When You Starve Yourself (Request By toxicvampirechick000)

Request by toxicvampirechick000! Go check her out and maybe leave her a follow!

Also, (you said I'd forget xD) shoutout to crystalskie13457! Check them out too! X3


Do not starve yourself. Even for one day. Honestly guys I'd feel awful if any of you guys developed eating disorders. It falls in the same category as self harm, not cool. I'm here for you guys if you ever need to talk or you just want to listen to me ramble on! Also, don't shoplift either.

Anyhow, XOXO,


(P.s, no dirty thoughts with Ayato! >~<)


Your eyes welded up with anger as they teased you. "Pig! Pig! PIGGY! OINK OINK!" One said slapping your ass. You responded by slapping him and running out of the lunchroom, and eventually, the school. The tears flowed behind you and your screaming voice as you ran through the forest.

You collapsed onto a rock and weeped. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" You sobbed covering your ears. The voices taunted you without any mercy. Even though they weren't physically there, they remained in your memories. The cruel voices of your executioners raced in your mind. The cursing of your soul and the harm was already done.

Without another thought you starting choking yourself. The grip grew tighter the more the voices played back. "Die! Die! Die!" You screamed with the remaining breath in your lungs. As the world faded, you murmured how your despair was intensifying until you blacked out.

"What happened?" The sky was raining down. You sat up and touched your head. Those voices from all the many days ago had slipped from your conscious and disappeared. Your wet body was pale and as you inspected your thin self, the rain poured harder. "Dad. He must be...he must be worried!" You stood up and started running to who knew where. You for one didn't know. Because for what felt like a century ago, you ran into those woods without any care for where the entry and exit was.

Panic infiltrated you now. Everything was flashing like a surreal dream...or nightmare. You ran until you reached a...street? But you stood there traumatized at the car lunging towards you with their bright lights blinding you.


The pain was worse than before as you lied on the pavement with blood flowing from your body. The rain fell down your cheek as you turned your head slowly to the man and woman stepping from the car; running over to make sure you were alright. But as you lied there, the world really did feel like a dream. The pain was blocked out by the flashing lights and voices whispering in your ear.

For some reason you were happy. You felt as if you didn't have to give into the tormenters any longer. And so for then, you closed your eyes.

"Why didn't you let me die!?" You screamed to Shu in your room several days later. "Y/n I'd do no such thing!" Shu said grabbing your wrist. "I hate you!" You screamed in reply.

For the next three weeks, you starved yourself. Your uniform grew smaller and your weight dropped drastically. But just when you were starting to grow fond of your new weight, it happened. You wanted to take a swim.

You sighed as you began putting your hair up into a ponytail. But the world was hazy today, and the pool, the pool was a hazard. You dipped your feet inside and jumped in afterwards. The pain was like thousands of needles pricking your soft skin.

But you couldn't swim. You sank to the bottom and couldn't move whatsoever. It was killing you. The anorexia had gotten to you. Knowing you were unable to swim, you began freaking out. Everything around you had bubbles as you tried pulling yourself to the top.

Then the water echoed. Two piercing blue eyes looked deep into yours. Shu looked at you and snatched your wrist. The air hit you again at the top. "Dad...I'm..." Shu nodded. "Y/n I know." Shu replied pulling you out and lying you on the side. Now that he knew, you watched him remove his shirt and jacket. "That's why...you have to drink." Your hand grabbed onto his back and you pulled him down to you. He was heavy.

"Dad...I'm...I'm sorry!" You cried biting him. Shu smiled as if he was happy. He stroked your wet hair and whispered into your ear.

'Sakura no hana wa itsu hiraku?

Yamano o sano ni itsu hiraku

Sakura no hana wa itsu niou?
Warau nananoko asobu koro

Sakura no hana wa itsu odoru
Utau nana no ko nemuru koro

Sakura no hana wa itsu kuchiru
Shinda nana no ko noboru koro.'


