It's Not A Date
"I told Robin not to fix me up!" the tall, dark haired man said, kissing Stevie's cheek. She smiled a little, still nervous. "You're a knock out!"
"Thank you."
"Alexander Waite." he said. "Call me Alex."
"Stevie Nicks."
The man pulled out her chair and she sat down, thanking him once again. There was wine on the table and he filled two glasses. She looked around, the restaurant being nicer than she had been to in years. She hadn't even realized he sat down across from her until she felt his hand over hers. "Let's not make this all about work. Tell me about yourself."
"Well, um, I just moved back to Los Angeles from Phoenix."
"Arizona?" he asked, if only to show he was paying attention to her words and not staring down the dress she had borrowed from Robin.
"Yeah, I was born there, my parents live out there."
"What took you away from this fabulous city to begin with? I'm from the middle of nowhere and you couldn't pay me enough to go back there. LA is my home now."
"My daughter. I was alone and it was near impossible to stay in the city by myself after her father left. I worked really hard and it wasn't enough so my mother asked me to come home and kind of start over. I could work and save money, actually be able to spend time with my daughter. I also liked the idea that she would be watched and cared for by family rather than a stranger."
"Wow, I didn't expect that" he said. "That's noble."
"I don't know about that..."
"It is. I can tell you're devoted." Stevie smiled softly. "What's your daughter's name?"
"Summer Ruby."
"Bohemian." he commented and Stevie blushed.
"That's what Robin says." She chuckled. "She sounds like a hippie-dippie flower child."
The waiter came to take their orders. She hadn't even looked at the menu but she scanned it quickly, landing on a pasta dish that interested her. He ordered the same as well as another bottle of wine.
He was quiet a moment. "When Robin told me about you, your name rang a bell. Stevie sounded like I had heard it before. It's a great name."
"Thank you."
"You worked with some guys in San Fran, didn't you, then you and this guy came down here and started a little twosome?"
"We did. But the album was dropped and with all of the other things going on in my life..."
"You two split and went your separate ways."
"I guess you could say that."
"That's kind of could work this angle."
"What angle?" The food came and Stevie felt relieved. All this talk of her ex made her uncomfortable.
"I like you and I like what I've heard. Do you have any new material, anything you've written recently?"
"I do."
"Great. Are you religious?" he asked and she shook her head, though perplexed. "Good, meet me tomorrow, Sunday, at say...noon? Bring your songs, however you keep them, and we can work on the best one. The studio will be empty. I will send a car for you."
"Is that a problem? Do we need to reschedule?" Her mind was reeling and he paused a moment. "There will be no contracts yet; if this all falls through and you decide not to go through with it, though I will be gutted, at least you'll have a nice studio-quality demo to shop around to other producers. What do you say?"
"Yes" Stevie said and he smiled broadly.
"Fantastic! I have a few core musicians I always work with to serve as accompaniment. These guys are amazing, they could be their own band if they wanted. They'd sell millions of records."
"Why don't they have a deal? They sound like a fruitful investment."
He chuckled. "You've got a mind for business, I like that. Well, one guy, the guitarist believes it's not the right time. He's been putting it off for almost four years. I'm starting to think it will never be the right time for this guy! He was with another band for a while and he left them high and dry, out of the blue. It was bad for business but he's such a stellar player, I couldn't let him get away. I have an in at Warner, so maybe you two could work together, spark some magic."
"What's he like, besides his playing? He seems, I don't know."
"Eh...he's a little rough around the edges but once you get to know him, he's a great guy. He knows what he likes, like I do. He can sniff out a hit. He's been working with everybody lately, everybody wants him. Ladies included."
"Oh." Stevie fussed with her napkin, grateful when the waiter came to check on them.
"Don't let his past behavior put you off. He really is incredible! He's the best guitarist out there, and different too. I'm not saying you gotta marry this guy. Will you give him a change?"
Stevie bit her lip and Alex stared at her expectantly. "Sure. Tomorrow at noon, right?"
"That's my girl! I knew you'd make the right choice."
Dinner ended and he kissed her cheeks. "Thank you for dinner." Stevie said.
"It was my pleasure." He walked her out to her car and saw her off before getting into his own. She was happy she drove as she needed the time to think. Things had happened to quickly and it scared her. She just wanted a normal life for her daughter and herself and now she was heading into the studio tomorrow to meet with musicians and work on one of her songs. She did know which one she wanted to work on, but it was a personal song. She was nervous to share it.
She parked her car in the driveway and let herself in the front door. Robin was sat on the couch with a blanket and ice cream, watching late night tv.
"Thank God, you're home!" Robin pat the seat next to her. "Sign off's in about an hour or two, wanna talk? How was your date?"
"It's not a date. It was supposed to be a meeting, remember?"
"Right" Robin laughed. "Did he try anything?"
"He didn't, he was actually kind of a gentleman, I was shocked."
"So...what happened then?"
"He knew who I was. He had heard my name before. He knew about San Francisco and the band, the album..."
"He knows you're good then"
"Well, he was interested enough to ask me to come to the studio tomorrow at noon."
"Tomorrow? Oh my God, that's amazing! See, I told you he knew talent!" Robin hugged her friend tightly. "Go change and I will get you some ice cream. We have to celebrate!" Stevie smiled and gave her freeing a nod before going upstairs to do just that. Her nerves were obviously still there but it was nice to see someone so happy for her. She could forget about tomorrow, as least for tonight.
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