Chapter 92 (Long Chapter)
Cortney was now sitting outside her mother's room, all she could hear was screaming.
" Keep pushing! " Her dad encouraged. Finally, they heard a cry and the baby was out. At that moment Cortney came into the room to greet her baby sister.
" She's adorable mom," Cortney whispered. " How are you doing? "
" I'm in pain and tired," her mom breathed.
" Have you thought of a name? " Cortney asked.
" Delphini," The Dark Lord answered. " Would you like to hold your sister? "
" Of course," Cortney answered. Cortney had her baby sister placed in her arms. Her baby bump was a bit in the way, but she adjusted. "You're my new sister Delphini. I will protect you forever. I am seventeen years older, but age shouldn't matter. Because even when you are twenty-one, I will still boss you around like the older sister I am. I better be your favorite between me and Draco".
A couple of weeks later, Cortney was in her room, in loads of pain. The baby was coming, a Death Eater, that also helped with birth, was there. Her family was also to support her. It was March 23rd, 1998.
" Push Cortney ! " the Death Eater urged.
" AHHHHHHH! " Cortney screamed in pain as she pushed. A half-hour later they heard a cry. The baby was placed in Cortney after it got cleaned off. Cortney looked down at her daughter, who looked up at her. Hi". She smiled rubbing her baby's arm. " You are such a miracle". She kissed the baby's head. " I love you so much".
" Name of the baby? " Draco asked as her family entered the room.
" Dana Bellatrix Lestrange," Cortney answered. " Mother, come hold your granddaughter". Her mum walked over and picked up Dana.
" I'm your grandmother," Bellatrix said softly as she kissed the baby's head. The baby was passed to Draco, who soon passed it back to Cortney. Most of her family left besides Draco.
" She has his eyes," Draco pointed out, with a small smile.
" Yes, she does," Cortney smiled.
" She's beautiful cous," Draco said.
" Thank you cous," Cortney smiled. Soon he left, everyone left the house. Leaving just her and Dana. The baby started to cry a little.
" Shhh, shhh," Cortney hushed kissing the baby's head. " Dana". The baby went quiet at the sound of her mum's voice. " Daddy loves you so much. He wishes he could be here with you. But times are difficult when all of this is over. We'll be a proper family. We will explain everything, and one day you'll understand". She got out Seamus's letter and read it to her.
The Golden Trio had made it to the Lovegood's house. Still several feet away from it.
" You're not still mad at him, are you? " Harry asked Hermione.
" I'm always mad at him," Hermione replied. They looked at the house standing in the distance.
" Luna," Ron breathed. They walked up to the front door, looking stranger as they got closer. Harry knocked on the door, a few minutes later Mr. Lovegood opened the doo. He was thinner, place, and wearing his pajamas. He looked scared and suspicious.
" What is to? Who are you? What do you want? " Mr. Lovegood asked all at once.
" Hell, Mr.Lovegood. I'm Harry Potter we met a few months ago," Harry greeted. " Could we come in? " Mr. Lovegood reluctantly let them inside. The inside was just as strange as the outside. He made them tea and had them sit in the living room.
" Where's Luna? " Hermione asked.
" Luna? She'll be long," Mr. Lovegood answered. They all took a sip of the awful tea. " So, how can I help you, Mr. Potter? "
" Well, actually it was about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. It was a symbol". Harry stated.
" You mean this? " Mr.Lovegood asked reaching in his shirt and pulling out the symbol.
" Yes, that. We were wondering what it was? " Harry asked.
" What is it? Well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows of course," He answered.
" The what? " They asked.
" The Deathly Hallows. I assume you're all familiar with The Tale of the Three Brothers? " He asked.
" Yes," Ron and Hermione answered.
" I have it here," Hermione said pulling the book from her bag. She opened it to the very end and began reading. " There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely road at twilight-"
" Midnight," Ron interrupted. " Mum always says midnight". They all looked at him. T-twilights fine. Better actually".
