Endermen , water and DEATH!
AN: Nothing special but eh. I wanted to finish this episode already. It's took too much. Enjoy!
When I first thought about going to a fancy restaurant I was like 'Go with a nice girl, beautiful night, maybe the first kiss' but no. Endermen, Order of the Stone, and the worst part: NO FOOD! Now Jesse had to think of an idea to get us out of here "Soren, you've been studying Endermen for ages---any bright ideads?" Jesse asked Soren hoperfully "Of course! Don't ask the Enderman because he doesn't know anything about his OWN KIND!" Endie almost yelled but Jesse ignored him "One constant about Endermen is that they hate water. If we can force that fountain to overflow somehow...Jesse you still have the Enderman suit. Put that one and you'll be able to safely reach the fountain" Soren said. Jesse looked at us scared "Just when I thought I'd never have to smell this thing again..." Jesse said annoyed to herself. She start walking to the fountain "Good luck, dude" Axel said to her "We'll, um... all watch for here, then! Where it's safe" Soren said. Jesse stopped for a second and I think she rolled her eyes. She start walking, then she looked scared at an Enderman. "Um...'sup?" the Enderman said looking at her weirdly. She then almost bumped into an Enderman. That Enderman walked away then "Phew" I heard her say "Try not to die" Soren yelled and Endie hit the back of his head. Jesse looked back at Soren with a look 'REALLY!'. She reached the fountain "C'mon! What are you waiting for?" Lukas was already annoyed. She eventually broke the fountain. The Endermen start screaming in pain as the water touched them. They teleported on the platform "C'mon, guys, it's clear" Jesse whispered/shouted in our way. We walked slowly to her.
"Oh no..." Jesse said looking at the next hall. More Endermen. Awesome(sarcasm). Axel had his eyes closed so he stopped in the middle on the entrance "We're gonna die" Lukas said. Reuben just bumped into Axel (on purpose) then start drinking some water "Nobody's gonna die. Because I'm gonna break that other fountain" Jesse said not so excited. She then start walking to the fountain trying to avoid any Enderman. Suddenly an Enderman teleported in front of her making her jump "Whoa!" she said then she stayed like an Enderman "You wanna help me find these humans and that Enderman?" the Enderman asked Jesse. Because she didn't know what he said she screamed "Aaaaaaahhhhh!" "Okay, geez! A simple 'No' was enough" the Enderman said the walked away. Jesse the whispered something to that fountain about a doom or something then she broke it. The Endermen teleported so now was a clear path "Okay, everybody---let's go!" Jesse said. Axel just closed his eyes then start running like he was insane, to the door. We follow him and...well...the 'outside' was full with Endermen "What's the holdup?" Jesse asked. When she saw none respond she just pushed us to she could see. She gasped after she saw the Endermen "They're everywhere. How are we supposed to get through this? I mean physically and psychologically" Lukas whispered "Everyone, just hold onto me. I'll guide us though them" Jesse said. I was behind Jesse and Lukas was behind me so I pushed him in front of me. Now the order was Jesse, Lukas, Me, Axel, Olivia, Soren, Gabriel. Endie just become invisible "I hope this is not the End for us" I said and everyone groaned at the horrible pun. Except Soren who tried to hold back a laugh. We then start walking. I could feel the eye of the Endermen on us and let me tell you, it's not a good feeling. When we reached the bridge tons of Endermen were gathered around. As we reached the End of the bridge Jesse said "Maybe we should, us, turn around..." she looked around for a way to go but there were Endermen everywhere. Suddenlly an Enderman teleported in Jesse face again, but this time he's not saying anything. He start sniffing her? "This guy's right in my face" Jesse said scared "Wait a second..." the Enderman said. Oh crap. He looked at Jesse for a second the start screaming "Ouick! In the water!" Jesse said then broke the fence. We jumped in the water but Reuben stayed on Axel head "Oh! When I constructed this place I was worried about how flammable my building material was. So, I installed a fire suppresion system to prevent the whole thing going up in flames!" Soren told Jesse "So...there's more water?" Jesse said shocked "Much more! If we activate it, it could disperse all these Endermen while we swim to the safety!" Soren said "Can we reach the controls from here?" Jesse asked "The lever is right up there" Soren pointed to a tower that was kinda a fountain made of wood. Jesse climbed the ladder then she pulled the lever "I don't know how much water this thing is gonna kick out so everybody—" Jesse started but the Wool-shock made her fall off that tower. The Endermen tryied to teleport from the water, but the water lever increases. We start swimming through the trap door. "Why it took you so much?" Endie asked after Jesse and Gabriel came out of that wool world. After some walking we find the portal and jumped in.
