Test 4: The Crown Game (Part 1)

Otherwise known as: Anaak's massacre.

The Crown Game will be split into two (or more parts)

And in this chapter more OCs will be flying in, so please don't mind them. ;P


"Blue turtle, I'm thirsty too," Rak said from the ground. Khun and I were once again perched on top of him. He had watched another Regular buy a banana drink for a young blonde girl. 

"What? Go buy something yourself," was Khun's reply. 

"It's okay, I'll go," Bam volunteered, running off to the vending machine. 

"So innocent..." I drawled, flopped onto my back. I paused. "Hey, Khun? Can I ask you something?" 

"Go ahead." 

"Um..." Should I ask him about what 'Arie' means or about the whole 'princess betrayal thing' that everyone's hinting at? 

"Does the name 'Arie' strike you as anything important? You mentioned it earlier, but I honestly have no idea what it means," I asked, deciding to go for the safer option. 

Beside me, Khun stiffened a little. "They're one of the Ten Great Families," he said. 

I blinked. "Eh?" 

"You're really uninformed, huh?" 

"Oh be quiet, I spent most of my time without interacting with other people. Go on." 

"There's not much to say. The Ten Great Families are really important families, that's all. Why?" 

"Hansung Yu may or may not have told me, 'Eurasia Arie Kuro' before I left," I said, sitting up. 

"Oh. Wait what-" 

We were interrupted by Rak sitting up and catching a drink as Tracksuit Guy and Bam walked over. "Who's the big guy?" 

"Call me The Leader," Rak proclaimed. 

"I'm Khun. You can call him Gator," Khun said. 


I waved. "Hi, I'm Eurasia. Just call gator gator because that's what he is." 


"You've got interesting teammates," Tracksuit Guy told Bam. 

"Yes, very," Bam replied, smiling. 

"I hope we make it to the end, Bam," Tracksuit Guy said. 


"You and I both look really ordinary, you know? It makes me feel sympathy for you," TG said. 

"For me?" Bam asked. 

TG grinned. "Watching you inspires me, I guess." 

"Aww..." I cooed at Bam's utterly adorable look of delight. "So cute!" 

And yes, I was pretty sure that he was older than I was, but still! So so cute! I just wanted to pinch his cheeks!

"Such wonderful friendship!" We turned around to find Lero Ro with his arms extended. 

"Lero Ro-san..." Bam said.

"You're finally here," A Regular stated. "What's the next test?" Another asked. 

Lero Ro walked to us. He had a smile on his face. "I have wonderful news for all of you." 

"Wonderful news?" I asked. 

"Yes." Lero Ro spread his arms again, looking extremely pleased. "You've all been granted the opportunity to participate in a Bonus Test!" 

It was Tracksuit Guy (ugh, what WAS his name anyway?!) who spoke what we were all probably thinking. "Uh, taking more tests isn't wonderful at all for us." 

Lero Ro put his hands on his hips. "It's no ordinary test." He held up a finger. "First, participation is voluntary. Declining to participate will not put you at any disadvantage." 

"Huh?" Khun muttered. 

Mr. Ro held up another finger. "Second, a team that wins this test will be considered to have passed all tests." 

Say what now?  That would certainly make things hecka easier, though I guess it would depend on how difficult this 'Bonus Test' will be, how many people participate, and how powerful the other Regulars are...

Murmurs rippled across the room as everyone started paying attention at those words. "Seriously?" 

"What? You mean..." Bam started. 

"You'll be granted permission to climb the Tower," confirmed Lero Ro. 

"Weren't we already climbing it...?" I muttered to myself. 

"That's great," Khun said. 

"We have to take it," Another Regular, the short-haired woman that I'd seen earlier struggling with Tracksuit Guy during the Wall Test, said. 

Words of agreement came from most of the teams. 

"So you'll all be participating?" Lero Ro asked, looking pleased. 


Test 4

ク ラ ウ ン ゲ ーム

The Crown Game


"The game you'll be playing is the crown game." 

We were in an arena-type place that sort of reminded me of the labyrinth. There was a huge golden throne in the very middle, a golden crown seated on the throne's seat, and from that spanned several 'waiting rooms' for each team that was participating. 

