Chapter 55

The last few weeks were gloomy, the past events have kept everyone quiet. Today they were sitting in the Great Hall for Cedric Diggory's funeral The Great Hall was decorated in all black, they were in there in memory of Cedric Diggory. Cortney sat in between Draco and Millicent. Pansy sat on the other side of Draco.

" Today we acknowledge a terrible loss. Cedric Diggory as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, fair-minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend". Dumbledore began. Cortney looked at everyone's in the hall, Cho's friends were comforting her as she cried. " And because of that, I think you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered! By Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic wishes me not to tell you this, but I think not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel for the dreadful loss reminds me- reminds us while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In recent events, the bonds we've made this year are more important than ever! Remember that Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind, honest and brave, True, right till the very end". People clapped as they sat in sad silence.


It was the last day and Cortney had all her stuff packed up.

" So Cort, what are you doing this summer? " Pansy asked as they made their way outside to say goodbye to their new friends from the other schools.

"I think I am going to go back to America," Cortney said. " What about you? "

" I don't...visit Draco, hang out with others," shrugged Pansy. When they reached the outside they were engulfed in hugs and said goodbyes to others.

" Cortney Lestrange," a voice said. She turned and saw Elena.

" Elena," Cortney said.

" I want to say that I am sorry for whatever I caused you. I found out what he did to you" Elena apologized.

" It's alright, we were both blind," Cortney admitted. The two girls nodded at each other before walking off. Cortney soon joined De'lexi, Joesph, and Milan on the side.  

" Write this summer? " Joey asked.

" Ya, the letters might take a while to get to all of you," Cortney said.

" Same," the other two synced.

" I am going back to see my family, I need to," Cortney stated.

" I am going on a trip to France," De'lexi stated.

" I am going to where ever this one guy from Durmstrang is. I think I might get a boyfriend in a bit," Joey said.

" That's great! " Milan congratulated by patting Joey on the back.


On the train, Cortney shared a compartment with Seamus, Neville, and Dean.

" It's been quite the year, hasn't it? " Dean asked.

" It sure has," Seamus said. Cortney got up to a restroom.

" Wait up Lestrange ! " called Neville as he followed out.

" Hey Longbottom," Cortney greeted.

" We're taking you home to America, right? " Neville asked.

" Yes. why? " Cortney asked.

" Gran, is not believing your adopted, and I'm starting to not believe it too," Neville confessed. " How do you go eleven years without your biological family trying to keep in contact? "

" I don't know. It just happened," Cortney said.

" It just seems all shady," Neville said. " Are you sure, the Malfoy's don't have a place to stay in America? "

" Positive," Cortney confirmed getting angry. Later on, the train stopped and everyone got off to find their people. Cortney followed Neville, there was an older lady dressed oddly. 

" Hello Gran," Neville greeted.

" Hello Neville," his Gran greeted him. She then glared at Cortney. " And you must be the Lestrange's daughter".

" Yes," Cortney said.

" How do you carry yourself, knowing the awful thing your parents have done? Why do you tell such lies about being adopted? I spit at you," growled his Gran. Many hours later, they were back in Michigan. It was a late warm summer day. They were now on Cortney's street.

" My house is the one after the pine tree," Cortney instructed.

" Good! I can't wait to get rid of you! " Ms. Longbottom snapped. Cortney sighed in defeat as Neville sat upfront smiling. They stopped in front of the house. They all got and out grabbed an item to help, less back and forth trips. They began to walk towards the door, when the front door opened and at that moment, Cortney dropped her stuff.

" What are you doing? " Neville demanded. Before she could answer a little redhead boy and a blonde boy ran out and tackled her in a hug.

" Mikey! Tristen! " Cortney cried. " I've missed you both so much! " The siblings parted.

" Why were you gone for so long? " Tristen asked.

"School," Cortney answered as she ruffled the top of his head. "I'm sorry for being gone for so long. Where's Sarah and Erin?"

"Work," Mikey answered. "Sarah should be home soon. I know they will be happy to see you!"

" Cortney ! " gasped two adult voices. Cortney looked up and saw the people who took her in, standing in front of her.

" Mom! Dad! " Cortney cried tackling them into hugs. Neville and his grandmother looked at each other confusingly. 

" You have grown up so much," her mom said cupping Cortney's face in her hands.

" It has been about two years since the last time I've seen you," her dad exaggerated. " All because her biological family wanted to spend time with her after thirteen years". 

" I'd rather spend time here," Cortney admitted. 

" So you're adopted? " Neville asked. Her parents looked at Cortney questioningly.

" Both of them didn't believe me," Cortney said.

" Is that Teddy? " Mickey asked. Cortney picked him up and put him on her hip.

" I'm Neville Longbottom," Neville greeted. " And this is my Gran". He gestured to his grandmother who just waved. 

" Then who's Teddy? " Tristen asked.

"An ex-boyfriend," Cortney answered.

" What happened? " Her mom asked.

" Am I going to have to get my shotgun out ?" Her dad asked folding his arms.

" Dad! " Cortney exclaimed. " And it just did not end well. But it's all good because that is the past, and this is the present".

" You are so tough," her mom said.

" That's how you know she was raised by us," her dad said proudly. 

" Is that ? " said a familiar voice.

" Cortney O'Donnell ?" asked another familiar voice.

" In the flesh ? " asked another voice. Cortney turned around with a super big smile and saw, Rosemary, Brice, and Jordan. 

" Is that Rosemary, Brice, and Jordan? " Cortney asked dramatically. The four friends tackled each other in friends.

" Look at this lion mane," Brice said messing with her hair.

" So massive," Jordan added.

" That's what makes her Cortney! " Rosemary sang jumping up and down. "Please tell me you are going to Camp Durant this year! Music camp hasn't been the same without you!"

"Honestly, I don't pick up an instrument as much as I used to or dance," Cortney admitted.

"But you love music!" Brice exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Jordan exclaimed as he took her hand. "Don't you remember all those talent shows we entered together in elementary school!"

"Of course I do," Cortney answered. "I can still vividly remember Ms. Henderson falling off the stage." She and Jordan laughed.

"Please tell me you are dropping out of the Uk," Rosemary pleaded. "We can live out our high school dreams from elementary school."

"High school dreams?" Tristan asked. Like Sarah and Erin?"

"Sort of," Jordan asked. "In elementary school, we planned that once we get to high school we start a band and drop out."

"You four aren't dropping out till you finish school," Mom ordered. "You promised that!"

"So that band?" Brice asked.

"I am not dropping out of the school I am currently attending," Cortney answered. "Rosemary, it's just a few more years."

"But Cortney," Rosemary groaned.

"A few more years," Cortney assured. "The high school has a pretty good music program, I will look into it." Rosemary still seemed unhappy then looked at the other people. 

" Who are they? " Rosemary asked, she gestures to the other Hogwarts boy and his grandmother.

" This is Neville Longbottom and his grandmother," Cortney answered. "Neville is one of my friends from school."

" Nice to meet you," Neville greeted.

"British accents! I love it ! " she squealed as she bolted over.


Later that night Cortney was sitting on her window sill with Neville.

" Me and gran are sorry about not believing you," Neville said apologetically.

" It's alright," Cortney said smiling at him. " It feels so good to be home".

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