Beautiful Dreamer

Stevie and Lindsey stared at the little girl in disbelief. They, of course, wanted to tell her the truth but they hadn't gone over what they were going to say. There was no plan. There wasn't time to plan.

"Well..." Lindsey knelt before the child and stroked back a rogue curl. "Sweetie, your mother and I have been talking."

Stevie placed a hand on his shoulder and Summer's eyes suddenly lit up. "About my birthday?"

Stevie was relieved but knew she couldn't put it off much longer. She didn't want to wait, she just needed to decide how to go about it with Lindsey first.

"Sort of," Lindsey replied. "Would you like it if I came around a little more often?"

"Everyday?" Lindsey looked up at Stevie and she nodded.

"Yeah, maybe. If that's okay with you."

"Yes, yes, yes!" She squealed with delight, throwing her arms around him. "Are you going to live here too?"

Lindsey chuckled uncomfortably. "Um, I don't think so, sweetie. The house is pretty crowded without me taking up any more space."

"We can get a different house," Summer suggested and Stevie giggled.

"She's persistent," Lindsey said and Stevie nodded.

"Let's just focus on breakfast, baby girl." Stevie said and Summer nodded before running off. She knew exactly which toys she needed to pull out of the toy box before setting them up on the kitchen table just so. Lindsey's smile faltered as he stood up, clutching his back. "Back hurt?"

"I'm alright."

"It's the couch, isn't it?" Stevie's bottom lip puckered slightly. It upset her that she wasn't accommodating him properly. She wanted to be a good hostess. He was a guest, but he was quickly becoming much more than that. Despite the sad look in her eyes, he couldn't lie. He nodded and she looked even more hurt than before. "I'm sorry," she told him.

"It's okay," he assured her, waving it off. He hated seeing her look that way, especially over something so small. He regret not being able to hide his discomfort. Oh, why couldn't he just lie to her! He was really kicking himself now.

"No, it's not. I invited you here and your weekend didn't turn out how it should have."

"Being with you and Summer is all that matters to me. I'd sleep on the floor, or hell, even outside if it meant I could be with you guys." She leaned into him and he kissed her forehead. "I love you." he said and her eyes lowered.

"I should get a move on with breakfast before Summer starts on the furniture. She's always so hungry when she wakes up."

He longed to hear her say it back but he had to be patient. He sighed. "Hey, why don't we go out? It's on me."

"Lindsey, I can't ask you to—"

"You're not asking, Steph and it's not charity. I just want to spend my last day here with the two of you out doing something."

"And you're sure?" Stevie asked, biting her lip and he smiled.

"Of course I'm sure." He waited for a response or some sign that she was okay with him doing this for her. She was so self sufficient, so self reliant that she was unwilling to take anything from him. He studied her features carefully. "Come on..."

A smile tugged at the corners of her lips and she nodded. "I'm sure Summer would love to get out of the house."

"Thank you," he said gleefully, kissing her lips.

"Let's get dressed, little one. Lindsey wants to take us out for breakfast," Stevie called and the curly haired blonde's head popped up immediately. Her big eyes fixed on the pair, her intense gaze growing sweeter and more adorable as she looked at her mother's male house guest.

"Then maybe we can go to the park?" Summer asked, always wanting to extend her excursions.

Lindsey looked to Stevie and she acquiesced. "I don't see a problem with that," he told the persuasive child.

Summer squealed and hugged Lindsey's legs. "Oh, I just knew you were a keeper!"

Stevie chuckled, watching her little girl climb the stairs to her room. "I should probably help her before she comes down here in a tutu and galoshes!" Stevie hurried toward the stairs, grabbing onto the banister. She ascended only a single step before turning back to Lindsey. "Are you okay down here? Do you need anything?"

"You don't mind if I use your shower, do you?"

"Go ahead. I shouldn't be long."

She soon disappeared out of sight and Lindsey realized he didn't actually know where the shower was. The bathroom downstairs was a half, toilet and sink only. He wandered upstairs as well, not wanting to seem stupid. How could he forget to ask? As he passed Summer's room, the two of them were talking happily. He couldn't disturbed her now. She clearly had her hands full with Summer.

