Chapter 10

A/N I forgot to mentioned this in the last Chapter of 9. The two characters I mentioned, Tamara and Thalia, those two are my ocs. They won't be in this story, Tamara will be in Without an Alliance from Tfanimated season 4 and Thalia you guys won't meet her until my new fanfic Till All Are One (Transformers Crossover) which will hopefully come out somewhere in March and changed of plans for this Chapter so instead of bringing in HowlStorm X_Midnight_X Midnight wants me to bring in her new oc Vasukin cause Midnight told me that if I bring in HowlStorm I'd be referencing the episode that Blur came in so bad idea. Sorry guys if I changed on this on all of you so sudden. Sorry! But let's just move on to the story.

Transformers ©Hasbro

Ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_Xx

Ocs- X_Midnight_X


"Yo Prowl what do you need dawg?" Jazz walking in Prowl's quarters to see Prowl in a lotus position and seemed to be waiting for Jazz.

"Please don't call me that," Prowl sighed irritated, "and you should know why I called you here."

"Oh we gonna use the process over matter to try and contact Sari," Jazz realizing.

Prowl nodded

"Yes, and please close the door so Bumblebee doesn't bother us when we do this."

"Aight," Jazz closed the door and sat down next to Prowl doing the lotus too.

"You ready?" Prowl asked

"Ready when you are. I just hope we can contact her through it," Jazz said while Prowl smiled.

Both the cyber ninjas closed their optics and hummed, concentrating. They hummed focusing until they were in a dark black place, showing they hadn't made contact yet with Sari.

"Prowl what we do?" Jazz whispered

"Just wait, be still and silent, she will sense us," Prowl replied calmly.

Both kept humming being patient. Until all of a sudden the dark void light up to what look like a blue white void now. That meant she was coming.


Armada Universe

Sari collapsed onto her bed feeling so exhausted from Scavenger's training with the minicon. She learn out that Daybreak was a weapon upgrader like the other minicon. The only problem was; Sari's weapons were sealed away in her meaning she couldn't access them. Reasons, when Sari couldn't control her upgrade making her go on a rampage destroying almost everything and almost killing Bumblebee (which she regret about still) she got knocked out by Ratchet using his EMG generator sealing her weapons. So instead of taking a day off, Scavenger made her train for three hours until Sari got exhausted. So much for relaxing today.

Sari was about to close her eyes to rest but they widen and Sari sitting straight up from the bed. She was feeling something like a presence that felt close by but wasn't there.

Am I having a process over matter connection? Sari thought then her blue eyes widen in excitement and happy, I am I sense Prowl no Prowl and Jazz contacting me.

Sari quickly got off her bed and sat on the floor in a lotus position. Sari calmed her breath before closing her eyes and hummed concentrating like Prowl showed her over and over.

Sari kept humming until she felt like she wasn't alone. Sari opened her eyes and happy gasped and smiled seeing her two familiar friends. Both were mechs. One was black with gold throughout his body, he wore a blue visor and wore a samurai helmet. The other mech well was just white while he also had a blue visor. (Q/N If I got Jazz's color wrong please let me know in the comments)

"Prowl! Jazz! Oh my Primus, I'm so happy to see you two!" Sari squealed happily, "well mentally not physically."

Jazz smiled happy to see the little lady all good and safe.

"Hey little lady, you okay in that weird dimension you're in?" He asked.

"Yep I'm fine and the dimension I'm in isn't so weird."

Sari explained to the two cyber ninjas about the other Optimus, the Autobotstheir human allies Alexis, Carlos, Kenya and Rad. She told them that the Autobots and Decepticons were fighting over a race called Minicons little Cybertronians that can upgrade weapons, the Decepticons wanted to use them for evil but the Autobots wanted to protect them. Sari stated that she had two minicons named StormDash and Daybreak, StormDash upgraded her and Daybreak did the weapons. Sari took a breath when she got done explaining, the only two things she left out was, Nightspike stealing her first kiss and Midnight almost killed her. She didn't want one of them and freak and tell the others what happened.