"AAAaaaaaahhhh!" I heard Jesse yelling after and she landed on the ground next to me "Let's stay in our dimension from now on, okay?" I asked getting up "Agreed" she said. I heard Gabriel gasp and I looked where he pointed. The monsters from earlier "Oh, come on!" Jesse said annoyed pulling out her sword. She killed a zombie with three hits but she forgot about the two skeletons that wanted to kill her. She dodged their arrows fast and hid behind the wall "Not that isn't a ton of fun, but-- let's grab that Formidi-Bomb and let's get out of here!" Jesse told Soren, who pulled out a golden sword then killed a zombie "One small problem. Tinny, really. Minuscule. I haven't actually built it, yet" Soren said with a nervous smile and a shrug "That's a 'small problem'?" Jesse said really annoyed "You seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that's cool for no reason" Soren told Jesse "Thanks?" Jesse said confused "Go ahead and throw that lever behind you" Soren said pointing to a lever on the wall. Jesse did it and what happened was wow. Six pumpkins fall each other on six iron T form. A golem punched a zombie so hard that it send him back. One start started to run, put his fists on the ground to hold him then he kicked a skeleton. Another one grabbed a zombie's leg, lifted him in the air then he hit the ground with him. A cave spider tried to jump on a golem, but the golem caught him then threw him behind him where a golem used a zombie as baseball bat. Two golems slowly approached the skeleton who was stepping back, knowing already what was going to happen. The fight between the monsters and the golems was awesome "That did turn out to be pretty cool" Jesse said with a smile "I wouldn't lie to you Jesse" Soren said. That's nice " Oh no, wait a minute, I would. I didn't lie to you— that's what I meant" Soren corrected himself. Well, still nice...somehow "They are not going to attack me and Endie, right?" I said "They respect my commands. So they're going to attack you just if I told them to" Soren said then did some gestures with his hands to the golems and they moved out of our way.
"Do you guys hear that?" Axel said as we came back in that lot room "Hear what?" Jesse asked "All this stuff whispering 'Take me. Take me now'" Axel said. Of course he think about stealing "Yeah because that turn out very well last time" I said hoping he'll remember that discussion we had in the dirt hut "I'll just fetch the Super TNT. It's right up—there" Soren said pointing to a place on the wall where are ten chests I think "How are you gonna get up there?" Jesse asked Soren, who just smirks at her "Oh, I have my ways..." he said. Two golems from earlier came back and jumped on each other forming a ladder of their bodies. Soren climbed up there then turned to us "Oh and feel free to help yourselves!" Soren said and everyone grinned at that except me, Lukas and Jesse "Just make sure you keep an eye out for the gunpowder we'll need to make the Formidi-Bomb" just me and Jesse heard the last part because was already gone. Jesse started looking for the gunpowder and Endie was looking in chests just for fun so I was alone. I then remembered the book I found in Soren's home from the End. I tried to open it again but without a key there's no use. I looked in some chests hopping that I'll find the key but all I found was a cookie that I ate when none was looking "Hey, Alvin" I turned around to find Jesse and I realized I had the book in my hand so I hide it behind me "What are you hiding?" she asked trying to see the book "Nothing. What are YOU hiding?" I said. Stupid move I know, but you'll be surprised to see that it's work. She started talking like I discover her biggest secret. And yes I get the irony "W-what do yo-ou mean? I'm nothing hiding anything! You're hiding! Why are you asking so much questions?! I'll just go to Soren" she said the last part fast then left "Okay..." I didn't know what to say. She's hiding something, but what? "I think I've almost got enough gunpowder now!" I heard Jesse talking to Soren "Glad to hear it! And Jesse—I'm sorry for not keeping this place as organized as I should. It's really embarrassing" Soren said rubbing the back of his head "And this is my Super TNT" he said pulling out a TNT. The difference was that it had an orange glowing in places where was supposed to be black "Wait...but I thought Super TNT was the Formidi-Bomb..." Olivia said but she was ignored "Let's build us a Formidi-Bomb!" Jesse exclaimed with a grin on her face "Yes! Let's! Build away!" Soren said "Um...How do we build us a Formidi-Bomb, exactly?" Jesse said, the grin on her face disappeared "Do we just combine it with gunpowder?..." she asked "The crafting recipe is quite simple actually...Super TNT in the middle, and gunpowder all around" Soren explained "Got it!" Jesse said trying to grab the Super TNT, but Soren stopped her "No! No, no, no! The ingredients are highly unstable—even putting them in close proximity to each other is a risk" Soren said stepping a little back "Okay...well...we may not have the Formidi-Bomb yet but at least we have the ingredients to build one. Progress!" Jesse said "And now that we have that, we...Ahem. We..." Soren said and Jesse raised her eyebrow "I literally don't remember. You're gonna have to help me out a little, Jesse" he said "Now we just need a way to get inside the WitherStorm and blow it up" Jesse explained to Soren.
