Happy Birthday Blues
Lindsey walked out onto the porch, taking a deep breath after such a long day. The floorboards creaked under foot, breaking the near silence on the street. He exhaled, resting his hands on the top of his head and staring out at the moon. He had gotten up far earlier than he usually did and made his way to Stevie and Robin's home at dawn. Though Stevie had told him she didn't need help, he wanted to do his part, forcing her to agree. Stevie was more than grateful for the help. She thanked him no less than a hundred times within the first hour of his participation. His muscles ached from lifting picnic tables and chairs, walking up and down the stairs to grab decorations and presents Stevie had been packing away little by little. Lindsey himself didn't realize just how big the undertaking would be until it was all over. He did have fun though, seeing the wonder and excitement on his daughter's face. She couldn't believe her eyes when Robin brought her out to the backyard. It was exactly what she wanted but more than she could have ever dreamed. Summer even got her wish to have Alex, her mother's producer and prospective flame, play the court jester. He went all out, tracking down a deep purple velvet costume accented with gold and faux jewels. He was quite the sight! Lindsey rolled his eyes at the memory, shaking his head.
"Hey," a soft, husky voice said and he turned around. "I brought you a beer."
"You're a life saver!" he praised, taking the cold bottle from her hand. She leaned against the house, tossing back the last of her glass of wine. "Easy!" he said with an uneasy chuckle. After a couple seconds, she peeled herself from where she stood.
"Wanna come inside?" Stevie asked. "I'm gonna grab myself another glass before bed."
"Sure," Lindsey said, following her into the house. He shut the door behind him and Stevie went right into the kitchen. She uncorked the bottle and poured herself another glass. Without a word, she walked up the stairs and once again Lindsey followed. He watched her slender legs ascend the stairs in front of him, unable to keep his eyes off her body. She wore a peach colored dress that fit her just right after changing out of the heavy queen costume. He missed the impressive cleavage she managed in the Medieval-inspired corset and dress but he also appreciated seeing her this way. She was casual and wore little, if any, makeup. The moment she got to her bedroom, she sat down on the bed. She sighed as Lindsey set his beer bottle on the nightstand. "Are you alright?"
"Summer's down for the night," Stevie said, avoiding the question.
"I bet. She wore herself out," Lindsey said with a chuckle remembering the little girl running around like mad, playing the longest game of tag the world may have ever seen with some of the kids from the neighborhood. She was first in line for the piñata and pin the tail on the donkey. She blew an almighty breath to extinguish her candles and she managed to do it without any help at all. Lindsey knew that had to have been exhausting. "By the way, I put the cake in the fridge and Robin went to bed already."
"I should have told her good night."
"She probably wouldn't have even registered it."
"She didn't get her eight hours. She can't function on any less," She smiled at the thought of her friend. She didn't know what she would do without her in her life. She was more than a friend, she was a sister, an ally. Someone she could trust with secrets, someone she could confide in. She was grateful for a place to stay and all the opportunities moving back to California had given her. Robin was Summer'a second care giver, offering to watch her when Stevie needed to be in the studio or wanted to accept a dinner invitation from Lindsey.
"I'm getting to be the same way in my old age," Lindsey joked. "I'm surprised I'm still standing."
"Thirty is hardly old."
"Older than I have been."
"Touché," Stevie said, taking a hearty gulp of her wine.
"You never answered my question," Lindsey said, realizing she had successfully derailed the conversation.
"Which was?"
"Are you alright?"
"Eh, I'm fine." He could tell by her tone, she was definitely not fine.
Lindsey unlocked the window on the far side of Stevie's room and gently pushed it open. He pulled a joint from his pocket and lit up. He inhaled, holding out the joint for Stevie and she shrugged, extending her arm. He took a few steps forward and handed it to her. Trying to think of what to say, he started leafing through the records in the wire basket in her room. He picked up the new BB King record still in cellophane.
"Care if I open this?" Lindsey asked and Stevie shrugged again, taking another drag.
"Hm," he huffed, looking around for something to pierce the plastic without destroying the record. Without a lot of choices, he opted for his car key, applying the slightest pressure- just enough to ruffle or snag the cling wrap so he could tear into it by hand. He unwrapped it, the plastic sticking to his fingers. The moment he pulled one piece off, it stuck somewhere else. It even made the hair on his arms stand up from the static. He grew frustrated, shaking his hands violently so it fell on the floor. "Finally!," he chuffed out a breath of both annoyance and relief, sliding the inner sleeve that held the pristine vinyl out of the jacket. He loved the feeling of a brand new record in his hands. The jacket was still stiff, the corners were not bent or worn. There was no ring wear through the cover art like on many of his beloved albums he'd collected over year years. This record was unplayed, and it was free of memories until they were made. Maybe tonight? he thought. He placed it on the turntable and scanned the back for song titles. His eyes lit up as his finger fell upon 'Happy Birthday Blues'. He let the needle drop and the song filled the room. Thankfully, it wasn't a sad, slow, depressing song. He didn't want to make Stevie feel even worse.
