Witchcraft react to Vids that i wanna watch on repeat for 1-3 hours or a day+


(this means i'm talking to them thro a speaker)

also if two vids are next to each other without a reation peten their the same vid bc it would be part 1, part 2 type of thing


(Hi Witches~!)

*After exsplaining that their reacting to vids that i can watch on repet for a good amout of time without geting bored- and that some people might be them in a diff Au-*

"...Ok but why us-?" Elsoie asked 

(i asked people to choose beetween Smp's and i felt unpainet and the first two were whichcraft which is u people!)

"Makes Sense." Scott said

(Ok react~)


"..Are they Ok?" Eliose asked 

(um... Moveing on bc idfk!)


"I want an ass kicking outfit!" Lauren said 

(Me to. Anyways Next!)


(before u say anything- I was just thinking- Scott would deff be the one to say Fuck u and u And U~ and Then pris and joey would be the other 2 but intesest of bareny its trying to Kill Scott. You all can not agure that.)

"I can see that happening with those roles." Cleo said 

(ANyways next!)


-5 minutes after it ended-

"...I have no words..." Scott said 

(Okkk moving on then-)


"Me To!" Scott said "(My au bc why not)..I actully never noitced that-" Bertha said "...How?- I thought it was clear as day-" Scott said "I can tell now that you said it-" Bertha Said "is anyone else here that didn't know i was Scottish?" Scott asked *They all say no they know.*

"Ok No offence but- How the Fuck did They all know when Most Of Them Are idoits! And you Said YOu know All! Exsplain how that works." Scott said "...Can we just watch the next video?" Bertha Asked

(Yeah Sure)

"No We Are not changing this Subjet." Scott said "Fine- I lied about knowing all-... But i do know most things-" Bertha said "Ok! We can move on now!" Scott said.


*Scott started humming along to the music.(bc why the hell not.)* "Nice humming Scott." Lauren said "...uh- thanks?" Scott said-

(Ok next!)


"Looks like someone is gonna die-" Eloise said



"*Gasp* HE has Ice Magic!-" Joey said? "And the other girl looked like another witch!" Shubble said 

(1, Elsa also has ice magic not just Scott. 2, Yes that is Scott from a past life, and 3, She is not a witch. She is a Wizard.)

"...I had ice magic in a past life-" Scott said

(Yeah- But you hated it.)

"Why! Ice Magic Is Great!" Joey said 

(..Well His ice magic wasn't like yours... It was more hurtful to others and himself- it was basicly a curse to him)

"oh-... " Joey said

(Anyways Next!)


"I don't get it-" Shubble said

(Yeah- you wouldn't bc it doesn't make sense to you but it does to me! But Next!)


"Why boms....?" Pris asked 

(He was a bit obsessed with boms... Anyways Next~)


"His reaction!" Lauren said While laughing! "....Those are rats. HOW THE FUCK DID A RAT KILL A HUMAN!!!?" Scott stated while yelling

(Yeah- the Gardener was chasing him and then jimmy went into the water and the garderen followed but couldn't swim...  Anyways That Cyan Haired Rat Was Also Another Scott pass life-)

"How Many past lifes do i have-" Scott asked

(....Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm..... i-.. Alot. probaly over 100. and Some Are alive and Living as you guys are living aswell so ye-... and their was moer pass lifes of yours in the vids before but i didn't point them out- heh...)

"...Damn-" Scott said 

(Yeah- Anyways react-!)



(Before you say anything, Scott Was the Cyan hair one- Agian-)

"...yknow im starting to relise a patern with my past lifes... Which is they all have Cyan hair-" Scott said "you said you had a husband in the song-" Cleo pointed out- "So?" Scott said "I don't know i just wanted to point it out because i felt like it." Cleo said

And Scott Actually Laughed at that- ".. i didn't know you can laugh and it not sounding evil-" Pris said "idiot. of coruse i can laugh without it sounding evil- " Scott said 

(moving on-)


"Oh- Looks like i also have past lifes-" Lauren said "..And Looks like we knew eachother in them aswell." Scott stated "Yeah! Besties For Fover!" lauren said "Clearly." Scott said

 (Ok next. and Sorry but Im Exsposeing u Scott-)


"...i would argue it but i know im Not." Scott stated 

(At least you're not denying it Scott! like half the people ik! :D) 

"..How can you both laugh at that-?" Joey asked "... i thought Scott was joking-" Lauren said "Well i was 100% not joking! and the answer for me, Is I don't Fucking know!" Scott stated

(Carrying on- and the girl is very clearly Cleo in a life.)


*Scott staight up starts laughing really hard for some reason(the reason is bc i feel like he would laugh really hard at this.)* "...Scott u ok?" Eloise asked "I thought i MADe IT Clear That I was Not!" Scott said still laughing really hard-




(This ones better.)


"Woahhhhh!" Lauren said 



"How the fuck are you so pretty in your past lifes Scott-" Joey said "Well I am just a pretty and petty person." Scott stated

(Yup! Now Next!)


*Literally not even One Second into the vid* "Yknow what. Fuck it!" Scott said And then Started Singing along and even starts Danceing and Just ignores Martyn Yelling shut the fuck up and keeps Singing & dancing intstesd of stopping like any normal person would do bc Scott is not Normal. 

(Heres the full song(even tho it didn't start at the beging?) if u want to imgaion that if not then keep reading?) (And yes they don't see this :D) 


and everyone there had a shocked face because this was really out of character for Scott to do (atleast infrot of them all-). while Lauren Was just Clapping and cheering him on. and after he was done-, "...how did you even know all the lyrics and not mess up-!????" Joey asked 

and Scott just shrugged "I don't know but it's a great song!" Scott said "Well Scott your Actually Pretty good at singing- And dancing-" Shubble said "Thanks?" Scott said and deicede to not sit down again (bc in my option, sitting for a long while hurts my but/legs if im sitting on them- and mostly bc i want Scott to also sing & Dance along to the next :D)

(Anyways Next! :D)


this time Scott Just Started Singing this And Danceing along without saying Fuck it! and lauren Also joined in with the Singing and danceing! 

-After they stopped- 

(anyways Next!)

(the first time i watched this i deiced to would be a great idea to open a bunch of tabs at once and then lisen to it-... Don't Make the Same Mistake i did.)


"Yeah i don't know how to sing to that-" Scott said and Everyone Actually just brusted out into laughter-

(anyways- Next)

(lol the next one i had didn't work so i tryed the next one after that and it worked soo... yeah just gonna skip that one-.)


"...Why?" Cleo asked?

(Don't ask that bc i will go on a rant on comeing up with why he did- but moving on to the next vid.... also don't ask why these last three vids will basicly be the same. all with a Scott past life or life-)


"Yknow Scott. I am Seeing a new side to you today." Pris stated "I feel like everyone is-" joey said "Not me." Lauren stated and all of them looked at her, "Scott and me hang out all the time sense we met and He acts like this alot!" Lauren stated 

"..Out of everyone to act like that infrot of- Why lauren...?" Cleo asked And Scott shrugged "I know she wouldn't tell anyone and she is also goofy and stuff like that- So she just kinda relatable-" Scott stated 



(Anyway next-)


"why can all Scott's be Scary-?" Eloise asked 

(BEcause He just is. Now Byeee!)



Post Date: 4/3/2023

Word Check: 1320

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