"Hmm..." He walked down the hall and tried to carefully select a door. He didn't want to open every single one, that would look too much like snooping. As he passed, he sized them up, guessing what must lie behind each one. Couldn't be the tall skinny one, that was surely a linen closet and not the two louver doors, that was probably the laundry area. He made his decision and walked into the room. Immediately, he knew it had to be Stevie's bedroom but he could see from the doorway she had an ensuite! He stepped inside and was hit with a burst of her perfume. A comforting aroma, one he couldn't get enough of. Though she had changed her hair and her clothes, the perfume was exactly the same. He smiled contentedly. "Thank God it's not Robin's! I would never live that down."

He began to undress, turning on the water. He felt it with his hand, waiting for it to warm up. He stepped inside, standing under the stream for a moment or two before actually washing. His mind was reeling with both nerves and excitement like a teenager completing his first successful panty raid. He was in Stevie's room. He could smell all of Stevie's soaps and cosmetics. He was going to dry off with Stevie's towels. It was all a little surreal considering he was sure he would never see the woman he loved again after what he did. He halted his train of thought for a moment, noticing the warm water was massaging all of the knots and kinks from his back. He moaned gratefully. He didn't realize just how painful that damn couch was to him but he knew this time he was going to keep that to himself.

He lathered up a wash cloth, cleansing his body first then his hair. Bubbles began to form quickly, filling the air with a soft powdery scent. Baby soft, in fact. He looked down at the bottle and groaned. "Johnson's Baby Wash? Dammit!," he cursed, as the suds slipped down his forehead and stung his eyes. With an ungodly yowl, he tried like mad to wipe the soap away with the back of his hands but it only seemed to encourage the violent burning. "Shit!" he exclaimed, reaching out to grab anything he could to quell the unrelenting wrath of the so called 'no-tears' formula. In the frenzy, he lost his footing, falling out of shower and popping every shower curtain ring from their holes in the process. "Shit," he repeated, landing with an almighty thud and a yelp. He knew his body was going to ache tomorrow but all he could think of right then was his bruised ego and his wounded pride.

He had really done it. As he looked up, his eyes still ached but he was gradually able to survey his surroundings. The shower curtain was partially wrapped around his naked body on the floor outside of the bath tub-shower combination. There was water everywhere. He had smashed a delicate rose scented soap bar under his weight, knocked over the cosmetics sitting on the vanity counter due to how small the bathroom was and he tore the toilet paper holder from the wall. He groaned, not from pain but because he had no ideas how he was going to explain this to Stevie. Or Robin for that matter, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that. "You really take the cake, Linds. You're really something," he grumbled in annoyance, shaking his head. He let his head fall into his hands, mumbling incoherently to himself.

"Did you go boom?" a small, curious voice asked and Lindsey looked up. Before him was an equally small and curious face. Feeling exposed, Lindsey grabbed for anything he could use to cover himself. He extended a hand and hooked his fingers into the pink and white crocheted cover from the tissue box, pulling it down into his lap. "Need a kiss? Mommy kisses my boo-boos alllll the time."

"I'm alright, Summer. Thank you." He braced himself on the edge of the bathtub and tried to pull himself only to slip in the bubblegum scented bubble bath that seeped from the lid of the bottle he managed to break in his fall.

"Mr. Ducky!" Summer shrieked in horror, yanking the squished bath toy from under Lindsey's bottom.

"What in the world?!" An out of breath Stevie hurried over to where the two people in her bathroom were huddled. She leapt into action, crouching down to gather broken bits of plastic and debris in the small wicker waste bin. Her brow furrowed in concentration, picking up soap flakes by the handful. She sighed, gutted over a broken Mary Kay bronzer. She scooted on her knees to find and restore the Avon lipstick samples she had been collecting for ages back to their home in a small floral hat box, not even registering that Lindsey was the cause for the mess. Lindsey stared at her, frozen in embarrassment and disbelief. Her eyes drifted upward, satisfied with her work thus far, meeting Lindsey's blue grey eyes. They were larger and wider than she had ever seen them.

"Hi," he muttered, waving sheepishly at the woman just inches from him. His cheeks flushed.

"Hi." At first she looked a mix of bewilderment and anger then her expression began to change. "Are you okay?" she asked, her concern suddenly melting from her features as she fell into a fit of giggles.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She bit her lip, trying to stop laughing but God was it hard! "Need some help?"

"Can she...y'know?" Lindsey asked, yanking his head toward the little girl who inched herself closer and closer to him, still clutching her beloved rubber duck.

"Oh!" Stevie answered, forgetting her child was watching. Her eyes widened slightly and she turned. "Summer, sweetheart, will you go make your toys are ready to go. I need to help da—Lindsey."

