Chapter 6: Party And Sleepover (Part 1)

[ At The Other f(x) Members ]

No One's POV

Sulli was on her house doing nothing but playing games on her phone sitting on her couch like a freakin' boss. Victoria was laying comfortably on her bed. Amber was listening to songs. And Luna was singing songs.

'I feel really bad for Krystal that Taemin-oppa cheated on her. I hate Taemin-oppa now. How dare he cheat on our Soojung?!' Sulli thought.

'Taemin's such a bad boy. Did he cheated on Soojung on purpose or he just played with other girls?' Amber thought.

'Taemin, you're dead when i see you talking to Krystal again.' Victoria thought.

'Our poor maknae... How are you now?' Luna thought.

"E-E-E-Electric Shock!!" All of their phones rang at the same time.

"Yoboseyo?" They all asked.

"YAH, unnies!! Come to my house now! We'll have a party and a sleepover. Better bring your PJ's and stuffs you needs for tonight. Bye! See ya!" Krystal yelled through the other line cheerfully and hung up.

'Wow, it's like she have forgotten what happened yesterday...' All the members thought.

[ Back At Krystal's House ]

"What are these, Seohyun-unnie?" Krystal asked Seohyun who was holding a pile of books.

"Oh, horror stories for tonight." Seohyun said.

"Horror you say?! That's great, Seobaby!" Yoona yelled.

"Yoona-unnie, please stop calling me 'Seobaby'! It's embarrassing." Seohyun said.

"It actually fits you, unnie." Krystal said.

"See? My twin agrees with me!" Yoona said.

"Aigoo~" Seohyun sighed while shooking her head.

'Ow! I think i hurt my finger.' Jessica thought. Jessica was looking for knife because she, Yuri, and Taeeyon were cooking. And no, Jessica is just a helper. She won't cook. Jessica closed the drawer too hard that it hit her fingers.

"Chill, Sica. You don't have to be angry at the poor drawer 'cuz it hurt you finger. Gimme that knife." Yuri said.

"What's with you?" Jessica mumbled and handed Yuri the knife.

'Aigoo~! I hate cooking today and i don't know whyyy!!' Taeyeon thought.

"Tell my whyyy~!!" Tiffany playfully sang behind Taeyeon. Tiffany readed Taeeyon's mind like an open book.

"Yah!" Taeyeon yelled.

"Taeyeon, you're just so lazy today." Tiffany said.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you try helping here, Fany-ah?" Taeyeon asked.

"Chill! You're also cold today, which what i approve and like of. At least i have something to do now!" Tiffany yelled.

"Be careful with the fire." Jessica said.

"I know how to do this, Jessi." Tiffany said.

[ Meanwhile At The Living Room ]

"My members are so late." Krystal said.

"Maybe they were doing something important." Sunny said.

"We're here!" The f(x) members yelled as they opened the door.

"Speaking of." Sunny said.

"What took you so looong?" Krystal asked.

"We were late? It had just been... Ummm... 19 minutes since you've called, Soojung." Victoria said.

"Right, right, we'll--"

"GOSH, JESSI OUT OF THE WAY!!" Krystal was cut off when Tiffany yelled after Jessica screamed.

"You freaking spilled hot water on my arm!" Jessica yelled. Krystal ran to the kitchen and sighed.

"I told you guys to be careful." Krystal said.

"At least the water isn't really hot." Yuri said and wiped off the water off of Jessica's arm.

"Yeah, you're so lucky." Taeyeon said. Krystal walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch.

"Well, someone looks depressed." Sulli said.

"Oh, nothing." Krystal said and crossed her arms.

"Jelly? Or you're just being delulu?" Yoona asked.

"Yoona-unnie, fix your language." Seohyun said.

"You're too innocent, baby. You need to change your langauge sometimes... B***h. Like that! You gotta call other people, names!" Yoona yelled.

"That is not funny. And it's disrespectful to other people!" Seohyun said.

"Yah, yah, yah, stop the ruckus." Victoria said.

"I'm not being jelly or being delulu!" Krystal yelled in frustation.

"Then, why are you like this?" Amber asked.

"Dunno." Krystal said.

"Jelly and delulu, Krys." Luna said.

"Okay, okay, comsider it that but i'm not jelly! Nor being delulu!" Krystal said.

"You like your sister?" Sulli asked.

"How can siblings like each other dude? I don't like unnie." Krystal said.

'Ooooh, snap.' Tiffany thought. The girls at the kitchen heard it loud and clear.

"Thennn, perhaps you like Yuri-unnie?" Seohyun asked.

"No." Krystal said.

'That must've hit Jessica hard. Krystal needs to apologize.' Taeyeon thought. Jessica was just dozing off again but she heard what Krystal said.

[ Timeskip: 6:45 PM ]

They finished eating and now the lights were off and they were watching a movie. A scary one.

"Oh gosh, blood!" Krystal yelled.

Sitting Arrangement: Sulli Victoria Luna Amber Yoona Seohyun Yuri Hyoyeon Taeyeon Tiffany Sunny Sooyoung Jessica Krystal

"Gross." Everyone said except Jessica whose mind is somewhere else far.

"Well, someone's dozing off again." Yuri said.

"Krys, wake her up." Luna said. Krystal poked Jessica's cheek and Jessica came back to reality.

"Are you okay?" Krystal asked.

"Yeah." Jessica said.

"You sure?" Krystal asked.

"Yeah." Jessica said.

"Tell me the truth." Krystal said.

"Sure. Whatever. I'm out of here." Jessica said and stormed away to her room.

'What's up with her?' Krystal thought.

'So Krystal's words did hit Jessica!!' Taeyeon thought.

'My ship is gonna sail now.' Amber thought.

"Follow her." Sunny said. Krystal nodded and walked to Jessica's room which is locked.

"Unnie, let me come in." Krystal said. Jessica peeked at the door and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" Jessica asked.

"Let me come in." Krystal said.

Jessica's POV

Why did Krystal's words hit me hard earlier?! I hate this feeling!! I don't... I don't like my sister, don't i? I can't!!

"No." I said and locked the door.

"Please~! Soojung, is scared~! Please let Soojung in~!!" And there she uses her aegyo which i cannot resist.

"Fine." I said and opened the door harshly that it banged to the wall.

"What's up with you today, unnie?" Krystal asked.

"Nothing. Get out." I said.

"Why are you being cold now? Did i did something wrong, JESSICA?!" Krystal yelled.

"Huh, can't believe you have the urge to yell at me at this situation." I said calmly.

"Answer my question, unnie! It's been bugging me all the time! Why are you cold to me now?!" Krystal yelled. I clenched my fists and realized something... I like my own little princess.

"Because I LIKE YOU, KRYSTAL!!!"

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