Chapter 8

 "Okay, so I'm meeting Niall, Louis, Zayn and Harry?" I clarified. I honestly don't care about what their names are but I don't want to embarrass myself. 

 "Yep. If I were you I would steer clear of Louis." Liam told me.

 "Why? If anything, he should steer clear of me." I replied.

 "Well, he's going through a break-up with one of our close friends." He sighed.

 "Oh." I responded. I wasn't really in the mood to hear about somebody's break up.

 "She's a good friend of the band. She even toured with us. Great girl." Liam continued.

 "Are you done or...?" I asked, pouring myself a glass of lemonade.

 "Yes I'm done." He laughed. 

 I crossed the room and turned on the T.V.. My parents took my sister to see a movie and my brother was out with his girlfriend, so I had the house all to myself. I stretched out on the couch and layed my hands behind my head. 

 It's kind of weird that I have...a thing, with Liam. I mean, if I wouldv'e never met him I'd probably be at this girl Kira's house smoking pot. Liam might be the thing I need to turn my life around. I'm tired of going to parties and getting drunk. I'm tired of having boys try and have sex with me. I'm tired of my life. Or I was anyway.

 "Popcorn?" Liam called, breaking me from my thoughts.

 "Yeah. Popcorn's good." I replied, finding something decent to watch.

 Right now, the channel was changed to ABC Family, and some weird show was on. Something about a group of four girls looking for the fifth. I don't know. Jess (Lucas's girlfriend) was probably watching it. Jess is cool but she's always been "that girl". You know, the one everyone adores. 

 I switched the channel to the E News and just kind of watched.

 "Hey, isn't that guy...Harvey from your band?" I asked Liam, pausing the screen on a picture with him and some Kardasian chick. 

 "Harry, and yeah it is." He laughed, handing me the popcorn.

 I continued to watch, laughing with Liam at the celebrities, while we waited for my parents to get home. About five minutes before the show was over, they showed some celebrity birthdays. Some weird model and a girl that looked vaugley familiar.

 "Make sure you take to Twitter and let Sophia , Liam Payne's girlfriend, know you're wishing her a Happy Birthday." The host smiled.

 I felt myself drop the bowl of popcorn as I turned to a wide eyed Liam. He sat up and held his hands up as if he was telling me to stop.

 "I know what you're thinking." He calmly said.

 "And what would that be my sweet, little, cheating friend?" I snapped, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

 "Would you let me finish?" He replied, following me.

 "Fine. Go ahead. Explain." I yelled.

 "Okay." Liam sighed. "Sophia is...well, I'm not sure. We were dating but-"

 "But what?" I asked, cutting him off.

 "But, we've been fighting a lot lately and last I heard, she broke up with me. So, unless she was just kidding then that's a surprise to me too." Liam finished, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. 

 "Um, I'm going to head over to Sam's to clear my head." I answered, grabbing my hoodie.

 "I promise. I don't like her." He whispered, giving me a hug before I left.

 I walked outside and ran into a few guys. One with curly brown hair, one with dark hair and olive skin, one with blonde hair, and one with sad blue eyes.

 "Hello! Could you help us find Liam Payne's house?" The blonde one asked.

 "Right there." I mumbled, pointing forward. They thanked me and started walking over there. The one with the dark hair turned around and gave me a small wink. 

 I rolled my eyes and slowly walked to Sam's house. The wind picked up and I shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets to keep warm. My hand brushed up against a small piece of paper and I took it out to look at it. 

 "Will you go out with me?" It said.

 I remembered was from 7th grade.

 "Diana, I, Sam Harris, am standing in front of you, to declare my undying love for you." Sam shouted, standing on the lunch table in front of me.

 "Sam, what are you doing? Get down." I hissed as teachers and students started to take notice in what was going on.

 "I will not get down until you've heard what I have to say!" He declared. "Even though I'm a messy, stupid and ridiculous young boy, I want you, the popular, beautiful, smart young girl to be my girlfriend."

 "Sam." I warned. I liked a friend. He was cool and funny but I didn't "like, like" him.

 "So, will you, Diana Richardson, go out with me?" Sam asked. By this point the entire cafeteria was staring at me.