The wind was blowing heavily on your walk to school. Your long black hair flowed behind you and nearly choked you a few times. But whatever, right? You clutched your sleeves as the re-run of earlier that day played back in your mind. Those baboons making fun of you for your weight. It was hurtful of them to do, so you tried ignoring it.

And so you began to starve yourself. Anorexia began taking over your life every day. No blood, no food. You couldn't have any of if. And although they said that by the third week you'd be dead, you had come to point of 91 lbs. Skinny and frail.

A few days later, reluctantly you stepped inside of the corner store nearby your house. "Welcome!" Someone said. You ignored them and walked across the shelves to find a certain type of pill. It was one to reduce your weight. But with no money to pay for it, and your desperation for perfection, you shoved it into your coat.

Stealing. That was how desperate you were. You looked around the make sure no one was watching, but of course someone did. "Hey! You! She's stealing!" A man said as your eyes lit up with fear. You ran from the store out into the parking lot and tried teleporting out. But as fate had it, someone grabbed you and held you down. "Get off of me! Get off!" You cried. "Shut it shoplifter!" He yelled pressing you against the cold snow.

After a long ride to the police station, you sat in the office by yourself. Reiji was called and Yui was picking up Sora. So you sat in the spinning chair with your head held down in sadness. The door opened a few minutes later to an officer and Reiji looking displeased. "This girl tried stealing pills from the corner store." He told Reiji.

"Hm? What kind of medications?" Reiji pushed up his glasses and sighed. "Some weight loss one." The officer retorted. "Ah, I see. May I have some time with my daughter in privacy?" The officer nodded and Reiji looked down at you in a scolding manner. "What were you doing stealing these Y/n?" He said.

"Father....I'm sorry." You replied burying your teared face. "I don't appreciate your lies Y/n." You sighed and looked up at him. "Father for the longest while....I've been.....I haven't been eating!" You sobbed. For once in your life, Reiji looked at you compassionately. "Y/n, I should've paid more attention." He muttered. "Father...I'm so sorry!" You jumped into his arms and Reiji smiled. "Y/n, please. Please Y/n, sip upon my blood."

Reiji pulled his jacket off and set it down on the desk. His broad chest was shown as he unbuttoned his shirt enough for you to drink him. "Father....Thank you." You whispered as you bit into his collarbone. The taste was wonderful. It was delicious. You sucked Reiji as he smiled and patted your head.

"Y/n, I love you."


Your friend looked at you in the girls' bathroom. "I don't understand why everyone makes so much fun at me." You said in the mirror. "Well Y/n...you do eat a lot." She replied. "What are you saying? That I'm....fat?" Your words stuttered at the ideology. "Well...." Haruhi held two fingers to her throat and made a gagging face. You were very surprised by her idea, so much that your mind raced at the thought.

"You mean...starve myself?" She nodded. "Hey I don't know what else to tell you." With that, Haruhi pointed to a stall. "Are you sure?" This seemed dangerous. "You'll be fine. I don't know what else to tell you." Reluctantly you opened the door and kneeled down.

When Ayato came to pick you up from the bus stop, you were feeling happy. "Hiya dad!" Ayato smiled and high-fived you ever so casually. "Hey Pancake! How was school?" Said he as the both of you walked up the sidewalk home. "Not much...boring. Boring like always." You chuckled as your dad opened the gate and aloud you inside.

That night at dinner, you pondered ways to get out of eating. The only idea was faking a sore stomach. So you gave it a go. "Hey I don't feel like eating tonight..." You said as Yui shoved mashed carrot into Hinata's mouth. "Huh? You ill Pancake?" Ayato looked at you from across the table with concern plastered upon his face.

"My stomach doesn't feel right. I...I'm going to go lay down." Yui and Ayato both watched you race upstairs and heard you slam the door behind you. Meanwhile the relieved you leaned against the door. "Phew." Somehow you managed to escape that, but you knew they'd catch on eventually; especially Ayato. He was the one who provided you with food.

