Lights, Camera...Accents?
WARNING: This one is quite a bit longer than my other chapters, but I felt like I owed it to you all to not break it up. Also, sexual activities are in this chapter... I hope you all enjoy and please let me know. I would love to update more often, especially if you guys want more.
"Hold still!" Summer instructed, sticking her tongue out in concentration as she adjusted a curly blonde wig on her father's head. He studied her in her pastel, cloud printed pajama set. She stopped a moment and rubbed her tiny foot over her shin, making her pant leg ride up ever so slightly.
"I don't think he's going to buy it," Lindsey said, blowing out a breath. "I'm having second thoughts." When he first came up with the plan, he thought it was perfect. He went to Johnny's Joke Shop and bought everything he needed for a disguise. He blew through at least ten dollars on different types of fake mustaches alone. He bought special effects makeup, just in case, and two tubes of wig glue, though he didn't know what the difference between the two were. All he knew was that one was red and one was blue. He wanted his character to be as convincing as possible. Tonight was the run-through of his new look.
"All you have to do is develop your character." She told him, dismissing his lack of confidence as nerves. "Think of your favorite actor and do what they do."
Lindsey shook his head. It was like talking to a forty year old sometimes. He bit his lip, watching her fuss a little more. He felt the wig twist, and she clicked her tongue in frustration. As the five year old stood back and narrowed her eyes, Lindsey gulped. "Well?"
"Hmm..." She took a step forward, turning his head one way then the other, scrutinizing every detail. He could see the perfectionism he had passed onto her coming through. "I have a feeling I'm going to like the long grey wig better. Mommy has hair ties in her room. They're in a little pink jar with flowers on the lid." The girl's eyes lit up. She adored looking st all of the little trinkets and things on her mother's vanity. She would watch her mother apply her makeup and ask about people in the old photo booth pictures tucked into the corners of gilded frames or for a spritz of fancy floral perfume. Shaking herself from the prospect of one day having the knowledge her mother had about beauty products, she continued. "Maybe she could pull the hair back into a ponytail."
"I don't think she wants any part of this," Lindsey said, thinking back to when he told her of his plan. He remembered her shaking her head and telling him it was the dumbest thing she had ever heard. No way would Alex fall for such an asinine and ridiculous stunt. He was starting to think she was right.
"She will when she sees you!" Summer snatched the wig off his head and ripped open the plastic package containing the grey wig. The picture of the woman in the witch's costume on the front made her giggle as she combed through the long synthetic tresses with her fingers. She expertly shook it out, putting it on his head and tucking his curls into the cap. "What about a beard?"
"What about it?" he asked, startled by her sudden question. He had been practically holding his breath the entire time she worked.
Summer put her hands on her tiny hips, narrowing her eyes once more. He saw so much of Stevie in her just then, a lopsided smile tugging at his lips. "I think a beard would hide your face. You have a unique face, kid."
"Kid? Summer, you have got to stop watching old gangster movies."
"If I turn the tv off after Robin falls asleep, she'll wake up!" Summer told him. "Besides, I like 'em." She combed down the hair and pushed it back off his shoulders, trying to imagine it in a ponytail.
"Lindsey, tables are for glasses, not for asses," Robin chided as she passed through the living room into the kitchen. The moment she saw him sitting on the coffee table, she couldn't stop herself from saying something. The two of them were constantly teasing each other.
"Hey, my kid's in the room." Lindsey scolded but Robin only chuckled as she filled a glass of water for herself.
"You're no angel," she replied, happy to hear an indignant scoff from Lindsey. "Mama wants you in bed, kiddo." Robin looked at the pouting child and mirrored her puckered bottom lip. "You know the rules."
"I haven't finished my project!" She squeaked. "Daddy is auditioning tomorrow."
"And Stevie is auditioning tonight," Robin said, watching Lindsey's eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"What?" Lindsey stood, flinging his arms out. "What does that mean?"
"That means Stevie left over an hour ago to meet Alex and she looked pretty foxy."
Lindsey scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. "Yeah right. You're just saying that to rile me up."
