Chapter 8

The next morning, Cortney didn't have class since it was Saturday. She was currently at breakfast. She was eating eggs and toast.

"Cortney! Guys! She's eating! " Pansy gasped. They all gasped. ( By all she means Draco, Millicent, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Daphne, and Kierra ).

" Are you going to eat next week? " Kierra asked.

"Probably, first week nerves are gone," Cortney admitted.

" Good, I don't think I can eat anymore Cornflake," Draco groaned. The girls giggled.

" Aye, cousin, you better watch it for test days, " Cortney threatened playfully. Draco groaned and the girls giggled again. Cortney quickly finished and stood up.

" Where are you going? " Millicent Bulstrode asked. Millicent was a built girl. A bit chubby in the face. So she still had a baby face and dark hair.

" To the library," Cortney lied. She was actually going to visit Hagrid. She gathered her things and left the Great Hall. To get by with the lie, Cortney pretended to be working on an assignment. She wasn't looking where she was going when she ran into a person, or two.

" Watch where you're going Lestrange," a familiar voice spoke. Cortney looked up terrified to see Fred and George Weasly. Those two aren't the nicest to Slytherins.

" Don't go Slytherin our businesses," George sneered.

" I'm so sorry," Cortney panicked.

" Sure you are," Fred said.

" Probably planning an evil plan," George added.

" So go on," the two coursed. " Go on with your evil plan ". Without a word, Cortney hurried down to Hagrid's hut. She knocked on the door. Loud barking erupted from the other side of the door. Hagrid opened the door, he was surprised and happy to see her.

" Hello Cortney," Hagrid greeted.

" Hello Hagrid," Cortney said smiling. The dog growled and went up to sniff her. His nose tickled her causing her to giggle. The dog then licks her, approving her presence.

" That's Fang," Hagrid informed poured tea as Cortney sat down as she pet Fang. " How is Hogwarts? " 

" Different....but I like it," Cortney admitted as he handed her a cup of tea. " Thank you ". He smiled at her.

" Make any friends ?" Hagrid asked.

" Oh yes! But a lot of people seem to not like me cause I'm in Slytherin, they say I'm up to something evil," Cortney sighed.

" It is to be said that most people that end up in Slytherin come out dark," Hagrid informed her. " For example your parents."

" Well I'm going to show everyone that's not entirely true, good people can come out of Slytherin," Cortney said determinedly,

" You set your heart to that," Hagrid approved.

" If they want evil, is I will show them evil," Cortney said.

" And how will you do that? " Hagrid asked raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

" I'm going to eat two pancakes at breakfast instead of one. That's when I eat pancakes. I will sing to people randomly, they will never suspect it! And pants my enemies," Cortney clarified. Hagrid started laughing. " Besides I don't to be evil like my parents and all of them, I just want to be me ".

" Cortney, I said this before and I will say it again, you are going to grow up to be a pretty good witch," Hagrid said smiling.

" Thanks, Hagrid," Cortney smiled. " And thanks for tea ". She gently set in the sink before heading towards the castle. Cortney began walking towards the library.

" Cortney! " A familiar voice exclaimed. Cortney turned and saw Joseph and another boy and a girl. She smiled at them. The other boy had blonde curly hair and dark eyes, he was in Hufflepuff. The girl has blonde hair and blue eyes, she was also in Hufflepuff.

" This is Justin Finch Fletchely and Hannah Abbott," Joseph informed her.

" Hello," Cortney greeted waving at them and smiling.

" Much kinder than most Slytherins," Hannah commented.

" Told you," Joseph smirked.

" So nice Slytherin, what is a hobby of yours? " Justin asked.

" A hobby? Dancing, singing, and musicals instruments," Cortney listed.

" He said hobby, not hobbies," Hannah pointed it giggly.

" Whoops," Cortney said embarrassed.

" You seem like an active person," Joseph said.

" Just a bit," Cortney said sarcastically causing them to laugh.

" So Cortney, Malfoy isn't the nicest person, and I heard you two are cousins, so I was wondering if he was like this at family parties? " Hannah asked.

" Sadly yes," Cortney said unsure. Thankfully Justin and Hannah didn't notice. Joesph on the other hand quietly sighed.

" Hey, Cortney ! " A male voice shouted. " We will talk to you later," Justin said before hurrying away. Cortney turned and saw Marcus Flint walking up to her. He was a sixth or fifth year. He was the Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, he was also a chaser. He had dark hair and dark eyes. His teeth were crooked, he was intimidating to Cortney.

" Hello Marcus," Cortney said quietly.

" Did I scare your friends off? " He smirked. " Good, Draco wants to see you ". He shoved her towards the Slytherin common room. Cortney walked over to the common room. An older Slytherin already said the password so she sprinted inside before the door shut again. Cortney found Draco sitting at a table all alone.

"Hey cousin," Cortney greeted sitting I front of him. " Marcus Flint said you wanted to see me ".

" That's right, now I know you're adopted so I know you don't know much of the Wizarding World," Draco began. " So let's start with Blood types. I and you are purebloods meaning our parents are purebloods that married each other. Next is half-bloods like Potter and Finnigan. One of Potter's parents is a pure whole the other is Muggleborn. In Finnigan's case, one of his parents is a muggle while the other had magical blood. Last is Muggleborns, filthy, Muggles that have magic in their blood like Granger. Also, there are muggles of non-magic people. We Muggleborns call them Mudbloods. The Weasly are blood traitors because they associate will Muggles willingly. You aren't a blood traitor because you were forced into interacting with Muggles. Tomorrow I will tell you all about Quidditch. Now if you tell anyone about this and do anything wrong I will tell the whole school that you are adopted, I know you are keeping it a secret ". Cortney gulped. "Now get out of my sight ". Cortney sprinted up to her dorm and flopped on her bed. She was so mad and scared. Some of the stuff Draco said was the truths and facts while some of the stuff she completely disagreed with.

' So what if the Weasleys like Muggles! I think they are pretty cool too! I love Muggles, I thought I was a muggle. the people that raised me are Muggles, my siblings are Muggles, some of my friends are Muggles! I have a crush on a Muggle! Muggles are people as much as we are! I'm going to do what I can so my secret isn't revealed but at the same time go against him. I do what I want! Screw blood types! ' Cortney thought angrily to herself. She screamed into her pillow. All of a sudden she got up as three on shorts, a Slytherin t-shirt, and running shoes. Cortney left the common room ignoring everyone as she threw her hair into a ponytail with a water bottle in her hand.

" Lestrange! " A voice called.

" What !? " Cortney snapped. She turned to see Seamus.

" Woah there tiger, someone is in a grumpy mood," Seamus said putting his hands up in defence.

" Sorry Seamus, I thought you were someone else," Cortney lied and smiled at him. When really she just wanted to be left alone.

" Aren't you cold? And where are you going? " Seamus questioned as they continued walking

" Nope, and I'm going to the Quidditch field to go running," Cortney replied.

" Can I come? To accompany you and do homework? " He asked.

" Sure," Cortney said slowly. The rest of the afternoon was spent running and talking to Seamus.

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