" Do you want to read it? " Hermione asked him.
"No," Ron answered before Hermione continued reading. She read all of it.
" So there you are, the Deathly Hallows," Mr. Lovegood said.
" I'm sorry sir, I still don't quite understand," Harry admitted. Mr.Lovegood stood up and walked over to a table. He pulled out a sheet of parchment and a quill. They crowded around him as he drew a line.
" The Elder wand. The most powerful wand ever made". Mr. Lovegood said, next he drew a small circle near the end. " The Resurrection Stone". Lastly, he drew a triangle around the whole thing. " The Cloak of Invisibility. Together they make the Deathly Hallows. Together they make the master of death".
" That mark was on a gravestone," Hermione breathed. " Um, Mr. Lovegood does the Peverell family have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows? "
" Yes. Ignotus-excuse me- and his brothers, Cadmus and Antioch were thought to be the original owners of the Deathly Hallows and therefore the inspiration of the story," Mr. Lovegood explained. His eyes suddenly grew wide, he hurried towards the teapot. " Oh your teas gone cold. I'll be right back". He hurried out of the room.
"Let's get out of here," Ron said once the man was out of sight. " I'm not drinking anymore of that stuff hot or cold". They gathered their things and went downstairs to find Mr. Lovegood still making tea.
" Thank you, sir," Harry said once he noticed them
" You forgot the water," Ron pointed out.
" What? " Mr.Lovegood asked.
" For the tea," Ron informed.
" Did I ? How silly of me? " Mr. Lovegood said with a forced laugh.
" No matter, we should really be going, " Harry said.
" NO! You can't! " Mr. Lovegood shouted blocking them from the door.
" Sir? " Harry asked. He looked them in the eyes, he looked desperate and scared.
" You're my only hope. They were angry you see about what I'd been writing. So they took her. They took m Luna. My Luna," Mr. Lovegood cried. He walked towards Harry moving his hair to reveal the scar. " But it's you he really wants".
" Who took her sir? " Harry asked backing up.
" Voldemort," Mr.Lovegood breathed. It happened so fast black smoke everywhere, broken glass and furniture. The three dropped to the ground.
" I got him! " Mr. Lovegood yelled running outside. The three army crawled to each other Once all hands touched they apparated to their campsite.
" Treacherous little bleeder! Is there no one we can trust! " Ron demanded angrily as he helped up Hermione.
" They kidnapped Luna cause he supported us," Harry explained. " He was just desperate".
" I'll do the enchantments," Ron growled as he walked away, but stopped. The snatchers followed them.
" Hello beautiful," the long hair one said to Hermione. He was holding her scarf. They began running away splitting up.
" Well don't just stand about, snatch them! " He shouted. Spells were being shot. Soon they all met in the middle, Harry's dace was messed up.
" Don't touch her! " Ron snapped at the snatcher that was holding Hermione the snatcher punched Ron in the stomach.
"Ron," Hermione breathed.
" Your boyfriend will get much worse if he doesn't learn to behave himself," the leader explained. He looked over at Harry. " What happened to you ugly? " The snatcher holding Harry and himself both looked up. " Not you. What's your name".
" Dudley. Vernon Dudley," Harry answered.
" Check him," the snatcher ordered. He turned to Hermione. " And you...what do they call you? "
" Penelope Clearwater, Half-Blood," Hermione avoided the man's eye.
" There's no Vernon Dudley here," a snatcher said to the leader. He looked at Harry in disbelief, he walked towards him and moved his hair. There was a faint scar of the lighting bolt.
" Change of plans. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry," the leader breathed.
Cortney was at her home in Dana's room. She was rocking her to sleep, Draco sat in the room with her. There was a knock at the door, they looked to see Draco's mother.
" Draco, you are needed at home," Aunt Nacrissa told him. Cortney navigated her aunt's mind. He left the room leaving Cortney and her aunt.
