Chapter 4
After school, the group of friends walked together to the front gate as they all planned to have an amazing day together, hanging out with their new friend.
"I think you'll love Grayson and Sarah." Jackie said with a smile. "They're fun people."
"I think Sarah is too serious." Michael said. "I mean, what does she do that's so important?"
"Well, she's a guardian, right?" Chelsea asked. "You did mention that."
"A guardian of what, though?" Harmony scoffed. "That I never understood."
"Who cares?" Jackie said. "They're our friends, so we have to support whatever they do."
"No, we don't." Harmony said.
"But Grayson is cool, too." Alex said. "He's not as obnoxious about guardian stuff."
"But still kind of a weirdo when it comes down to it." Ryan said.
"They're great, trust me." Jackie said, turning to Chelsea. "You'll enjoy their company."
"And Grayson will enjoy yours." Zoey said.
"Oh, don't be like that, Z." Jackie said. "Just cause he's older and friends with high-schoolers, doesn't automatically make him what you may see him as sometimes."
"Um. . . how much older is he, exactly?" Chelsea asked.
"He's in his twenties." Jackie said.
"Yikes. . . that's kind of strange." Chelsea said. "And you're comfortable around this dude?"
"That's what I've been saying." Harmony said.
"And Sarah?" Chelsea asked.
"You sure ask a lot of questions." Marshall said. "What's it to you, anyway?"
"I just want to know my peers, that's all." Chelsea said.
"Oh, you'll be knowing us alright." Zoey smirked. "Maybe even more than our faces."
"Ew, Z!" Jackie said, with a playful smile on her face. "You're so weird and gross, sometimes."
"Hey, I can't help it." Zoey said. "Hot girl. . . hot guy. . . it doesn't matter to me, you know?"
"Yeah. . . we know." Marshall said with a sigh. "You flirt with everyone you think is hot."
Chelsea blushed as she heard that, knowing the implications based on what the others were saying about the black haired girl.
"Well, what can I say?" Zoey said. "Chelsea is hot and she knows it."
And she's totally right, but still.
"So, here we are." Jackie said. "Welcome to La Casa de Luna. . . or The House Of Moon."
"Well, it's nice, I suppose." Chelsea said.
"I already texted Grayson and Sarah to be here." Jackie said. "For now, let's go on inside."
With that said, the friends all went inside of Jackie's house, where her Aunt Mary greeted them.
"Hey, Jackie." Mary said with a smile from the kitchen. "How was school?"
"It was great." Jackie said with a smile. "I made a new friend."
"I see that." Mary said. "So, who's the pretty little lady?"
"I'm Chelsea." Chelsea said. "It's nice you meet you."
"I'm Mary." Mary said. "And it's nice to meet you too. Are you all going out back?"
"Yep." Jackie said.
"Alright, have fun." Mary said with a smile. "Dinner will be ready soon."
"Ooh, you should stay for dinner, Chelsea." Jackie said. "My Aunt Mary is is amazing cook."
"Oh, stop it." Mary said, blushing. "I'm just doing my part in taking care of you, darling."
"I'd love to." Chelsea said. "I'll let my father know I'll be staying."
"Ooh, wait! Maybe we can have a girls' night!" Zoey said with an excited smile. "If that's okay with Mary, of course."
"It's fine by me." Mary said.
"Hell yeah!" Zoey said, pumping her fist in the air. "I'm gonna text my folks right away."
"What do you think, Chelz?" Jackie asked. "Are you up for a girls' night?"
"Well, I've never done that before." Chelsea said.
"Shut up!" Chelsea said with an excited gasp. "Now you *have* to! It'll be so much fun!"
"Well. . . if you say so." Chelsea said. "I'll go ahead and try it out."
"Yeah, count me out." Harmony said.
"Oh, come on, Harmony!" Jackie said. "It'll be fun."
"No." Harmony said.
"You can pick the first thing we do." Zoey said.
"No." Harmony said.
"We won't bother you for the rest of the week if you do this eensy-weensy little favor." Jackie said.
"You promise?" Harmony asked, before realizing. "Wait, no! I'm not falling for that!"
"Damn, almost gotcha." Jackie said.
"Well, I guess if she's staying home, then me and the guys will have a sleepover too." Michael said with a smirk. "And we'll be bugging you all night, Harmony."
The other guys chuckled as they looked at Harmony, who only blushed by the thought of her night being taken over by a group of guys.
"Fine, I'll participate in your girls' night." Harmony said. "But only to be away from them."
"Fair enough." Zoey said.
With that decided, everyone headed out to the backyard.
"That's our clubhouse." Jackie said, pointing to a big wooden house in a tree. "My father made it for me when I was a kid."
"We haven't hung out here in a few years." Marshall said. "I wonder if we'll all fit inside."
"I doubt it." Zoey said. "Have you seen how big our butts have gotten? There's no way!"
"In your dreams, Kurogane." Harmony scoffed.
"Hey!" Zoey said back, feeling a bit offended.
"Well, we can try." Michael said, turning to run. "Last one up there is rotten Slorr milk!"
"Don't be so childish, brother!" Harmony said, running after Michael.
The rest of the friend group walked up to the treehouse as Harmony and Michael were already inside.
Fortunately, it was still large enough to fit them all. And they were even able to include Chelsea as well.
"Wow, it's like a mansion in here." Chelsea said.
"I know right." Zoey smirked. "Jackie's dad had some pretty great building skills."
"Well, he was a construction worker, after all." Jackie said. "So, it kind of came naturally to him."
"Why do you keep talking about him in past tense?" Chelsea said. "Is he. . ."