"Groovy, I seemed to like the dimension, maybe once the big guy figures out the space bridge, I can come and meet the others," said Jazz.

"Bring Bumblebee with you if you can, I get the feeling that him and HotShot would get along great," Sari said.

Prowl groaned, great another Autobot that was energetic and probably wasn't quiet and still when fighting. He was gonna get a headache if he meet this Hotshot.

"I will tell Bumblebee that," Jazz smiled seeing Prowl's misery.

"Don't push it," he growled.

"When do you think Bulkhead will work on the space bridge," Sari asked changing the subject.

The two cyber ninjas looked at each other then back at Sari

"If I recall he was up last night working," Jazz replied

"I just hope he doesn't overwork himself," Prowl muttered

"Well that's Bulkhead for you," Sari smiled

"Sari once we figure out how to communicate you and the others, we'll call you," Prowl stated.

Sari nodded, "got it and I'll let the other Optimus know."

"Sari you better go, I sense the others in the dimension are coming to get you," Prowl said.

"Aww I wanted to talk to you guys more, I haven't seen you guys for five days," Sari whined.

Jazz smiled

"Don't worry little lady, we'll talk to you soon and hopefully get you back home safely."

Somehow that made Sari calmed down

"Okay and please tell Bulkhead not work hard."

The two cyber ninjas nodded and smiled. Then the connection cut off when there was a loud noise that erased the void.


Sari quickly open her eyes when there was a knocking at her door and an alarm going off. Sari got off the floor and went to the door, opening to see HotShot standing there.

"Sari what you doing? Didn't you hear the minicon alarm going off?! And why are you smiling?" He asked when he saw Sari had a smile on her face.

"Oh, yeah sorry, I had a process over matter connection with Prowl and Jazz who are from my dimension," Sari explained.

"Oops sorry about that," HotShot apologized.

"Its fine, so where's the minicon located at?" She asked

Hotshot shrugged

"I don't know, I was about to ask but Boss Bot made me go get you since he thought you didn't hear the alarm."

"Well let's go see where the minicon's at," Sari suggested and walked to the command center with Hotshot.

"Optimus where's the minicon?" Sari running in.

"Its in a abandoned town in unknown location," Optimus replied then looked down at Sari, "and may I ask, how come you didn't come when the alarm go off?"

"I had process over matter connection with two friends back home Prowl and Jazz," Sari explained like she did with HotShot, "they're trying to work on the space bridge so they can come here."

Optimus smiled, "that is good news to hear and I'd be glad to meet your friends from your home."

Sari nodded still smiling. She was happy to see her friends but not fully. She'd just hope they can get here in time.

"So lads are we ready to go?" BlackJack asked.

The Autobots nodded

"And Sari no tricking the cons this time please we don't want a repeat," Red Alert order.

"Lesson learn, and I'll be avoiding poison and a snake this time," Sari replied.

The space bridge open and the Autobots were transwarped to the abandoned town.


Run Sari! Run from the pervert con! Sari running like she was in a marathon.

Sari was running cause when she went into a building to sense or find the minicon in there, she ran into Nightspike who was also in there looking for the minicon. Sari backed up hoping not to get his attention, but she bumped into a self that antiques. Sari tried to catch one but it slipped from her hands and shattered into a million pieces. Nightspike turned around and smiled when he saw Sari.

"Well beautiful, glad to see you better," Nightspike grinned, "and happy that you came to see handsome me."

"Um...goodbye!" Sari ran out of the building making Nightspike smirked perverted. Great a chase.

Sari kept running until she skidded to a stop and hide in an abandoned rundown bar. Not a perfect hiding place but hopefully Nightspike won't find her.

Sari was breathing in and out trying to catch her breath but stopped when she heard Nightspike engine roaring that was close. Sari peaked seeing Nightspike driving slowly, she could see his holoform looking left and right, Sari ducked in case so the creep didn't see her. She could hear him out there.