"I wish I were." Robin took a sip of her water. "It's so much fun to watch you squirm but nope, it's true. She went to meet him. She wanted to give him a piece of her mind but by the time they got off the phone, she was giggling like a school girl talking to a crush!"
Lindsey grit his teeth, his jaw locked tight. "You are dead wrong."
"Well, do you see her around here?," Robin motioned around the room. "I wouldn't worry too much though. She only has eyes for you...unfortunately. She's probably trying to clean up your mess so you don't have to go through looking like a grizzled old hag to nab your rightful spot in his band." Robin stood there watching the gears turning for a couple of moments. "Five more minutes then off to bed, munchkin."
"Okay, Auntie Robin." Summer smiled sweetly watching the brunette go upstairs. The moment she was out of sight, the little girl turned back to her father. "Sit down, we have a lot of work to do before tomorrow. You're going to knock his socks off."
Lindsey sat back down again in a daze. "How did I miss her leaving?"
"Mommy? I think she's a trained ninja." Summer mimicked the karate moves she must have picked up from yet another movie Robin let her watch. "I never hear her sneak into my room to turn my light off or cover me up after storytime." The curly haired blonde shrugged. "I just hope she doesn't tell him the plan! You have to tell me everything when you get back."
"I will," he told her, no emotion in his voice. His mind was busy thinking about what must be going on, what they're doing. Alex is probably wining and dining his girlfriend right now. His fist clenched, as did his jaw and Summer touched his cheek.
"Don't think about it. Mommy loves you." Summer said.
He smiled. "You're pretty wise for a kid."
"Thanks. Mommy says I'm an old soul."
"I think she's right. You're much wiser than your years. You have centuries in your eyes."
Summer smiled back at her father. "That sounds so romantic!" she said in a breathy voice. Her big dark eyes lit up, making the gold flecks in them much more apparent.
He chuckled. "You think?"
"Oh yes! I love love." She adjusted his wig again very carefully. "You should write mommy a song."
"I have, many times."
She stopped her fussing and cocked her head to one side. "Really?"
"Yep," he confirmed with the nod of his head.
"Is she your muse?" Summer asked.
"What do you know about muses?"
"Every great artist has a muse, daddy. Everyone knows that."
He smiled, pulling his daughter into his chest. "You amaze me, Summer Ruby." He pressed a kiss to her unruly curls.
"Mommy says that too." She started to wriggle and he released her from his arms. "Will you read me a story before I go to sleep?"
"Are you tired?" he asked and his daughter nodded. "Of course." He stood up, scooping up his daughter as he ran toward the stairs. She bounced with every step, giggling uncontrollably. He dropped her onto the bed and she scurried under the covers. He pulled the chair up to her bedside and opened the book Stevie had been reading to her. He could smell her familiar perfume on the pages as he slid the pressed flower bookmark from the margin. He turned the bookmark over in his hands, admiring the purple and white petals suspended forever between the two pieces of acetate plastic. Somehow they seemed familiar but he couldn't quite place why. Sure, he had seen plenty of flowers in his time, that wasn't so unique but those flowers...."Ah!" he said aloud, smiling at the memory. "I sent these flowers to your mother years ago. They were the last bouquet I ever sent her, actually." His smile began to fade. "Your mama was reading a book about a young maiden and her many, many suitors when I left. She told me all about the meanings of flowers and that each one was special. It was February, and Violets were supposed to mean that your thoughts of the person were occupied by love." He brushed his fingertips over the tiny flowers. "I'm surprised she saved them." Lindsey broke out of his thoughts, knowing his daughter probably had a million questions for him but as he looked up, he smiled warmly once more. Summer had fallen asleep. He leaned over and kissed her head of golden hair and stood up. "I love you. Sweet dreams."
He tip toed toward the door and turned off the light, leaving the door ajar. He went to the bathroom to look at what his daughter had done and chuckled. Well, she wasn't wrong when she told him he looked nothing like himself. He liked all the ideas she had. He made a mental note to buy a fake beard per her suggestion and he would work on a name to call himself tomorrow morning. He wanted many opinions, even if some of them came from Robin. He went to the bedroom and laid out the outfit he had chosen for his character. A flannel shirt and jeans seemed fitting enough. Boots and a hat would finish off the look just fine, he thought. No one would be the wiser.