So you turned out the light for the night.

Two weeks later, school was becoming hard to attend. You were wary. You were hungry. You were ill. Gym class rolled around like every other day, and you felt extra sick today. Haruhi was the only patron who knew of your struggle to live, everyone else was completely naive of the situation. It had been time for you to run, and being the anorexic girl you were, it was hard.

'I can't run like this..' The world was flashing dozens of colors and was fading. 'I should sit this one out and get some...rest...!' The world switched black.

"Hey...Y/n! Pancake! Pancake!" How could it be? You awoke in the midst of death. "Dad...?" The room was dark and rain could be heard from outside. Was it the nurse's office? Or was it your room? No, it was neither. You were in a dark cold hospital room. Ayato was above you and you could feel his hand shake in panic. "Pancake! You're so stupid!" He yelled hugging your frail body. "Starving yourself...!" He cried.

You looked at Ayato and smiled lightly. "Dad...I'm not...starving myself." Your voice was attempting to reassure him. "Don't lie to Yours Truly...In fact....you haven't drank anything in weeks have you?" You nodded weakly. "I see...." Without a second thought, your dad unexpectedly crawled up on the bed and dunked you in his lap.

It hurt to be moved like that. But you faced him and Ayato pulled his shirt down. "Dad...what're you doing?" You replied perplexed. "Pancake, drink Yours Truly's blood." He ordered. You shook your head. "No...I'll hurt you..." Your voice was low and monotoned from the illness. "This is an order from Yours Truly." With that, you pressed your thin hand across his chest and revealed your fangs.

Ayato grunted from the obscure contact of his skin and your fangs. It was hard to suck being so weak, but he motivated you. "Drink my blood. Drink me dry Y/n." He whispered. It tasted fabulous and you wanted more, but didn't know how to drink anymore. He stroked your hair and you collapsed into him.

"I'm sorry." You muttered closing your eyes. "I'm so useless..."


You were inside of the classroom during after-hours. Mei sat cozily in your arms and you sat boringly at your desk. Like always those two students would come to you just to be jerks. "Say creep; anything new today?" Hikaru said. "Hikaru please leave Mei and I alone. You've already been mean enough to us! So why don't you go die!?" Your mood switched fast. Bipolar tendencies were common during obscure situations.

Anyway, the twins looked at each other and laughed. "You're a hothead for such a chunky girl like yourself." Hikaru scoffed. "Yeah! Y/n for sure needs to lose weight. She's so fat." Added Karou.

Now you had become distraught with their opinions. Well, they were twins. Twins were known to typically be mischievous. But you had somehow let your chains loose around your heart and their words made an impact.

"Come on Karou; Tamaki is waiting for us." Hikaru ushered Karou out as you sat there letting their thoughts sink into your head. "Mei, is it true?" You looked down at your thighs and sighed. "It is, isn't it?" Your eyes had lowered from sorrow and you started crying quietly. Eventually it lead you outside and walking home early. "I don't know how to get skinnier, Mei!" You cried to your doll.

Mei lied emotionless as ever in your arms. After you arrived at home again, Kanato said hello to you as you raced upstairs and sat at your desk. "I know exactly what to do now Mei." In a twisted way you were becoming elusively happy. You pulled out your diary and began ripping out the entries written into the paper. The fireplace would be its new home.

Now that the diary was out of the way, you pulled a pen out and began writing in it. Your master plan to magically lose weight had to work; because you just wanted to please those twins.

The endurance of no food carried on for a week on Friday. You had lost about 19 lbs, but it still wasn't enough. You were already dangerously low by then. Kanato had been worrying sick about you. However, one night as you walked outside to sing on the balcony, something that changed your fate would happen.

"Even if I'm alone, I'll go, even if it's difficult. I'll definitely bring the dream I had with you. I'm glad it was with you, and nobody else. But when I woke up in the morning, you weren't there." You sang softly. But when you began singing the next verse, you couldn't. You were too weak. In fact, the world became blurry as you began falling backwards.

