The Handler chuckled as Diego and Five approached them "I love the smell of that fresh country air, don't you darling?" she asked "Makes me want to vomit" Lila said "What do you want?" Five asked as he glanced between Lila and The Handler "To watch you suffer" Lila said as she looked at him and Five gave her a smirked smile.
"What about me?" Diego asked and Lila looked at him with a look of disgust on her face "You're not even worth my wrath" she said "Easy" The Handler said before she looked at Five who stared angry at her.
"I swear to god if you lay a hand on the twins or their mom I will kill you" Five hissed "You took my child and my love away from me. I will not let you do the same with the twins" he said and The Handler smiled.
"Well. We're here on official business" she said "And what business is that?" Five asked "As the head of The Commission, I've decided to eliminate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former board of directors" The Handler said "Yeah, right. We didn't kill the board" Diego said "Uh, actually, Diego, that's not entirely accurate" Five said and Diego turned his head to look at him "You didn't tell them. Oh, Five" The Handler said.
While Lara was able to convince Mitch and Andy to stay in the barn, her, Allison, Klaus and Luther had walked out of the barn and was standing by the field, looking at Five, Lila, Diego and The Handler.
"What do you think they're talking about? "Allison asked "I don't know" Klaus said "Which one's the girlfriend?" Luther asked.
"Lila and Diego still love each other" Lara said which cause the three others to look at her "How do you know that?" Allison asked "I know true love when I see it" Lara said.
"Five, what the hell did you do?" Diego asked as he looked at Five "What I had to get my family home" Five said while looking at Diego before he turned to The Handler "Until somebody reneged on our deal" he said "Somebody wouldn't have reneged if somebody could've met a simple deadline. Alas" The Handler said.
"You set me up to fail" Five said "You set yourself up to fail, friend. You, your brothers, sisters, your girlfriend, the two little brats. Kinda the running theme of your little life, isn't it?" The Handler said and let out a small chuckled.
"Dude, I can't believe you killed the board of directors. You have no idea how messed up The Commission is right now" Diego said as he was looking at Five.
"Messed up? Who's saying that?" The Handler asked "Everybody" Diego said as he turned to her "Christ, even the janitors think it's going to shit" he said.
"That's not all he killed" Lila said and the three turned to look at her "What are you talking about?" Five asked "Don't play dumb, you prepubescent piece of shit" Lila said aggressive "Enough" The Handler said as she put down the briefcase.
"The point is all of you are going to die today. Hmm" she said "Oh. Well, I don't like your chances. Ten of us, two of you" Diego said "You know, you're right. Let's change that" The Handler said before she she snapped her finger and instantly almost every agent of The Commission appeared behind her with briefcases and guns causing Diego and Five to widened their eyes.
"That's not good" Lara said as they saw all the agents "Oh, my God" Luther said "There must be hundreds of them" Lara said.
"So what do we do now?" Diego asked "Well, we got two choices: fight and die now or run and die later. Either way, we're food for worms" Five said "Preference?" Diego asked "Wouldn't mind a few more minutes breathing air through the windbags" Five said.
"All right. Let's get this over with, shall we?" The Handler asked and she pulled out a small red rag from her pocket before holding it up.
"Run!" Five shouted before the two turned around and started running "Shit. Go! Go!" Lara said before they all turned around and started running.
The Handler let go of the rag and the agents let out a battle cried before they started running after Five and Diego.
The agents opened fired at Diego and Five who kept running. Bullets was flying around the others as they kept running as well.
The cloud above the barn vanished along with the lightning as the they were all running while dodging bullets.
"Get down" Allison said as they took cover behind barrels with hay.
Diego and Five took a quick look back "We're not gonna make it!" Diego shouted as bullets flew around them.
Then Five grabbed Diego "What are you doing?" Diego asked and Five blinked them farther ahead, closer to a red tractor.
"Five, I think I'm gonna puke" Diego said as he stumble forward "No time" Five said.
The sound of bullets striking and ricocheting was heard as the three pulled down, taking cover behind the red small tractor.
"What now?" Five asked "We blink into the house, man!" Diego said "Okay" Five said and grabbed Diego's knees.