I saw an Enderman just teleported in the other room. We all looked away "Oh dear... I was afraid of this." Soren said "With the End underwater, the Endermen will try to escape" he explained. Poor Reuben was shaking in fear "Oh course, of cours--to the minecarts, everyone!!" Soren yelled after looking in at some mine carts. I think Jesse found them. We start running to them "I've been waiting for ages to say that...to people, I mean..." Soren said to himself, but loud enough for us to hear "An advice. Never say that again" I said to him and then I jumped in the cart. Reuben was first and he went like lighting. These carts are really, really fast. In less than five minutes we were out of that tunnel. The problem is that at the entrance of the tunnel were monsters. The carts hit the creeper and we fly (literally) from the rail. The sky was purple, but not like the one from the End. Tons of creepers and spiders were running in the tunnel "There you are!" I heard a feminine voice saying that. I looked up and saw Ellie and Magnus fighting monsters with stone swords. I adjusted my goggles then I looked back at Endie and he was already invisible. Good. We don't need the 'Reveal' thing now. I looked around and saw we are near some little farm "So glad you could make it!" Magnus told Jesse. She goes to talk to them and I saw Soren hidding behind Axel. I pulled out my axe and Harpon-Gun and I went to help them "Could have used you earlier. Showing up just in time to hold up the trophy, eh?" Magnus said "We're glad you're ok" Jesse said "This looks like 'okay' to you?" Magnus yelled "I seen worse" I said sarcastic "I thought Ivor was coming to get you!" Jesse said "Ivor?! We haven't even saw him!" Ellie yelled. We were busy with the talking and didn't realized a creeper was creeping behind us. The explosion threw us in front I think. The creeper was behind us so. The others were scared "What's going on?" Lukas asked/yelled and Olivia and Axel were more like running randomly. I get up then I helped Jesse up "You don't have to worry abput the monsters...They're running away" Soren said "Worry about what they're running away from" I said seeing the WitherStorm. It was bigger and more hungry "I feel like that got bigger" Axel said "Ya think" I yelled sarcastic and annoyed.
"It's Fomidi-Bomb time!" Jesse said "Soren?" Ellie said coming closer to us "It's him. It's you" Magnus said pointing to Soren. He went to them with a look not so happy, more like...sadness "Hello, old friends" Soren said with a weak smile "Ah-ha. Reunion" Gabriel said with a grin, hand on his hips. Their sweet moment was destroyed by a eartquake. Soren sat on a bridge "It's time to go! We only got one shot at this!" Soren yelled in serious mode again "Remember...once the Formidi-Bomb is crafted it'll explode in a matter of seconds. It means whoever is doing the crafting...will be in great danger" Soren said "Encouraging" I said sarcastic "I was hopping...well...um...perhaps we could draw straws?" Soren said and no one offered to go "Don't look at me" Magnus said seeing Jesse was looking at him "I think I may have tweaked an ankle earlier, so..." Elli said "This is my chance to step up" Jesse said still thinking "Perhaps..." Soren said "I'm going to set off the Formidi-Bomb" Jesse said confident. Soren was coming closer to hear "That what I was hopping for" Soren said. Really? What heroes. I rolled my eyes and I think Endie did too. He seems to have something towards Soren. I wonder why "Jesse, are you sure you want to do this? It's really dangerous!" Lukas said really worried "Yes Lukas. Or I do that or..." she didn't finish "The rest of us will build distraction on it's path. Hoperfully it will buy you some time" Soren said giving her the Super TNT "We should be ashamed of ourselves" Gabriel told Magnus and Ellie. They looked down trying to decide what to do to help Jesse "Jesse...take my armor, it will help" Ellie said stepping up "Nah...you can take mine. It's gotten me out of lotta jams" Magnus said stepping up as well. Now this moment was turned into a arguing. Jesse decided to take Ellie armor "Jesse you deserve this" Ellie told Jesse "What you are doing means-WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Ellie yelled the last part after she saw the WitherStorm was getting closer.