"What's happening to me...?" You said as the balcony grew smaller and you fell three stories. Then your body lied there on the concrete. Although you were a vampire, that hurt quite a lot. A figure came running in from the distance. "Who's that Mei?" You muttered quietly to her.

"Y/n! Y/N!" It was Kanato. He came running over to you. "Teddy and I heard a noise; are you ok?" You tried sitting up but fell back down. "Daddy....I've been....I haven't been eating." You were sort of pleased with yourself for not bawling your eyes out. "Y/n.....Starving yourself?" Kanato repeated. You nodded for a reply and Kanato set Teddy down.

He removed his coat off and pulled his sleeve upwards. "Y/n, drink my blood." Kanato ordered. You shook your head though. "No." Kanato gave you a look of annoyance. "Drink it!" This time he screamed, and you pulled his wrist close and licked the skin. You hesitatingly bit into him. "You taste sweet." You said. "Teddy and I are happy Y/n."


A blanket of guilt fell over you. Everyone, everyone in the cafeteria was laughing at you. Every muscle in your body was frozen in sadness and your face was pricelessly crimson rose. "Pig!" They squealed to you as if you had no remote value than a farm animal. It was painful by no doubt.

Quickly you ran. The bathroom door slammed shut as you wiped your teary eyes and leaned against the metal. "Am I!?" You sobbed. "I hate this!" The scream echoed throughout the room. Your blazer, shoes, and shirt hit the tiled floor as your body leaned over the sink. But how could you do this again? This time you forgot about that and just threw up in the sink.

You didn't stop either. The purging continued deliberately until your stomach was empty. You collapsed into the floor and hugged yourself. Everything was going to be ok. It was going to be ok because after you got thin, they'd all look at you as beautiful. They'd look at you and be envious of your skinny figure. You just had to get there.

Laito looked up from his crossword as you sat in the living room later that night. "Little Macaroon? Would you like a sandwich or something?" He didn't bother looking at you. Your stomach rumbled but you resisted. "No thanks." You replied.

For two weeks, Laito looked cautious at you. His expression was sort of in concern.

It was after dinner one night. You had tried so hard, so hard, and you ate your entire plate of food by mistake. 'I have to punish myself.' The thoughts floating effortlessly around. The room fell silent as you excused yourself upstairs. You slammed your door and without a single blink, unraveled your long tie and threw it across the floor. The buttons unlatched at the top of your shirt. Everything was normal. You had dropped fifteen pounds in the last two weeks, but all of it was gone because you ate more than enough.

You stuck two fingers down your throat and purged in the running sink's water. "I...I just want to be pretty...beautiful...." You muttered wiping your eyes.

"But why do you torture yourself?" His voice. You swung your head around and saw Laito standing in the doorway. "Dad...." The reply muttered out. Laito walked beside you and took you into a hug. "Y/n...don't give into those brats...." He said. "But dad!"

"No Y/n! You can't give into them and their selfish actions! I hate seeing you suffer like this! You go down and you bring down the whole ship!" Laito looked at you and kissed your cheek. "Dad....I'm....I'm sorry!" Your face exploded in a vast sea of tranquil tears emerging from your emerald eyes. Laito smiled softly and hugged you closer. "Y/n, drink my blood." Laito said pulling away.

Your eyes widened. "H-huh?" You looked at Laito with weak eyes. "Drink it. You're starving." You watched him throw his hat across the room; the tie from his neck unraveled and fell beside the fedora. Your heart paced faster as Laito removed his jackets and unbuttoned his shirt. "Dad...I couldn't possibly drink your blood!" You cried.

"Shh." He grabbed you to his neck and held you there. With teary eyes, you bit into Laito. He was happy in his own twisted way. You cried into the blood flowing down his neck and held onto his white dress shirt. The taste was melting in your mouth. It was so flavorful you couldn't stop yourself. It was so desirable and perfect. Well, you hadn't eaten in forever so the first thing you'd eat would be delicious.

