(HP) Secret Snowman
Late Christmas special! Inspired by a tradition I have been doing with my friends for the past few years.
Set in 8th year
The Wizarding war had been hard on everyone, young or adult. However, the world must move one. So now Headmistress McGonagall sent an invitation to students for finishing their education, creating an 8th year. Some declined, not wanting to face trauma. Only some returned. This year consisted of the Golden and Silver trios, Theodore Nott, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Terry Boot, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Michael Corner. They all had a hard time being back in the castle, the fewer people making it prominent for their losses.
Not wanting to deal with any more pain, the 8th years formed a unity at the start of the year, deciding to live in the same dorms. They let go of any rivalry they had (mainly the Golden and Silver trio, Harry and Draco were another story). And they introduced each other to their customs, the muggleborns and half-bloods sharing their games and vice-versa with the pure bloods. They stood up for each other, protecting each other from the ever-last stares and whispers and protecting the Slytherins from the students who couldn't see two meters in front of them. They set an example for the rest of the school and became as thick as thieves. McGonagall couldn't be more proud.
December had started off as a very snowy day. It would only be three weeks before Christmas break started, and the 8th years wanted to do something special, but she didn't know what. Hermione was staring out the window of the dorm, thinking about what to do. She saw one of the youngest years building a snowman, with some other coming behind them and putting something behind them then running away. When the person turned around, they saw the parcel. Picking it up they looked at it and slowly opened it. Inside was some candy. Just then the delivering person came back and the receiver gave them a big hug.
And bam! An idea hit Hermione over the head. She quickly took out some parchment and began scribbling furiously.
"Secret Snowman? What's that?" a person asked.
"Well, some of you may know it as Secret Santa, but since the purebloods don't know who Santa is, I changed it to secret snowman."
"Wait really? We're doing this?" Dean asked, his eyes shining. Hermione nodded. "Wicked! I haven't done this in so long!"
"But what is it?" somebody else asked.
"So basically, we all put our names on a piece of parchment and put it in some kind of container. We then take out a name. Whoever we got we have to get them a gift. But we can't let the person know you got them while we are shopping for them. They are to only find out after the exchange. Understood?" Everyone nodded.
"Alright. To give your person a better understanding of what to get you, everyone fill out this form."
Hermione passed the parchments to all students. Everyone grabbed a quill and started filling it out.
"Now, fold it twice and put it in this hat." So they did.
"After lunch, come back and take a piece. If you get yourself, draw again. The exchange date will be the day before Christmas break."
"Hermione!" Harry cried, bursting into her room.
"Pansy!" Draco screeched, pulling her into an empty classroom.
"I got Malfoy/Pottah!"
Over the span of next week, it felt like 6th year all over again. Only this time, Malfoy was also following Harry around. People were surprised how the two hadn't noticed. Those two were stressing the most about their gifts. Sure the two had become sort of friends, but they still bantered to keep something normal.
Ron had gotten Seamus, Hermione getting Dean. Neville got Blaise, Pansy got Justin, Seamus got Hermione, Dean got Theo, Ernie got Susan, Michael got Ernie, Susan got Hannah, Terry got Ron, Blaise got Neville, Theo got Pansy, Hannah got Terry, and Justin got Michael.
Now, Harry may not be the most observant person, but he was really good when it was needed. He noticed how Draco, even after escaping his family's hegemony, was still pretty graceful. He only got the best if he could, not wasting his time on useless objects. He ignored the insults hurling at him for the sneering people, giving them his own signature sneer. But he knew it was hurting him. His confidence wavered a bit each time. However, the mask stayed in place each time, not wavering in front of thousands of people. Draco was also touch-starved, like himself.
Harry noticed, even with the mask, how happy he was when spending time with his friends, how shocked when he was included in the house projects. He knew he had nightmares, depending on Harry's handmade coffee that he made for everyone. Draco secretly had a major sweet tooth, but his favorite sweet was liquor chocolates. Every time he had a snack, green apples were his go to. His favorite subject was potions, but he also enjoyed charms.
The list Harry got (damn that perfect script) was ignored after first glance. Harry's gut told him that even if the answers were truthful, he needed to get something better because obviously the git has everything on the list. He wouldn't open up, certainly not like this.
Draco, on the other hand, was observing just as many things. He saw how Harry did not seem to have a single ounce of grace in him, but there were occasions it was hard to believe he was the same person. He was happy with whatever he got, no matter how horrible it was. He clearly didn't care for expensive things, more meaningful, actually. He noticed how Harry did not like the fame on bit and always made sure to stay away from the spotlight, but it eventually found him. He saw how he was extremely protective of his loved ones. Harry also had a mask on his face, shadowing pain and weariness. If he wanted to, it would be very hard to tell he was hurting. But sometimes it broke through. He did not trust adults much, opting to work alone or with his friends. He was touch-starved and was reluctant to ask for help.