The front door opened then shut and his ears pricked up when he heard her soft humming as he descended the stairs. Stevie was home. He took off his wig and frantically tossed it out of sight. He made it to the landing, and he saw she had already taken off her heels. Robin was right- she looked as if she were going on a date. Her red dress clung to her curves perfectly. She took a few steps toward him and he hurried back up the stairs. He didn't want to seem like a jealous boyfriend. He watched as she did her usual "Stevie" routine, hanging her shawl over the banister, taking off her earrings and bracelet and putting them in the glass trinket containers scattered throughout the house. He never knew how she found anything with all of her belongs strewn all over like that. She sat on the bed and unclipped her stockings from her garter belt, rolling them down her toned, slender legs. He sighed and she looked around the room.
"Linds? Honey?" She called out in almost a whisper. The house was pretty silent to be so full of people and it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "Lindsey?" She went back to taking off her necklace, putting it in the jewelry box she had had since she was a teenager. Lindsey pulled himself out of the shadows and walked quietly into the room. She shut the lid to her jewelry box and jumped as arms wrapped around her waist. She turned around in those strong arms and pushed at his chest. "Jeez you scared me!"
Lindsey chuckled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Sure..." she said, unconvinced. "Have you been lurking the entire time?"
She smirked, draping her arms around his neck. She rose onto her tiptoes and kissed his lips. "How were things here?"
"Good. Summer and I planned my disguise. All I have to do is think of a name."
"Make sure you write it down so you don't forget it."
"I will. And where were you?"
"I can't tell you, you'll get mad." She pulled herself gently from his arms and removed the crystal slide from her hair. She began to brush her hair in the mirror, trying to loosen the setting lotion.
"Why would I be mad?" He asked, following her into their ensuite.
He scoffed. "Come on, Stevie. Why didn't you tell me you went on a date with Alex?"
"Because it wasn't a date. It was dinner and nothing more. I didn't even let him hold my hand," she said, defending herself. She didn't want him to be cross with her, especially before bed.
He sighed. He couldn't be mad at her. "You looked gorgeous."
"Thank you, Lindsey."
"That dress!"
She put down her brush and turned to look at him. "You really think so?"
He sauntered toward her, a seductive look in his steel grey eyes. "I do," he said, placing his index finger under the thin strap that rested on her slightly golden shoulder and running in down to where it met the back of the dress. He held back her fluffy curls and kissed her shoulder, his soft lips sending electricity through her every cell.
"You don't have to flatter me because you're jealous, Lindsey." Stevie said softly and she chuckled against her skin.
"I'm not jealous," he told her, kissing up her neck.
"You don't have to be ashamed of the green eyed monster. I get jealous too. You're so handsome, I'd be stupid to think other women don't look at you or fantasize about you." Her lips parted, a small sigh escaping past them.
"Alex is obsessed with you. I don't trust him."
"I don't want Alex. I only went to talk about music and you."
"That would make any man trying to make moves on you lose his boner." She gasped, turning bright red and Lindsey chuckled again.
"Lindsey Buckingham, that's vulgar!" she exclaimed.
"Even prim and proper Stephanie uses dirty words in the bedroom."
"But it's private," she argued.
"It's just us. You and me. Who is going to hear us? Who are we going to tell?"
A smirk formed slowly on her lips and she bowed her head. "I guess you're right."
"Of course I am."
Once again she slipped away from him and his bit his knuckle. She was teasing him.
"We should both get ready for bed. You have a big day tomorrow."
"So no..." he trailed off, throwing his gaze toward the bed then to her. She shook her head. "Oh come ooooon! We need this. Let's treat ourselves."
She giggled. "Treat ourselves?"
"Are you saying you don't enjoy it?" Lindsey put his hands on his hips and she shook her head again, her curls brushing softly against the tops of her shoulders.