"Y/n...." Laito's voice trailed off and you felt his body lean into yours. "It's...alright." He didn't speak again. "....Dad?" For the first time in your life, Laito had succumbed to unconsciousness in front of you. Gently you lead him onto your bed nearby and lied him down. "Thank you...for loving...me." You said before falling unconscious beside him.


The day was crisp as you made your walk home from school. Reoccurring footsteps echoed behind you. The noise was enough to make you flinch. "Hey Y/n!" The boy blocked your path ahead of you and crossed his arms. "Viktor! Please I'm just trying to get home!" You tried moving past him but he blocked your path.

"No. Not until we're done with you. Right Yuma?" Behind you was one of the tallest guys at your school. The dreaded thought became reality as you faced him in the eyes. He stared at you and cracked his knuckles. "You know Y/n, aside from the fact that you're fat as a pig; I must admit you have big eyes."

He suddenly slammed his fist into your face making you grunt. "Let go of me Viktor!" You screamed trying to escape his clutch on you. Yuma kept beating you down earning stains on the pavement. Bloody ones. "Y-uma!" Your voice cracked and Yuma pushed you onto the dirt.

"I'll let you go Y/n, but not until you do something about your weight." Scoffed he. "I'm fine!" You cried in reply and Yuma slammed your stomach. "Now go vomit!" Viktor teased. "And we'll let you go home; ok Y/n?"

Your eyes were sobbing now as blood dribbled from your lips. "Fine! Just let me go!" Viktor kicked you again making you purge across the dirt. He did it again and again until there was nothing left but blood. "Looks like we're done here." Yuma shoved you harshly into the concrete and walked away with Viktor. "Better keep up the weight loss pig!" Viktor said sassily and flipped his grey hair.

They had gone, and you lied on the pavement with tears. "Am I really?" You muttered pulling yourself up from bits. The stinging sensation in your arms was tampered flesh. It was healing before your eyes, but the emotional damage was already caused.

That same night, you lied in your bed rethinking everything. It was sort of unbelievable to you. Subaru knocked on the door. "Come in." You replied pulling yourself up and drying your eyes. "Hey Y/n...I brought you some chips." Subaru smiled gently and sighed. "You know, it's hard to think that falling off the bus could do so much damage to you."

Subaru handed you a handful. "I'm not really hungry." He look surprised. "Oh." You looked down and swallowed hard. "Papa....Do you think I'm....overweight?" That look of surprise returned. "Huh? No not really." He replied. You looked down. "I thought you'd say that."

Two weeks later, you had eaten absolutely nothing. You were skimming 96 lbs. But against the odds, you still sere unhappy with yourself. One night at dinner, you fooled with your plate again. "Y/n you haven't eaten anything. Are you ok? Are you sick?" Yui said pressing her hand against your forehead. "I'm fine mama."

You toppled outside for some fresh air on the balcony. For some reason though, you felt nauseous. Everything was switching blurry as you began closing your eyes.

"You're starving yourself." That voice made you open and turn around. "Papa? How did you..." Your eyes had begun to well up with tears. "Papa....But...But...They said!" You cried and collapsed onto the floor. "Y/n, no matter what you look like..." Subaru began and kneeled beside you. "Or what changes about you..." You looked weakly at him removing his jacket and dumping it across the floor. "You should never..." Subaru pulled his shirt down and raised you up towards him softly. "Ever starve yourself for the luxury of others."

"Papa...why're?" He shushed you and lied down. "Drink my blood." He ordered pulling you towards him. "No! I can't..." Subaru held your wrist and yanked you to his neck. "Y/n drink it. Before you die!" Without any second thoughts, you thrusted your fangs into his pale neck. Subaru smiled and held your hand.

"Y/n drink up."

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