But Harry loved spending time with his friends. He was a great cook (although Draco was reluctant to say so). He enjoyed peace and quietness and often went into the forbidden forest. He also had nightmares, but Harry made sure it did not affect his day. He had a horrible temper but worked hard to control it. His favorite snack was treacle tart and he also loved chocolate.
Though the list (Draco scoffed at the messy scrawl) was helpful, he knew he had to get something extraordinary. There was nothing special about this list and it was mostly ignored.
What Harry and Draco didn't pick up on was that the other was an important part of their life. Whatever they do will affect the other, no matter how big or small.
Slowly, time passed at Hogwarts. Most of the 8th years had picked out their gifts and wrapped it, ready to be delivered. Some however were waiting for the last minute or still didn't know what to pick. Some people were curious as to who got them, but they kept their lips sealed. Even Neville did not spill who he got.
Malfoy and Potter were still fretting over what to get, but not as much as before. They still haven't been caught by each other, and it was the biggest sort of enjoyment for all of Hogwarts. Even Ron, who was expert at holding grudges and the second most thick person, was shaking his head. He got to admit the two would make a cute couple.
Finally, the day of the exchange was here. Everyone had wrapped their gifts and stored it under the small Christmas tree in the corner. Dean put on some Christmas music from the stereo Harry and Hermione had charmed. The 8th years had a small party before they opened their gifts.
Harry looked at his gift. It was wrapped perfectly with a green and silver bow on top. He could distinctly tell who this was from. It was a medium-sized present. He looked around, trying to confirm his suspicions. And he was proven correct when said person kept not-so-secretly glancing at him. Wanting to know what he got, he carefully opened his gift to reveal...
a leather jacket.
Harry blinked. And blinked again. Then he quickly stood up and brought himself into a better light.
It was a black leather jacket with designs embedded on it. Everything was mostly in white with some other colors for details. Near the bottom right corner were foot-paw prints. There was a set of hooves, dog paws, and wolf paws. All were surrounding lilies. On the sleeves there were constellations and the moon. There was a snitch on one of the shoulders. On its collar his name was embedded. Turning to its back, there was a snowy white owl sleeping.
"It's enchanted," a voice drawled next to him. Draco Malfoy was leaning over his shoulder, looking over his present. "You just tap a certain image and it moves around."
Harry tapped the snowy owl and immediately it started moving. It lifted his head and ruffled its feathers, staring at Harry with its ember eyes.
"This is brilliant," Harry said softly. "Thanks." Draco nodded. He turned his head the other way and Harry took that chance to wipe his eyes.
"Have you opened yours?"
"Not yet. I wanted to see the results of my present. Looks like I sought out the best gift." He gestured to how tenderly Harry held the jacket.
"Well, open it. I want to see your gift."
Draco pulled out the present from his robes. Then he looked at Harry.
"You already know don't you? This has you written all over it."
"Just open it you git."
Draco rolled his eyes and unraveled the surprisingly well-wrapped gift (not as well as his, obviously). It was surrounded with red and gold ribbons.This revealed a...
snow globe.
Inside this snow globe was a miniature version of Hogwarts, Christmas version. There was part of the Forbidden Forest poking out from one side and the Black Lake from the other. The snow was never ending and it was only an inch of snow at the bottom. Where the rest went, it was unknown.
"This is also enchanted. You can change it to any season you want and you can make it as big or small as you want. You just have to tap it with your wand twice and think of it."
"What gave you the idea I wanted a snow globe?" Draco asked, an unreadable expression on his face. But Harry had observed enough to know it was just a facade.
"Well, a snow globe is very pretty, doubt you had one before," Harry teased. "But actually, I got this because I thought it would be something you would like. It's one of a kind, I kind of charmed it myself... But that's not the point. I know you enjoy the snow, and winter is one of your favorite seasons, and Hogwarts is like a second home to you, so if I combined all these together, I thought it would be a really nice gift, not perfect, but up to your standards-" he stopped as soon as he saw a tear slide down the porcelain skin.
"D-Draco! What's wrong?" Harry asked frantically. But Draco just chuckled slightly.
"Thank you, Potter. This is a really nice gift," Draco gave Harry one of his rare smiles.
Harry swore his heart stopped.
"U-uh no p-problem," he cursed himself for stuttering.
"Would you join me for one of your handmade cocoas?"
Harry smirked.
"I thought you didn't like my cooking."
"This isn't cooking or baking, it is making a beverage. Something you are satisfactory at."
"Alright, guess I'll stop making lasagna and those chocolate chip cookies."
"Have you gone insane?! I...feel that would be an insult to all that can't cook."
"Like you perhaps?"
"Would you make me a cup of hot chocolate or not?"
Harry chuckled.
"Fine. come along then."
The two enjoyed the rest of their break hanging out with each other, since none of them went home. Coincidentally, everyone else was out of the castle, save for a few.
When the students returned a week later, they knew something happened between them. I mean, you wouldn't be border lining flirting in your insults and stealing kisses now and then, would you?
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