-5- They Know? How Do They Know?
By the time Monday came around, Andy couldn't bring himself to go to school. He'd lost his dog and he didn't think he could get through the day without him. Stupid. He didn't need the dog. He wanted the dog. And really he didn't want to face Mr. Kane about his failed pop quiz. With his mom's permission he stayed home, stayed in bed and pretended he was normal and home from school because he was sick.
Tuesday morning came as it always did and Andy still didn't feel like going. He was told he could stay home, but he would have to go the next day.
And when Wednesday morning came he decided he was done being grumpy about his dog being gone. He got ready for the day and walked downstairs with his backpack in tow.
"Morning." Amy said when he walked into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and she placed a bowl in front of him. "Cheerios or Mini Wheats?" Andy shrugged. "Come on, make a decision."
"Cheerios. Cheerios. Cheerios." He mumbled and picked at the inseam on his jeans. She placed the box on the table and grabbed the jug of milk out of the fridge. Andy grabbed the box and poured the cereal into his bowl. He picked one up and licked it before putting it in his mouth. Amy sighed. She loved him, she did, but it got hard to take all the weird mannerisms. He repeated the process with every Cheerio.
"Do you want juice?" He shook his head. "Andy, words."
"No." He finished his bowl of Cheerios and accepted his lunch bag from her.
"Have a good day. I'll see you later, okay?" She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you." He met her eyes and she knew what he was trying to convey. She raised her eyebrow and he sighed.
"Love you too. Too. Too." He mumbled out. He picked up his backpack and headed for the front door. He zipped his hoodie and pulled on his sneakers. Then he headed out.
The minute he stepped into the school whispers started. All eyes were on him. He shuffled down the hall, but stopped when he heard that word. Then it became obvious. They knew. He didn't know how, but they knew. How did they know? He avoided all of them and went straight to his locker and from his locker straight to first period.
"Is it true?" Jake asked when Andy sat down. Jinxx slapped the back of his head. "What? I'm just curious." Jake said with a scowl while rubbing the back of his head. Andy didn't look at them.
"I knew there was something weird about him the first time I saw him." Jade hissed. "This isn't what I thought, but it makes a lot of sense."
"Where'd you even hear it?" Another girl asked.
"I overheard Mr. Kane talking to Ms. Fields." The teachers? The teachers had exposed him? Andy kept his head down and stayed quiet.
At lunch Juliet tried to find Andy. He wasn't in the cafeteria. She decided to check under the oak tree and then the library. But she was saved from having to do that, when she stepped out of the cafeteria. Justin and Gabe were holding him against the lockers. His backpack laid in the middle of the hall and his things were everywhere. He was shaking and looked on the verge of tears.
"So it's true?" Justin said. "Aw, c'mon don't be like that. Answer me." Andy nodded. "Explains why you're such a freak."
"Hey!" All three of them turned to look at her. "Let him go!"
"Or what?" Gabe asked.
"I'll get Ronnie." Justin immediately let go of Andy, who fell in a heap on the floor.
"Fine, fine. Have it your way." Gabe said, kicking one of Andy's books. "You're lucky I like you, Simms."
"Bite me."
"Scary." Justin said, laughing.
"Fuck off before I get Ronnie." They walked off, laughing the whole time. Juliet knelt and began collecting up Andy's things. Andy began frantically shoving things back in his bag. "Are you okay?" He shook his head. He crammed all of books into his bag and fought with the zipper. "Oh! Um, Mr. Burns got this down. And I think it's yours." She offered him the stuffed dog. His eyes widened and he grabbed it from her.
"Thank you. You. You. You." He mumbled before taking off down the hall in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. How could anyone think he's a freak? He's fucking adorable! She stood up and noticed a spiral bound notebook lying on the floor behind her. It had the word History written across the front with Andy's name below it.
"Can't go anywhere without leaving something behind." She whispered, before she picked it and put it in her backpack. She'd give it to him the next time she saw him. She shot Ronnie a text and asked him to meet her behind the school.
"You're late!" She said when he finally joined her.
"Why am I here?"
"You know the freshman kid that everyone's been talking about?" He nodded and she kept going, "Can you keep an eye out for him. Justin and Gabe won't leave him alone."
"So it's true?"
"I think so."
"Cigarette?" She pulled her pack out of her bag and handed him one as well as her lighter. "Why do you care about this kid so much?"
"Because he's not a freak, despite what Justin and Gabe think. Just because he's on the spectrum doesn't give them any right to pick on him." Ronnie nodded again. "School probably isn't easy for him as it is. He doesn't need them making worse."
"Good point."
"So you'll do it?"
"Yeah. Only because it's you asking." Juliet grinned.
"Thanks." She gave him a hug. "I gotta go. Fourth period English. Bleh."
"How come you weren't at lunch?" Jinxx asked. Andy shrugged. "I know you're freaking out because everyone's talking 'bout you bein' on the spectrum or whatever, but we don't care. You're still our friend and we want you to eat lunch with us. Okay?" Andy stared at him with wide eyes.
"Really?" He asked softly. "Really?"
"Yeah. We like hanging out with you, even if you don't talk much." Jake said. Andy nodded slowly.
"So will you keep eating lunch with us?" Andy nodded again. They still wanted to be his friends. They didn't think he was a freak. And he had his dog back. There was also Juliet. She seemed genuine, but Andy knew people could lie. Hannah taught him that the hard way. But Juliet had given the dog back. And she made Justin and Gabe leave him alone. He didn't know what to think about her.
"Please open your textbooks to page ten. Have a notebook and a pen or pencil ready. You will need to know this for the quiz on Friday." Mr. Kane said. After class Andy almost made it out of the classroom with everyone else when Mr. Kane called his name.
"I need to speak with you about your quiz last Friday." Andy stood beside the desk with his head down. "I'm afraid you failed. Now, there's no need to worry. Technically it wasn't graded. I understand you're different, but this can't be a weekly occurrence, understood?" Andy nodded. "Good. And remember if you do have trouble keeping up we can find you tutor." Andy nodded again. "You can go now. Here." He held out a slip of paper. Andy took it. "A hall pass." Andy left as fast as he could.
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