When You Haven't Slept In A Week (Request By toxicvampirechick000)
Special Request by @toxicvampirechick000
Go check her out or maybe leave her a follow!
New book out! 'Glitch (Laito X Reader)' can be found on my profile! The first two chapters are up! After this week, I will have the next three weeks off so drop a request!
(As stated before all I have are Laito gifs chill )
"One more episode." You told yourself at 5:37 PM. It was past your sleepy time. Shu had tucked you in ten hours ago, and you were episode 45 of One Piece.
After the episode ended, you looked at your clock that read 6:01 PM. "Huh, I wonder how that happened." You sighed and jumped out of bed, shutting your laptop behind you. "I'll sleep on the way to school."
As Shu drove you to school, you couldn't sleep because he was playing Ode To Joy really loud. "Dad, can you please turn that down?" You asked kindly. "Y/n I'm listening to my music." Replied Shu.
When you reached school, Shu dropped you out off front and waved goodbye. You waved back and walked into class. During math class, you dozed off on your books.
"And the square root of X is what Y/n? Y/n?" The teacher called. You were too busy getting your eight hours to care. "As I said before, WHAT IS THE SQUARE ROOT OF X STUDENTS?" She said banging your desk with a ruler.
"I'M AWAKE!" You screamed. "You're cleaning the class by yourself Y/n." The teacher said walking back to the front.
That Monday, you didn't get ANY sleep. The next day you were stuck too long at the library, the day after THAT you were too busy taking care of baby Shina to sleep, Thursday you had to do all the shopping because Yui was busy taking care of Shina, Friday you received homework, Saturday was hell, and then Sunday there was too much renovating the baby's room for you to sleep.
You woke up from a five minute nap Monday morning and walked like a baby downstairs. As you opened the kitchen door, Yui left out your milk and cereal. Shu was reading a book. "Y/n you're starting to look like your uncle Kanato." Referred Shu. "I'm...."
"Y/n?" Shu looked over the rim of his book to see you with your face dug inside the cereal bowel. Then he heard snores. "Um." Shu started saying. "I'll write a dismissal note to your teacher tomorrow."
You scratched your head in confusion. "Father I don't understand." You and Reiji were looking at your math problems. "Y/n, it's not that hard. Carry the 24 over there to the 19." Reiji started getting frustrated with you. "OK. I NEED A TEA BREAK." Reiji stood up and violently excused himself.
"Some things....Ok I'll go to bed after I finish this problem."
Guess what? You looked at the clock next and realized the sun was out. "Well that was fast." You said packing your books inside of your school bag and walked out of the room. In the kitchen, you walked into Yui feeding your baby brother. "Say, 'Ahhhh!'!" Laughed Yui as she put the spoon of carrots into little Sora's mouth.
"Y/n, it looks as if you've had no sleep. Why not?" Reiji questioned you as he eagerly spread marmalade on his toast. "It's fine. I'll make it up when I get home from school." You said to them as you flew out the door.
"Y/n has awful manners sometimes."
At school, you nearly fell asleep on the basketball when you were out of the game. Anytime anyone yawned, the very thought of sleep aroused your tiredness. You were almost sent to detention on more than one occasion for sleeping in class.
When you got home, Reiji insisted on helping you with your homework, completely forgetting that you missed your eight hours. For the next seven days, you had very little sleep. Twenty minutes was it all counted up. Reiji almost stayed up all night with you each night to aid you in your studies.
But one night, enough was enough. As you were staring out a window, you fell on the floor bellow and drooled in your sleep. Reiji walked in holding the tea and scoffed at you. "Oh Y/n...." He muttered putting his coat over you. "Sweet Y/n."
Inside of the living room, you were playing Mortal Kombat with the computer on the TV. As you were playing, Yui walked in. "Y/n? You've got a friend out front!" Yui said. "What?" You replied pausing the game. "Yeah! I think he wants to play. He's got a baseball bat and everything."
"You know, you should listen to me more often, Y/n." I told you how to make friends and it paid off!" Said Yui walking back to be with Ayato. You ran to the front window to see him. Billy Presscot. The newest kid who already made himself the school bully. He was on your lawn.
"What the?" You asked yourself. "You know Pancake, I think he wants one of us." Ayato whispered eating a peanut butter sandwich. "Dad..knock it off." You stared at him. "You're just trying to scare me." You told him. "Did you do anything to him recently?"
"The cat...fireworks...old people...not anything he knows about." You replied confused. "I see....Go out there!" Ayato said pushing you near the door. "What!? I'm not going anywhere!" You replied pushing Ayato away. "Come on Pancake! I don't want this kid on my lawn forever."
"Ugh...we'll wait him up. He'll have to leave sometime." You said.
For the next four days, he didn't move. You were sleepless. "He's...been...out there...since...Saturday..." You muttered to Ayato on a Wednesday morning as he handed you coffee. "You should get some sleep Pancake." Ayato said.
"No...I have to...wait him out..."