(It's above. I have absolutely no idea how to describe it so literally please just look it up or watch the anime.)

"Crown game?" Bam asked. 

"Simply put, you'll be stealing a crown from each other. Your time limit is five minutes. Five teams will participate at once and the game will be split into five rounds." 

I guffawed loudly. "Seriously?" I don't know why but I found that hilarious. 

"A member of the team who has acquired the crown must wear it and stay sitting in this throne until the game ends. If they're able to defend it until the end, the other four teams are defeated, four new teams will enter, and the second round will begin. The game ends the moment the person with the crown leaves the chair. If that happens, all five teams will be swapped out, and the game will resume. The team in possession of the team at the end of the final game wins."

"So winning early only hurts you," Khun noted. 

"Exactly. But if you delay your participation because of the risks, the game may end without you ever participating." 

"You're right," Khun said. 

"Also, two teams from two other testing areas will be participating in this game." 

"Other testing areas?" 

"We have our reasons," Lero Ro said. 

Suddenly Rak jumped to his feet and stomped to the gates that were separating us from the arena. "What's this? I smell powerful weapons that weren't around before!" 

Bam smiled. "You really do have a great sense of smell, Rak." 

"'Course he does, he's an animal," I teased. 

"The first round will now begin," Lero Ro announced. "If you'd like to participate, please press the buzzer in your waiting room by the time I count to five." 

Wait for it... 

"Let's see how it goes first," Khun said. 

Caaaaalled it! 

"You're the type to look for information first, huh?" I asked, idly spinning the Colorless December on my lap. 

"Nothing wrong with being careful." 

I got up and joined Bam at the gates. I saw Tracksuit Guy's team come out, followed by one other team. "Hey, Bam? What's Tracksuit Guy's name?" 

"Oh! That's Shibisu," Bam said. "And his teammates are Hatz and Anaak." Hatz was the swordsman guy and Anaak was the lizard girl. I squinted. "Hey-isn't that..." 

Rak pushed us out of the way and started pounding the buzzer. "That lizard has a powerful weapon! We should participate too!" 

"Unfortunately, the opportunity to participate has closed," Lero Ro said. 

"Let's see how it goes," Khun repeated, elegantly crossing his legs. 

"Let the first round of the crown game..." 

All of a sudden the Colorless December started vibrating hollowly in my hand. I looked down at it in concern and saw the Bam doing the same. Huh? Why is it vibrating?

"... Begin!" 

I decided to pay attention to the match first. 

The other team got ready, pulling out swords and Needles. 

Shibisu and Hatz readied themselves as well, but Anaak said, "I'll handle this alone." 


She pulled out the Green April. "Don't get in my way." (at least that was what I would be referring to it as for now)

Shibisu gladly relaxed, waving happily. "We won't! Do whatever you want!" 

"Please take this seriously," A guy with two swords (Two-Swords for now) said scornfully. "Are you mocking us?" 

Anaak walked closer. "Weak or strong, I always go all-out," she said. 

Two-Swords gritted his teeth and stomped towards her. "Are you trying to provoke me? I won't fall for-" 

Before he could finish his sentence Anaak held out a hand and quite literally threw him across the room. 

"Kon!" Green-Hair from before cried. 

In midair, Anaak swung her weapon and it elongated, wrapping itself around Two-Swords and jerking his violently through the air before throwing him into a wall. He fell to the ground within a splatter of blood.

Khun and Bam looked up. Rak laughed and clapped delightedly. 

So it is the Green April... I may have never seen it before but the 13 Month Series were one of the main topic Enne and I talked about, and her description was pretty clear. 

"Kon! Bitch!" Green-hair shouted angrily, right before the end of the Green April smashed into his face, sending him flying into the air as well. Anaak jerked the Green April twice and it whipped Green-Hair twice before letting him also fall to the ground. 

Khun stood up and came to the gates as well. "What is that weapon?" 

Once again Bam and I's weapons vibrated hollowly, with more force than before. Simmer down...!

After all that the Green April retained its original form. Anaak cracked her shoulders, then yawned loudly. 

"You didn't finish the job, lizard girl!!" the third teammate, a Priest-kind of a guy (Priest Guy for now) shouted as he promptly threw a punch. His fist landed a punch square on her head, but Anaak didn't so much move an inch. 