He shuffled clumsily toward her and he lifted her chin. "Had your fill, baby doll?" he asked, taking the joint from her fingertips. She gave him a half-hearted smile and nodded. He took a drag, dancing around in front of her.
Baby lights her cigarette
And takes a look around
She says that morning sun
Sure does get her down
"Dance with me," he said, motioning for her to stand up but she shook her head.
"You don't dance," she told him flatly.
"I am now, don't be a spoil sport."
"A spoil sport?" Stevie raised an eyebrow, taking a slow sip of the red liquid in her glass. "Let me rephrase that. You can't dance."
"Ouch! I'm trying, Steph. Dance. It will make you feel better."
"No thank you, I'm fine with my glass of wine."
"You're acting like you need something a lot stronger. Talk to me." He took her glass and sat it on the nightstand. She opened her mouth to complain but he stopped her. "It's empty." She knew he had a point. She didn't have the energy nor the motivation to go downstairs again. He motioned to her one last time and she rolled her eyes, letting him pull her to her feet. He pressed her into his chest and led her enthusiastically across the floor.
She giggled, taken in by his silliness. He would only make a fool out of himself like this if he truly cared. He was good at making her feel better, even if it was momentarily.
Say he'd give the world
For a little girl
Just to help him lose
Those happy birthday blues
"Ready to talk yet?" he urged and she shook her head. He released her, wanting to look into her eyes. "Are you ever?"
She lowered her eyes, unable to look at him for more than a second at a time. "Just hold me, Linds." Stevie said. She glanced up at him just to make sure he got the message. She always had the most expressive eyes and Lindsey noticed this time they glistened with tears.
Happy birthday blues
Happy birthday blues
Got to pay your dues
Those happy birthday blues
He swayed slowly with her to the upbeat song. To anyone else, it would have been a very strange sight but that didn't matter. Her arms were wrapped around him tightly and he could feel her chest heave for air. Was a suffocating her? He tried to pull back but she only tugged him harder, unwilling to let go.
"Steph," he spoke softly and she looked up.
"I can't believe she's five, Linds. She's going to be going to school in the fall. She's, she's..." She sniffled.
"Feel free to use my shirt as a snot rag. Really, I don't mind."
She giggled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "You're sweet. I'm sorry for crying, I just still can't believe you're here. You watched our baby blow out her birthday candles, she called you daddy in her sleep last night..."
"I know," Lindsey smiled. That word never sounded so good until Summer uttered it.
"We haven't even really told her. I've been so busy with party planning—"
"Shh," he pressed a finger to her lips. "The party is over, all we have left are thank you notes for her presents and of course, your album."
"It will hardly be an album. Probably just a single."
"You have too many great songs to share just one. How could you choose? I know I couldn't."
"Are you trying to butter me up?" Stevie asked suspiciously. "Did you do something?" Stevie's eyes widened. "You didn't break my bathroom again, did you?"
Lindsey chuckled. "I have a feeling I'm never going to live that down."
"Probably not." She pat his shoulder, her mind seeming to go somewhere else. She wore a wistful expression, her features serene but sad.
"What's going on in that mind of yours?"
"Nothing, I guess. Just thinking."
"Talk. I won't judge."
"I know you won't, but it's stupid. I keep running over the same old memories and asking myself why we didn't get back together. Why didn't I track you down so you could get to know Summer? These years feel...wasted."
"They weren't wasted. You were being a mom and you were doing what was best for your child. I was the one who messed up. I should shoulder that blame." She shrugged and he moved his hands to her face, cradling it softly. "Stevie, I don't want to live in the past anymore. I want you and I want Summer. I want to be a dad. Now, in the present tense."
"Alright," she said.
"I don't want you to worry about anything. We can tell her when the time is right?"
"What if that time never comes?"
"It will." She laid her head on his shoulder. The album played through but time didn't pass for the couple still swaying gently together. "You know what I'm thinking about?"
"Alex's fancy jester costume."
