6K reads! Special interview with the Sakamaki Brothers
Hi my dear readers!!! As I have mentioned that I'm extremely grateful for all your supports for this book, I've decided to do a special chapter. There will be 2 parts-- One with the Sakamaki and the other with Mukami and Tsukinami together.
So, let me tell you what'll be included in this chapter.
1. It will be long, please have some patience and read the whole chapter ><
2. I will appear as the interviwer(yayyy drumroll please~)
3. It is NOT a one shot or scenario story
4. Some special guests will appear in this chapter ;)
*5. It may be boring but you still have to continue to read on (Don't go TAT)
Ermm, it's my first time to work on something like this, so it may not be perfect. However, I do hope you'll enjoy it and once again--
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!! I'll definitely work harder! (Even though I am working very hard right now ;)
--- NicolexNstuff >w<
Nicole: Hiii everyone!!! I am Nicole, your dear author and today's interviewer! *Ahem* Today is a special day, as we'll be having an interview with the Sakamaki brothers. So, now may we invite them to com--
Ayato: Ah. Oi chichinashi the second, what are you doing?
Nicole: Ayato kun??!!?!! Why, wait, why am I chichinashi the second?!
Ayato: Ha, it's because you have a flat breast.
Nicole: No I don't!
Ayato: Huh really, then prove it.
Nicole: ...............
Ayato: Ha, see?
Reiji: Good morning, are you Nicole? We are here for the interview.
Nicole: Ahh, Reiji san, good morning. Please have a seat. (Ignores Ayato)
Kanato: It's stuffy here.
Laito: Mmmm, who's this cute little girl here~
*(Nicole: Yay Laito kun is talking about me)*
*All of them sat on a chair and wait patiently*
Nicole: Hai, so all of you are present, let's start our interview now~
Nicole: First of all, please tell us how do you feel about the airing of the second season of Diabolik Lovers-- More Blood.
Subaru: Hated it
Nicole: Eh wh--
Laito: Me too~~
Kanato: Mmm, teddy also
Nicole: But how co--
Ayato: Ore sama dislike it too, because I don't get to eat takoyaki.
Subaru: Tsk, it has nothing to do with it
Reiji: ..... Could you let Nicole finish her sentence first?
Nicole: .... (Ah finally) Umm, Reiji san, you can go ahead to share your opinions on the airing issue of the second season first.
Reiji: I see, then. I don't hate it, it's just that I don't get to appear in this season often, and I would very much like to complain about this. Moreover, there are two new vampire families that have appeared in the anime, the Mukami and Tsukinami. To be honest, I don't like them, and Yui Komori san's acting skills aren't very--
Nicole, panicking : U-Um! I think we'll stop here--
Reiji, pushes up his glasses: Please have some manners, I was talking. Ah, yes, especially that Yuma. I was actually wondering was he Shu's childho---
Nicole: That's more than enough Reiji san!!! Thank you and I suppose that we should move onto the second question.
Readers, (disappointed--I suppose?): Huh what it's already one question?! Are you kidding me I was looking forward to this and you--
Nicole: I'm sorry, but it's just a warm up, we'll have better ones, read on~
Readers: Hmph you'd better have, or else...
Nicole, sweating: Um, I'm sure all of you would like to know the popularity of different characters. And now I'll announce it so please listen carefully (only the Sakamaki)---
1. Shu san
2. Subaru kun
4. Ayato kun
5. Kanato kun
8. Laito kun
9. Reiji san
That's the result!
Subaru: .... There are some places missing, what about the third place?
Nicole: Eh, it's Mukami Ruki san...
Kanato: How come he's got a higher popularity than me?! Poor Teddy....
Nicole, laughs nervously: Ahahaha.... Who knows.... However, I'll announce the other ones in the next chapter, so don't worry! And now, here's the highlight of this interview-- Special guests are invited to this interview and play a game with the Sakamaki vampires!
Laito: Eh, I wonder who will that be?
Nicole: Hai~ Here are our special guests--- Wolfy (cat1girl1), Stephanie (Fangurlxanime), Holly (rhayneslove), Celine (celinexfangirl), (ILoveWolvezz) and Danyssa (TokyoGhoulToukaChan)! Thank you so much for accepting the invitation!!!
All: Hi~~~ ^^
*(Guests walk in and sits down)*^^
Subaru: Should we clap?