" You need to leave now," Aunt Nacrissa said sternly. Go to Shell Cottage, take Dana with you, some of the baby stuff is there already". Her aunt left. Cortney did what she was told and took her and Dana to Bill and Fleur's place.
At the Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix was holding Harry's head back by his hair.
" Well? " Bellatrix asked.
" I can't be so sure," Draco said.
" Draco, look closely son. If we're the ones to hand Harry Potter to the Dark Lord everything will be forgiven, it will be all as it was, understand? " Lucius explained to his son.
" Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him I hope Mr. Malfoy? " The leader of the snatchers asked.
" You dare talk to me like that in my own house !? " Mr. Malfoy shouted, everyone, flinched. He brought Draco closer to Harry for a better look.
" Now, if it isn't who we think it is Draco and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure," Bellatrix said. Draco knelled in front of Harry, both stared at each other.
" What's wrong with his face? " Draco asked.
" Yes, what is wrong with his face? " Bellatrix asked.
" He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest I reckon," the leader snatcher answered.
" Or a stinging jinx, give me your wands. We'll see what their last spell was," Bellatrix said. She gathered all their wands, she began to have a sinister smile on her face. " Ahah! I got you," she began to laugh Bellatrix stopped when her eyes landed on the sword in one of the snatcher's hands. Her eyes went wide. " Where did you get that from? "
" It was in her bag when we searched her," the snatcher explained. " Reckon it's mine now," the snatcher smirked. Bellatrix waved her wand and a whip came out and hit the snatcher. he dropped the sword and went flying across the room. " Go! Go! " She made her way over to the Harry, Ron, and Hermione. " Put the boys in the cellar. I'm going to have a little conversation with this one. Girl to girl! " The boys were thrown downstairs, Ron immediately pounded on the door. Harry wrote to Cortney.
- Your mom is about to do something bad to Hermione-. Harry wrote.
- I'll put Dana to sleep, and be on my way as soon as I can- Cortney wrote back.
" What are we going to do! We can't leave Hermione alone with her! " Ron panicked.
" Ron ? " the voice asked. " Harry? " Ron lit the room to see Luna.
" Luna? " Harry asked surprised. Her clothes were dirty and so was she. They also saw Griphook the Goblin and Mr. Ollivander, in the same condition.
" How did you get here? " Ron asked them.
" The Death Eaters came to my house and took me away. Dad must be worried," Luna answered. At that moment they heard a blood-curdling scream. Upstairs Bellatrix was on top of Hermione, holding her arm out, knife in hand.
" The sword was meant to be in my vault at Gringotts, how did you get in? " Bellatrix hissed. Hermione remained silent trying not to cry " What else did you and your friends take from my vault! "
" I didn't take anything. Please. I didn't take anything ! " Hermione cried. Bellatrix began to carve into Hermione's arm more, holding her head down as she screamed loudly. Back in the cellar, Ron rattled the gate, yelling at the top of his lungs.
" We have to do something! " Ron shouted as he continued to try to breakthrough.
" There's no way out. We'd tried everything. It's enchanted," Mr. Ollivander explained over the screams.
" How does Cortney not hear this! " Harry asked angrily.
" She's doesn't live here, she was moved out for safety," Griphook said. Harry bent down and took a mirror out of his sock.
" You're bleeding Harry," Luna said. " That's an curious object to keep thing to keep in your sock".
" Help us. Please," Harry whispered to the mirror. As the screams continued they heard footsteps come down the steps. Ron took the lights, it was Wormtail.
" Let her go ! " Ron snarled.
" No ! Get back! " Wormtail ordered pointing a wand at them. They all took a step back, he turned to Griphook.
" You. Goblin. Come with me". Once the two went upstairs the screaming stopped. There was pop, a little creature appeared in the room. It was Dobby!
" Ah! " Dobby said.
" Dobby? " Harry asked surprised. " What're you doing here? "
" Dobby has come to rescue Harry Potter of course. Dobby will always be there to help him," Dobby said.
" Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room? Could you take us with you? " Harry asked.