"He hit her square in the head," Khun said, slightly shocked. 

A moment later, Priest Guy was clutching his red and swelled-up hand. "My hand!!" 

"Apparently, the lizard has a rock for a head," Rak said. 

With one deft kick she also sent him flying. Shibisu barely ducked out of the way. "That was close!" 

"Damn it!" Green-Hair valiantly tried again, but Anaak grabbed the top of his Needle and flipped him, sending him flying to the ground again. 

"You still want to fight?" Anaak asked. Green-Hair got up and rushed her again. Are you stupid?! But when Anaak swung the Green April, he jumped over it. "Now!" 

His other teammates struggled to their feet as they all rushed towards the throne. "Run!" 

"As long as we take the crown, we can still-!" 

With a gust of wind Anaak landed on top of the throne. She raised the Green April above her head. "Hup!" It grew in length, circling the throne faster and faster and creating a strong blast of wind. 

Bam and I went flying into Rak's lap, who was sitting with his arms crossed. "That lizard is strong." 

"That's kinda obvious..." I said weakly. She's a princess... I think... 

Anaak picked up the crown and stood on the seat of the throne. "Anaak-kuun!" Shibisu ran towards her, waving his arms happily. "Give me the crown. With you and Hatz defending me, we've as good as-"

"Oi." Hatz interrupted Shibisu. 

"Huh?" Shibisu looked up. 

Sitting on the throne with the crown on her head was none other than Anaak. "Y-you idiot! Why are you wearing it?!" 

"Don't worry," Anaak said calmly. "I won't let anyone take it." 

Shibisu sulked. 

"Get off, white and black turtles," Rak grumbled. 

I got up and rejoined Khun at the gates. 

Bam also scrambled off. "Sorry-" he stopped midsentence as his attention was diverted elsewhere. 

"Since the challengers are unable to continue fighting, the next round will begin," Lero Ro announced. "If you'd like to participate, please press your buzzer by the time I count to five." 

Bam was still staring at... I followed his gaze to a waiting room across the arena from us. "Rachel?" 

"Rachel?" I echoed, turning back. "Isn't that the girl you were-" 

He fell silent. "What?" Bam walked to the gates and grasped them. "Rachel!" He called out sharply. "Rachel!" 

"Rachel? Isn't that the girl you're looking for?" Khun asked. 

"Little late," I muttered. "Bam, what do you mean? Is she here?" 

Bam lowered his arms. "Yeah. But it's not her." 

"Are you listening, everyone?" Lero Ro called for our attention from who-knows-where. "Since the challengers can no longer fight, we'll move on to the next game. If you'd like to participate, please press your buzzer." 

"Hold up!" Shibisu marched towards Anaak, who was now lounging on the gigantic golden throne. "Anaak, get down from there! I, the team's weakest member, will sit there." he pointed both fingers at Anaak. "As the team's strongest member, you should defend me!" 

"The team's strongest member?" Hatz interrupted. 

"Don't interrupted me, damn it!" Shibisu said, pointing at Hatz. 

"If the individual who initially donned the crown leaves the throne for any reason, their team loses," Lero Ro interrupted both of them. 

"What? You never told us that rule!" Shibisu protested. 

"A detailed explanation of the rules was posted in your waiting room." Lero Ro said.


"Returning to your waiting room during the game will result in disqualification. Entering another team's waiting room will result in disqualification," Rak muttered to himself, reading the plaque that apparently held the instructions just above the buzzer. 

Khun slid in slyly. "Wow. You can read, gator?" 


I put my head in my hands. "Khun, honestly..." 

Shibisu looked up towards Lero Ro's voice. "You're saying it's our fault for pressing the buzzer without reading it?" 

"That's right," Lero Ro chirped. 

From the throne, Anaak waved a bored hand. "Enough talk. Let's begin." 


"Okay! In that case, please press your buzzer if you'd like to participate in the next game." 

On the field, Shibisu clutched his head. "Waaaaah!!! Our team is divided!" he wailed. He fell to his knees. 

I watched with amusement as Hatz sort of reassured Shibisu and then apparently said something that made Shibisu jump onto him crying. 