Reiji: Of course, let's show some manners.
Subaru: But they're only humans.
Reiji: ....... Then we should just clap silently.
Nicole, claps like a lunatic: Yay! So to make things easier, we'll divide you into six groups of two. And I'll have a lucky draw to decide who will form a group with who.
*(Dramatic music plays~~~~)*
Nicole, looking at the paper: Here are the results--
Wolfy (cat1girl1) will pair up with Ayato kun
Celine (celinexfangirl) with Kanato kun
Stephanie (Fangurlxanime) with Laito kun
Danyssa (TokyoGhoulToukaChan) with Reiji san
Holly (rhayeslove) with Shu san
(ILoveWolvezz) with Subaru kun
(*I'll only type out the name only from now on*)
So, we'll now let's play a game called "truth or dare"
Ayato: Ha, truth or dare?! That's no big deal, ore sama will definately choose 'truth' every time if it's my turn! Oi, Wolfy, what do you think?
Wolfy: Ayato kun is always right! ^///^
Ayato, laughs: Ha really, you're quite an interesting girl.
Nicole: Ayato kun, you can't do that. We have a rule: If you've chosen 'truth' the first time, you must choose 'dare' in the next round. Or else it wouldn't be fair for everyone! Also, it'll not be THAT exciting as well....
Kanato: Very well, let's be friends together neh, Celine san?
Celine: H-Hai!
Laito, smirks: Let's have fun~ My cute Stephanie chan~~
Stephanie, smiles back: Sure, Laito kun!
Holly: Shu san, let's hope that we won't be the first one to be picked....
Shu, glances at Holly before closes his eyes: Mmm....
Danyssa, smiles: Nice to meet you, Reiji san.
Reiji, pushes up his glasses: Nice to meet you.
ILoveWolvezz: Hi, nice to meet you, Subaru kun!
Subaru, looks away: T-Tsk, whatever...
Nicole, smiles: Good! Now, I'll turn this bottle on the desk, and if the bottle opening points at you, then along with your partner, you'll have to choose 'truth' or 'dare'. And.... Here!
*(The bottle spinsssssssssssssss and......)*
Nicole: Yay! It's Danyssa san~ Now, please discuss it with Reiji san, would you like to--
Reiji: Truth please
Nicole: Eh?
Reiji: There's no need to waste time on discussing, we've made an agreement already.
Nicole: Oh, I see. Then, *Ahem*--
-If you could go on a date with anyone in the room who would it be?
Reiji, Danyssa: .......................................................................
Nicole: ..................
*(Awkward silence-- paused for about 15 seconds)*
Danyssa: W-Well, if I could go on a dat--
Nicole, laughs evilly: (Ahahaha) Um~ You don't have to repeat the question.... Sooo, you can just go straight to the main point~?
Danyssa, half-blushing: ......... I-I would like to go on a date with Reiji san.
Nicole: AHEMM!
Reiji, with pink shades on his face: D-Danyssa san, why would you want to go on a date with me?
Danyssa, looks at Reiji with a innocent smile: It's because Reiji san you're actually a very sweet and gentle person, despite that you seemed to have a cold attitude towards other people. That's what I like about you! B-But to be honest, I just came to like you at the first moment as I saw you... Hehe.
Reiji, pushes up his glasses and looks away, blushes: I-Is that so....
Nicole: (Aww that's very sweet!) Thank you for your answer, Danyssa san. And what about you, Reiji san?
Reiji: ............ A-Actually, I would like to go out with D-Danyssa san too b-because I really like your smile, it's so... warm and motherly.
Nicole, making a ('v') face: Thank you! Next, we'll have....
*(The bottle spinsssssssssssssss and......)*
Nicole: Ha, Ayato kunit's your turn now.
Ayato: So?! I'm not afraid of you, bring it on!
Nicole: Truth or Dare?
Ayato: H-Ha? Oh, right, say, what should we choose? Wolfy?
Wolfy: Hmmm, how about dare?
Ayato: Oh! That's not bad for a girl! Then we'll choose dare!
Nicole, sighs:
-Eat a mouthful of crackers and try to whistle.
Ayato: I would prefer takoyaki.
Nicole: We only have crackers.