Five tried again and the sound of energy flutters was heard as his powered died out.
"What?" Diego asked "Shit, I'm out of fuel. I'm too tired" Five said while glancing around as he moved his hands away from Diego.
Diego peered round the wheel, to see that the agents was coming closer "Go! I'll...I'll cover for you" he said before he stood up and walked around the wheel of the tractor.
"Diego, what are you--" "GO!" Diego shouted at Five and he took that as his cue and he stood up before he started running towards the house.
Diego got out of cover before he stretched his arms forward and with his powers he made the bullets slow down.
He then moved his arms to the side making the bullets flew to the side where they hit a big hay bail.
The big hay bail blew up as Diego took cover again behind the wheels of the tractor "Shit" he said.
Five managed to get to the house where he quickly hid under the dinner table while glass was shattering as the bullets flew into the house while he was keeping his head down and was holding his hands on his ears.
"What are you gonna do?" Sissy asked Vanya "I'm gonna end this thing" Vanya said "Let's us help you Vanya" Andy said "The more power, the bigger" Mitch said and she nodded.
Vanya's skin turned pale as she used powers causing an high-pitched tone resonating to be heard. Andy and Mitch mimic her powers making their skin to turn pale as the sound of high-pitched tone resonating got bigger.
The others looked up and they saw Mitch, Andy and Vanya came flying out of the barn.
The three's skin was pale and their eyes was white "Let's show them" Andy said and the two nodded.
Mitch and Andy then grabbed each other's hand as they looked back at the army and a high-pitched tone intensifying came out of Vanya.
The three let out a grunt as they sent out a huge energy force wave towards the army.
Wind was howling and glass was shattering as the wave hit the agents causing them to flew backwards knocking them to the ground.
The high-pitched tone hums softly as the twins and Vanya power their powers a little bit down.
Andy, Mitch and Vanya exhales sharply as they both powered a little bit down.
"Whoa!" Klaus said as they all took cover.
Five looked out the window and his eyes widened when he saw the twins flying up in the air next to Vanya. "They always surprised me" he said.
"They really are something special" Luther said "That's my boys" Lara said with a proud smile.
Everyone smiled as they thought that was it, but then their smiles faded when they heard energy whooshing steadily and they looked out on the field to see a bubble of icy blue energy.
Off the distance stood an unharmed Lila and The Handler inside a bubble of icy blue energy force.
"What the hell?" Lara asked in shock "That's not good" Mitch said.
"How are they doing that?" Luther asked as you all looked at The Handler and Lila who were both inside of the bubble that had shield them from the twins' and Vanya's energy wave.
The bubbled then dropped to the ground "Your turn, dear" The Handler said and energy started thrumming as a icy blue light appeared on Lila's chest and as she started flying up in the air, her eyes turned white and her skin turned pale as high-pitched tone resonating making the wind whistling.
"That is not good" Diego said as everyone's eyes widened "What the hell" Vanya said as they all saw that Lila's powers was similar to the twins' and Vanya's powers.
"That's not normal" Diego said "What the hell" Lara said while her, Klaus, Allison and Luther started backing away a bit.
"Shit. Shit" Five said before he took cover under the table again and Lila sent out a huge every wave towards the siblings.
The sound of a loud blast was heard as the wave of energy ran across the farm, hitting the others making them all flew backwards.
"Mitch, watch out" Andy said as he went up in front of his brother just as the wave hit Vanya and the twins causing them both to flew backwards before hitting the barn, landing on hard on the ground.
Luther felled through the house's roof and landed hard on the floor with a grunt and Allison landed in some hay.
"Catch me! Catch me! Catch me!" Klaus shouted as he felled from the air and before he hit the ground, two ghosts grabbed him "Oh, thank you" he said.
Diego landed hard on the ground and the red tractor landed on his foot causing him to yell out in pain.
Lila then floated down to the ground again "Aah! Well done, darling. Let me know when you've killed them all, will you?" The Handler said "Okay, Mum" Lila said "And remember, don't kill the twins, we need them" The Handler said "I know" Lila said before she started walking forward.
