Chapter 39

For the rest of the day, Cortney thought about Trelanwy's prediction. Then it clicked, she busted into Lupin's class empty classroom. She ran up the stairs to his office. She ferociously pounded on the door. The doer swung open, Lupin was surprised to see her. 

" Do you have questions about a recent assignment? " Lupin asked. Cortney shook her head.

" It's about Pettigrew," Cortney said softly. Lupin let her in and closed the door. 

" What is it? " Lupin asked.

" He's an Animagus isn't he? " Cortney asked. Lupin stared at her dead in the face.

" That is very possible," Lupin said. " Are you sure you were not supposed to be in Ravenclaw? "

" Positive," Cortney confirmed. " I think my traits of a Slytherin shined more than the Ravenclaw ones," Cortney said.


Now, she was heading down to Hagrid's hut. She walked out to see Draco with Crabbe and Goyle watching the hut from afar.  Goyle looked up at her.

" Look who's here? " Goyle said. 

" Ah, come to see the show? " Malfoy smirked.

" You! " Cortney heard from behind her, all of a sudden Hermione stormed past her and up to Malfoy. " You foal loathe-some, evil little cockroach! " Hermione had Malfoy pinned to the wall, her wand at his neck.

" Hermione no! He's not worth it! shouted Ron. Draco looked terrified. Hermione lowered her wand and turned around. Malfoy snickered, she then whipped around and punched him square in the face.

" Draco are you okay ?" Cortney asked.

"Let's go! " The three male Slytherin's ran for it.

" That felt good," Hermione said smiling.

" Not good, brilliant ! " exclaimed Ron. They made their way to Hagrid's hut, passing a chained-up Buckbeak.

" Oh, look at 'im. Loves the smell as the wind and trees blow through 'im" Hagrid said sadly as he watched Buckbeak.

" Why don't you set him free? " Ron asked

" They'd know it was me an' Dumbledore would get inter trouble. He's coming you know Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they-when it happens. Great man Dumbledore! Great man ! " explained Hagrid.

" We'll stay with you too Hagrid, " Corney determined.

" You'll do no such thing ! " exclaimed Hagrid. " They don't want you seeing something like that. No. You just drink your tea and be off. Oh, and before you do, Ron," Hagrid handed Scrabbers to Ron. Cortney noticed something about the rat, a toe was missing. Her eyes went super wide.

" Scrabbers ! You're alive ! " cheered Ron taking him.

" You'd better keep a closer eye in yer pets, Ron," advised Hagrid. 

" I think that means you owe someone an apology," Hermione said crossing her arms.

" Right. Next time I see Crookshanks. I'll let him know," said Ron.

" I meant me ! " she snapped. The vase behind them broke.

" Blimey! What was that ? " questioned Hagrid.

" Ow! " Harry said rubbing the back of his head.

" Are you okay? " Cortney asked.

" Yeah, I just got hit with a rock," Harry said strangely. They looked out the window at the dark outside.

" Hagrid," Hermione breathed. The executioner, with Dumbledore and Minister of Magic, neared the hut. 

" It's late. It's dark. You shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside the castle at this time of night you'll be in big trouble! Big trouble! " Hagrid warned. " Especially you Harry".  The four kids snuck out the back and hid behind the pumpkin patch.

 A twig snapped behind them, their head snapped in that direction. 

" What? " Harry asked.

" I thought I just saw--never mind," said Hermione. They sprinted ahead, to the top of the hill. They saw the adults leave the hut and towards the hippogriff. The executioner raised his ax and slammed it down. Cortney turned away to try to hide the tears. Hermione began to fry, she put her arms around Ron. Ron suddenly jumped and dropped Scrabbers.

" He bit me ! " he gasped. The rat raced away from them. 

" Ron ! " called out Hermione. They chased after the rat, Ron dove, and caught Scrabbers in front of the Whomping Willow tree.

" Scrabbers," Ron sighed, as he held him in his hands.