"You have five seconds to sign up," Lero Ro said. 

Rak spun his spear. "Yee-haw! Time to hunt a lizard!" He moved forwards to press the buzzer, but before his claws could touch it Khun slid in front of him. "Not yet. Gator, it's not time for that yet." 

Shibisu clasped his hands in a prayer. "Please, let there be either zero participants or weak ones!" 

Rak put his claw onto his hip. "If you insist, give me ten chocolate bars, and you have a deal." 

"Yeah, yeah." Khun reached into his bag, which I was seriously starting to wonder about. 

Bam smiled. "You must be hungry." 

Suddenly Khun whipped around, a slightly dangerous look on his face, just as Lero Ro loudly and dramatically announced, "ZE-RO!" and then his voice turned all small and babyish. "The time to sign up has ended." 

Slowly, two gates opened, and two teams stepped out. I groaned. "Hey, does anyone know their names? I'm getting tired of giving them nicknames based on their appearances..." 

Apparently they didn't. I sighed then looked over the new set of challengers. 

On one team, there was the short-haired woman that Shibisu had been arguing with earlier. (Short Hair for now) There was also that guy wrapped in a blanket, who was sleeping (Sleepy) and finally a... male?... with long hair and one red horn (One Horn). 

On the other, there was a burly four-eyed guy (Four Eyes) a person with wings sprouting from their head (Wings) and a normal-looking guy, compared to them at least. (Normal) 

"Let the second round begin!" 

Shibisu was facing team one. "Has our famous team that made a bloody crossing through the Shinsu been dissolved?" he was probably talking to Short Hair, who if I remembered right, passed with Shibisu with blood running down their faces. 

Short Hair took out a knife and spun it in the air before catching it, sharp end out. "I don't remember teaming up with a lame guy like you!" she winked. 

"So now you've teamed up with that horned guy. Where's your other teammate?" 

"Huh? Oh." Short Hair turned towards Sleepy, who was... 

Face down wrapped in his blanket and snoring away. 

Short hair whipped back towards Shibisu, one eyebrow twitching. "It means we're more than enough to take out someone as lame as you!" 

"You're absolutely right." Shibisu stomped one foot down. "But while you may kill me, I'll never run! A lame man can be persistent! Don't underestimate me, hag!" 

I applauded. "I like his spirit."

On the other side of the throne, Hatz was facing off with the other team. Wings drew out a thick sword. "Ordinarily, we would've crossed swords fair and square." 

Hatz put a hand on his swords. 

"No hard feelings, swordsman." 

Normal took out a knife. "What we want is..." At the same time, they both ran towards Hatz. "The crown!" 

Without even blinking Hatz drew his red-hilted sword and tossed it into the air, spinning like a boomerang. With his blue-hilted sword as soon as he drew it it enacted a gust of wind that blew Wings back. Wings hovered in the air. "Clocker, stop the boy's movements!" 

"Got it!" Normal and Hatz engaged in battle, the sound of metal on metal echoing through the room. 

From the throne, Anaak yawned loudly, obviously bored. 

Their blades both crashed into one another. Normal Guy gasped as Hatz's sword quite literally cut off the top of his own weapon. 

"HAAAAAH-woah!!" Wings from the air prepared to strike with his sword, but at that moment Hatz's other sword flew right under Wings's nose, forcing him to step back. "Damn! You and your little tricks!" 

"Wow..." Bam said. 

"How can they drag them down?" Khun mused, mostly to himself. 

"And I wonder what Hatz's sword is made of," I wondered. "How does it spin like that?" 

Hatz caught the saber and readjusted his grip. "Enough talk. Bring it on, both of you." 

Four Eyes held up his fist as it started flowing and caught fire. "The time has come for my Super Inferno Punch."

Shibisu's battle was... hilarious, that was the only thing I could describe it as. The arena was close enough to the waiting room for every word to travel to our ears, so I spent some time laughing at their banter. 

(Sorry guys, I'm getting tired. I guess typing everything down is kinda hard, so yeah)

I stopped laughing, though, when Shibisu actually looked like he was going to die. One Horn had him in a grip and Short Hair was raising her dagger to stab his head. 

Right when she put her knife down for the killing blow... 