Chelsea then instantly noticed the sad look on Jackie's face.
"Sorry. . . I didn't mean to make you think about that." Chelsea said.
"It's okay, Chelz." Jackie said, before wiping her tears. "Let's just have some fun, while we're here."
"Crap. . . Zoey was right." Harmony said. "I can't get comfortable in here. My ass has gotten too big."
"Ha!" Michael said, with a teasing smile.
"Shut up, muppet." Harmony said angrily.
"So. . . what do we do now?" Chelsea asked. "What's there to do in this tiny home of yours?"
"Uh. . . well, we used to play up here a lot." Jackie said. "We played things liked 'house'. . . and 'doctor's office'."
"Yeah. . . we're in high school now." Zoey said. "So, we're kind of too old for that now, huh?"
"Well, I'm sure we can do something." Alex said. "We always managed to do something when we had no idea what to do. . ."
"This is boring." Michael said.
"Amen to that." Marshall said.
"Guys, some more people are here for you!" Mary called from the back porch. "Should I let them in?"
"That's just Grayson and Sarah, Aunt Mary." Jackie yelled back. "You can let them in."
"Does she know them?" Chelsea asked.
"No, but it's fine." Jackie said. "Aunt Mary is good with those who are my friends."
With that said, two more characters came out to the backyard. A blue female hedgehog with a lavender and black colored jumpsuit, and a young man brown eyes and brown hair dyed yellow, orange, and pink. Their names are Sarah and Grayson.
Sarah is a good friend of ours. Though, she looks tough and serious, she's really just a big softie. She's a guardian. We don't know what she is the guardian of, though. She never really speaks of that part of her life.
Now as for Grayson, he's a good man. While he may be older than us by a concerning amount of years, he never once tried to make a predatory move on any of us. So, he's safe. I can assure you of that. But Ryan is kind of weirded out by him, but that's his thing. I'm not worried.
"What's good, my people?" Grayson said. "What's happening tonight, my homies?"
"Quit it with the teenage lingo." Sarah said. "You're only embarrassing yourself."
"Sarah! Gray! You're here!" Jackie said with a smile, as she squeezed past everyone to get out of the treehouse. "It's about time, too."
"I would've been here sooner, Jackie." Sarah said. "But I have a job to do."
"I know. And that's why I'm so grateful you could join us." Jackie said. "It takes a lot to leave your post behind in a time of need."
"Actually, nothing noteworthy has happened yet." Sarah said. "But one day, I'll find someone who dares to step up to my abilities!"
"That's Sarah?" Chelsea asked.
"Yeah. . . don't think to much about us having an alien friend." Michael said. "I already don't, since my girlfriend is also an alien."
Chelsea just stared at Michael with confusion on her face.
"It's our life." Michael said. "Don't judge us."
"No further comments." Chelsea said.
Everyone then got out of the treehouse and walked up to the two other friends.
"Ah, who's the new girl?" Grayson asked.
"Oh, that's Chelsea." Jackie said. "Today was her first day at our school."
"Um. . . nice to meet you." Chelsea said, waving to the multi-color haired man.
"The pleasure is mine." Grayson said, reaching out his hand to shake Chelsea's.
"Uh. . . no thank you." Chelsea said, stepping back a bit.
"And I am Sarah the Guardian Hedgehog!" Sarah said, seriously. "It's nice to meet someone who's already grabbed the attention of Lady Moon!"
"Well, she certainly grabbed *my* attention." Chelsea said.
"I just thought it would be nice for my new friend to meet all of my other friends." Jackie said. "It's nice, isn't it?"
"Well, aside from the older man, I'm cool with it." Chelsea said.
"Oh, come on!" Grayson said. "I'm, like, half of the other two friends!"
"Cool, now you met everyone." Jackie said. "The rest of the year is gonna be amazing!"
"Yeah. . . right." Chelsea said.
Suddenly, there was a low ding noise as Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Dad's wondering where we are, Harmony." He said. "He's been reaching out to us."
"Well then, tell him!" Harmony said.
"He wants to see us." Michael said.
"Ugh! Alright, fine." Harmony said. "I'll see you guys tonight."
With that said, Harmony and Michael left the house.
"Oh, shit!" Zoey said. "I should go home and pack for tonight!"
"I'll see you later then." Jackie said.
With that, Zoey and Marshall also left. And the rest of them soon followed after. And Jackie, Ryan, and Chelsea were left with Sarah and Grayson.
"Okay. . . so, it's just us now." Ryan said.
"Maybe I should go home and get packed as well." Chelsea said. "Right?"
"Don't sweat it, Chelz." Jackie said with a smile. "I bet you can fit in some of my pajamas. And I also have a spare toothbrush, still in the package."
"Oh. . . that's rather nice of you." Chelsea said.
"Um. . . what's going on?" Grayson asked.
"We're gonna have a girls' night." Jackie said. "Ooh, you should join us, Sarah."
"Sure. That doesn't sound too bad." Sarah said. "I shall go and get ready as well."
"Cool!" Jackie said.
And with that, Grayson and Sarah both left as quickly as they arrived. But Sarah would be back.
"You ready for a night of fun fun fun?!" Jackie said, getting excited.
"Yeah. . . fun." Chelsea said.
To be continued. . .
Jackie Moon, Ryan, and Chelsea Hunter belong to me
Michael Jr and Harmony Casperan belongs to makaylaLight435
Marshall Caldera and Zoey Kurogane belongs to princessofmagdomar
Grayson belongs to SonicBoomFan17
Sarah belongs to Bakshane93
Alex belongs to Elexa_Ruby
All rights reserved
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