Chapter 34

 A week later, Cortney was now in the library, she had tutoring with Neville. It was study hall time, Earlier that day she had earned herself detention for being late to Transfigurations.

" Okay Lestrange, tell me what is a Devil's Snare weakness? " Neville question.

" Light," Cortney answered.

" Correct! " Neville said surprised. " That's enough for today".

" Good, cause I think my brain is going to melt," Cortney groaned as she rubbed her temples.

" There's Hogsmeade coming up, Seamus wants to know if you would join me, Dean, and him," Neville asked.

" I'm going with Teddy on a date there, but I'm pretty sure I can meet up you three dorks," Cortney said. 

" Fair enough, cause Seamus really wants to get the Shrieking Shack, he told me and Dean that he saw a bunny, lemur, coyote, and fox. He took great interest in the fox," Neville said.

" What !? " Cortney shrieked just to be just shushed by the librarian. Neville looked at Cortney suspiciously. 

" Yeah...he convinced Lavender Brown to go with him last time we were there. They were almost there when she chickened out. Seamus took one glance at the house shack before running after Lavender," Neville explained, as Cortney quickly packed up. " He hopes to see it again".

" Cool story," Cortney said standing up. " Um...uh...I gotta go," Cortney then left Neville stranded at a table in the library. She then started towards the Ravenclaw Tower.

" Cortney! What's wrong? " De'lexi asked walking up to her.

" We all need to talk," Cortney said urgently. In the next ten minutes, Cortney and De'lexi found the two boys.

" What do you need to talk to us about? " Joey asked. Cortney explained to them what Neville just told her not too long ago.

" What !? " De'lexi shrieked.

" That was my reaction," Cortney said.

" We need to be more careful and aware," Milan sighed. 

" Especially you Cort, now Neville will be watching you more carefully," Joey pointed out.

" Hopefully he'll just forget about it," she groaned.


Cortney was currently with Pansy, she was going to detention.

" Don't forget, we Astronomy tomorrow night," Pansy informed.

" Agggggggg," she groaned. They stopped in front of McGonalls.

" Have fun Cort, if needed you know what to do, cause chaos, and escape," Pansy said as she pushed her best friend at the door before leaving. Cortney slowly opened the door and entered the classroom. She found McGonagall at her desk checking papers.

" Your detention today is writing an essay on how to be on time to class, please get started, I don't want to be here all day,"  Professor McGonagall instructed. Cortney nodded, she sat at a desk and began her essay, pulling out parchment, quill, and ink.

How to be on time?

-I could be on time by walking faster.  I could do laps around the school during study time and find the quickest way to class. Another way is getting up earlier and getting ready. Maybe I should just turn into a fox, those creatures are pretty fast. They are quite sneaky and can easily get around the school and be on time for class.- Cortney giggled at that part. She scanned her essay and then handed it to Professor McGonagall. Before the essay could be read Cortney bolted out of the classroom. She entered the dorm to find Crabbe and Goyle at a table.

" Hello boys," Cortney greeted as she joined them.

" Hello Cortney," they greeted back.

" How was detention? " Goyle asked.

" Dreadful, " She groaned.


The next night Cortney was in the Astronomy Tower. She was forced to pair up with Mandy Brocklehurst, a Ravenclaw. They gad to share a telescope. Cortney was currently using it. She decided to point it towards the ground for kicks and giggles. She saw Crookshanks ( Hermione's cat ) in the forest. Cortney continued to observe curiously.

" What are you doing !? "Mandy hissed. " I don't if you know this but the stars are pointed up not down".

" I know that, I was just having fun," Cortney sassed.

" Professor Sinistra is heading over here! " Mandy panicked. Cortney pointed the telescope back at the sky. She pretended to be writing stuff down. The Professor nodded at them and walked away.

" Look, we didn't get caught, you stickler" Cortney spat.

" Listen, Lestrange, I know you practically live in the detention, me I'd rather not. I have much more important things to do than sit in a room, with a bunch of blow-heads,"  Mandy insulted looking through the telescope.

" Live a little Brocklehurst, it wouldn't kill ya! " Cortney snapped.