"I never said that, Linds but I'm tired, baby. Let's sleep." His shoulders slumped and he sighed. "Will you unzip me?"
"Sure." He motioned for her to turn around and he slowly tugged the zipper down, freeing her from her garment. He trudged toward the dresser to pull out pajamas and Stevie slipped into the bathroom to remove her makeup. As she finished and patted her face dry of water, she eyed a skimpy little number she had hidden under her fluffy pink bathrobe. The innocence in her eyes was replaced with sheer mischief as she ran the silky fabric between her fingers. She smiled to herself and lifted it off the hook, slipping it on as quickly as she could. She peeked through the crack in the door and watched Lindsey pull a tee shirt down over his head then sit on the bed.
"Linds..." she called out and he turned his head. She gently pushed open the door and his jaw dropped.
"Steph...I thought you were tired?" Lindsey's eyes traveled over her body. Instead of being uncomfortable, it made her feel incredibly sexy.
"I am but you're right, we should treat ourselves. We haven't had any real alone time this past week. I missed you like crazy during dinner and all I could think about was you, Mr Buckingham." Stevie seemed to float over to him like an angel, her body pressing against him set him on fire. His arms encircled her instinctively, his hands gravitating toward her backside. He squeezed it hard, the nightie riding up so he touched bare skin. "Mm," she moaned, her head falling back, exposing her neck to him. He took advantage of the open access, peppering the column of her throat with warm, wet, open mouthed kisses. His lips didn't dare leave her skin, his nostrils took in the intoxicating aroma of her perfume applied to her pulse points and his senses were on overdrive. Her passion-drunk sighs did things to him he hadn't felt in years. He backed up so his calves hit the side of the bed then sat down, pulling her onto his lap. She straddled him, her arms draped casually around his neck. Her big brown eyes were smoky with lust and he growled, nipping at her bottom lip before kissing her passionately. Her hand slipped down his side and tugged on the hem of his tee shirt. Taking her cue, he broke their kiss and pulled his tee shirt up over his head, discarding it on the floor. She giggled girlishly, combing her fingers through his curly hair.
"I finally have something to run my fingers through," she said in a raspy whisper, kissing his jawline. She hated seeing all of his beautiful hair gone and it had been growing out nicely ever since.
"You do. Does it make me...more attractive?"
"You're always attractive. Devastatingly handsome."
"Is that so?"
"Mm-hm, but you know what's ruining the mood?" she asked and he pulled back a little to look at her. "That tangled mess of a wig on the floor. At first I thought it was some kind of monster!"
Lindsey chuckled, massaging her hips in his strong hands. "I'd say we could turn off the lights by I don't want to stop looking at you."
"Maybe you can distract me then," she said, her eyes locked on his.
"My pleasure." He yanked her nightie off and began kissing every square inch of skin he could reach. He suddenly stood, turned around and plopped her on the bed. He kicked off his pajama bottoms and climbed over her. His feverish kisses sent shivers down her spine and her innocent, girlish giggling turned him on even more. It was like they were kids again. "Shhh," he hushed, kissing her lips to silence her. Their daughter was sleeping in the next room, as was their roommate. He didn't want to wake either of them up. "Shh, baby, quiet." He smiled down at her and she cradled his face in her hands.
"Make love to me," she whispered. Her eyes sparkled liked stars in the semi darkness of their room making a wicked smirk appear on his face.
He kissed her hard, feeling for panties and delighted in the fact he couldn't find a single scrap of fabric on her body. He slid his fingers through her folds and she moaned, her hips bucking involuntarily. His fingers were slick, spreading her wetness until the pad of his fingers brushed her clit, almost by accident. He saw the spark of electricity in her eyes and he liked it. His actions became more deliberate, watching how the smallest flick of his finger lit her up inside. She could feel his hardened member pressed against her thigh, and she smiled to herself. She moaned just a little louder for him; she wanted to excite him just that much more and push their passion to the limits. Her hand moved down between them as she decided to take control, guiding him to her entrance. She knew giving in would look like defeat and it would be exactly what he wanted but she wanted it too. She didn't care. He groaned as she wrapped her hand around his shaft, and as she rubbed the head of his cock over her clit, stimulating herself further. It was almost too much. She bit her lip hard, suppressing a gasp as he pushed into her impatiently.