"And kiss his boo-boos?" Summer inquired. "You know he has one on his butt—"

Stevie clapped a hand over her daughter's mouth and Lindsey chuckled. "Hush!" she scolded and Lindsey laughed harder, clutching his sides. "Lindsey, it's not funny. I swear, men can be just as immature as children!"

"Hey!" Summer and Lindsey exclaimed, taking offense at her statement.

"Summer Ruby Buckingham, please go to your room and check on your toys. Mama will get you in a couple minutes."

"But I'm hungry!," Summer complained.

"I know, sweetheart," Stevie assured her, "But I'm busy so I need you to be a big girl and help mommy."

"Okay." The child deflated, her shoulders slumping.

"Thank you." The moment Summer left, Stevie sighed. "Alright, so how do you want to do this?"

"Can you wiggle your nose like I Dream Of Jeannie?"

"That's Bewitched, and no 'fraid not," Stevie said and he chuckled.

"Damn." Realizing he would have to admit defeat and ask for help was killing him but he was still terribly embarrassed. The woman of his dreams was going to see him completely nude but not in the way he had hoped or envisioned before this moment. She stood up, extending a hand.

He huffed dramatically. "Don't be such a baby, come on. It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Clearly," he said and she chuckled. "But this isn't romantic in the least."

"Maybe not but at least it can't get any worse than this in the future."

"Is there a future?," he asked, raising an eyebrow at her and she shook her head.

"Not if you continue to stay wrapped in my shower curtain on the bathroom floor. There's not enough room for both of us."

"Funny, you're absolutely hilarious."

"I try. Now come on." She shook her hand in midair and he finally grabbed onto it. She steadied herself and helped him pull himself up. He still clutched the ultra feminine tissue box cozy to his private area and Stevie giggled. "Oh look, you even gift wrapped it. How sweet!" He gave her a look. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist."

Lindsey winced and Stevie frowned. "I'm alright."

"Let me look you over for any cuts or scrapes. I have a first aid kit downstairs. I even have a whole jar of dum-dum suckers for your pain and suffering."

"Don't make fun, woman."

"Woman?" She scoffed, putting her hands on her diminutive hips. "Woman?!," she repeated. She reached out to pinch him on the arm and he hissed in pain.

"Hey, lady, I'm an injured man."

"And you'll only become more so if you keep at that 'woman' stuff."

"Jeez!" He put his hands up in defense, dropping the cozy and Stevie howled with laughter. Lindsey became embarrassed and wrapped the shower curtain around himself. Gathering what was left of his pride and dignity, he peered out of the bathroom to make sure Summer wasn't waiting somewhere in the wings. He didn't want to scar the poor thing and if he were honest, he was taking about as much embarrassment as he could. He stepped into Stevie's bedroom and sighed. "Can't believe I messed this up..." he said under his breath.

"You didn't. I'm sure you didn't do all of this on purpose," Stevie said, motioning to the mess that was her ensuite, trying to lighten the mood. Lindsey sat down on her bed and Stevie saddled up beside him. "I'm sorry for laughing at you."

"It's okay," he said sadly and Stevie took his hand.

"I appreciate you being here. I like having you around."

"Even when I destroy your bathroom?"

She giggled. "Yes, even then. Summer doesn't even know yet and you have been so sweet, loving and kind to our little girl. You've been wonderful to me and it feels like old times. I didn't imagine I would feel so close to you again after just two days."

"I feel close to you too," Lindsey said, looking down at their joined hands.

"And I don't know a single man who can pull off a pink flowered shower curtain like you can."

This time, Lindsey chuckled just like Stevie had hoped. His eyes sparkled and had the life in them she had seen years before. She leaned forward, as did he, their lips touching ever so slightly at first. She moved closer, adding pressure and it felt like coming home. The shower curtain crinkled and they both laughed, continuing to kiss. His hand slid down her back, pulling her even closer until not even a breath could pass between them. She felt the strength in his embrace, how desperate they both were for this kind of affection, how much they missed the connection they had with each other.

Small foot steps startled the couple and the little girl cleared her throat. "What are you doing?" she asked with wide, innocent eyes. Her arms were full with stuffed animals. Monkey, rabbit, and bear heads all peeked over her arm and the bodies hung beneath, all pressed together so she wouldn't drop them.

Stevie and Lindsey leapt apart. The woman stood, her heart pounding and blood rushing as she touched her lips after such an electric kiss. "I uh, I should go get your bag."