" Like you know what living is like," Mandy growled.

" What is that supposed to mean ? " asked Cortney angrily.

" Sleeping, skipping, and not paying attention is not going to get you anywhere. In time I'll probably be Minister of Magic as you land yourself in Azkaban and rot with your dead awful parents," Mandy explained smirking.

" Are you insulting my intelligence," growled Cortney, her hand was on her wand.

" Yes I am, you dimwitted piece of trash," Mandy laughed coldly.

" Okay goody-goody two shoes, I challenge you to a duel, I believe they still have that club, Wednesdays I believe it," Cortney challenged.

" If I win, you have to end your relationship with Nott," Mandy said smiling viciously.

" If I win you have to wear the most ridiculous outfit to the next Hogsmeade trip, I get to choose," Cortney said glaring at her.

" You won't win," Mandy laughed.

" You are a low goody-goody two shoes, insult my intelligence, next you threaten my relationship," Cortney was now fuming with anger.

" Be ready to say goodbye to him," Mandy said as the bell rang. 

" We'll see who gets the last laugh," Cortney said darkly.

The two stuck out their hands " Deal," they said together shaking hands.


Word quickly got around about the duel that to take next place at the dueling club. Professor Lupin was to be the supervisor to make sure nothing bad happened. Turned out a lot of teachers wanted to see this duel, specifically the Head of Slytherin and Ravenclaw.  Cortney was currently sitting in Potions, she was next to Seamus.

" You don't have to do this," advised Seamus. " You could let her win ".

" Not a chance," Cortney fumed as she made her potion.

" And why not? " Seamus asked as he added the wrong ingredient.

" If I lose, I have to end my relationship," Cortney informed Seamus. " I am not losing Teddy over some stupid girl". Seamus was about to say something when all of a sudden they were both covered in smoke and there was a loud BANG! 

" Five points from Gryffindor! " Snape roared. " Detention with me, after dinner ". Seamus groaned. " Ms. Lestrange and Mr. Finnigan go get cleaned up ". The two nodded, Snape cleared both their desk of any work with his wand. Cortney and Seamus walked out of the class. They were both were silent.

" Cortney-" Seamus began.

" Hmm," she made the sound of acknowledging Seamus.

" I know what kind of a dueler you are, on Wednesday don't be too hard, but don't br too easy," Seamus said.

" I'll try my best Seamus. Brocklehurst, is a Ravenclaw, she can probably bring something to the table," Cortney said.

 " Just don't be ruthless! " Seamus pleaded.

" Promise," Cortney said holding up a pinkie finger. " I just don't want to lose Teddy".

" You won't Cort, you are going to win, I know you," Seamus said wrapping his finger around hers. For the next couple of days, Cortney has been training, practicing spells. In detention and class, she would work out strategies. It was now Wednesday, it was time for the duel. it was to be held in the Great Hall because so many people wanted to see it. It was set up just like the year before. Cortney was on the side while Mandy was on the other. Most of the school surrounded the catwalk. Benches and chairs were everywhere for people to sit. Cho Chang was talking to Mandy as Pansy talked to Cortney.

" Cortney, you have nothing to worry about," Pansy assured her.

" Um, it's not your relationship at stake! " Cortney snapped.

" Save the attitude for the duel! " Pansy hissed.

" Sorry Pans, I'm just so nervous and scared, I really don't want to lose him," Cortney said looking at the ground. Pansy grabbed hold of her shoulders.

" Look at me," demanded Pansy. Cortney looked at her best friend in the eyes. " Cortney Druella Lestrange, you are my best friend, and a fantastic witch. Now get your fat arse on that platform and take this bitch down". The two girls did their best friend handshake, Teddy came up to Cortney. Pansy walked over to their friends

" Teddy," Cortney said looking at him.

" Babe, I've seen you perform magic, you are not losing me," Theodore assured her. " Go kick some Ravenclaw butt and show her who's boss". He then kissed her on the lips and walked away. Cortney smiled, she took a deep breath and faced the stage.