 In middle school, the roles were switched: I was popular and Sam was an outcast. So, this was a big decision for me.

 "No Sam." I replied, causing the whole 7th grade class to whisper.

 "W-what?" He stuttered.

 "I said no, and if you don't get right now I'll never talk to you again." I whispered. Yeah, I know it was mean but I didn't like being the center of attention. 

 Sam jumped down, his hand covering his face as he ran away.

 "What a freak." Caroline said from behind me.

 "Leave him alone!" I snapped.

 "Get out of the road!" Somebody yelled, honking their horn and breaking me from my thoughts.

 I rushed out of the way and over to Sam's house. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I heard the clicking of heels and then the door opened.

 "Diana! Why twice in one week? I must be lucky." Mrs. Judy smiled, welcoming me inside. 

 "Is Sam here?" I asked her, looking for any sign of him.

 "He's up in his room. Getting ready for some party I believe." She answered.

 "Okay, thank you." I called, running up the stairs. I reached his door and paused before knocking. "Sam?" I quietly asked.

 "Come in." He said. 

 I pushed the door open and squinted when I saw him.

 "What in the hell are you wearing?" I scoffed, stifling a laugh. Sam glared at me and fixed his tie. "Oh my God." I giggled.

 "Will you stop? I'm going some where." Sam told me. 

 "And where is that?" I asked.

 "Caroline's birthday party. It's formal."

 "Of course it is." I mumbled.

 "Why do you hate her so much?" He demanded, grabbing his phone and sticking it in his pocket. I almost slapped him at his words before realizing that I didn't tell him the truth about what she said to me.

 "It's nothing okay?" I replied.

 "Well, she's my girlfriend and I'm leaving now." Sam said.

 "What about...the other night?" I whispered.

 "I don't know what happened the other night. I'm working through some things too." He frowned. "Goodbye."




 "Thank you." I smiled, walking into the expensive house. I wonder what she would do if she caught me spitting on the floor? 

 Yep, you guessed it, I snuck into Caroline's party. I have to admit I looked pretty damn good considering the last time I wore this dress was 8th grade...guess I haven't grown much.

 "Diana? What the hell are you doing here?" Sam demanded, walking over to me.

 "Oh nothing." I lied, smiling sweetly.

 "Caroline's going to flip shit if she sees y-"

 "What is that freak doing here?" Caroline hissed, walking up to us. 

 "Oh hello. You look fat in that dress." I said. 

 Sam's eyes grew big as he looked at me like he wanted to cuss me out and Caroline gasped.

 "This is my party and I will not have you speak to me that way. Not in my house." She told me, getting close to my face. I shoved her backwards and her small flute of champagne spilled all down the front of her dress.

 The soft classical music that was playing stopped as everyone turned to focus on us. 

 "Oops." I whispered, barely hiding my smile. 

 "Diana stop!" Sam yelled, standing in between Caroline and me.  

 "Sam move." I replied.

 "No. I'm so sick and tired of seeing everyone suffer because you have your head up your ass and can't behave like an adult. Pull your crap together! Leave Caroline alone because the next time you lay a hand on her, you can forget about me ever talking to you again. Get the hell out. I can't even look at you." Sam shouted. 

 I stood there, taking in every harsh word. Everyone was staring at me: the center of attention. 

 "Leave her alone."

 I turned around, a few tears escaping as I ran to Liam, burying my face in his shoulder.

 "What is wrong with you? All she wants is for you to open up your damn eyes and see what you really have here. Are you willing to give her up for...her?" Liam asked, gesturing to Caroline. Sam looked taken aback but his eyes glowed with anger.

 "Don't even talk to me like that and don't touch her." Sam warned, taking a step towards Liam and trying to pry me away from him.

 Sam was strong but there was no way he could beat Liam in a fight. Sam was more lean and not quite as muscular as Liam.

 Liam turned away from him and helped me down the steps.

 What a night.


 So there....

 Longer update than usual.

 Vote, comment and all that jazz ;)

 Dedication to my friend Natalie because she's super amazing <3


 P.S. Diana and caroline's dresses to the side. Diana's is pink (on the side of chapter 7) and Caroline's is purple :) 

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