"Luther, you all right?" Five asked as he rushed over to Luther who was growling before he lifted his head off the floor "Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue" he said "Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn't be talking, you big moron. Come on, on your feet" Five said as he help Luther to his feet and Luther groaned as he got to his feet.
He stumbled a bit backwards, grabbing Five's shoulder to support himself "Hey, what the hell happened. What was that?" he asked "She must've redirected Vanya's and the twins' energy wave" Five said "Yeah, I know, but how?" Luther asked.
Then suddenly some bricks started falling down from the broken roof causing Five to look up to see the bricks and his eyes widened "Luther, watch out!" he shouted as he put his hands on Luther's chest before he pushed him aside as the bricks tumbled down on Five, burying him.
Luther stumble backwards almost tripping over a piece of the broken roof "Five!" he shouted as he rushed over to the pile of bricks "Five" he shouted as he bent down to the pile of bricks before he started removing the bricks.
But then Lila blinked into the house and she chuckled at the sight. "What are you?" Luther asked as he stood up "Someone who wants to kill your brother" Lila said "Well, that's understandable. Diego can be a lot to handle" Luther said as Lila walked over to him.
"Yeah, I was talking about Five" Lila said "Him, too. But, unfortunately, they're family, so you're shit out of luck" Luther said before he threw a fist towards Lila but she put her hand out, grabbing the fist before it could hit her face.
Luther let out a grunt and a groan as the sound of leather glove creaking was heard.
"How is this possible?" Luther asked as he was trying to push the fist towards her but she was holding it back with the same strength, "Gotta believe in yourself, big boy" Lila said before she threw Luther out of the house.
Lara let out a grunt as she stood up.
"There you are" a voice said and Lara looked forward to see Lila "Hey" she said with a sarcastically smile.
"You do know that I have to kill you right?" Lila asked and Lara nodded "I know, but I'm not gonna go down that easy, so bring it on bitch" Lara said and Lila smiled "With pleasure" she said.
Lara threw a punch at her, but she dodged it before she grabbed her arm and punched her in the face before she kicked her in the waist.
She threw a punch at Lara but she quickly dodged it before she grabbed her arm, jumped up and spin around, swinging a kick towards her, hitting her in the stomach causing her to stumble back.
Lara then jumped up in the air and swung a kick at Lila again, hitting her one time before she reach to dodged the other kick.
Lila threw a punch at Lara but she dodged it before she threw a punch at Lila but she moved to the side dodging the punch.
Lila threw another punch at Lara who dodged before she kicked her in the waist, causing Lara to stumbled back.
She then a punched at Lara, but she grabbed her wrist and kicked her in the stomach causing her to let out a grunt.
Lara threw a few punches at Lila, hitting her in the face a few time, but as Lara threw another punch, Lila grabbed her arm and turned it around, before she went behind Lara and wrapped her arm around her throat.
"I'm gonna take your kids with me. They are gonna join me and my mom" Lila said.
Lara headbutted her, causing her to stumble back, before Lara swung her legs under Lila's causing her to fall.
"Get near my sons and I will kill you" Lara said "Do you know the truth?" Lila asked "The truth about what?" Lara asked "About who Five really is" Lila said "Well, I know you are piss at him, I'm also piss at him for what he did to me once" Lara said "So you know" Lila said and Lara nodded "I do. Found out yesterday" she said "Then let's kill him together" Lila said "What Five did is no reason for me to kill him" Lara said before she swung her legs under Lila's causing her to cry out as she fell on the ground.
"But you don't get near my kids" Lara said.
Lila then got up and threw a punch at Lara, but she grabbed her arm before she threw a kick at her waist causing her to stumble back.
Lara then threw a punch at her, hitting her in the face and as she was about to threw a fist at her, she blink away.
Lila then appeared behind Lara, causing her to turn around and Lila threw a punch at her who block it with her arms.
Lila blink before she appeared next to Lara and punched her in the face.
Lara tried to punch Lila but everytime she threw a fist at her, she blink away.
"Bitch, you can't even fight fair" Lara said as she looked around.