Hatz had knocked the weapon out of Short Hair's hands with his saber. 

"Hatz!" Shibisu puckered his lips in hilarious gratitude, but Hatz was as stoic as ever. "Who closes their eyes during a fight?" he demanded. 

Short Hair cradled her wrist. "What are you guys doing?" 

She saw the pile of men that Hatz had defeated easily. "Hey! What happened to your Super Inferno Punch?!" 

Shibisu jumped onto Hatz. "I knew you'd save me, my friend! I love you!" 

Hatz grabbed Shibisu's face and pushed him away. "Get away from me. Where's their other teammate?" 

"He's sleeping over there," was Shibisu's muffled reply, pointing to Sleepy who was still sleeping. 

"Sleeping? While his teammates are fighting for their lives?" Hatz asked, looking suspicious. 

Rak stepped up behind us. "K-hee! I want to hunt them now! Why did you stop me, blue turtle?"

"It's still only the second round," Bam said. 

Khun's eyes were fixed on the field-or, more specifically, at Sleepy. "Under ordinary circumstances, we should've fought." 


It was then that I felt the strangest presence. "Huh?" It was odd... like.... like... 

I drew in a breath. "He's going to-!" 

"Precisely," Khun finished. 

At that very moment, Sleepy sat up. Sure enough, in his palm, was a steadily growing sphere of Shinsu, and he was aiming it at the slumbering Anaak. 

Hatz pushed Shibisu off him. "Anaak, move!" 

Anaak blinked her eyes open sleepily. 

"That's Shinsu! He's a Wave Controller!" 

The sphere grew bigger and bigger, then with a blast it blasted towards Anaak. 

Rak, Bam, and I gasped even though I knew this was going to happen. "Someone who could use Shinsu was hiding among us," Khun said. 

The Shinsu blasted into the throne. Anaak flew up into the air, holding onto the crown with one hand, and landed on top of the throne. Both Short Hair and One Horn attacked, but she ducked easily. 

Hatz and Shibisu were running towards her. "Touch our cutie, and I'll kill you!" 

Before they could reach her a second blast of Shinsu powered through the throne... but once again Anaak landed unharmed on top of the throne. 

"She's okay!" Shibisu exclaimed. 

"Okay? How is this okay?" Hatz asked. 


Again Bam and I's weapons vibrated, with more strength. They were literally shaking in our hands. 

"I was sleeping so peacefully too," Anaak said. 

Uh-oh. I recognized the calm before the storm. 

Sleepy stood up, a hand still outstretched. "I know. Being woken up is infuriating." He lowered his hand. "Give up. I can attack the throne from anywhere. 

Anaak gnashed her teeth together angrily. She stood up and swung the Green April. "Ignition." 

Oh, crap crap crap crap crap! "Oh, that's not good," I said, getting extremely worried for all of our wellbeings.

"They made Anaak angry," Hatz said, staring up at her small menacing figure. 

As soon as she said those words the Green April went straight up and lengthened even more. The now-gigantic weapon smashed onto the place where Sleepy was. 

"Lauroe!" Short Hair shouted. 

Sleepy-I mean Lauroe-popped out, still wrapped in his blanket. The Green April continued to grow larger and larger. "You said you can attack the throne from anywhere?" Anaaak asked. "Then I can kill you all from here too!" 

She swung the Green April forwards, missing Lauroe by an inch. As it straightened back up again it writhed and split into two, no three, no several separate parts, all of them crashing down to attack Lauroe, who was bouncing between the parts. 

"That weapon is crazy!" Rak said happily. 

"Let's not play this game," Khun said. 


"Using an Ignition Weapon's got to be against the rules. That kid shouldn't have that." 

All of a sudden our weapons shook with five times more force than before. We cried out as the force increased, wanting to be freed. "It's acting strange!" Bam cried. 

"Don't let it come out!" I said through gritted teeth. "If it does then we're both dead meat!" 

Meanwhile the Green April was arcing all over the place. "This ends now!" 

No! I thought frantically as our weapons forced us to lift them. "Please, calm down!" It's because Anaak Ignited her weapon! Since our three weapons are from the same origins that's reacting back on us!