Stevie snorted with laughter. "It was pretty...uh..."
"It was pretty, we will leave it at that. Man, is he desperate!"
"Why do you say that?"
"The man made a joke of himself. Literally. He wore stockings and those funny shoes with the curly toe. He said he'd be there with bells on and he meant it."
"So what? It was very nice of him."
"The only thing that was nice about it was Summer's reaction."
"That was priceless!" Stevie said, remembering the little girl dropping her cupcake, frosting side down as soon as he walked through the door. Her eyes grew wide and a wicked grin crept across her face.
"Jester! You're here! Where's your costume?" Lindsey said, unable to get his daughter's killer one liner out of his head. Lindsey's eyes shut tight, unable to contain his laughter. "She's definitely mine."
"That she is. You know, I had to tell her why that wasn't nice."
"But she dove into the bounce house before you could really lay into her and you couldn't go in, in high heels. The kid is smart."
"Yeah, yeah," Stevie said, unimpressed.
"You can see that he wants you, right? He would do anything you told him to if he thought it would make you fall in love with him. Or at the very least sleep with him."
"Not all guys have one thing on their mind, Linds. He's a good guy." Lindsey scoffed. "I'm sure he will find someone." Lindsey's shoulder muscles tensed and Stevie gave him a lopsided smile. "Unless somebody is jealous?"
"Of him? No way!" Lindsey waved her off, completely dismissing the idea. "But if I were, I'd have every right to be. You're my girlfriend and he should stay in his lane." He spoke passionately, aggressively, even letting go of her just to gesture wildly. Stevie giggled and he pinched her backside causing her to squeal in surprise. "Steph, I'm serious."
"I know, and that's why it's so cute." He rolled his eyes dramatically, his blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight coming through her window. "If I'm your girlfriend, it's news to me."
"Well, aren't you? I stay over sometimes."
"But nothing happens."
"Hey, I would love for something to happen, believe me."
"Oh yeah?"
"Look at you!" He said, scanning her body with his hungry eyes and she blushed. "Besides, we both know we love each other."
"Hm, that's true." She tried to sound as disinterested as possible even though she couldn't stop herself from smirking. "But I don't go to bed with just anyone, especially someone who is not my boyfriend."
"How are you my girlfriend but I'm not your boyfriend?" he asked.
"You never asked. You know what they about people who assume things."
He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah I do."
"They make an ass out of..." She trailed off, pointing to him then to herself.
"I get it. So will you?"
"Will I what?" Stevie asked flirtatiously.
"Jesus, this is like pulling teeth."
"Well, do you ya wanna lay claim or not?"
"I do. Stephanie Lynn Nicks, will you be my girlfriend?"
She stood there a moment, almost expecting him to get down on one knee. She saw how serious he was. He wasn't doing it just to prove a point. "I'll think about it."
Lindsey laughed, tugging her hands as she tried to walk away. "I mean it. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course I will be your girlfriend."
"Yes!" he cheered, kissing her hard as he picked her up and twirled her around.
"Ooh!" She grabbed her head as she was placed back down.
"Whoops, forgot about the wine. I'm just so happy. Everything seems to be falling into place. It feels good."
"It does to me too." He kissed her lips again and pressed her closer to the bed. "Start the song again," she whispered, kissing his lips ever so softly.she sat down, tugging at the bed covers.
"Will do." He hurried over to the record player and dropped the needle, the song they had danced to filling the room again.
Baby lights her cigarette
And takes a look around
"We might learn the words soon," Lindsey joked.
"I don't plan on paying very much attention." She said in a low suggestive voice. "Do you?" Her tone shifted, becoming much more innocent. Her big brown eyes staring up at him.
"N-no, I guess not." Lindsey touched his shirt and she nodded, a smile creeping across her lips. In a flash, it was off and tossed onto the floor by the bed. Soon other articles joined, and tipsy giggling filled his senses as he crawled across the bed, nipping at the soft skin of her calves, thighs and finally her breasts and neck. He could feel himself unable to stop and she seemed to invite him to continue, parting her thighs so he had a place to lay. "Condom?" he asked between fevered kisses.
"I'm on the pill," she said muttered, and he growled lustfully.
He pressed her hips to hers, kissing all over her neck, chin and jawline. "God, just when I thought I couldn't love you more." She squealed, giggling again. He looked down at her, a huge smile on his face.
In and out and on and on
Everybody goes
And where the fun with finally stops
Everybody knows
Girls it's me and you
Doing what we do
Just one way to lose
Those happy birthday blues
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