Two ID's
Life is a hustle in its own little funny way.
During the day, an engineering biochemical genius for the city of progress. At night, well, a seductive enchantress within the eye of Zaun. The alluring, sweet talker in it for the money and thrill.
Separate identities, yet like if I'll bother you. Not much of a social butterfly, gun manic on drugs, nor a spy to get killed off within the next hour. Down right negativity all around.
Simply a nobody just here for the heck of it.
Living within a rugged old place near The Last Drop, well, what used to be the remains of such a fantastic bar. Nothing but plants and hand-made crotchet items to keep you company. Money is not a struggle point yet, lacking much motivation, still cared for the children traumatized by these streets. For the blind, the mute, the disabled innocents. The victims caught in cross fire between Piltover and Zaun.
They were not all lucky to live but those who were run to safer, calmer place of peace. That place of harmony was your own apartment complex. Many children would flee and break into your home without hesitation if necessary. Some expected a brash harsh scowl for trespassing, yet were feed warm full meals. Bathed and brushed their teeth. Always kept close to one another for warmth, sleeping soundly in their own beds than cardboard boxes.
Most of that money for both jobs was spent on these innocent children. All familiar faces along with newer ones. These children were not yours biological yet each seen and claimed you as their guardian slash parent. Even when they moved to join the Firelights, many still come here to see you. To ensure your safety after looking after each one of theirs for so long.
This war of power is hurting more people each day. Sickening enough to fiend for yourself alone on these streets. Enforcers tearing families apart to show off as an example.
It's sickening. Even more so, considering you were born and raised in Piltover. How fun.
Green tea mixed with honey was set to the side, about twelve orphans sleeping with full stomachs within your small cooped up apartment, and took a seat nearest to the balcony window. Closer to control the blinds. Taking small glances of everything running amonk below. Sipping your tea upon those roaming these harsh, brutal streets at dark.
Most of these people are idiots. Buffoons since birth possibly. Yet, with all these goons going in and out that hot spot bar, the woman you grew accustomed to seeing waltz out of those doors. Head up high. Stoic and dominate within every step she took. There was no ounce of weakness leaving her allumist, powerful figure.
The right-hand woman of Zaun.
A tall woman. Cloat covering her robotic arm from public eye, hard to dictate her very emotions, poker face gambler. And a gambler she is. A winer every time, too.
She was, after all, the honorable recurring customer within your brothel. The place you work. The times you do work are when she is not free or available to come along for some fun. Every coin is tossed to the highest bidder. The prize was always a selection of fine, exquisite beauties in masks. Making it fair on each side.
Your thoughts were silence upon the title. Shifting in your seat, now sitting comfortably upon finding one of the orphans calling out to you. The only one that was up. Nearest to the exit.
"Mom, I had a nightmare.."
Nightmares. Something no one can escape even if their wealthy and happy. A way to know we all are human. Equals in every way possible.
This chair was comfy, too comfy, yet smiles softly to the child "A nightmare, hm? Well, come here." your arms were open for the child to come near, grabbing a large blanket to keep both warm, calling the small boy over with a motherly tone of voice "I may not be good at keep your nightmares away, but I'll be right here if you need me. I swear."
This made the little boy get up, avoid waking up the others, to now be swaddled close in your arms. Resting as the boy in arms try to catch up with their sleep. Humming a little to soothe the nerves. Once in a while, rocking side to side, craddling the orphan in arms while in motion.
All that was needed was motherly touch. And like that, out like a light.
Speaking of light, the neon green blindly your vision a little, try to find the woman once more below. She was gone. Again.
As the right-hand woman of the undercity, it's clear she has blood on her hands. Missions to complete. Pain to inflict if necessary. All there was to get paid is her job. Risky and possibly her soon to be death. A gambling addiction of either life or death itself.
Only, with all you knew, were eager to meet her nonetheless. To talk face to face. Maybe, well, a prize through the brothel. A treat for the night if it goes there.