" You do realize what tree this is ?! " exclaimed Cortney pointing at it. 

" Oh, that's not good. Ron! Ron! " Harry shouted. Ron looked up and horror wrote all over his face.

" Harry run! It's the Grim! " Ron shouted pointing behind them. They all turned to see a massive growling black dog. It was the same dog Cortney saw that one night! The dog jumped over them, bit Ron, and dragged him towards the Whomping Willow.

" Harry! Harry ! " shouted Ron, who was completely frightened.

" Ron! Ron ! " they all shouted chasing after him. Harry dove and missed Ron's hands as he got pulled beneath the tree. Cortney wasted no time, slid into the hole as a branch threw Harry and Hermione back. After a few minutes of Hermione screaming and branches flying all over the place. Harry entered the hole and landed on his stomach. Hermione soon entered and landed on Harry.

" Sorry," She said getting off of him.

" Where do you suppose this goes? " Cortney asked as Harry got up.

" I have a hunch," Harry said. " I just hope I'm wrong". The three of them headed down the path and up the dark dusty stairs.

" We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we? " Hermione said.

" I think we are," said Cortney, recognizing the place oddly, 

" Come on ! " urged Harry. They tip-toed up more stairs. Ron's yells were getting louder. At the top, they entered a room. Ron was in it, he sat on the bed with his leg in an awkward position.

" Ron ! " they gasped, they rushed over to him.

" Ron are you okay? " Hermione asked concerned.

" The dog, where is it? " Harry asked.

" Harry, it's a trap! He's the dog! He's an Animagus ! " said Ron pointing behind them. They turned to see the escaped Azkaban Prisoner. Pawprints led up to the man. Sirius Black had pasty white skin, was very skinny, also dirty. His eyes looked soulless. Cortney looked at her second cousin with curiosity, he looked back at her and Harry.

" If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too ! " said Hermione stepping in front of Harry.

" No one will die tonight," calmly said Black.

" Then it'll be you! " Harry jumped in front of Hermione and pushed Sirius down. He pointed his wand at the man.

" Harry no," Cortney said softly but he ignored her.

" Are you going to kill me Harry " Sirius laughed.  Suddenly Lupin busted into the room. 

" Expelliarmus! " He shouted, Harry's wand flew out of his hand and Lupin caught it. Harry backed up next to Hermione, while Cortney took a little unnoticeable step forward.

" Well well, Sirius looking ragged, are we? " Lupin asked pointing his wand at Black. " Finally the flesh reflects the madness within".

" Well you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus ? " asked Black. Lupin lowered his and pulled Sirius up, The two embraced each other like brothers.

" I found him! " Black breathed.

" I know," breathed Lupin.

" He's here," Black beamed. " Let's kill him".

" No ! " Hermione shouted. " I trusted you! And all this time y-you've been his friend. He's a werewolf ! " she pointed at Lupin. " That's why he's been missing classes".  Cortney was shocked at looked at Lupin. Then she couldn't say anything, cause she was hiding secrets too.

" How long have you've known? " Lupin asked Hermione.

" Since Professor Snape set the essay," Hermione confirmed.

" Well well Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met," Lupin said.

" Enough talk Remus! Come on! Let's kill him! " Sirius growing impatient.

" Wait ! " shouted Lupin. Cortney slowly began to inch closer to her cousin.

" I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban ! " shouted Sirius.

" Very well, kill him," said Lupin handing a wand to him. 

" No," Cortney breathed.

" But wait one more minute, Harry has a right to know why ! " said Lupin.

" I know why! You betrayed my parents! Your the reason they're dead ! " cried Harry.

" No Harry, it wasn't him, somebody did betray your parents, but it was someone who until recently I believed to be dead ! " said Lupin.

" Who was it then ? " asked Harry.

" Peter Pettigrew," Cortney said. They all looked at her.

" He's in this room, right now. Come out come out Peter! Come out and play ! " shouted Black as he roamed the room.