"Yeah," Lindsey agreed with a tight nod. He pulled the shower curtain around himself, adjusting it to make sure nothing was visible. The child's intense gaze made him want to squirm as if he were under the hot lights of an interrogation room. He was just waiting for the questions that were sure to follow.

"Is mommy going to have a baby?" She suddenly asked and Lindsey choked on the air.

Summer dropped her toys on the floor and walked over to him. She pat his back as her mother had done to her before. The tiny blonde waited patiently but never took her eyes off Lindsey. "Excuse me?" he asked, catching his breath.

"Me and Robin watch stories when mommy is gone sometimes. A lady on the tv was kissing a man over and over and then when we watched it again, she was having a baby!" Lindsey smiled at the girl's explanation.

"No, your mother is not going to have a baby."

"Oh," the little girl said, seeming disappointed.

"It makes a little more than that to have a baby."

"Then do that!" Summer suggested and Lindsey shook his head. "I've always wanted a baby sister...or a baby brother, if it's a boy."

"You will have to take that up with your mother. I am not the one who gets to decide."

Summer nodded, satisfied with his answer. "I know she will say yes because she looks at you the same way Erica Kane looks at...well, every guy."

"Who is Erica Kane?"

"She's on All My Children!"

Lindsey groaned. More soap opera talk. "Aren't you supposed to be watching Sesame Street and The Electric Company, not soap operas with your aunt Robin."

"She says it will keep me cultured."

Lindsey laughed, "Yeah, I guess so...maybe." Lindsey let a sigh of relief when Stevie returned. "Oh thank god!" Lindsey got up carefully, taking the bag from her hands.

"Did Summer keep you company?"

"Of course I did!" Summer exclaimed, so proud of herself and Lindsey nodded.

"She most definitely did. Why don't you tell your mama what we were talking about?" Lindsey slipped into the bathroom, seeing Summer's eyes light up.

"Tell me all about what you and Lindsey talking about while I brush your hair." Stevie grabbed the pink paddle brush from the top of her dresser and sat on the bed with her daughter.

"We talked about where babies come from."

"What?" Stevie glided the brush down summer's hair stopping midstroke. "What did he tell you?"

"I asked if you were going to have a baby and he said they don't come from kissing! Is he wrong, mama? Me and Robin watch stories and the lady had a baby. All they were doing was kissing A LOT."

"He's not wrong, sweetheart. It's a little more complicated than that."

"Oh. Well, I said he should do that and he told me he wasn't in charge of that."

Stevie chuckled. "The mommy and the daddy should both want a baby before trying to have one."

"Are you the only one who wanted me?"

"No, of course not. Why do you ask that?"

Summer turned to face her mother and Stevie placed the brush on the bed. "It's just you and me."

"Oh, Summer, sweetie, your father and I both wanted you more than I could possibly explain."

"Then why?" Summer asked, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Stevie could see and feel her daughter's emotion. They had never talked about this before. Summer was smart, wise beyond her years but she was still an almost five year old girl. Things couldn't make that much sense to her.

"There is not just a single reason. It's complicated. You are the most amazing, wonderful, kind, intelligent, funny, remarkable girl, Summer."

Stevie pulled her daughter into her arms as the bathroom door opened. Lindsey heard every word, kneeling down beside the girls he left five years ago.

"Mama is right, Summer. You are the most stunning, bright, incredible girl I've ever met. I would be honored to get to know you better."

"Really?," the little girl asked. He stared into her eyes. He found it hard to look at her but he found it even harder to tear his eyes away.

"Without a doubt. I love you," he told her, unable to keep it to himself. She threw her arms around his neck and Lindsey looked up, seeing Stevie wipe tears from her eyes. After a couple of moments, Lindsey wanted to salvage the day. He didn't want either of his girls to cry anymore. "Why don't we let mama get ready? I can hear your tummy growling."

Summer nodded, and let her arms drop. "Okay."

Just then, he scooped her up, and dipped her down low so he could gather her toys. He ran down the stairs with her, making her small body bounce wildly. She screamed with laughter, a delight to Lindsey's ears even if it were a little painful. He could cheer up the younger Nicks easily, now he just had to work on Stevie.

A/N: It's been forever but I think I'm now in a space where I can update regularly. I hope to get back in the swing of this, and start posting every few days again. Please tell me any story you're missing and I will happily try to update them this week. Thank you so much for not giving up on me and my stories. I hope you like this chapter and it's not too long.

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