"Hey beautiful! Don't be shy, so come on out and let's talk!" He yelled in a happy voice.

In your dreams con, Sari thought then facepalmed when she thought that, he could be dreaming about her in the weirdest way.

Why does he like me so much? Sari thinking, he should know that I don't like him since he's a Decepticon and I'm an Autobot techno organic it wouldn't work out between us. And I don't think a techno organic can be sparkmtes to a full blooded Cybertronian. Can they?

Sari stayed hidden in the abandoned bar until she didn't hear the engine of the muscle car. Sari peeked outside looking to see if Nightspike was still there driving. No sign.

Sari hesitated for a sec, nervous about going out there and was wrong that Nightspike was waiting. Finally Sari walked out seeing no signs of the perverted con.

"Idiot," Sari smirked but stiffened when she felt like someone was behind her and it was him.

"Well hey there you are," he said.

Sari jumped and turned around to see Nightspike in human form leaning on the fence hoodie up.

Sari got into a fighting stance and death glared at him

"Touch me and I'll hurt you," she threatened.

Nightspike ignored the threat and walked up to her

"So how you doing babe? How's the scar on your neck?" Nightspike stroking Sari cheek but Sari smacked his hand away hard.

"Don't call me babe, I'm not yours and I won't ever will be so back-,"

Sari didn't finish her sentence when Nightspike kissed her. Seriously?! Again?!

Sari didn't return the kiss again and instead of kicking Nightspike in the balls, she punched him in the stomach hard.

Nightspike stumbled back holding his stomach while Sari glared.

"You don't take rejection seriously do you?"

"I'm not understanding why you don't like me," Nightspike groaned.

"Cause you are a Decepticon. Me. Autobot," Sari stated, "you're just power hungry and want to take over Cybertron, you Decepticons don't give a slag."

"Tell that to StarBitch, he has a spark and he's falling for that human girl Alexis."

"Wait what?" Sari looked confused.

"Did Optimus Prime ever told you that Screamer betrayed and joined the Autobots for a little bit," Nightspike asked seeing Sari nod, "well I think him Alexis had a relationship and probably both are sneaking out just to see each other."

"Liar, I know Alexis wouldn't fall for a con and get in danger cause of that," Sari snapped.

"Ask her when you get back to base," Nightspike smirked, "but come on we're changing subjects here let's get back to us making out."

" about no."

Nightspike was about to walk over to her ignore her and kissed her, but out of the blue he was picked up and thrown in the road.

"Ow," Nightspike groaned.

A roar was heard making Sari and Nightspike looked up. Nightspike scrambled away scared out of his wits while Sari's jaw dropped in shock

Up on the rooftop was a cybertronian nemean lion twice the size as Megatron. It was white with a dark purple chest plate, dark gray faceplate and silver detailing. It had red optics and the lion was glaring hatefully at NightSpike.

"Vasukin! Transformed!" The lion roared and he was a mech.

He transformed into bot mode and instead of being Megatron height, he was Scavenger's height. He grabbed his scythe and pointed it at Nightspike threatingly.

"Oh fuck me sideways," Nightspike whimpered and did the smart thing.

He morphed back into his real form and transformed retreating like a coward.

Sari was about to thank the newcomer on the roof, but he leapt off and chased af Nightspike.

::Optimus! Where are you and the others?!:: Sari com link Optimus.

::We're dealing with Megatron and the others:: Optimus answered back :: are you okay Sari?::

::I'm fine, but there's a Cybertronian nemean lion chasing after Nightspike. Do I follow it?:: Sari asked.

::No I see it and please get here as soon as you can:: Optimus order.

::Got it. Sari out:: Sari turned off her com link and hurried to Optimus and the others location.

I really do hope that nemean lion tears Nightspike apart, Sari thought.

"Hand over the minicon Prime!" Megatron demanded

"Yeah and we keep saying this; NO!" Hotshot snapped.

Megatron growled and summoned Leader-1 to combine and was ready to fire at the Autobots, but Nightspike came running screaming

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" he screamed.