Expelliarmus! " Snape shouted as he busted into the room. Black lost the wand. " Vengeance is sweet. How I hope I'd be the one to catch you".

" Severus," began Lupin.

" I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and now here's the proof," said Snape.

" Brilliant Snape," began Black. " Once again you put your penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse me Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to". Snape put his wand to Black's throat.

"Give me a reason. I beg you," said Snape

" Severus don't be a fool," warned Lupin

" He can't help it, it's a habit by now," mocked Black.

" Sirius be quiet! " Lupin snapped.

" Be quiet yourself ! " snapped Black

" Isn't it you two quarreling like an old married couple," said Snape

" Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set ! " teased Black. Snape raised his eyebrows and wand.

" I could do it you know? But why deny it the dementors? They're so longing to see you, do I detect a flicker of fear. OH yes, a dementor's kiss, one can imagine what must be like to endure. It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best," Snape threatened.

" Severus please," pleaded Lupin. Harry took Hermione's wand and pointed it at Black, then at last second pointed it at Snape.

" Expelliarimus! " Harry shouted. Snape went flying back.

" Harry! What did you do? " Ron asked.

" You attacked a teacher," Hermione breathed.

" Tell us about Peter Pettigrew! " Harry ordered pointing the wand at them.

" He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend ! " said Lupin

" No Pettigrews dead. You killed him ! " said Harry pointing his wand at Black.

" No, he didn't! I thought so too until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map," said Lupin

" The map was lying then," shrugged Harry

" The map never lies ! " said Black " Pettigrews alive and he's right there ! " he pointed at Ron.

" Me? It's mental-" said Ron.

" Not you! Your rat ! " said Sirius

" Scrabbers has been in my family for"

" Twelve years! The curiously long lifetime for a common rat," Black said walking towards Ron. " He's missing a toe, isn't he !? " 

" So what !? " exclaimed Ron

" The only thing they could find of Pettigrew was a finger," said Cortney

" The dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he's dead ! " said Black " And then he transformed into the rat !"

" Show us," demanded Harry. Black tried to take the rat from Ron, but he put up a fight.

" Give it to him Ron ! " they ordered. Eventually, Sirius got hold of the rat.

" What're you going to do to him !? " Ron panicked. "  Scrabbers ! Leave him alone! Get off of him! What're you doing! " Hermione was trying to keep him still as Sirius put him down. The rat began to scurry to the doors. Black fired spells at the rat and kept missing until the rat went through the hole in the door and a spell hit it. The rat was now a short man. He had thin colorless, unkempt hair, with a large bald spot on top. He was plump, filthy skin, he had a pointed nose and small watery eyes. Black and Lupin pulled the man out of the door.

" R-Remus, S-Sirius, my old friends," gasped the man. he made a dash for the door, but they stopped him. He turned towards Harry.

" Harry, you look so much like your father! Like James, we were the best of friends! "

" How dare you speak to him! " Black snarled as he pulled the man away from Harry. " How dare you talk about James in front of him! " Pettigrew was surrounded at the piano.

" You sold James and Lily out to Voldemort didn't you !? " demanded Lupin.

" I didn't mean to ! " cried Peter. " The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses. What about you Sirius? What would you have done? "

" I would've died! I would've died rather than betray my friends ! " shouted Sirius. Peter crawled under the piano and towards Harry.

" Harry! Your parents wouldn't want me killed! Your dad, Harry! Your dad would've spared me, he would've showed me mercy !" cried Peter, he got pulled off Harry again.

" You should've realized Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would! Together ! " shouted Black.

" NO! " Harry shouted.

" Harry. this man--" began Lupin

" I know what he is. But I'll take him to the castle," said Harry.

" Bless you! Bless you! " Peter cried on his knees.

" Get up! " Harry demanded. " I'd said I'd take you to the castle. After the dementors can have you," said Harry cried. Peter began to cry.

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