Wolfy: Ahh who cares! Bring it on! >:)
*(Brings in the crackers)*
Wolfy, munching and whistling at the same time (I suppose-.-): Ppppfffweweeeeeff
*(Other vampires in the room burst out laughing)*
Ayato: Ah not bad, now look at ore sama's performance!
Ayato: Pppfpfpfpfftfttttttttt (Crackers fell on Subaru's face)
Subaru: ..............
Nicole: ................
Subaru: AYATO YOU --- WHAT DID YOU DO!!!??!??!?!
Ayato: A-Ahh I'm sorry
Nicole, trying very hard not to laugh: Sigh, anyway, let's move on!
*(The bottle spinsssssssssssssss and......)*
Nicole: Hai! It's Celine's turn~
Celine: What would you choose, Kanato kun?
Kanato: How about 'dare'? It seems fun.
Celine: Mm, sure!
Nicole: Here's your dare~
-Pour water over the object that you liked most
And here're two cups of water for you.
Celine: ..... Hmm, my new clothes?
*(Grabs the cup of water and pours it onto her clothes without heasition)*
Nicole: W-Wow, that was fast.
Kanato, stares at Nicole dis-pleasingly: Do you mean that I have to make Teddy wet?
Nicole (with dirty thoughts): Pffft! Well, if you really don't want to, you can choose to skip it. But only this time!
Kanato: Mmm, I'll skip it, or else Teddy will be unhappy.
Nicole: Next!
*(The bottle spinsssssssssssssss and......)*
Nicole: Stephanie and Laito kun! Please choose-- Truth or Dare?
Laito: Stephanie chan, what will you choose?~
Stephanie: Mmm. I'd prefer dare.
Laito: Mm~ That's what I was thinking too~
Nicole: The next dare is--
-Give someone in the group a piggyback ride around the room.
Laito: ............Huh?
Stephanie: W-What?!
Laito: Eh~ Who should I give a piggyback ride?
Nicole: Only one of your member have to do this dare, and I suppose Laito kun would like to give Stephanie...?
Laito, looks at Stephanie: Here, climb on my back~
*(Stephanie climbs onto Laito kun's back as she blushes)*
Nicole: Yay!! Thank you for doing it!
*(The bottle spinsssssssssssssss and......)*
Nicole: Our next pair is-- ILoveWolvezz and Subaru kun!
Subaru, turns to ILoveWolvezz: Oi, I don't want to give someone a piggyback ride, let's choose 'truth'.
ILoveWolvezz, nodds: Sure, no problem!
Nicole: So... The question is,
-Tell us your best joke.
Subaru: Huh a joke?
ILoveWolvezz, in deep thought: Hmmmm....
Subaru: Ah, how about this?
*(Whispers to ILoveWolvezz's ears)*
ILoveWolvezz, blushes slightly: Uh huh....
*(Continue to whisper...)*
ILoveWolvezz: Yea... O-Ohhhh ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
All of us (except that pair): .........???
ILoveWolvezz: Hahaha that was a good one, let's tell them.
Subaru: *Ahem* Okay. One day, two girls was chatting about their boyfriends, until...
(Girl A: Hey, you know what? The relationship between me and my boyfriend is staring to get distant.
Girl B: Huh why?
Girl A: Because I have been eating apple everyday.
Girl B: Well why does eating apples affect your relationship?
Girl A: Er, perhaps it's because my boyfriend is a doctor.)
The end.
Nicole: ..................................
Ayato: ...................................
Reiji: ............................
Holly: ...........................
*(Basically everyone is like: .......What....................)*
Reiji: ....... I'm sorry but I don't really understand what's so funny about it.
Nicole: Me too.
Danyssa: Me three.
Wolfy: ......... Ummm, I don't get it.
Subaru, with a red face and standing up: Arghhh! You guys are so annoying! I give up, I'll never tell jokes in my life again.
ILoveWolvezz: Aww, how about I'll explain it? Have you guys ever heard of 'An apple a day, keeps the doctor away?'
Reiji: Why, yes. Mm, I get it now, that's why. But that's not funny.
Subaru: Ah, Reiji get it. Now, hurry up and spin the bottle.
Nicole: Ahahaha. I understand now. Subaru kun, it leaves Holly and Shu san the last group.
Holly: Hmm, I want to do a dare.
Shu: ............ It's so troublesome.
Holly: Ehh, come on, Shu san!
Shu: ......................
