PT2 Witchcraft react to Vids that i wanna watch on repeat for 1-3hours or a day+
(this means i'm talking to them thro a speaker)
also if two vids are next to each other without a reation peten their the same vid bc it would be part 1, part 2 type of thing
I have been collecting more vids i wanna watch on repet and their is deff gonna be more parts bc- i have alot of vids i wanna watch on repet but i have to go through my other playlist of vids... you get the point- Right...?
(Hi again! ur reacting to more vids i can watch on repet! :D Now react~)
"HOW MANY 'Do you or do you not feel BONITA' MEMES DO YOU HAVE-??!!!!" Scott yelled/asked
(um....1, their not mine- i can just watch them on repet- and 2... I do Not Have A fucking Clue! :D)
"ok then- Also Scott you Look Great In pink." Eloise stated. "Agreed!" Lauren said "i also Agree" Pris Stated
( i think everyone thinks Scott looks good in pink- So NEXt!)
"Relatable but only on Thursdays."Bertha Stated "...Why Thursdays?" joey asked "...Reasons." Bertha Said "thats a Good Answer-..." Lauren whispered to Scott and Scott just started to laugh but tried to hide it- "...Well i can't Aruge with
that." Joey Said and then Lauren busted out into uncontrollable laughter while Scott couldn't hide his laughing anymore and then just loudly laughed now trying to stop-
(Wow- don't have two bestfriends that can't stop laughing for the non-existent life of them!)
And at this point and time, The Duo are now both LAughing uncontrollablely and starting to feel pain from laughing this much. -time skip to when they both stopp laughing... witch is like 12 mins later-
(Finally you both are done-, Now react!)
"Wow-" Lauren said "wait- So they- made people reacting to their vid into a Song????" Cleo Said
(Yup now next!)
*a few mins of no one saying anything*
(..Ok looks like yall don't have anything to say- So React!)
and then again, Scott and lauren just brusted into uncrotable laughter- FOR THIRDY. FIVE. MINUTES! "...Are you to-... Well lauren are you okay?" Eloise asked "N-o!" lauren said still laughing uncontrollably
-..Another 35 mins later-
"Okay ARe you 2 Done Laughing Now?!" Cleo Asked "i-.. I think So!" Scott said trying real hard to clam down while lauren put no effort into claming down.
(...yeah im just gonna) *Process to just make Lauren Pass out and then make her wake up and then give her a calming effect while i just give Scott a calming effect.* (Ok. Now React.)
".oh-" Lauren said- "...Not you Lauren-...." Scott said "...ok- then-" Lauren said
(Next XD)
(Before any of you say anything- It's Just A Scott thing- Like Every single Life of Scotts, He just Feels Like a God and at some point has hated himself. IT's normal And It Can't Be stopped.)
"...Well that explains alot-" joey mumbled-
(IT DOes-! XD N-ow reaCT!)
"Yknow this is making me think im a bit- Over dramatic-" Scott stated "U think?" Pris said while Eloise said at the same time "Well you are- Soooo...." Eloise Said "Damn. I guess i am," Scott said laughing a bit-
(You better not starting laughing to much again-, Anyways Reactttt)
"I would have thought Nothing would have made me not think otherwise- but now that i've seen thses vids-... Yeah theirs a bit of things Now- " Pris Said "...fair enough-" Scott said
(Ok next-)
"damn-" cupqake said "...I forgot you were here-" Scott said "oh-" Cupqake said
"out of everything- you were scared of that-.." Pris said "Im GAY ok-" Scott said
"Of coruse- another one-" Scott said
(I just like the meme ok-... Next-)
"I don't even know what to say abt this-" Joey stated "...I don't think anyone knows-" Cleo said
(Well- then Next-)
"hold on- i thought this was just memes-" Scott said
(I clearly Said VIDS that i wanna watch on repet. and it's a good song that reminds me of my favorite ship.)
"...Ship-?" Lauren said
(It's when fans of a show or something ship to people- like see them in a relationship-)
"...ok.. but whos the people-?" Lauren asked
(Well-.... alot of Scotts manyyyy Pasts lifes keep rather Flirting the shit out of jimmy or married him or loves him, And this Scott- the which Scott Is really disapointing me because Out of everyone he could of been in a realishtionship with it Was THIS RANDOM GUY NAMED MILO!!! LIKE STICK TO THE FUCKING SRICP SCOTTT!!!!!!)
"....Damn u sound really mad-" Cleo said-
"...u killed a GOD?!!!-" Elosie said "Yup!" Scott said
(... Oh look- next one is Flowerhusbands! AKA MY FACORIVE SHIP!)
"Does that mean. Scott is A BOTTOM!" Lauren said laughing- "...NO!-" Scott Yelled
(Yeah- He deffitanly is in that life- I mean he Has slept with 1,000+ guys well at this points it's like- 5,000+.. and he was always a bottom because he injoys it! :D)
" disapointed in myself-" Scott stated
(Im also Disapointed in you Scott, not bc ur a bottom but the fact it was a RANDOM GUY NAME MILO!... next-)
"Very True-... I am very bad at math-" Scott stated
(...Scott i want ur option on jimmy.)
"...Not gonna lie- he is hot- but-" Scott said/started
(Ok Next-)
"yeah that sounds about right-" joey said "huh-?" Lauren said- "Thats what deffitanily happend to make gay people." Joey said
"I just noitced- me in that life is a very Colorful llama-... ANd I Can" Scott said and then did his rainbow llama spit thing- "... DOes this MAke ME One TO!" Scott said-
(maybe?- but next~)
(who do u guys think looks better in the dress? bc i think jimmy looks WAY better then lizzie-)
"Ok- they slaying-" Scott said
(Yes. now next-)
"nice-" lauren said
(yeah by-)
i have alot more vids but i just wanna-... idfk- XD
Post Date: 4/13/2023
Word Check: 977
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