Imagination tends to go overboard sometimes, like, crazy detail stuff.
The two never met, so this may not go into plan. May never will. Yet hope remains resilient. An odd, impeccable flame refusing to be blow out for the night.
"Jinx, sweetie, what are you doing here, love?" Your brothel job ended not so long ago, payed that day too, only to come home to find the bluette blue eye girl outside your apartment. Swaying side to side.
One of the many children of Vander's.
The hound of Zaun.
Niether met eye to eye, but her name most definitely wasn't Jinx, yet it was a more softer name. Powder. All she wants now is to forget that side, taken under the wing of Silco, re-named as Jinx. Blaming herself for all that happened to her family. A fault turn name.
You'll call her Jinx. That's her wish after all, yet all you can see is a little sweet brilliant Powder.
Innocent baby blue Powder.
It's not unusual to find her outside your apartment as much as she sneaks inside and feast on your snacks. It's the fact that it's rare to see this young, brilliantly bright teenager running amonk late at night. Knowing from both sides, it's not safe to be out here alone at dark.
Even if she had a gun. She sure won't get far.
Jinx, no key to your door, opens it as if she owns your apartment "Hi (Y/N)! Come on, they both don't like waiting!" watching as she waltz happily inside, now completely unaware of what she meant by 'they'.
Baffled, mostly due to the fact it may lead to something bad, followed the teenager inside. Closing the door with a click. Turn to find she sat on the armrest of your couch. Beside her was the eye of Zaun as well as, you guessed it,right-handd woman of Silco. Smoking her cigare within your none smoke free home.
The smell of smoke brings in unwelcoming memories. Yet, unsure why the three together were within your rugged old apartment, chose to suffocate with it. Pretend like it didn't bother you one bit. Remaining more positive than negative before the three.
"So, you're the piltie turned zaunite?" Silco, hands intertwined in his lap, relaxed as he seemed to brew himself his own tea, from your own home, questioning you from your very worn out couch "I've heard your place is a heaven for orphan rats from the streets. It's a shame if something happens to make it less, well, safe, so to speak."
Leaving this apartment won't be easy. There is nothing good in running away. So, like that, pulled away one single chair over and sat down. Before Silco mostly. Pouring yourself some tea as well.
"I am. Yet much rather be here than up there, working below my pay grade. As for the children, yes, many find my place safe and open." Honey stirred in, finding chamomile tea instead of your green tea, blew at it before sipping, refreshed from the taste "May I ask why you all came down to visit me?"
"Quite your job on top side."
You set the tea cup down, not sure where this is going "Quite? Not even my other job can support my rent.."
He smiles, a little slim one, gesturing to himself causally "I know. That's why I'm here, I want you to work for me."
An eerie silence overtook the living room. To use tea to ease one's nerves dose little to help. Yet, with such an offer, grew slightly curious about this offer thrown your way. By the eye of Zaun nonetheless.
"For you? May I ask a few questions myself?"
"You may."
"If I quiet and worked for you, what will my pay per hour be? Where will I work along with benefits as well?"
Those questions were far too easy, rambling it all out loud like a broken record, Jinx kicking her feet out of boredom as his right hand woman layed back man spread, metal arm and muscular exposed arm behind her head as if she was going to take a nap right than and there, still smoking her cigar without a care in the world. Like, was this not her first time with breaking in and boss demanding someone to get up and leave their job? Must not be..
"Simple. Your pay will be based on your experience and expertise. Considering engineering is your preferred skill, I'll most likely place you with my weaponry craftsman crew. Benefits included will be full protection from harm, access to shimmer along with VIP bar access for any occasions, and rent-free living. Free of charge."
"And what about the orphans? Many tend to run away and hide away here with me."
Jinx answered that, eager for you to say yes to Silco's offer "They will be fine! And Silco will pay you way better than your brothel job! Lots of it!-MMPHFF!?"
