Chapter 16

It's been less than a week since detention. Cortney just got out of her potions exam. Her last exam of the year. She began to head outside to stretch her legs. The golden trio passed her in a hurry with panic looks on their faces.

" What's up with them? " Seamus asked walking up to her.

" I don't know," Cortney said as they got outside. They looked back to see Harry grabbing his scar in pain. Neville came up to them; looking at the trio strangely.

" Wait up ! " a voice called. They turned and saw Dean running up to them.

" Let's go down by the lake," Seamus suggested. They nodded and started to head down to the body of water. Along the way, Cortney began to take off her shoes and socks.

" What are you doing? " Neville asked with a strange look on his face as they reached the tree by the lake. Cortney ignored his question. She dropped her shoes and socks. Then headed into the water. She stopped at mid-calf.

" How did exams go ?" Dean asked sitting in the shade.

" My brain has been murdered," Cortney groaned, putting her hands in her head.

" I feel the same," Neville said laying on his back.

" I'm going to go put my quill and stuff back in the dorm," Neville said getting up and heading towards the castle.

" I'm right behind you," Dean yawned following the other Gryffindor.

" Have you started packing? " Seamus asked sitting against the tree.

" Not yet Finnigan, have you? " Cortney asked, as she moved her legs in the water. Seamus rolled his eyes. " Excited to go home? "

" Yes, but I'll miss Hogwarts too," Seamus said closing his eyes. " Are you excited, Lestrange ?"

" This place is different, but I really like it here. I will miss it," Cortney said splashing the water around. " Though I really want to go home. I can't wait to get hugs from my little brother Tristen, my mom and dad, and my sisters! " Her hands flew over her mouth.

" I thought the Lestranges only had one kid," Seamus said confused opening his eyes. " I thought you were with the Malfoys this whole time ". At this point, Seamus was taking off his shoes and socks. Cortney just faced the water. She didn't want to see Seamus mad at her. He rolled up his pants and joined Cortney in the water.

" They do only one child," Cortney confirmed. " I didn't stay with the Malfoy's at all. I just met Draco this year ". 

"Adopted? " Seamus asked quickly putting the pieces together. Cortney nodded.

" That's really cool! " He said gently splashing her.

" So your not mad? " Cortney gasped.

" Just a little," Seamus said holding up two fingers. He put them super close to each other, but they didn't touch. " Why haven't you told me? "

" I didn't know if you'd believe me," Cortney said biting her nails.

" Of course I'd believe you," Seamus said angrily. " What makes you think I wouldn't? " Cortney gave him the you-know-Neville-doesn't-like-me-look-for-some-reason. He just rolled his eyes a bit annoyed.

" Just don't tell anybody," Cortney demanded. " I like pretending I'm some sort of secret agent, AHH! " She kicked water up at Seamus.

" That's it! " Seamus shouted. He then began to splash her repeatedly. Cortney splashed him back.

" We are gone for five minutes, and you two are basically drowning each other," Dean said angrily. They stopped splashing and looked over to see Neville and Dean soaking wet, The two began to giggle like little girls.  They grabbed their things and headed back up to the castle.

" Stay the night," Seamus whispered into Cortney's ear. " I want to know more ". He then ran up to the castle. 

" Hurry up slowpoke! " Seamus shouted.

" I'll go in if you carry me! " Cortney shouted getting in her sass pose. 

"Let's go, Lestrange," Neville said pushing her forward.


Later that day, Cortney sat in the Quidditch stadium for one last time. She laid on her back with her knees bent. She was with De'lexi, Milan, and Joey.

" Want to play futbol ? " Milan asked heading down to the field.

" Guys against girls, you on," De'lexi said racing him to the field. The other two laughed and joined them on the field.

" I have a ball! " Joey said pulling a futbol out of his bag.

" When do you not have it on you? " Cortney sassed. The game ended with Joey's head colliding with Milan's knee.

" Your knee is hard," Joey groaned.

" Well, there are bones in my body," Milan said making everyone laugh.


Cortney now sat at the Slytherin table. She couldn't eat. But what else is new with that.

" Eat Cortney," Kierra demanded, as she ate some salad.

" Not hungry," Cortney huffed.

" You should really eat," Theodore persisted. " For me at least". Cortney pretended to be thinking when she was looking at Pansy. She was giving her googly eyes. 

" Fine," Cortney said popping a grape in her mouth. Theodore smiled with satisfaction.  Pansy made a face causing Cortney to laugh.

" I must come to visit you and Draco this summer, the both of you can come to visit me," Theodore suggested.

" What a splendid idea! " Pansy squealed.

" Maybe," Cortney shrugged.

" Denial," Crabbe laughed.

" It's just that, I'm going to go adventure the U.S this summer, so I won't be around like at all," Cortney lied.

" You must tell me all about it," Tracey said flashing a smile.


Late that night, Cortney ended up staying at the Gryffindor tower. She and Seamus were the only ones up. They sat in the common room, it was after hours.

" So what's your real last name? " Seamus asked, eating a chocolate frog.

" O'Donnell," Cortney answered.

" What would you say your blood status is? " Seamus asked.

" I know I'm a Pureblood, but I feel like a Muggle-born since I'm don't know much about this world, still confused about it," Cortney answered,

" Do you mind being in Slytherin? " He asked.

" No, my little brother's favorite animal is a snake. And he was ecstatic when he heard I was in Slytherin, and the mascot is a snake," She confirmed.

" How old is he ? " he asked. Cortney held up six fingers. Questions like this went on for most of the night, till both got really tired, and headed up to bed. Seamus made a line so he and Cortney can sleep on the bed. Cortney heard Neville leave the room, with his toad Trevor. A half-hour later she heard Harry and Ron get up. Both looked terrified about what they are about to do. Cortney wanted to know what was happening, but she was just so tired. She ended up passing out about ten minutes later. The next morning Cortney was the first awake. Seamus's foot was digging into her back. Cortney rolled out of the bed. She freshened up a bit before heading downstairs. She found Neville, eyes wide on the floor. With charm placed on him, causing his limbs to stick to him. He was lying on his back. Cortney ran up to the dorm and began to shake Seamus. 

" Seamus! Wake up! " Cortney ordered. The sound of her voice woke Dean and Seamus.

" Leave me alone," Seamus groaned pulling a pillow over his head.

" Somethings happened to Neville," Cortney said urgently shaking him. The two boys got up and headed downstairs to see what happened. Dean got one side and Seamus got the other. They carried Neville all the way to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey had the three stand outside while she healed Neville. Two minutes later, Neville walked out of the hospital wing.

"You're okay! " Cortney exclaimed tackling Neville in a hug.

" You won't be if you continue to hug me," Neville said pushing her off. Cortney glared at him with the I-was-just-being-nice-look. Next thing you know, Hermione was using Wingardium Leviosa to get an unconscious Ron to the hospital wing. Dumbledore was getting an unconscious Harry to the hospital wing. The four waited outside to find out what happened. As they waited Neville told them what happened last night. With Hermione placing the charm on him.

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