Lila then blinked next to Lara before she swung her legs under hers causing Lara to fell down on the ground with grunt.
Lila then walked closer to Lara before she put her foot on Lara's throat.
"Five took someone I love away from me. Now I will take someone he love away from him, so he knows how it feel like" Lila said with a smile.
"I will kill you as cruel as possible, cause I want to see how Five will react once he sees his girlfriend's lifeless body? Will his despair knowing that he will never see you again, be enough to lose all hope to live and just give up?" she asked as she pressed her foot more against Lara's throat.
"Don't worry, we will take good care of them" Lila said as Lara's face turned red cause she was losing oxygen.
Five let out a groan as he sat up in the pile, causing the bricks to fell around him as he sat up straight. He had a small cut right above his right eyebrow where a small stain of blood was.
"Hey" a voice said and Lila turned her head to see Mitch and Andy "Stay the hell away from our mom" the twins said before they grabbed each other's hand and sent out an energy wave towards Lila, sending her flying backwards.
The twins powered down before rushing over to Lara who gasp for breath.
"Mom. Are you okay?" Mitch asked and Lara kept coughing as they help her up "I'm fine, Sweetheart" Lara said.
Then they heard Lila laugh and the three turned to see her looking at them "Look who came to save their mom" she said "Leave them out of this" Lara said "If you want our mom, you have to get through us" Andy said "Yeah" Mitch said as the two went up to stand on each side of Lara but a few steps in front of her to protect her.
"They don't know do they?" Lila asked "Know what?" Mitch asked "They don't" Lila said "Don't" Lara said.
"You looking for me?" a voice asked causing Lila to snap her to look at Five and he smiled fakely at her.
"You little turd" she said and Five looked at Lara and the twins "You three stay here and stay safe. I will handle this. I'm sorry for bringing you into all of this" he said before he looked back at Lila "Let's dance" he said before he blinked away and Lila blinked away too.
Both Five and Lila appeared inside the house and Five threw a fist at Lila who block it with her arm. They were both grunting as Lila grabbed his fist before she shoved his arm down but Five blinked away.
Lila then turned around as he appeared behind her and she block his arm with her arm before she punched him in the face cause him to grunt.
She then threw a punched at him, but he block it with his arm before he punched her in the face.
She threw a punch at him, but he block it with is arm and she kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble back.
He took a step forward before he swung his leg around to kick Lila but she blinked away.
Five let out a grunt and inhaled sharply as he looked around for her.
She then appeared behind him before she grabbed his shoulder, turning him around before she punched him two times in the face.
But as swung the third punch at him, he grabbed her arm before he punched her in the stomach causing her to let out a gasp.
He then leaned down before he try to flip her over him and onto the floor, but when he swung her up on his shoulders, she blinked again before she appeared behind him on the counter.
"Careful, now, or you are going to tire yourself out" she said as he turned around to look at her "How are you doing this?" he asked "Oh, anything that you can do, I can do better" she said before she grabbed a pan and he let out a scoffs "I should have killed your bitch of girlfriend and your shit of a sons when I had the chance" Lila said "What the hell did you just say" Five said and she smiled.
"You don't know do you" she said "Know what?" he asked "And I thought you were smart" he said "What are you talking about?" she asked.
"You know it was such a shame that the explosion didn't kill Lizzy, she really hard to kill" Lila said and Five's eyes widened "Yeah, Lizzy is alive" she said "What?" he asked "My mom didn't want you to know but I think you deserve it before you die" she said "Know what?" he asked "Maybe you shouldn't know, it might hurt" she smirked.
"Tell me" he snapped "Lizzy survive the explosion. And she is very much alive" Lila said "Where is she?" he hissed "Closer than you think. She have being with you since you all landed here" Lila said and Five looked down before his eyes widened "Lara" he said "Yeah, Lara is Lizzy. Why do you think that you connected that fast?" Lila asked and Five looked back up at Lila "It's a shame that the explosion didn't kill her, but then I get the honor to do it myself" Lila said "Touch her and I will kill you" he said "Bring it on you little shit" she said and they both blink away.
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