Three days later, you concluded enough was enough. "It's me obviously...I'm going out there. Anything is better than this..." You grabbed a frying pan and walked outside.
As Ayato stood in the window, watching the both of you as he sipped coffee, he moved his facial expressions in contrast to your pain. "Ow...geez. Who would've thought you could use a frying pan like that."
When you opened the door, you were overjoyed. You closed your eyes and collapsed on the stairs. "Huh, who would've thought." Ayato said to your sleeping body before walking off.
Because you didn't get any sleep regardless of the events following. へ'∀`)人('∀`へ
You were playing with your doll, Mei, quietly inside of the pantry. "You know Mei, I love my new little sister Ai. I hope mommy and daddy have a fun week together."
Flashback. A few hours ago, your mommy and daddy left to have a fun week together. Ai was staying with the babysitter and you were supposed to be staying with your druggy grandma (who we're going to pretend is alive mk?)
As you were sitting in the pantry, the doorbell rang. With haste you ran to the door. In the doorway, was your one and only, druggy grandma.
"Aren't even going to open the door for you grandma!" She yelled letting herself inside. "Grandma I think you spilt your alcohol on the floor." If there were three things people recognized about your grandma it would be her addiction to cigarettes, addiction to alcohol, and her sarcastic/asshole personality.
"Then pick it up! Back where I come from fat kids like you weren't going to last five seconds running up the hills from the dogs." She said to you. You rolled your eyes and stepped towards the living room where she was sitting.
Every day you would clean the house as she slept in your parents' bed to rid the smell of her skank ass and her cigarettes and alcohol. You really didn't sleep much, especially when she would wake up in the middle of the night almost setting the house on fire because she left one of her cigarettes on the couch.
You were super sleepy all week. One of the days, she phoned you drunk while she was out and about for money.
By the time she left and Kanato, Yui, and baby Ai all came home, you fell asleep waiting for them in the driveway.
"Seems like my Y/n has fallen asleep." Kanato said inspecting your body laying out in the driveway. "Come. Teddy and I will lie you in your bed."
"What bed?" Yui said pointing at the burning house. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU---"
As you were playing Blood Waltz on the piano, Laito walked in. "Little bitch! You're on baby duty all week starting now." Laito said holding the bag. "Dad, chill. I'm at a very critical moment here." You replied. "Seems like you don't understand how things work around here. Ren, why don't you tell this little bitch how things work around here?"
"Goo goo gah gah!" Ren replied in the hallway. "DAD I!" You turned around and he shoved the bag into your arms. "Thanks." He replied with a wink before exiting the room. "Darn it." You said.
After a while of babysitting, you wanted some ice cream. So, you grabbed the ingredients, shoved it into a container, and attached that sucker onto Ren's bouncing swing that hung in the hallway.
As he was bouncing, you looked at the time and realized it was already 9:30 AM. "It's getting late Ren. Let's go sleepy time!" You said pulling him up.
After putting him to bed, you cuddled up in a blanket with your ice cream and turned on Lucky☆Star. You managed to get past the intro until you heard crying. "Ugh...COMING!" You yelled.
Ren ruined his diaper---and the walls.
For the next four and a half hours, you had to scrub the walls down and leave Ren in his carseat. The worst part was, this happened every freaking hour. It went like this:
You wake up to hear crying
You go upstairs
Realize Ren is being an asshole to you
Clean him up
Clean the walls
Possibly clean your hair
It went like that for the six days Laito and Yui were gone. It was total hell.
When they came back, you threw Yui the baby and ran inside to crash on the couch. As you closed your eyes and heard Yui giving Ren a bath, you felt two hands make their way up your skirt.
You slipped on your headphones and hit play on your phone. As you were jamming to your music, Subaru opened the door and told you to go to bed. Sure enough, you lied down but heard the notifications go off on your phone.
"Huh?" You said flipping on the phone. You read six notifications. Eventually you realized it was 3 PM and you were still awake. "Ok now I go to sleep." You said shutting off your phone. But, they just coming. The next night, you yawned as you realized it was 8 PM, and you were gonna miss school. "I can go with no sleep until tomorrow." You said stepping out of your coffin.
"Y/n?" Subaru said yawning in the hallway. "Hey papa." You replied. "You look pale; did you get any sleep?" You nodded and smiled. "I sure did."
You started living off of soda. Anything with sugar in it was your best friend that day at school. When you were showering after gym, you took a few zzzz's on the bathroom floor.
Five days later, you came home with homework, and when it was 11 AM and you were still awake, Subaru walked into your room and sat on a chair. "Y/n? You've been really pale lately. Are you alright?" Subaru said concerned. "It's just at school the person I'm feasting off of doesn't give me enough and they taste like shit."
"I see. Do you need some of my blood?" Subaru said to you. "No no papa. I'm alright. Just...really...really....sleepy." You said yawning and falling on Subaru. "She's just been tiered this whole time." He muttered relieved. Subaru gently placed you inside your coffin and pulled the covers over you. "I'll wake you whenever Yui starts trying to kill me for letting you sleep in." He said kissing your forehead.
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