Chapter 27

I opened my eyes, the sound of a quiet beeping filling my ears. I rubbed my eyes, my arm being caught by the IV sticking out of me. I quickly glanced around at the blindingly white walls, starting to freak out.

 I remembered what happened and tried to rip the IV from my arm. A monitor started a rapid fire of beeps and three nurses came in, restraining my arms and giving me a shot. I instantly felt my heart rate slow and I swallowed the huge lump building in my throat.

 "Where am I?" I asked, feeling my eyes become large and crazed.

 "You're at Mayfair Hospital, sweetheart. You were in a car accident." One of the nurses replied, smiling like being in a car wreck was all fine and dandy.

 I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, ready to throw something at the wall.

 "How long have I been here?" I asked, not opening my eyes.

 "Four days. You've been in and out. It would seem as if you have a pretty bad concussion there sweet pea." She answered, flipping through the pages on a clipboard and checking a few things off.

 I rolled my eyes, ready to tell this woman to shove it up her ass but then a dull pounding began near the back of my head. 

 "Who does a girl have to sleep with to get some drugs around here?" I groaned, rubbing my temples where the pounding was becoming more and more like a gong inside my head.

 The elderly woman looked taken aback, then proceeded to narrow her eyes at me. "To get some pain meds you just have to ask unless you've had your dose for the hour."

 "Well have I had mine for the hour?" I demanded.

 "No, so I will go get it. Meanwhile, I'm going to allow you one visitor at a time." The lady told me, gliding out of the room.

 I've got some news for that stupid woman: a hospital is not a magical field of daisies, its hell on earth.

 Why would you ever want to work at a hospital? Constantly surrounded by death and sadness. I get it; it's interesting. But why work hours on end in this terrible place where life dreams and goals come to die alongside you? I wonder how long that woman has worked here. Five years. Ten. All I know is that working in this shit hole would get old and depressing entirely too fast.

 My thoughts are interrupted by a tentative knock on the door.

 I cleared my throat and told them to come in.

 My brother Lucas and sister Ansley arrived in the doorway, tearful smiles filling their features.

 "Thank God you're okay." Ansley said, engulfing me in a hug.

 "I've missed you so much, Ans." I replied, hugging her close.

 She let me go and let Lucas give me a hug.

 "Are you alright, Di?" He whispered.

 I nodded into his shoulder, never wanting my brother and sister to leave. He pulled away, looking me in the eyes, as if to make sure I was positive about being okay.

 Which of course I was not.

 "What happened?" Ansley asked me, sitting down in one of the plastic chairs beside my bed.

 I choked on the words, trying to give a coherent sentence about Liam and Harry and my confusion between the two and everything that was going on, but I couldn't.

 If Lucas found out what Liam did he would beat the living shit out of him which I didn't want done. I mean sure it would be nice, but I don't want to deal with it right now. I don't have the energy.

 "I was looking at something in the car and drifted into the other lane." I said, which wasn't a complete lie. Sure I left out the part about the tears blurring my vision, and the whole reason I was out driving that late anyway, but it didn't matter. Not anymore.

 "Had you been drinking?" Ansley questioned, a worried look occupying her features.

 I shook my head no and sniffed just a little, the pounding in my head increasing. 

 "Wait a minute." I mumbled. "How are you both in here right now?" 

 Lucas and Ansley smiled at each other. A shared secret between my older siblings was always something I wanted in on, but I think I already knew the answer to this one.

 "It's the oldest trick in the book, Di." Lucas replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes and laughing.

 "You didn't." I giggled.

 "'Oh my poor daughter! She's been in an accident and we need to see her right this instant.'" Ansley imitated, a smile on her lips.

 We all started laughing, finally something enjoyable in my life, but as soon as it was there it was gone.

 "It's time for her next guest." A nurse told them, smiling and escorting my only joy in life away from me.

 I slumped down in my bed, waiting for whoever was going to pop into my room and ask how I was feeling. Was it too much to ask for my best friend right now? He didn't know about the drama either so it would be amazing to just get to talk to him, even if we did leave things on an awkward foot.

 Another knock sounded from my door and I watched the tuft of brown hair shift behind the blinds. I took in a shark breath, knowing who was standing behind the door but said come in anyway.

 The door knob turned and the door opened, revealing not who I thought it was but somebody completely different.

 "Sam?" I asked, holding back tears at this point.

 "Hey Di." He smiled, walking over to me and giving me a huge hug.

 "I've missed you so much." I mumbled into his shoulder, tightening my grip on him.

 "I've missed you too, Diana. Way way way more than you've missed me." He insisted.

 "I doubt it." I laughed, releasing him from the hug. "So how are y-"

 "I know what happened." Sam told me, cutting me off.

 I stopped, closing my eyes and feeling the pounding taking over again. "You do?"

 "Of course I do, Diana. I'm not blind." He scoffed. "Harry is sitting in the waiting room with a busted lip and Liam left earlier taking his black eye with him. What the hell did he do to you and who started their fight?" 

 "I don't want to talk about it Sam." I sighed, trying to play the injury card and get out of it. At least for a few days.

 "Well that sucks because you're going to tell me."

 I suppose that's the thing about best friends: they make you spill no matter what. Even though I didn't want to tell him I found myself doing it anyway, and five minutes passed. Then five minutes turned into thirty minutes and so on. 

 Finally my stupid nurse came back with some drugs and gave them to me. She also brought a snarky attitude and another visitor.

 "I'm gonna kick his ass, Diana." Sam growled as he gave me a hug goodbye.

 "If you do that Sam then I'll have Lucas kick your ass." I replied with a growl of my own and a pat on the back.

 Sam rolled his eyes at me on his way out then blew me a kiss. I sent him a fake smile and the middle finger as his turned the corner out of my room. It always made me happy to know that Sam and I have maintained our weird friendship through all these years. I was growing nostalgic when my next visitor rounded the corner.

 I felt myself get butterflies in my stomach that were quickly diminished by the cuts and bruises on his face and the realization of what he had initiated last night.

 "Hey Diana." He mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

 "Hey Harry." I replied, surprisingly glad to see his face.

 "Are you okay?"


 lol sorry you're gonna have to wait again cause i suck at updating

i'm so sorry i havent updated since november but happy new year anyway lovely people :)

btw little shout out to my total of 3 readers. i appreciate you guys 

alright love you all, vote and comment 

hayden xx

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