"Fuck," he whispered, dipping his head in between her breasts. She felt good, too good. He gave her a second to adjust before almost completely pulling out and slamming back in. The sensations took her breath away, something between another gasp and a scream escaping past her lips. He pushed her legs to her chest, pounding into her. She clawed at his skin and the bed sheets. "Let me know if I'm hurting you," he said and she shook her head, her chest heaving with every breath.
"Fuck me harder." She replied so easily that it made him chuckle. He loved to hear the dirty words spill out her mouth. She was always so shy, almost prudish about sex but in the moment she wouldn't bat an eyelash as she told him what she wanted, how and where. He loved that about her. He kissed the backs of her legs, her calves and ankles as he tossed them over his shoulders. Sweat dripped down his body, and he noticed a bead of sweat rolling down her chest as well. He brushed back her hair, staring into her eyes. He was on the brink of coming apart, and so was she. He pressed the pad of his thumb to her clit once more. Her breathing became erratic. She groped her breast, and bit her lip so hard she almost drew blood but nothing could prepare her for the powerful orgasm that was about to hit her. She couldn't contain herself. Her walls clenched about him so tightly, milking his own orgasm from him. He filled her, squeezing her hips and thighs, keeping her there until the very last drop of energy was expended. He collapsed on top of her, kissing her temple and cheek before finally landing on her mouth. Their kisses were lazier now, sloppier but still as wanting...yearning. Their breathing was heavy and fell in a strange syncopation that almost sounded like a song. He kissed her again, drawing his strength to rise and fall beside her. She giggled, stroking his face. "Well..."
He laughed too, turning a little to look at her better. Her pupils were dilated, as if she were on drugs or from another planet entirely. The amber resin colored iris was a just a small sliver, of not completely gone. "How was it?"
"Do you even have to ask?" came her response and he laughed again, cuddling up to her side to kiss her again.
"Mm, I love you," he told her as their lips separated.
"I love you too." She wrapped her arms around him the best she could, not wanting to lose that connect they shared just moments before. Their hearts were beating so fast, it took a while to come down. They laid in each other's arms, no words passing between them, neither knowing who had fallen asleep first.
The next morning, Lindsey sat bolt upright. He wasn't quite sure why he was awake until he heard it.
"Mommy, daddy, Robin made breakfast!" came a small, but LOUD voice.
"Coming, baby." Lindsey called out, but his voice sounded different. He didn't quite sound like himself. He turned to his side and realized they had slept crossways on the bed, neither of them having the strength or motivation to move last night. "Darlin, time to wake up." he said, kissing his girlfriend. Her wild blonde hair was covering her face and he smiled to himself, brushing it away to kiss her again.
Her eyes opened and she sat up carefully. "Huh? What?"
"It's morning. Our baby girl was at the door. Let's get dressed and get a move on." he told her. Her eyebrows creased in confusion.
"Why are you talking like that?"
"Like what, little lady?" Lindsey smiled, his eyes sparkling.
"You sound..." she stopped, thinking for a moment. It was much too early for shenanigans. "Are you putting on a voice? Is this for your character?" Lindsey looked just as confused as Stevie did. "Don't be weird, today, Linds. I'm begging you." She pat his face and got up, hissing at the aching in her back and hips. Had she been of right mind the night before she wouldn't have slept like that. It was going to kill her today.
She went into the bathroom briefly. Lindsey heard the water turn on then watched her walk out to look for clothes while the water heated up. She grabbed a halter top, a skirt and a pair of underwear quickly then headed right back into the bathroom. He got up as well. He was in pain too, hunched over like an old man. He braced himself on the night stand and staggered into the bathroom. He tried to straighten up and he did eventually but the pain was still searing in his back. He scrubbed a hand over his face and looked in the mirror. Almost as if watching a movie, the scenes of his dreams played before him. He was a US marshal in Arkansas, a trigger-happy lawman bringing in the toughest and roughest from all over. He didn't back down, he never gave up and he never sought any reward other than the safety of others. This time he was after a man named Tom Chaney. As the man's face appeared, he smiled.