But it was too late. With a cry of anguish the bands on our weapons came off in a haze of purple a and black for Bam, white and silver for me. "Damn it!" I cursed, looking up. My arms were sore. 

Of course, Anaak had noticed and was now staring at our waiting room. The Green April slowly went back to its original size and the other team was running back to its waiting room. 

"According to the rules, Team Serena, Lauroe, and Hoh are now disqualified," Lero Ro announced. 

Khun walked over to Bam, who seemed to have a harder time than I had, and knelt down next to him. "Bam, are you okay?" 

Despite the horrible situation we were in, I silently mouthed, I SHIP IT! then turned my attention back to my weapon which was still rebelling against me. 

"Y-Yeah. It's better than before, at least," Bam answered. 

"I know what it is!" Rak said. "That thing wants to fight me!" 

"No that's not it, gator!" I snapped up at him. "It's because Anaak ignited her weapon! And now both Bam and I are probably in huge trouble-"

"Yeah, yeah," Khun said. 

Bam smiled shakily, then his expression changed to alarm. "Khun-san! Watch out!" 

With a giant BOOM!, our waiting room gates were decimated in a giant cloud of smoke. 

Siluoetted in the smoke was Anaak, looking shell-shocked. "Why?" she asked. "Why do you have the Colorless December?" The smoke cleared out slowly. 

Oh, damn it, of course she referred to me first! 

"What?" Khun spun towards me. "Is she serious?" 

"Yes," I gasped out, applying more force. 

"Do you not realize how dangerous that is?!" He demanded. 

I smiled weakly up at him. "I'm a dangerous girl." 

"He's right," Anaak said, stepping towards us. "It's dangerous. Why? Why do you have it? And how did you get it?" 

Before I could try and think up of an answer, Shibisu popped in. "Anaak! Why did you leave the throne? You even entered another waiting room! We've been disqualified!" 

I made a mental note to thank him later for the distraction. 

Anaak looked back towards us, this time focusing on Bam. "You're not worthy of that blade, boy. Give it to me." 

"You left because you wanted that thing?" Shibisu demanded, pointing at the Black March. 

"That thing? Are you serious?" Anaak asked, and for once I agreed with her. She picked up one of Shibisu's fingers and pinched it. He lept off her clutching his finger. "Ow!!!" 

"Those are two of the 13 Month Series forged by master craftsman Ashul Edwaru," Anaak said. "The Black March and the Colorless December." 

"You mean the legendary weapons King Zahard of this tower bestows upon his princesses?" Shibisu asked, pouting. 

"That's right." 

"But how do you know about that?" Shibisu asked. 

"They smell like your weapon," Hatz noted. 

"Of course it does," Anaak said. She held up the Green April. "This weapon is one of the 13 Month Series, the Green April." She narrowed her eyes. "And I am a princess of Jahad!" 

(Guys when referring to the King it will switch constantly between 'Jahad' and 'Zahard' because I like both of them so why not.)

Bam gasped. 

"Jahad..." Khun said. 

"I knew it," I hissed out, getting to my feet. "Only a princess could have the Green April. What are you doing here, in the Tower?" 

Shibisu was in shock. "A p-princess?!" 

Anaak paid him no attention. "More importantly, don't you know the dangers of wielding that weapon? It was said to have driven the owner insane." 

"I know that," I replied icily. 

"Then why do you have it? How did you get it? Where did you get it?" 

"As if I'd tell you," I scoffed. 

Anaak stared stonily at me for another minute, then held out a hand to Bam. "You're Bam, right? Hand it over. You shouldn't have that weapon." 

"I can't!" 

"What?" Anaak looked surprised. 

Bam clutched the Black March protectively. "I borrowed this from Yuri. I can't give it to you!" 

Rak laughed. "That's right, black turtle! Don't be beaten by the lizard!" 

Anaak smiled. "I see. In that case," she lifted the Green April into the air, and we all braced for attack... 

But it was stopped in midair. Anaak looked up, surprised, to find none other than Lero Ro holding onto the end of it, looking dead serious. "I won't allow any more of this behavior. Dropouts, return to your waiting room immediately." 

Anaak stared up at him. 

"Anaak! Don't get mad at the test administrator!" Shibisu whisper-yelled at her. 

