5. Amazing Shiny Stories
So recently I've been a little stuck for planning the Zam sequel whilst I've had a real itch to write more stuff in my random book. Not for any real purpose, just if I have a thought which is interesting to me or if I think of something, I'm going to try and write a little thing about it, just to keep me active and for a little fun. Today's topic will be shinies!
If you didn't know, I'm a little bit of a shiny hunter. I don't do it all the time and I'm not a totally hardcore hunter but over the years I've accumulated roughly around a box and a half of shinies, obtained across a wide variety of games. I like to shiny hunt for the sheer buzz of when I see those sparkles on the screen, for that incredible elation of finally finding something so rare and sometimes so good looking. I've made some pretty amazing memories through shiny hunting and I'm about to share a few of them. Every shiny has a story behind it and some of these stories are pretty incredible.
Starting off we have BlueNose the Dugtrio. This was the first Pokémon I ever hunted for and I'll never forget the heart attack I had when I got it... but not out of excitement! I was in the car with the family and we were heading back home from holiday. I was hunting to pass the time even though my 3DS was on very low charge and miraculously I found the shiny! I excitedly entered my ingenious nickname and was about to save when my 3DS died. You can imagine the panic that rushed over me; had I just lost the shiny? Thankfully, I remembered my game mechanics and as I'd been saving quite regularly, I was somewhat certain that the egg would still hatch as a shiny. A few hours of driving later and my nerves were settled. I had my first hunted shiny!
If you didn't know, Ampharos is my favourite Pokémon. As such, I was pretty excited when some EV training in X gifted me with a shiny Mareep in a horde encounter. It may have still been in a horde, but it was still kind of a "random" encounter, one of only a few that I have and one of the first shinies I ever found. I'll definitely cherish this blessing from Lord Helix forever.
This is one of the most remarkable things that has ever happened to me. Way before I hunted for shinies, I was on a school trip and was learning how to breed and train competitive Pokémon. It didn't take long for me to hatch a perfect IV Goomy so I named him Mr Sliggums and put the remaining egg from that batch in the PC as you can't release eggs. Fast-forward about a year and a half when I was getting into shiny hunting, I wanted to get the shiny charm and I wanted it on several games. So, I went about getting myself a living dex when I realised I would need to clear out some of the Pokémon I didn't want to make space. As I couldn't release the one egg I had left in my PC, I was forced to hatch it and unbelievably, it was a shiny. Since an egg being a shiny is determined as soon as the player receives it, I actually had had this shiny for over a year and I just never knew about it. Pretty incredible huh?
Next up are two shinies that I actually ended up getting at school. During free periods in sixth form, I used to hunt just as something to do, usually if nobody else was around and we weren't playing card games. One day I wondered if it was possible to encounter Combee in a horde as that would make it easier to encounter a shiny female Combee but I'd never seen it hunted for like this so I assumed it wouldn't work. I went over to the patch of flowers where Combee are found and used Sweet Scent. Immediately I noticed that it wasn't the horde battle intro and so I was slightly disappointed. But I got an even better prize as the Pokémon I randomly encountered turned out to be a shiny Ledyba! What are the odds? (Well, 1/1365 but yeah)
Some of my friends showed a vague interest in shiny hunting and were asking a lot of questions about it. Fortunately enough, I was able to demonstrate it by getting a shiny Phantump in Friend Safari, although I had been hunting for quite some time so it wasn't anything ridiculously special. One of my friends asked if there were other ways to get shinies and I obviously told him that there were. I said my favourite method was horde hunting which he was unfamiliar with so I went to show him. I went to a cave, clicked Sweet Scent and incredibly, there was a shiny Mime Jr! This is still the only first encounter shiny I've ever got and I named it in my friend's honour (which I also found funny because Mr Mime is the pedo Pokémon so it was actually an insult but he'll never know).
Here's two shinies that aren't all that exciting but are pretty funny. In Sun and Moon, there's a spot where you can fish for Bottle Caps, a very useful item for a competitive battler. Unfortunately, you also encounter a fair number of Pokémon and one time when I needed just a single Bottle Cap, I ended up finding two shiny Magikarp before the elusive item. Two shinies in about half an hour when I wasn't even hunting? Not bad!
I was hunting for a shiny Ho-oh in HG and had been doing so for quite some time so I decided to double hunt and added a Lugia in AS to my hunting for the day. Due to the increased shiny odds and my shiny charm, I found the shiny Lugia pretty quickly. However, Lugia only has 20pp and being a legendary it was quite difficult to catch so it ended up Struggling itself to death. Words cannot describe how tilted I was when I failed it. I put my 3DS down and just walked away, totally furious, vowing to never shiny hunt again. A few hours later I realised that I couldn't live with myself without that shiny so I got back to work with the double hunting and what shows up not twenty minutes later but another shiny Lugia! This time I made no mistake and I had my first shiny legendary! (I also ended up failing a shiny Terrakion the next day which I am yet to reclaim)
Now it's time for some HG shinies. I decided to hunt for a shiny starter as HG is the only game in which you see all three starters before choosing so whilst odds for one of them being shiny is 1/8192, the odds for any one of them being shiny is three times that. After going way over odds at 3864 soft resets, I finally found a shiny Chikorita and it was an absolute pleasure to play through the game with a shiny I worked hard to get. Just sending it out put a huge smile on my face!
The shiny starter was great but I knew that a far tougher hunt was coming my way. I had no other way of getting a shiny Ho-oh and simply put, its shiny looks incredible so I made the decision to go for a full odds legendary. This was a gruelling hunt. This really was tough to keep going at times but luckily, I'm a stubborn little bastard so after just under two months and a whopping 5472 encounters (which was actually a good way under odds) I finally found this absolute beauty. I remember lying in bed at the dead of night when it showed up and I just gasped and looked at it for a few minutes in sheer disbelief. The feeling was just incredible. With my hands shaking and sweating and my heart pumping, I ran no risks and threw my Masterball and proceeded to save the game at least fifty times. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to recapture that same elation, shock and panic ever again but it doesn't really matter. This was amazing!
If you tuned into the GRA podcast last week, you'll have probably caught the fact that I've been hunting for a shiny Rowlet ever since I got UM in mid-December and that it's been tearing me apart and causing me utter agony. Not only are the odds pretty terrible at 1/4096 but the cut scene is so god damn long that each soft reset takes over two minutes. Two. Whole. Minutes. For one god damn encounter. I lost count of the number of soft resets at around the 2500 mark. All I know is that I literally spent two months of my life spamming the shit out of the A button but it was all worth it because HOLY SHIT I FINALLY GOT THE SHINY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I'm still absolutely buzzing for this guy. Not only do I actually get to play through UM now but I finally recaptured that sensational feeling of succeeding after a brutal hunt and it's just incredible. Also, I was so hyped for this that my neighbour came in to check on me because apparently, he thought I was being murdered. I may have literally jumped out of my chair and started jumping around my room yelling in disbelief. I really genuinely thought I might never get this shiny but I'm so glad I stuck with it.
So, yeah, that's today's randomness. Expect more in the future. And maybe if I do end up taking on the shiny Celebi hunt in Crystal... get ready for that. I won't go for it for some time because it's fair to say I'm a little sick of soft resets right now but eventually, that elusive shiny will be mine! Until next time then!
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