" Duelers, step up," Professor Lupin. The two girls stepped up and face each other. " Do the formal dueling greetings". Cortney and Mandy walked up to each other till they were five feet away. They whipped out their wands. " First person to drop their wand loses".

" Ready to end your relationship? " Mandy asked.

" You wish," Cortney said confidently. They whipped their wands, turned, and walked five spaces away from each other. They faced each other, wands at ready.

" One..two...three! " Lupin shouted.

" Furnunculus! " Mandy shouted, Seamus's voice popped into her head - Don't be ruthless - So she let the spell hit her, boils popped up all over her, people began laughing. " Rictusempra !"

" Protego! " Cortney shouted. A shield formed in front of her and the spell bounced back at Mandy hitting her. She began laughing uncontrollably. " Expelliramus! " Mandy's wand flew out of her hand and landed on the floor in front of a couple of sixth-year Hufflepuffs.

" Ms. Lestrange is the winner! 20 points to Slytherin! " Professor Lupin announced happily. All her friends cheered as a smile grew on her face.  Some groaned about the points. Cortney walked over to Mandy, she stuck out her hand. She got up on her own.

" That's my cousin! " Draco shouted over the cheers. Teddy whistled loudly, as Pansy gave Cortney the I-told-you-so-look.

" Congrats, you're not as dimwitted as I thought you were," Mandy said stiffly. Cortney drew her hand back, all eyes watching.

" Next time don't threaten my relationship," Cortney threatened before walking away.

 After treating the boils, she met up with Seamus, Dean, and Neville.

" I did what you said Finnigan," Cortney said. " Not ruthless, not too hard, and not too easy. I would've let her win if my relationship wasn't threatened.

" You did great out there," Seamus laughed, patting her on the back.

" Protego? " Dean asked.

" Yeah, I learned it last year, some Slytherin fell asleep and left his book open, so I took a peak and tried out," Cortney explained.

" Clever," Neville praised.

" No, just curious," Cortney corrected.


Cortney had just entered the common room.

" SURPRISE! " Everyone in her house shouted. Cortney jumped at the noise and all the people. Everyone laughed at the accomplishment.

" You may all party," Snape said standing in the middle. He could not help but show that he was proud of Cortney. " I want lights out at 1, understand? " Everyone nodded their heads. With that Snape left the common room. Everyone burst into conversation with each other.

" Where do you think Snape is doing? " Kierra asked.

" Probably to go and soak in glory pf having a skilled dueler," Adrian said.

" Stop, don't say that," Cortney urged.

" It's true," Astoria Greengrass said, Cortney blushed. All of a sudden Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, and Marcus Flint burst through the door.

" We got the elves to whip up a last-minute cake," Draco said. A table was cleared and the cake was set on top of it. The cake is on the design of a dueling podium horizontally across it.

" Aweeee," Cortney gushed. " This is so sweet! Thank you like a gazillion times! "

" You showed that Ravenclaw," Millicent said patting her on the back.

" I managed to swing some fire whiskey," Marcus announced. Everyone cheered. Someone turned on a Weird sisters song, and the party really started. Cortney and Theodore made eye contact. They started to walk over to each other. Cortney broke into a run and tackled Theodore in a hug. 

" I am so proud of you," he mumbled into her hair. He then set her down.

" I still have you," Cortney said smiling.

" You never lost me," Theodore reminded her. The two then kissed. After they parted, they went to the table for cake. Pansy and the girls walked up to them.

" So bestie, what are you going to make her wear? " Pansy asked.

" Oh, that remains a secret, but I will need some help retrieving supplies," Cortney said.

" What kind of supplies? " Tracey asked.

" Supplies that deal with Christmas," Cortney answered. All the girls giggled. A group of seventh years was handing out plastic cups of fire whiskey. Cortney received one. Draco stood up on a chair. Everyone went silent and looked at him.

" I want to make a toast," Draco began. " To my amazing cousin".He got down as everyone cheered. He then began talking to Crabbe and Goyle.

" A dueler just like her mother," Cortney heard, Crabbe repeated. She smiled at this. She knows that her mother has done awful things from what she's heard yet, it was good to have something in common with her.

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