"I'm gonna get you. No one escapes Rooster Cogburn."
"Linds..." Stevie poked her head out of the shower and Lindsey is snapped out of his daydream.
"Yes, baby doll?"
She raised an eyebrow at him but chose to ignore his slightly off, over the top southern accent that seemed to grow worse the more he spoke. "Can you hand me the loofa? It's right there." She pointed to the edge of the sink and he hobbled over to retrieve it for her. "Thank you. Do you want in after me?" He just gave her a nod and held his thumb and forefinger in front of him as if he were tipping an imaginary cowboy hat, his eyes glittering once again. She continued on with her shower then got out. Lindsey was staring in the mirror again, and she started to worry. He was acting so strangely and she couldn't put her finger on why. Maybe he was just more of a method actor than she thought.
She dressed quickly and fussed with her hair, deciding to put it up on top of her head in a big claw clip for the time being. She spayed a little perfume on at her vanity and looked herself over.
"See you downstairs!" she called over her shoulder, leaving him to his own devices.
Thirty minutes had passed, breakfast was almost over and Summer was bouncing-off-the-walls excited to see her father's costume in full.
"He's talking in a funny accent? That's so funny! Do you think the jester will figure him out?" Summer asked, shoving the last bite of her pancake in her mouth. She was practically buzzing.
"I, I don't know..." Stevie said. She put her elbow on the table, and rested her chin on her closed fist. "I have no idea what Lindsey's doing. I don't know why he needs a disguise. Why can't he just ask for his job back?" she wondered aloud.
"Because Lindsey is a pain in the you know what and he can't ever make anything easy," Robin answered. "I mean, look at your life. It's so much messier now than before you met Lindsey."
"I was sixteen. Everything is much easier when you're sixteen," Stevie argued.
"I rest my case," Robin said, feeling victorious. She finished her juice and got up, rinsing out the glass in the sink.
Summer snorted with laughter. "This is fun!"
Stevie looked up hearing boots thudding on the stairs. Lindsey stood in the doorway in a flannel shirt, tight jeans and a bandana tied around his neck. His long wig was mussed up and tied into a ponytail. It was obvious he cut and styled it himself but somehow it worked. He had managed to find a hat that worked well with the get up, one of Stevie's with silver conchos and a feather around the crown. It had the right shape, the right look and it just so happened to fit. He sauntered to the table and sat down in a chair, elbow on his knee. He looked bulkier than usual. She had no idea what he stuffed inside his shirt to fill himself out but he looked nothing like the Lindsey she went to bed with last night. Summer shrieked with delight and got up, kissing his cheek.
"You look incredible!" she praised and he hugged her, pulling the tiny girl into his lap.
"Thanks, La Boeuf. If it wasn't for your guidance, I wouldn't be the man I am."
"I'd be Mattie, and mommy would be La Boeuf." Summer corrected and Lindsey shook his head.
"No, you're La Boeuf. We joined forces."
"Ohhh," Summer nodded. "I get it now. If mommy is Mattie, don't try to ditch her, Rooster. I'm mighty fond of her." Summer put on a southern accent as well, and it was better than Lindsey's. Robin and Stevie looked on with stunned faces.
Lindsey wolfed down his breakfast and got up from the table. "I thank ya, ladies. I'll be off now."
"Good luck!" Summer squeaked, leaping up from the table to met her father at the door. She was barely able to contain her excitement. "Don't forget your beard!"
"I'll pick one up on the way."
"Good luck, honey. Tell us everything when you get home." Stevie said, kissing him. It felt weird because he was really so different.
"I sure will. Bye now."
He shut the door and Stevie sighed, watching the car leave the driveway. This had to crash and burn. There is no way even Lindsey could pull off a stunt like this...or could he?
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