" Of course sir. I'm an elf," Dobby said. Harry exchanged looks with the others. " Alright, Dobby, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander to-" Harry began.
" Shell cottage on the outskirts of Freshwest," Ron finished. " Just trust me".
" Whenever you're ready sir," Luna said to Dobby.
" Sir? I like her very much," Dobby said appreciated. Dobby took their hands. " Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten-second". Dobby apparated away with them. A second later Womtail came back downstairs
They hid behind the wall, just as he opened the gate, he was knocked. They walked into the doorway and looked up to see Dobby and Cortney at the top of the steps. It has been months since they've seen each other. Both looked a bit raggedy and for different reasons.
" Cortney," the two boys breathed.
" Boys," Cortney breathed.
" Who gets the wand? " Dobby asked. At the top of the stairs, Hermione laid motionless on the floor. Carved into her arm was the word ' Mudblood', tears made their at out of her eyes. Bellatrix was questioning Griphook about the sword, she slit his cheek with the knife. A hair of Bellatrix's fell off and landed on Hermione.
" Consider yourself lucky, Goblin," She sneered in his face. She walked over to Hermione." The same won't be for this one". Hermione looked up.
" Like hell," Ron said. He along with the others ran out ready to fight.
" Expelliarmus! " Harry shouted, Bellatrix dismissed the spell. Ron shot a spell at Lucius sending him across the room. Bellatrix grabbed Hermione roughly making her stand. Bellatrix held a knife to Hermione's neck. She looked up at the ceiling.
" Drop your wands! " Bellatrix ordered. They all dropped their wands, not taking their eyes off Hermione. " Cortney what are you doing? "
" Let her go mother," Cortney demanded.
" Well look. It's Harry Potter. he's all bright and shiny and new again," Bellatrix teased. Harry's disguise wore off. " Just in time for the dark lord. Call him! " Uncle Lucius walked over to them, pushed up his sleeve, but stopped when they heard a squeaking sound. They all looked up to see Dobby unscrewing the screws. The chandelier fell to the floor, Bellatrix let go, pushing her so she'd get crushed. But Hermione made it to Ron in time. Harry grabbed their wands and now stood in a corner with Griphook, Hermione, Ron, Cortney, and Dobby.
" Stupid elf! You could have killed me! " Bellatrix shouted.
" Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to harm or seriously injure" Dobby said. Aunt Nacrissa waved her wand, but Dobby snapped his fingers, sending it into his fingers.
" How dare you take a witch's wand! How dare you defy your masters! " Bellatrix snapped.
" Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends! " Dobby said.
" I'm gonna kill your baby Cortney! " Bellatrix threatened
" NO ! " Cortney cried, Dobby apparated them away. Bellatrix threw her knife at them. When they stopped spinning, they lay in the water. Ron had his arms around Hermione. Cortney, Harry, Griphook, and Dobby were around them.
" We're safe. We're all safe," Harry gasped getting up.
" Harry Potter," a weak voice breathed. A terrible sight, Dobby was hunched over, clutching his stomach. His pillowcase was now in blood, a knife was sticking out.
" Dobby! " Harry gasped as he hurried over to the wounded elf. Harry caught Dobby as he fell over. He carefully took the knife out of Dobby, who was struggling to breathe. " Dobby. Hold on. Okay ? We'll fix you. Hermione, you must have something in your bag". Harry looked at Hermione in hope. She didn't answer. ' Hermione! Hermione...Help me !"
" Such a beautiful be with friend...Dobby is so happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter," Dobby said silently. He was gone, tears rolled down everyone's face, especially Harry's face. Luna knelt down to him. They heard a baby cry and Bill came out with Dana who was put in Cortney's arms.
" You should close his eyes. Don't you think? " Luna asked. She gently closed them. "There now he could be sleeping". Dobby looked peaceful, everyone was silent, including the baby.
" I want to bury him. Properly. Without magic," Harry said in between breaths and tears.
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