Silco, muffling Jinx excited rambling, sighs at his adopted daughter eagerness for you to say yes. To work under him full time if possible.
"Like Jinx said, the castaways will not be placed in harms way as long as they each are kept in line. I know enough from Jinx experience within your care multiple times."
Those words seemed to lessen your doubts. Just a little. Jinx released from Silco's hands that muffled her to abrupt silence. Hop off the arm rest to come near your side instead, sticking her tounge at Silco for shutting her down so rudely, her goal was not to only get away but mess with your (H/C) locks once again for the thousandth time this week. Most likely practice her braiding skills as the adults talk it out. Humming her own little tune as she ran off to your small, not so great, bathroom to grab a hair brush and hair ties. Possibly hair clips too due to playing pretend tea party and fashion shows with other little girls like herself.
"I like to hide my identity as well."
He slouched forward a tad, listening on your terms of working under him, raised brows in a slight intriguing way "If that is what you wish. Does that include your name as well?"
Nodding your head, careful not to ruin Jinx's hard work, earned a hum of understanding from him. Now, sipping his cold chamomile tea once again. As he did that, a single side glance to his right-hand woman, the tall woman you've kept a secretive eye upon stood up. The faint glow of her mechanical shimmer arm shows a tad revealed upon reaching for something in her pockets. The glowing, lightening blue scar shines once in a while up her jaw line and neck down to collar bone. A menacing woman of power and muscle. One woman army. Hands over a letter with a waxed purple green seal.
Gloved velvet soft fingers grazed two of her metal rustic brown digits, no human feeling within it to know, warmth vs cold, for a brief second to gather the sealed letter of some sort of importance. Considering it's been in her back pocket this whole time. This entire conversation. That's enough to know how loyal and trustworthy she is.
"Sign and return in person or to Sevika. I expect to be notified of your availability and work schedule completely within a three day notice." Silco, standing onto his two feet now, dusts off any dirt from his vest, fixing his tie and slick back his hair as he continues "Place your new identity name as well. Considering we'll be the only ones to know your real name and identity."
This sounds easy. Like, three day notice to figure out everything, still unaware of the pay yet willing to do it all for the children and for yourself on the way. That's if he keeps that promise. It better be kept. One scratch or nick on any of those kids, and that bar will be burned to the ground..
The bluette teenager was pleased with her work. Braiding your hair with multiple braids. She had her fun till Silco called her to follow, quickly hug you before running off to join his side once again. Even turn around and wave goodbye.
"Which brothel do you work in?"
That voice. Kinda amazed that this woman isn't taken by now. Shows how blind people are now and days.
"I believe you know. You're an honorary customer, after all."
Cigar butt was thrown out the open window, ashes to the streets, holding it between two fingers of her real arm, eyes judgemental upon your response "There? Your to easy to spot in that whore house."
A smile grace your lips "That's possibly due to my work schedule. And my life style. Most looking out for the kids too."
Sevika's eyes keen a bit. As if she was silently talking with herself in that moment. Taking deep notice of those grey eyes linger on your form, covered in a cloat to keep the cold away, tracing every detail from head to toe that is entirely exposed. The fact she is taller, towering over your smaller form, is by far more attractive..
"I'm not your kid Silco. God damn." Sevika scoffs, not a soild brief introduction of little exchange of words in, snap her neck to face her boss waiting outside the door, demanding her to follow him out "Fine! I'm right behind you geez."
It was amusing to find Sevika give in to Silco's orders and demands.
Flipping her hood over her head with a few seconds of grumbling, unknown to what she is saying, remain in your place as she was the last one out. Shutting the door to the point the hinges may have break at impact.
A small, hearty laugh leaves you smiling a tad more, shaking it off to the cup of tea on the table.
One empty the other halfway full.
Now, in your home alone, was left with the letter. Choices to be made along with a name to cover your own identity. A new job in the underground city.
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