Chapter 14

 The knocking didn't stop until 11:00 pm.

 I didn't know what to do, or how to handle the situation. I couldn't be with Liam. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. He deserved someone so much better than me, and I feel bad that he's falling for me. He should be with some perfect supermodel who likes the spotlight and can take all the rude comments and awful criticism. I would only fight back and Liam doesn't need that on his already-full plate. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm falling for him just as he did for me.

 Caroline came back at around 11:15, thank God. If she wouldv'e seen Liam in the hallway, I know she wouldve let him in. I felt bad for leaving him there but I can't destroy what he has worked so hard for.

 I woke up the next morning with lifeless eyes and a pale face. I rolled out of bed and stalked into the kitchen, desperatley seeking coffee.

 "You look sick." Caroline commented, handing me a coffee mug.

 "Well, good morning to you too." I mumbled, quickly filling my mug and sitting down in front of the T.V..

 "Maybe you should stay home today. Classes haven't even really started, just the usual syllabus talk." She said, sitting down next to me.

 Maybe I should stay home...or at least not go to classes. If I needed anything it was break and a nice massage or something. Anything to take my mind of the last few days. Maybe I could even go and try to talk to Mandy; ask her to give me a second chance.

 "Maybe." I shrugged, knowing well that I was intending to stay home.

 "Well, whatever you decide to do, it doesn't change the fact that I have to get ready." Caroline huffed, putting her mug in the sink and walking off towards the bathroom.


 "Your total is $57.09." The petite woman told me, taking my credit card.

 I have to admit $57 was a lot for a massage but it was worth it. It helped to clear my head and I hope I'm more focused now. 

 I drove down to the local coffee place and waited in line while the idiot two people ahead of me took their sweet time to order.

 "Excuse me?" I called, getting impaitent and tapping my foot. The woman turned around and I could see she was in her late thirties.

 "Yes?" She asked me, lowering her sunglasses.

 Just by looking at her, I could tell she was one of those girls. You know, the ones that dress perfect, are super skinny, and think they're all that. 

 She looked like the adult version of Caroline.

 Dear Lord, here we go.

 "You're taking quite a long time, and I'm sure most of us have somewhere to be. So, if you wouldn't mind, please hurry up." I replied, raising an eyebrow at her smug expression.

 "Little girl, please calm down and let me order." 

 Oh I know she did not just call me that. This bitch has no idea what's coming her way.

 "I will open a can of whoop-ass all over your spray tan! News flash: orange insn't a good color on you." I snapped, causing a few adults in line to snicker.

 The look on this woman's face was priceless, as she marched her fake-tan, fried hair and Louis Vuitton purse over to me. 

 "You don't know who you're dealing with, little miss. I will call the police to come and haul your trash talking mouth away." She told me.


 Oh my God, not now! I was so close to kicking the shit out of this woman and he-who-shall-not-be-named shows up.

 "Diana, come on." Liam insisted, pulling at my arm.

 "Liam, no." I told him, trying to rip free.

 He finally got me out of the coffee shop, where I broke loose of his strong grip and started walking to my car.

 "Wait up." He said, jogging up next to me.

 "Liam, this isn't high school anymore. I don't need you to come to my damn resuce. If that lady was going to call the police then you should have let her. You have got to get a life and stop worrying your ass off about me. I can live on my own with Mr. Perfect coming to save me. Just leave me alone. I'm not your problem anymore!" I yelled.

 Liam's face crumpled at my words, and his dark brown eyes became watery. He sniffed and pushed back his short hair.

 "Fine." He whispered, turning around and slowly walking back to his car.

 What have I done?

 I started walking after him but all efforts were halted when camera's started flashing. The paparazzi screamed questions at Liam, chasing him to his car. One man turned around and saw me, rushing towards me.

 "Diana!" He shouted, snapping pictures of me.

 I ducked away and ran back to my car, where I started the engine and got the hell out of there.


 I traced my finger along the delicate stitching's on my bedspread. Paisley whirls covered it in greens and blues, and within each swirl was a dot. 

 Maybe this is how my life is: I'm the paisley whirl and Liam is the dot inside me. It doesn't matter how many times I wash the blanket, the dot will always be there. Liam will be someone I never forget, no matter how hard I want to.

 I couldn't believe what I said to him today. He looked so broken and defeated and, quite frankly, I don't know if I can put the pieces back together. I told him I would only hurt him, I warned him how I acted and treated people and yet, he kept chasing me. Maybe that's what I wanted all along: to be chased. It felt good to be wanted again. It felt good to feel like someone needed you. But, just like always, I went and screwed things up.

 It's just how I am and how I always will be.

 That night, I waited. I waited for Caroline to knock on my door and tell me that Liam was here. I waited for a phone call that never came. I even waited for some news of Liam's mystery girl "Diana", but it never happened.

 A few weeks went by without any news about Liam or me. It was almost as if he had disappeared off the face of the earth. I wasn't happy about it, I looked for him to aplogize. I felt so horrible about the things I had said and I couldn't live with myself because of them. 

 "Hey." Caroline said, opening my door without knocking.

 "What do you want?" I replied, putting down the book Liam left. I had already read it four times...once a week for every week he's been gone.

 "Check out the news." She mumbled, turning on my small T.V. and watching with me.

 "I don't want to watch any news." I complained, rolling my eyes as she lady talked about some celebrity who just had a car accident. 

 "Sh, it's on." She told me, turning up the volume.

 "And now with the story everybody has been tragically awaiting. As most of you know, Liam Payne has been gone for weeks now, with not so much as a text message to the other boys. According to our sources, a hotel maid in rural England walked inside the hotel room, only to find Liam on the floor." The lady said, as pictures flashed on the screen.

 "Oh my God." I mumbled, covering my mouth with my hand.

 "Mr. Payne was found with deep cuts in both wrists, so this is thought to be attempted suicide. Luckily, the maid found him when she did or else Mr. Payne wouldn't be in the stable state he's in now. As for the reasoning for all this, could it be because of the fight between Liam and this mystery girl with the purple hair?" The woman asked, another picture of me filling the screen, accept this time my back was to it and you could only see my flannel and deep purple hair.

 "Shit." I cursed, fumbling with my purse and keys.

 "Where the hell are you going?" Caroline asked me, following me as I rushed to my closet.

 "I have to find him." I told her, changing my old t-shirt and putting on some jeans.

 "You need to give him a break." She sighed.

 "What do you mean?" I replied, looking at her and waiting for a response.

 "You're the reason he's like that." Caroline mumbled, pointing at the T.V. which was now replaying a concert from the other night.

 "You don't know him like I do." I huffed, pulling on a hoodie.

 "Yes I do." She answered, walking through the door behind me.

 "How?" I yelled, refusing to look back at her.

 "Because I was there!" She yelled back. 

 I stopped and slowly turned around to face her. 

 "What the hell do you mean?" I demanded.

 "I was there because we're..."

 "You're what?" I screamed.

 "We're dating."

 "You whore!" I shouted, before jumping on her and slamming my fists into her face with all my power.


 I was gonna make Liam her brother but nah...

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 Love everyone!! You too N!



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