"Huh?" Cyclonus looked confused.

Nightspike ran past the Autobots and cons and continued to run like his life depended on it while the others looked lost and confused.

Optimus com link went off that Sari was calling, he answered.

"We're dealing with Megatron and the others," Optimus answered "are you okay Sari?"

Optimus listened then felt Storm Wing tapped his shoulder. He looked at her.

"Optimus look," she pointed

Optimus looked to see something running up to them, it was a Cybertronian nemean lion like Sari said and was probably the one that Nightspike was running from.

"No I see it and please get here as soon as you can," Optimus order and turned off his com link.

And by Primus did it look pissed.

"Who let CAT OUT OF THE BAG!" Cyclonus screamed terrified when he saw it close.

The nemean lion batted Demolisher away with his massive paw

"WHO WANTS TO BE NEXT?!" He roared

There were two dust silouhetts both belonging to Cyclonus and WheelJack. Both ran away.

Megatron facepalmed at the two cowards, but they had a point this nemean lion was something not to mess with. He looked at Midnight and Demolisher.

"Retreat," he order.

Both nodded and all were warped back to the moon leaving the Autobots and the nemean lion.

The nemean lion snorted and glared.

"Well that's one way to scare the cons off. Get a lion," Light Knife muttered.

Optimus turned to see Sari running over. She panted when she came over.

The nemean lion humphed

"You're welcome", he growled and started to take his leave

"Wait! Who are you?!" Optimus asked

"I heard him say Vasukin just before he chased after Nightspike," Sari answered then looked at the nemean lion, "thank you. For chasing the guy, he's a pain in the aft."

The nemean lion or Vasukin nodded

"Cons should perish for all that they have done".

"You are welcome to join us Vasukin, we'd be honor to have a new member to the team and help us fight the Decepticons," Optimus offered.

He thought for a moment

"Transform!" He roared and went into bot mode

"I feel short," Hotshot pouted

Sari muffled her laugh. He had a point, Vasukin was the same height as Scavenger.

Vasukin walked up to Optimus

"I'll join you..."

"Welcome to the Autobots Vasukin," Optimus smiled shaking his servo while the lion nodded.


Animated Universe

"So is Sari okay?" Bumblebee asked when he saw Prowl and Jazz walked in

"Yep the little lady is okay," Jazz smiled

"Phew that's good news to hear," Blackclaw sighed while Sharpfang snorted.

"So I should start working on the dimension communication right?" Bulkhead asked

"Just relax today Bulkhead, Sari said not to overwork yourself," Prowl said making Bulkhead nodded.

"Once we get the thing working again, I will go and get Sari," Blackclaw stated.

"Is there anyone you want to come with cause I think some of us would like to meet the other Autobots," WheelFire stated

"No thanks", Sharpfang walked outout

"Figures," Lunar sighed.

"I'll go," Wheelfire piped up

"Yeah I had a feeling you wanted to go," Faë glared

"No", Blackclaw glared at the smaller mech.

"Hey! I ain't gonna do nothing stupid!" Wheelfire protested

"Suuure," both SilverCrusher and SteelCharger said

"Sari suggested Bumblebee cause she stated that him and an Autobot named Hotshot would get along," Prowl said

"I'll come to," agreed KickShot.

Blackclaw thought for a moment

"Jazz, Prowl and Bumblebee wil come along", he finally said after a few moments of silence

Optimus nodded in agreement

"Once Bulkhead gets to fixing the space bridge you'll be going at once," he said.

The four mechs nodded.


A/N: And done! So next chapter will be well surprising I won't spoil it. And I apologize for having Nightspike a pervert. He can't help it.

Nightspike: hey its your fault that you ship Sari and I!

Oh yeah. I should explained about Sari and Nightspike relationship in this. This is a hate-love relationship, Sari does not like Armada Nightspike cause he's a con (duh) but Armada Nightspike likes Sari, so its a complicated relationship, but in Energon sequel. I won't say much but anyways Vasukin belongs to Midnight not me.


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