Chapter 37
Cortney was now in the hallway with Theodore, they telling each other about their break. She was really happy to see him again.
" My mother and father thanks you for the Christmas gift, mum really loves candles," Theodore said as they swung hands.
" I am really glad they liked it," Cortney said smiling, she looked up at him. They walked towards the Great Hall and ran into Draco and Pansy. Cortney immediately dropped Theodore's hand and went to her best friend's side.
" Cortney, did you do the Transfiguration homework over break? " Pansy asked.
" Yes, do you need to copy it? " Cortney asked.
" You know it," Pansy giggled.
" Sometimes I think she'll leave me for Pansy before she leaves me for another man," Theodore said crossing his arms.
" Oh please Nott, as my mother would say it's just two girls that are basically like sisters," Draco said hitting Nott harshly. Cortney and Pansy were stopped in the doorway by Mandy and Cho. The groups of girls glared at each other harshly.
" Please move," Cortney said polity.
" You move first," Mandy spoke right away.
" Mandy I think you should LIGHTEN up," Pansy snickered. The girls burst out laughing and walked around the other girls.
" Such bitches," Cho said as the two Ravenclaw girls walked out.
" Cortney was nice at first, then she became best friends with Pansy," Mandy hissed.
" She's turning into her family members more and more every day, she's not prejudiced, just mean," Cho added. " She even believes that Sirius Black is innocent".
" She needs a reality check," Mandy said rolling her eyes.
Cortney was down at the lake with Hagrid and the Golden Trio. From what she heard Ron lost his rat and blames Hermione's cat for killing it. Hagrid was very upset, he was skipping rocks off the lake.
" How'd it go Hagrid? The hearing? " Hermione asked.
" Well, first off the committee members took turns about why we were there. And then I got up and did my piece. Said Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers. And then Lucious Malfoy got up and well you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was an' dangerous creature who would kill ya as soon as he looked at ya, "answered Hagrid.
" And then ? " asked Harry.
" And then he asked for the worst, Lucious," spoke Hagrid.
" They're not sacking you," Ron said with worry.
" No, I'm not getting sacked. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death," Hagrid wept. Tears formed in Cortney's eyes.
" No," Cortney gasped silently. Her hand came to her mouth.
An evening in the library sat Cortney and Neville, yet again she was getting tutored for Herbology.
" Lestrange, I do not think you should really ever take Herbology of you do not have to," Neville said frustrated.
"Sorry, I don't get it," Cortney said.
" What subjects are you even good at? " Neville asked as he opened the Herbolgoy book again.
" Charms, Potions when I'm not working with Seamus, and Transfiguration," Cortney answered.
" Why not with Seamus? " Neville questioned he began to defend his friend.
" Because he is always blowing up the potion," Cortney said slowly.
" You make a point," Neville admitted They began to work on Herbology more. " Could you do me a favor tonight? "
" What kind of favor? " Cortney asked looking at him strangely.
" Could you possibly sneak into Greenhouse three and grab my textbook. I accidentally left my Charms one in there".
" Ya, I can get it for you," Cortney said. Later that night Cortney was going down to the Greenhouse around like 3 am. She heard someone coming down the hallway she hid behind a wall. The footsteps stopped she turned and jumped at the sight of Harry.
" Harry," Cortney whispered, his head turned to her.
" Cortney," he whispered back. He had a map out, she went over and looked at it.
" Is that the whole school? " Cortney questioned.
" With everyone, look here comes Peter Pettigrew! " Harry said in a hushed tone. They watched the name come towards them, Harry pointed his wand all around just to miss him. Then they saw Snape's name. Oh no.
" Mischief Managed," said Harry tapping the map. Everything disappeared. The last names to disappear were the names of Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail. " Nox ". The light went out. Just to have light shine one them from Snape's wand.
" Potter! Lestrange! What are you two doing wandering the corridors at night? "
" Sleepwalking," Harry said.
" Extraordinary like your father you are Potter. He too was exceeding arrogant. Strutting the castle," said Snape.
" My dad didn't strut, and nor do I," Harry said.
" Professor if you don't mind, can you please lower your wand? " Cortney asked.
" Turn out your pockets," Snape said to Harry, ignoring her. " Turn out your pockets". Harry pulled out the blank paper, which once had the map.
" What's this ? " asked Snape.
" It's a fair bit of parchment," sassed Harry.
" Really? Open it? " Snape said with suspicion. Harry opened the parchment.
" Reveal your secrets," Snape said as he tapped the parchment with his wand. " Read it".
" Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and-" Harry paused.
" Go on," Snape demanded.
" And request that he keeps his abnormally large nose out of other people's business," Harry finished.
" Why you insolent, little-" Snape began.
" Professor? " Lupin said from behind him.
" Well well Lupin, out for a little walk in the moonlight are we ? " asked Snape
" Harry, Cortney you alright? " Lupin nodded ignoring Snape.
" It remains to be seen," Snape snatched the map out of Harry's hands and handed it for Lupin to observe. " I have now just confiscated a rather curious artifact from Mr. Potter. Take a look Lupin. Supposedly to be your area of expertise clearly it's full of dark magic," said Snape.
" I seriously doubt it, Severus, it looks to me as its nearly parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read," Lupin chuckled. " I suspect it's a Zonko product. Nevertheless, I shall investigate any high qualities it may possess. It is after all as you say my area of expertise. Harry, Cortney, would you two come with me, please? " The two followed Lupin safety into his office. " Now I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession. And quite frankly I am astounded that neither of you gave it in. Did it occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to you two? " They shook their heads. Lupin looked at Harry. " Your father was never set much fort eh rules either Harry. Your parents gave their lives to protect you. And gambling their sacrifice by wondering around the castle unprotected with a killer on the loose seems to be a pretty poor way to repay them. Now I will not cover up for you two again do you hear me? "
" Yes sir," they nodded.
" I want you two to return to your dormitories and stay there," said Lupin. " And don't take any detours if you do I shall know". He tapped the map, the two began to walk out when Harry stopped and turned, Cortney, mimicked him.
" Professor, just so you know I don't think that works. Earlier on it showed someone in the castle. Someone who's supposedly dead," said Harry.
" Oh really? Who might that be ? " asked Lupin.
" Peter Pettigrew," answered Harry.
" That's not possible," breathed Lupin.
" It's just what we saw". Harry and Cortney left till Lupin called out.
" Harry you may go, but Cortney can you come here? " Lupin called from his office. Cortney nodded at Harry that she'll be okay before reentering the office.
" Professor," Cortney said entering.
" Cortney, what was your opinion on Sirius Black again? " Lupin asked.
" That he is innocent," Cortney said.
" I think you might be right," Lupin said. She looked at him strangely. " Do not ask me how, I just know".
" Does this have to do with the fact of Peter Pettigrew on the map ?" Cortney asked. " Aunt Nacrissa said that all that was left of him was a finger".
" This very much has to do with him," Lupin said surprised.
" How could he be on the map then? " Cortney asked.
" That is a very good question," Lupin stated. Cortney looked at him and read his face.
" Your hiding something aren't you? " Cortney asked.
" Miss Lestrange, I do not encourage you to use Legilimency! " Lupin demanded.
" What is that? " She asked. Lupin gave her the strangest look.
" Navigating through people's minds your mum must have told you about it from all the times you were taken to see her," Lupin said slowly.
"Ohhhhhh, she might have said something," Cortney said trying to cover up. " I'm not using it though, I'm reading your face, it's very easy to read. I should probably go". Cortney left, she turned into her fox formed, retrieved the Charms book, and then went back into her dorm. In the bathroom, she changed into her human form, then went to sleep.
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