Chapter 5

Cortney woke up early that morning. Not that she wanted to but she was freezing. She got up wrapping a blanket around her body and walked zombie walked over to the bathroom. After she made her bed got ready, and went over to Kierra.

" Kierra," Cortney whispered shaking her.

" What," Kierra groaned.

" We have class today," Cortney informed before walking away. Cortney tiredly walked to the Great Hall alone. ' This has to be a dream ' Cortney told herself.

"It's Cortney right ? " a voice asked interrupting her thoughts. Cortney turned and saw Hermione.

" Yep, Hermione? " Cortney questioned.

" Yes," Hermione answered.

" How was your night? " Cortney asked.

" Good, good how was yours? " Hermione replied.

" Freezing," Cortney admitted. Shortly after that answer, the two separated to go to their tables. Cortney sat down at the table and just stared at the food. How could she possibly eat today? Of all days? Classes start today. She feels like puking at the idea of eating. Pretty soon other people showed up, filling the table. The schedules were being handed out to the students as they arrived.

" You should really eat something," Pansy persisted, pushing s plate of toast toward her.

" I'm not hungry," Cortney protested pushing the toast away.

" At least some cornflakes," Kierra advised.

" Fine," Cortney groaned giving in. She poured the smallest bowl of cornflakes and added milk. She put someone a spoon and raised it to her mouth. After staring at it for several seconds, Cortney ate it. It was absolutely disgusting, Cortney thought she was going to puke. She never ate well on days like this, The only time she did was for second grade and under. She painfully swallowed it.

" How was it ? " a girl sitting next to Pansy asked, The girl had blue-gray eyes and pale blonde hair. " By the way, I'm Daphne Greengrass ".

" Cortney Lestrange, and it was disgusting," Cortney said sticking her tongue out.

" Try another," Draco ordered. Cortney had another spoon of cornflakes. She raised it to her mouth and just stared at it. Then the spoon dropped back into the bowl.

" You eat it," Cortney said pushing the bowl to Draco as she got up. Without another word she left.

" Wait up ! " a voice called as Cortney walked through the gates. She didn't even bother topping, the person caught up with her.

" Morning Joey," Cortney greeted.

" Morning Cortney, can't eat? " Joseph greeted.

" How did you know that? " Cortney asked looking at him.

" It was quite obvious," Joseph admitted. " You looked like you were going to throw up ".

" Really? " Cortney asked sounding surprised.

" Yeah," he laughed.

" What do you have? " Cortney asked trying to take a peek at his schedule.

" Potions, you? " Joesph asked.

" Transfiguration," Cortney answered.

" See you later ! " the two coursed going separate ways. Cortney was one of the first people to arrive at class. Well besides Hermione. Soon a lot of people walked in, including Seamus. He smiled and waved at her, she returned the gestures. Seamus put his stuff down at a desk before walking over to Cortney.

" Hello Cortney," Seamus greeted picking up one of her books and examining it.

" Hello Seamus, " Cortney greeted as her eyes followed the book.

" Nervous? " Seamus asked.

" Very," Cortney confirmed.

" I can tell," he laughed.

" I hate to break it you Seamus, but we have the same book," Cortney said. He laughed and put down the book before walking over to his seat. Soon class started. McGonagall did roll call before she gave us instructions. Now they working on their work as McGonagall watched them in the formation of a cat. Honestly, it was one of the coolest things Cortney has seen. They were silently working when the doors burst open. Ron and Harry came running in.

" Whoa...we made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late," Ron breathed heavily not knowing about the cat. The cat leaped off the desk transforming back into McGonagall. The boy's eyes widen as Ron's face made the perfect ' O ' shape. " That was bloody brilliant ".
" Well thank you for the assessment Mr. Weasly, perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigure you and Mr. Potter into a pocket watch? That way one of you would might be on time," She suggested.
" We got lost," Harry said.
" Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats," she huffed. Harry and Ron found their seats and began working.
Later Cortney sat at lunch nibbling on a carrot.

" At least your eating," Pansy acknowledged.

" I'm too nervous to eat large amounts," Cortney informed. She got up and headed to Hogwarts of History.

" Cortney ! " a familiar voice called. She turned and saw De'lexi catching up.

" Hey! " Cortney chimed. "How's your day going? "

" Good, good how's yours ?," De'lexi replied. " I couldn't eat, I was so nervous ".

" Same! " Cortney exclaimed. " I thought I was going to puke. Pansy made me eat cornflakes, which I ended up giving the rest to Draco ".

" Gross," De'lexi said sounding disgusted.

" Exactly," Cortney agreed.

" Anyways I had a class with Joey in Potions, " De'lexi informed switching subjects.

" Who teaches it? " Cortney asked.

" Snape, he brings this cold intense feeling in the room. One wrong move he would kill you kinda look," De'lexi explained. Cortney shuddered.

" I had a class with Milan in Transfiguration," Cortney informed.

" Who teaches it? " De'lexi asked.

" McGonagall, she's strict but very sarcastic," Cortney answered. " She did this really cool thing of turning into a cat and changing back to herself.

" I bet we don't learn that till the sixth year," De'lexi sighed.

" The school does have a library, we could always research it," Cortney informed.

" I like how you think O'Donnell...wait Lestrange? " De'lexi questioned.

" I will explain later," Cortney sighed. "Let's include Joesph and Milan on this ".
The next day Cortney was in potions., she ended up sitting next to Kierra. The Seamus boy walked in putting his stuff down before walking over to Cortney again.

" You don't look so nervous today," Seamus said.

" Oh I am, I heard this Snape guy is tough," Cortney breathed. " How are you not nervous? "

" I'm only a little nervous, it's just school," Seamus laugh. " You on the other hand are like a little ball of light about to explode ".

" Hey I'm Dean Thomas," a boy next to Cortney introduced. He was a darker boy, adorable brown eyes. Gryffindor.

" Cortney Lestrange," she said smiling. " Kierra Fletcher," Kierra informed.

There was a door slam and the two boys sprinted to their seats. Snape walked up to the front and began speaking. " You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death-if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." His eyes wandered to Harry. He was writing down what Snape was saying. " Maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so flamtiable to not pay attention ". Hermione nudged Harry. He put his quill down and looked up. " Mr. Potter, our nee celebrity ". The Slytherins besides Cortney laughed. " Tell me, Mr. Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphidale to an infusion of woodworm? " Hermione's shot in the air as Harry gave this blank look.

" You don't know ? " questioned Snape. " Well, let's try again, where Mr. Potter where would you look if I asked you to find me a beazle ? " Hermione's hand shot up higher.

" I don't know sir," Harry said.

" And what is the difference between munks wood and wolfspane ? " he asked. Hermione's hand was still in the air.

" I don't know sir," Harry repeated.

" Pity, clearly fame isn't everything is it, Mr. Potter," Snape said disappointedly.
Authors note: So I won't be updating for a couple of days. I have a fun story !! I was at the beach with two of my friends. I was in the middle of getting buried in the sand when this guy came up asking if we want to get play volleyball. We did but these people on my team were such ball hogs !! Btw I am completely terrible at it, I tried using my foot. I hope everyone has a good week !! Love
- Pickles

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