"Jesse, you're going to set down a crafting table out there and make that Formidi-Bomb!" Soren started to explain "Everyone else, grab a buddy and split up! We need to keep that WitherStorm on track so build, build, build!" he finished and we all split up "Jesse! Don't forget! Super TNT in the middle and gunpowder all around!" Soren explained again to Jesse. We build towers, homes, a big Reuben with sunglasses. After we finished it I felt something coming in our way "Watch out!" I hear Jesse screaming and I saw a tentacle coming in our way. It hit Magnus and Elli. The hit made Magnus landed on the ground but it send Elli on a tree "No! Ellegard!" Jesse screamed again. I saw that she made the Formidi-Bomb, and it's looked like a Command Block but with and glowing F on front "Open up and say ah!" Jesse said then she let go of the bomb. The WitherStorm ate the bomb, but it was about to eat Jesse. So I pulled out my Harpon-Gun then I shot in her way. It was so hard that everyone was helping me except Ellie. The anchor wrapped around her waist and then she saw us "Yeaaahh!" she yelled then the bomb exploded inside the WitherStorm. Lukas caught Jesse in time "Nice one" I told him with a smile and he blushed when he realized how fast he run just to caught Jesse "Um...Thanks" he said then he put her on the ground. She woke up after one minute or two. A head of the WitherStorm landed behind us "Is that it? Is it over?" Axel said "I can't believe it's...actually dead!" Olivia said "You did it Jesse! You actually did it!" Lukas said happy "Ha,ha! Handed like a champ!" Magnus said "I mean I know it wasn't eassy, but..." Lukas said "About time we got a real win" Axel said "Thanks for saving my life back there" Jesse said "Happy to" Magnus said. Reuben came running to Jesse with his normal grin "Thanks, buddy" Jesse said and patted him on the head "Hey no to put a damper on the party, but...anyone seen Soren and Ellegard?" Olivia said scared for the answer, after she saw what happened to her "Oh, no..." I heard Jesse gasp and then she ran into a direction. I looked the way she was running and then I saw it. Ellegaard was lying on the ground and Soren was next to her. I ran to them, the others too "You fought valiantly, my friend" Soren told Ellegaard "You and I both know...my fight...is over..." she said "Stuff and nonesense...stuff and nonesense...We'll take care of this...we'll take care of you..." Soren said trying convince himself more than to convince Ellegaard. She saw Jesse "Jesse" she said "Ellegaard" Jesse said "My armor...really suits you...Jesse. I want you to keep it, okay?" Ellegaard said "Thank you, Ellegaard. For everything" Jesse said "I'm just glad I...got the chance to go on... one more adventure. Sorry that...I have to take off a little...early" Ellegaard said then she looked at Soren "Well, Soren... at least I...got a chance to be a real hero...right?" she said. Wait what? It was so sad that I turn around so I don't cry. I saw then people coming from the WitherStorm "Guys?!" I said pointing to the people "All these people...they're alive. The WitherStorm didn't kill them" Jesse said looking at Ellegaard "Jesse—those people—you have to help them. All of them. Make sure they get out. Don't leave anybody behind" Ellegaard said "Of course I'll save them—everyone of them" Jesse said then she hold Ellegaard hand "We're the good guys, right? That's what we do" Jesse said. Ellegaard eyes closed slowly and her hand fell from Jesse hands. I tear fell from my eye. I just can't stand this kind of moments. Even if Magnus and Ellegaard seem to argue a lot he came closer to her. I think he really cared about her. It was a moment of silence for Ellegaard, all of us looking down.
"C'mon, Reuben. We've got a job to do" Jesse said getting up "You guys help the survivors. I need to make sure we find the people who might be trapped" she said "I'm coming with you" I said after everyone left to help the survivors. She nod and I looked at Endie "C'mon. You're coming too. But stay invisible" I said and went after Jesse. We helped a few people, with each one getting closer to the center of the WitherStorm. I can't believe what was in the middle "No...the Command Block? That's impossible" Jesse yelled "I don't understand...Soren said the Formidi-Bomb would destroy it, but it look—Fine" I said. Suddenly the Command Block was glowing "What the—" I never get a chance to finish because I was pulled off the ground in the Command Block (I don't know how to explain that scene) "Alvin!" Endie yelled and grabbed my foot "It's harder than it look" he said "Guys! Over heee--" Jesse was interrupted because she was pulled into the Command Block direction as well "Help!" I yelled scared seeing that Endie couldn't hold me any longer "No, no, no! I said after I saw the Command Block glowed dark-purple a second then it shot a dark-purple lighting on my chest sending both me and Endie back.
"Alvin!" I heard two voices screaming my name then I became unconscious.
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