained how they rescued Ella and how Percy tricked Phinaes in a game of chance.
"You WHAT?!" Poseidon yelled, his face pale at the thought of his son could have died from gorgon's blood.
"Dad, it hasn't happened yet!" Percy raised his hands in surrender.
"Wait until he hears about Tartarus...I wonder what will happen..." I couldn't help it after I met Percy, I found out I was a demigod, and losing Bianca, I haven't felt the urge to laugh so much until now.
Everyone in the throne room was startled by my loud laughter. It wasn't even funny, but just hearing...him...breaking the tension like he used to made me realize how much I really miss him.
"Nico?" Hazel asked as concern was written over her face as my laughter died down. "Are you okay?"
I nodded. "Just keep going." I stopped laughing, but there was a small smile on my face still.
Thalia and Percy exchanged looks before shrugging.
"After Phineas died, we were looking for the Amazons because Reyna asked Percy to ask her sister for help." Hazel spoke next.
"Reyna's sister is an Amazon?" Jason asked.
"She's Queen of the Amazons. She leads the group." I answered.
"Queen Hylla was having a problem with the Doors of Death being open as the first Amazon Queen came back to life and was persuading the Amazons into joining Gaea's side. She called challenged Queen Hylla with a battle to the death, but-"
"If Queen Hylla pervails, Otrera could always come back and challenge her again." Athena nodded as she finished the sentence for Hazel.
Hazel described how Hylla helped her, how the three escaped the Amazons, and how Arion took them to Canada before the chariot fell apart.
"He called me Chinese Baby Canadian Man." Frank stated when Hazel mentioned that Percy was talking to Arion.
Laughter rang through the room at that one.
When it calmed down, Frank opened up on his family history and that his life is tied to a half-burned stick of wood. He briefly talked about what happened at his family's mansion in Vancouver and his grandmother.
Finally, they talked about landing in Alaska and moving towards Hubbard Glacier. Then Frank talked about the Gryphons and Percy plan of hiding underneath a Hyperborean.
"Seaweed Brain." Annabeth laughed at Percy as he stuck out his tongue at her childishly.
I smiled a little at the scene. "I'm glad to see her smile again." The ghost was sad seeing the couple, but there was a smile on his lips.
Hazel looked nervous before she told what happened next. "When we got to Seward, we found out from Gaea that Nico had been captured when he was looking for the Doors of Death."
"Are you okay?"
"What happened?"
Were the most questions that were sent towards me.
"It will get worse when Tartarus gets mentioned." I glared at the ghost, half-listening to my dad telling everyone that was a spirit here, but he can't see and doesn't know who it is. "I'm glad Hazel didn't talk about what really happened when she found out about you."
Thinking back on it, I don't remember what exactly happened. Hazel, Frank, and Percy never talked about everything that happened in Alaska.
"We should keep going." Hestia cut in. She sent me a sad smile when no one was looking. It made me realize why Percy liked her so much, she's one of the best gods.
"The next morning, Arion came back when the Gryphons came back and he took us to the glacier. And Percy commented on how much he cussed." Frank laughed with Hazel joining in.
Percy of the past smiled and looked at peace even though I knew he was nervous about the new war he will be forced into.
They talked about what they found at the glacier (a replica of Camp Jupiter) and that the only way to free Death was by the fire of Frank's lifeline. He freed Death and then figured out his family's gift of shapeshifting.
Apollo whistled. "That's amazing!"
They told how Frank freed Death, Percy fought against an army of ghost shades with a hurricane and then later the crumbling of the glacier to drown the entire army, and how Frank and Hazel took Arion and Alcyoneus to Canada and killed the giant there.
"Because he is immortal in his homeland." Chiron nodded in thought.
Hazel talked about how they came to find Percy at Glacier Bay with no shades around, and then their journey south with the gold eagle and a lot of imperial gold weapons that were lost decades before.
"What about the army marching towards Camp Jupiter?" Jason asked, frowning in worry.
Frank and Hazel smiled. "Don't worry, Jason. Camp Jupiter was in good hands."
Hazel took over after that. "We got to camp while it was under attack, but Percy called Mrs. O'Leary the hellhound and Tyson who had Ella with them. Mrs. O'Leary took over for Arion and Percy took her into battle with the gold eagle."
"Wow." Jason stared at Percy who blushed.
"Tyson as the General of the Cyclops' Army took off towards the battle too." Frank spoke up.
And like that, they finished up talking about the battle. The Amazons came, Percy with the help of an angry Terminus defeated Polybotes together, and how the Son of Poseidon was raised up as Praetor.
"You're forgetting about how you and my sister became a couple." I said before anyone could say anything. Now wasn't the time to talk about this.
Immediately, Hazel and Frank blushed. There was then talk about feasts and the Feast of Fortuna.
After some time, Frank finished the story. "Before we came here we were walking out of a Senate meeting discussing the fact that some Greek demigods were on their way to Camp Jupiter so the prophecy of the seven can begin."
"So, what happened next?" The still proud looking Poseidon asked.
Shrugs and looks were thrown around. I was the only one that was around during that time, but I wasn't around. I only heard the story from the seven...or what's left of the seven.
I stood up and walked out of the throne room without a word, not caring about the startled and concerned looks.
I had to get around before I drowned from the guilt of what happened...
Not my best work, but I'm proud of it. I've already started on the next chapter, but there are a few things I need to figure out before I can finish it.
I hope this was an okay update, I know it's been almost a week since I posted the author's note. Sorry!
Things have been a little crazy for me, although they are dying down, so the next chapter should be done here soon. Crossing my fingers that it will be out soon.
I do need to reread Mark of Athena, and that takes longer than usual because I'm stopping to write or to figure something out for this book, so patience, please.
And thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting (your comments always motivate me and make me smile), and generally putting up with me. I'm not an easy person to deal with, never mind me as a writer.
I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you again!
Until the next chapter!
Published: April 30th, 2020.
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