Chapter 9
It is now Halloween, one of Cortney's favorite holidays. It will different this year since she is away. Cortney was currently sitting in Herbology with Hufflepuff taking notes on fungi. A little piece of paper landed on her desk. She carefully put it in her notes. She then pretended to take notes. The note read.
' H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N, Halloween! - Pansy'
Cortney gave Pansy a small note before actually taking notes. Later class was over and Cortney stayed behind to ask a question. Her Pansy and Blaise Zabini. Blaise was a darker boy, didn't really speak much. waited for her. Professor Sprout was putting things away, she turned and was surprised to Cortney.
" Hello Ms. Lestrange," Professor Sprout greeted.
" Hello Professor Sprout, I had a question about today's assignment. Did we have to do it on specific fungi or anyone we like? " Cortney asked.
" Do it on mushrooms," Professor Sprout replied.
" Thank you," Cortney said before leaving and joining her friends.
" I've heard the Halloween feast is spectacular," Pansy informed them. Blaise nodded in agreement.
" I'm pumped for today. I made a bet with Crabbe and Goyle," Cortney said smiling.
" What is the bet on? " Blaise asked.
" The bet is on who can scare each other the most. Crabbe and Goyle. Whoever wins has the other people do favors for a whole week," Cortney explained.
" Good luck," Pansy said as they parted.
" Thanks! " She called out. A body rushed past her, Cortney looked up and saw Hermione in a hurry.
" Hermione are you okay? " Cortney asked.
" I'm fine !" Hermione said uneasily.
Cortney brushed it off and continued walking. A couple of minutes later, she saw Ron, Harry, and Seamus. Seamus looked like he got struck by lightning again.
" What happened to you? " Cortney giggled.
" He kinda blew up his feather in charms," Harry answered. Cortney giggled again.
"It's not funny Cortney," Seamus hissed. He took two fingers and wiped soot off his face. He then smeared it on Cortney. Cortney then took his sleeve and wiped it off.
" Do you wanna fight, "Seamus threatened.
"Let's go," Cortney shot.
" Break it up you two, " Ron ordered. Cortney glared at Seamus before walking away. Luckily she saw Crabbe and Goyle. She snuck up behind them. She put her mouth next to their ears.
" Boo! " Cortney spoke.
" AHHH! " Screamed the two boys. Cortney began laughing as the two glared at her. Later on, classes were over for the day and there was a good amount of time before the Halloween feast. Cortney went another run accompanied by Seamus again. Cortney slowed down and stopped next to Seamus and began to stretch.
" Finally! I need someone to help me with the levitation spell! " Seamus exclaimed pulling out his wand. He then pointed it at her water bottle.
" You are not blowing up my water bottle Finnegan," Cortney said.
" Oh my, it's a water bottle Lestrange," Seamus mimicked. Cortney pushed him down and took off his shoe. She ripped off his sock and put his shoe back on.
" You have a million pairs of socks so if you blow one up it wouldn't matter," Cortney said angrily. She put it on the ground.
" So violent and angry," Seamus grumbled as he stood up.
" Wingardium Leviosa! " Seamus said as he swished and flicked. Nothing.
" Less of a grip on your wand," Cortney advised. The practice went on for a few more minutes before the two agreed on calling it quits. Cortney headed into the nearest girls' bathroom to wash her hands even though she was going to take a quick shower. She heard soft crying.
" Hello? " Cortney asked.
" Cortney? " A shaky voice asked.
" Hermione, are you okay? " Cortney asked.
" I'm just upset," she sniffled.
"What happened? " Cortney leaned against the stall door.
" Ron.....he said I was a nightmare to be with....which is why I have no friends which, is true," Hermione cried.
" Don't listen to him. He is just jealous of you. Plus I'm your friend," Cortney said.
" Thanks," Hermione said sounding a bit more happier.
" Are you coming to the Halloween feast? " Cortney asked.
" No, " Hermione answered. Cortney stuck her hand over the stall with a fist full of candy. Hermione took them. " What is this for? "
" Just in case your hungry," Cortney answered.
" Thanks see you later," Hermione sniffed.
" You too," Cortney said leaving the bathroom. Not too long after leaving the bathroom, Cortney ran into Pavarti Patil.
" Have you seen Hermione Granger? " She asked nervously.
" Yes I have, she's in the girl's bathroom, she's been crying all afternoon and won't come out," Cortney answered.
" Thanks," Pavarti said before quickly walking away. Cortney went to her common room and took a shower before changing back into her robes. Cortney now stood in front of the mirror staring at it intensely.
" You are not an evil person. You are an eleven-year-old girl. This is a new start. So far you have learned new things about yourself but don't let that affect you in a bad way. It hurts that your real parents didn't want you but you have the best family you could imagine. You will make them so proud of you. As Slytherin, you have a different determination for things and that's perfectly okay. Now go enjoy yourself," Cortney said to herself.
Cortney sat at the Halloween feast. There were floating pumpkins, live bats, and thousands of pounds of candy on the tables. She was currently talking to Blaise.
" How did they manage to have all these bats stay in one room? " Cortney questioned looking up.
" Some enchantment," Blaise shrugged. All of a sudden the Great Hall doors burst open.
" TROLL! IN THE DUNGEONS! TROLL " Professor Qurriell shouted running down the hall. Everyone grew quiet and looked at him. " Just thought to you oughta know ". With that, he collapsed unconscious onto the ground. Cortney stayed seated confused as everyone got up screaming.
" SILENCE! " Dumbledore shouted. The hall grew quiet again and everyone looked at him. " Everyone will please not panic! Now perfects will lead their house back to their dormitories. Teachers you'll follow me to the dungeons! " Everyone began to file out of the Great Hall,
" How could a troll get in? " Harry asked Ron.
" Trolls are really stupid. Probably someone's idea of a joke," Ron answered him. Harry all of a sudden grabbed into Ron.
" Hermione! She doesn't know! " The boys sprinted away from everyone else. Cortney looked at De'lexi strangely.
" What? " De'lexi asked.
" Ron said this was probably someone's idea of a joke," Cortney answered.
" Probably Fred and George's idea," De'lexi assured her.
" True, something just feels fishy," Cortney admitted. Eventually, they were in their dormitories. The news went around how Hermione was the one to hunt down the troll and she was very lucky to Ron and Harry save her. Also, Harry and Ron took down the 10-foot mountain troll. But Cortney knew the truth.
Authors note: Hey !! So school is starting! Swim practice started! I work now as a lifeguard! So the starting September it is going to be crazy. Updates will be slower, I may not be able to update till November. I am so sorry, it's just going to be super busy !! I hope everyone is doing good !! Love you all !!
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