"Anaak," Hatz said warningly. 

Anaak looked down again. "Bam, let's make a bet." 

"A bet?" Bam asked. 

Oh no, I don't like where this is going...

"Yeah, for the Green April and the Black March." 

Lero Ro released her weapon and stroked his chin. "That sounds interesting." 

I glared at him. "Hey! You're supposed to be the administrator!" 

"Lero Ro-san..." Bam said. 

"As long as the crown game can continue, I have no problem with it," Lero Ro said. I groaned and facepalmed. 

Anaak had a smile on her face. "If your team survives until the end of the crown game, I'll give you the Green April." 


"But if you lose, then I win. The Black March will be mine." 

"No way. Why would I make a bet like that?" Bam protested. 

"Good boy, Bam!" I said. 

"Because once this game ends, I intend to kill you and take the Black March anyway. I might even decide to take the Colorless December so I don't have to go through the hassle of coming back to get it." Anaak said. 

"Booo," I said. 

Bam looked down at the Black March, then at everybody else. His golden eyes fell. 

"Well? Not a bad deal, right? It may not be much, but at least you have a chance of win-" 

"What did you say?" Rak roared, interrupting her. We all looked up at him. He was holding his spear defiantly. "You think I'd lose?" 

Bam looked up at Rak in surprise. "Rak-san..." 

Khun lowered his bag. "Princesses, rules, whatever. I don't like any of this." 

Bam looked to Khun. "Khun-san..." 

I wanted to cry. Thank you...! "Bam, if you lose the Black March, you won't have any weapons at all, and in that state you will trouble us. None of us want to see you get hurt." 


"Don't push your luck, lizard!" Rak said. 

Anaak smiled. 

"Let's go. It's finally time for us to fight, gator," Khun said. 


Lero Ro took the crown off of Anaak's head. "The crown game will now resume." He walked out. 

Anaak, Hatz, and Shibisu returned to their waiting room. As they passed one waiting room Anaak suddnenly froze and started to stomp towards them, but Hatz held out a saber in front of her. A moment later they returned to their waiting room. 

We walked out of our waiting room. 

"I'm sorry," Bam said. 


"I caused all this trouble." 

Khun smiled. "It's fine. Ultimately, we were able to get the lizard down from her throne." 

"And if we're being honest here it's me that's going to give you trouble," I said, patting him reassuringly. "Technically, you could say it's illegal for me to have this." 

"Besides," Khun said. "You're amazing." 


Khun looked back at Bam. "You didn't hand the Black March over to the lizard." 

Bam looked down. "That's because Rachel said... 'because betraying a girl is the same as making an enemy of the entire world.' I was just doing as she said." 

Khun looked down, as if he were in thought, and he was wearing that expression again-the one he had when he was thinking about something about himself, not a cunning plan or an enemies' weaknesses. 

"But it was my choice. I'm weak and useless." 

Khun looked up. "You're certainly weak." 

Bam closed his eyes sadly. "Yes."

"Khun!" I hissed. "Ever heard of tact?" 

"But that's what makes you amazing." 

Bam looked at Khun. "Huh?" 

Khun smiled. "Even though your life was on the line, you still kept your promise. I could never do that." 

"Khun-san..." Bam looked so adorably shocked. 

Inside my head I screamed, I SHIP IT!!! but didn't mouth it so that this amazingly gentle moment wouldn't get ruined. 

"The participants have been selected," Lero Ro announced. "The third round will now... begin." 


I'm amazing, so here are some cute pictures regarding The Crown Game!!! (and also because I have a weakness for these cute Tower of God pictures)

Let's just take a minute to look at these pictures and relish in their absolute cuteness, shall we? 

*squeals* THEY'RE TOO CUTE!!! 

Hopefully I'm portraying their characters right... one reason why I'm not going past Season 1 is because after Season 1, their characters get 10 times more complex and hard to write, Bam's especially. This ended up being a lot more tiring then I had expected, because I have to copy the text just about exactly (it's my OCD) and I also have to incorporate Eurasia in smoothly. It's super fun, though, at the same time! 

I made Eurasia ship them on purpose because THAT'S WHAT I THINK TOO!!! No hate. 

Love you all! 


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