Chapter 105/Epilogue

19 years later, Cortney was at Kings Cross Station, with Seamus. Their fourth-youngest: Liam was about to start his first year. His year older brother Niall went last year. He got into Slytherin much to their older brother Dean's disappointment.

" Mom! " Dean shouted as they headed towards 9 & 3/4. " I'll see you on the other side! " He then ran through with much excitement, he would be starting his sixth year.

" Wait till he finds out he'll be sleeping in my old bed from the sixth year," Seamus whispered.

" Oh, you mean the one we made Dana on," Cortney snickered.

" You still have kids with you! " Ellie squealed, they both laughed and looked at the wand.

" You go with him Seamus," Cortney offered. She then looked back and went with her youngest child Ellie. Liam looked up at his father.

" Ready? " Seamus asked his son. Liam nodded and the two of them went through the barrier together. On the other side, they met up with Cortney and Ellie.

" Aren't you supposed to be at Hogwarts ? " her cousin asked as they walked up to Draco. His son Scorpius was about to start his first year as well.

" You know I always see my kids go off on their very first day of Hogwarts," Cortney sassed.

" Cortney," Seamus warned.

" Sorry,"  Cortney blushed.

" Why are you such an aggressive person mom? " Dana asked walking up to them.

" What are you doing here? You are no longer going Hogwarts," Seamus asked as they hugged.

" I wanted to see Liam and Scorpious go off on their first day," Dana explained. 

" Look at you, " Draco began. " All grown-up". 

" Seems like yesterday, you were just born," Astoria gushed. 

" See you guys later," Dana groaned before walking away. Cortney and Seamus also headed off towards other people.

" The attitude she gets is so from you," Seamus laughed.

" And her love for blowing things up comes from you," Cortney laughed.

"," Liam began as they neared the Potters and Weasleys.

" What is it, Liam? " Cortney asked.

" What if I don't make Slytherin or Gryffindor? " Liam asked.

" If you are happy, then we are happy," Cortney told him.

" We love you no matter what house you land in," Seamus assured him.

" If you ever need me, remember my office is never too far away," Cortney reminded him. Niall and Dean were talking to their friends. Plus the Potters and Weasleys. Albus Potter and Rose Weasley will be starting school that year as well. Hugo Weasley will be starting Hogwarts the same year as Ellie and Lily Potter. All of their kids got on the train and managed to sit in one cart together. A frog jumped onto the window then landed in Rose's hand. Hermione brought a hand to her mouth and laughed. Cortney and Seamus looked at each other before they watched the train pull off. They all smiled proudly at their children. Everyone waved goodbye. Liam ended up in Slytherin like Dana.  A few years later, Ellie went and joined Gryffindor. Eventually, they learned the risks their parents took. Especially, Dana, she learned how much risk Cortney and Seamus took before and after she was born. She learned that it was a hard year for both of them, they were just seventeen. She learned they fought to keep her alive for her first month of life. Their other kids learned it too. They learned the meaning of unconditional love. Cortney and Seamus lived a very happy, goofy life together.  All was well.


Author's note: This is the very end! Thank you to everyone that read this story! I wanted to get it because today is the day of 19 years later! Anyways college has started up and I'm still adjusting a bit! Anyways all of you are wonderful! I hope you are all doing well! Again thank you for reading!

- Pickles

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