Holly: Shu sannnnn
Shu: Tsk, you're spoiling the music. Nicole, we want 'truth'.
Holly: Ehhh??!!
Nicole: Okie, we'll have to do it quickly now, it's getting a bit too long.
-What's your scariest nightmare?
Holly: Well, I dreamed that I was chased by a gigantic dictionary and it nearly gobbled me up, but luckily I was holding a torch or something and I burnt the dictionary in the end, hehe.
Nicole, holding her laughter: Mmmm............ Yeaaaaa, soooo what about you, Shu san?
Shu, glances at Reiji: I hope he doesn't mind...
Reiji: .........??
Shu, closes his eyes; I dreamed that I pushed Reiji down on a bed and I started to strip off his clothes. And, well... I think we did something more but I forgot about it.... It was quite a long time ago anyway...
Holly: E-Eh...
Reiji, speechless and his face turning red: S-Shu, you----
Ayato, cheekily: Ah, are you blushing, Reiji?
Reiji: No, of course not! I would never do something that inappropriate with him--
Nicole: Alright!! It's just a nightmare, okay? Now, I have a special question for all some of you, but firstly I would like to ask-- Do everyone of you like your partner?
*(Look at each other)*
All, answer in unison: Yes/Yep/Of course!
Nicole: Good, now.... A question for all the handsome Sakamaki vampires~
-If you would go on a date/honeymoon/holiday with the lovely partner beside you, where would you take her to? >v<
You have a minute to think about it~
All Sakamaki vampires: .......................
Nicole: Now, let's start from the eldest vampire-- Shu san please~
Shu, looks at Holly with his deep blue eyes: Well, I would like to take Holly to Paris, we'll be standing at the Eiffel Tower, and of course, listening to music as we are looking at the beautiful sunset together...
Holly: Shu san...
Reiji, holds Danyssa's hand: I'd take her to an anime convention. I think it'll be interesting and she'll love it, don't you, Danyssa?
Danyssa, blushing: I-I was thinking about the same thing too, Reiji kun!
Laito, smirks: Mmm, I'd take Stephanie chan to Paris too~ We'll enjoy a romantic dinner cruise on the Seine, and when you're drunk, I'll take you to a hotel and we wi---
Stephanie, laughes: W-Why I'd love to have a dinner with you, Laito kun, but no thanks for the hotel part!!
Ayato, pulls Wolfy close to him: Ore sama will take you to the amusement park, and we can spent the whole day there having fun. And of course I'd do a research first on whether they're selling takoyaki or not!
Wolfy: Haha! Sure, Ayato kun!
Kanato: I'll take you and Teddy to a small cupcake shop, and I will make sure to bring enough money to buy them! We can share too, neh? If you don't like, Teddy will not join us then.
Celine: Thank you, Kanato kun.
Subaru: I-I will take you to Kenroku-en in Japan, which means 'the garden which combines six characteristics'. It's really beautiful there, cool and spaciousness, and you will feel you are near to nature. Of course, there are roses too, white roses. I'm sure you'll like it...
ILoveWolvezz: Oh thank you so much, Subaru kun!
Nicole: Aww that's so cute! Now, do you remember that I'd told everyone of you to sign on a small piece of paper?
All: Yess.
Nicole, smiling: Now you've signed on it, that means you'd have to fulfill your promises-- To take your lovely partners out on a date~
All, surprised and excited: Ehhh??!
Ayato, asking Wolfy: Oi, when are you free?--
Stephanie: Laito kun, I'll look forward to that romantic dinner~
Reiji: Here's my phone number, you are most welcome to call me whenever you're free--
ILoveWolvezz: Yay Subaru kun! I dress in my best clothes when we enjoy the beautiful scenery there!
Holly: Shu san! Will it be cold in Paris? ---
Kanato: Neh, Celine, do you mind if Teddy tag along with us--?
Nicole: Alright calm down everyone~ You can talk about the details with your partner later on. And this is the end of our interview today (not really an interview though), thank you for joining us today!
And once again-
Thank you all for your supports and congratulations to you if you're still alive at this moment (for reading my book till the end!)
Have a super nice day and see you next time for the next special chapter!
Bye >v<
*To all the guests
---NicolexNstuff (I'm crying right now I've finally finished this crazy chapter, what now 2K words why thank God I'm still alive)
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