The Inevitable Union

"Pranipaat Mata," Abhijishya said touching Kunti's feet.

"Kalyan ho, putri," Kunti blessed her with a smile. Then she took a red satin cloth covered copper plate which was kept on a table and handed it to Abhijishya.

Abhijishya was confused. It was almost time for the beginning of the ceremony but Mata Kunti had called her to her chambers. "What is this Mata?" she asked.

"This plate contains sweets for Kansar Bhojan ritual. I am giving you your first duty as my daughter-in-law, putri. As the only married woman present of Kuru clan, I wish you offer this plate of sweets to Draupadi and my sons for their Kansar Bhojan," Kunti said.

"Of course Mata. As you wish," Abhijishya smiled. "Won't you come with me Mata? It is time for the wedding ceremony to begin."

Kunti put a hand on Abhijishya's shoulder and said,"Putri, I don't know what to tell you. My one mistake caused a lifetime of strife for Draupadi and my sons. But how could I forget about you?" She said with watering eyes.

"You didn't utter a word against the unfairness towards you. Even when we were too busy trying to solve the Dharamsankat we were in, you didn't complain about your situation. I know what it feels like to welcome another wife of a Ksatriya husband. Yet here you are, taking the responsibility of Kansar Bhojan of your husband and co-wife without a crease on your forehead, just five days after marriage," Kunti said cupping her cheek.

"Mata, it would be a lie if I said I am elated that my husband is marrying another woman. Personally I do not agree with polygamy or polyandry but we all know this is a rather unique situation. I cannot bring myself to be displeased with Draupadi over this," Abhijishya smiled. "Also I really want a female friend to chat with. I feel like a third wheel once Sakha Gopal and Bhratashree Arjun start talking." She fake pouted.

Kunti smiled. "I feel at peace that you have accepted Draupadi in our family so readily. Now come along, we must hurry or else we will be late."

Abhijishya nodded and sighed inaudibly. Whatever progress she thought she and Draupadi had made on her wedding seemed lost when she accompanied Draupadi to the Gauri Temple today. She remained painfully polite and aloof. Abhijishya smiled and followed Kunti towards the Mandap. Her smile felt too brittle for Kunti's liking but she didn't mention it.


The wedding premises was once again decorated but Abhijishya noted it was completely different from the decorations of the day Draupadi's wedding put on hold. It was most probable Maharaj Drupad threw everything away from that day due to the inauspicious rays of the solar eclipse.

The air was full of the fragrance of incense and flowers. The chants of various mantras created a solemn atmosphere. The Pandavs were already present. Abhijishya and Kunti arrived in time for Ganesh Pujan.

They greeted everyone present and made their way to the seats assigned for them.

"Pardon us for our late arrival Maharaj," Mata Kunti said with joined hands. Abhijishya bowed her head as her hands still held the plate of sweets.

"It is fine. You have arrived just in time. Otherwise I was going to send someone after you," Drupad spared a brief glance at Abhijishya. "I thought someone deterred you from attending this ceremony Maharani Kunti."

Kunti gave a strained smile. Abhijishya said with her head slightly inclined,"Mata wanted to give me the responsibility of Kansar Bhojan. Pardon me, Maharaj, I am quite new to all these customs and rituals. She had to explain it to me hence our delay."

"Well it is a good thing you do not have to worry about handling our customs and rituals much longer as my daughter is adept in handling everything required of a queen," Drupad said; his tone vaguely condescending towards Abhijishya.

Abhijishya smiled politely and looked at him. "And I look forward to learning everything from Panchalratna (Gem of Panchal) Draupadi."

Drupad didn't seem to acknowledge what she said but it was clear from Kunti's pleased smile that Abhijishya had handled the situation nicely.

It was time for Kanya Aagaman (Arrival of the Bride). Draupadi was accompanied by Gopal, Shikhandini and Dhristadymna. She looked gorgeous decked in expensive royal clothes and huge ornaments of gold. Draupadi looked at Gopal who smiled in assurance and got up on the Mandap.

While all the other Pandavs looked at Draupadi, Nakul's eyes caught Abhijishya's glance. She remembered what he told her earlier.

She came slowly awake to the humming of the tune of her favourite song. She felt fingers brush the arch of her cheekbone. Abhijishya blinked her eyes open. Nakul was sitting beside her and smiling affectionately. They hadn't consummated their marriage but Nakul was always generous with affectionate physical contact which she gladly reciprocated.

Abhijishya couldn't stop the smile that bloomed on her face. "Watching me sleep? Do you realise how strange that is?" she said sitting up and leaning into his chest.

"Why will it be strange? I am your husband afterall," Nakul replied while embracing her.

"Still strange," she mumbled; glad to hide her pinked cheeks on hearing 'your husband'. It never failed to create a fluttering sensation in her stomach.

His humming stopped. Abhijishya leaned back to look at Nakul. He appeared solemn and a tad bit sad. "Today my brothers and I have to marry the Panchal Rajkumari," Nakul said. Abhijishya nodded for him to continue. He took her hands and held them.

"I," he sighed. "You know very well I am only doing this simply as a duty. I do not desire her."

"Yes," she said in confusion. They had talked about this in the past few days. "What is bothering you?"she asked.

"I can't get Bhagwan Vedvyas' words out of my mind this morning. He asked us brothers to make some rules to ease Panchal Rajkumari's life after our marriage," he said.

"Yes," she averted her eyes. Abhijishya knew about the conditions. She had been successfully ignoring the fact that the Pandavs would promise to never bring any of their other wives into the city where Draupadi would reside. She didn't know what that would mean for her now that Maharaj Drupad himself arranged for her and Nakul's wedding. She was sure he couldn't ask her to return to Dwarka as it would reflect badly on him and Panchal after giving his blessings to her.

"Maharaj Drupad is going to ask for some difficult promises, is he not?" Nakul asked as he touched her chin and made her look at him.

"It is only fair that you and your brothers make some rules after the immense sacrifice Draupadi is making for you all," Abhijishya replied avoiding directly answering Nakul's question.

Nakul didn't push for a specific answer. "You promised that you would fight the world for our love as long as I want you by my side," he reminded her.

"That I will. I am not leaving you, darling," she reassured.

Nakul stayed silent. Abhijishya leaned in and kissed his cheek. He turned his face to kiss her lips but she pulled back.

Abhijishya got up from the bed hurriedly. "Nuh uh. Not happening. I have to accompany Draupadi to the Gauri Temple. I am sure I am short on time."

Nakul huffed. "Fine, but I am choosing your clothes and accessories today. But don't spend the entire morning in the bath. Gods know what you do there for so long," he said. Within the first three days of his marriage, Nakul had found out Abhijishya's love for elaborate long baths. He approved but who spent so much time soaking that the fingers pruned.

Abhijishya rolled her eyes. "I don't spend that long in baths." Saying that she went to the bathing room.

Abhijishya's look

Abhijishya noticed how Nakul had colour coordinated their outfits. His aangavastra matched her lehenga while the green aventurine of her jewellery matched his dhoti. She smiled in reassurance. Nakul returned a brief smile and looked at Draupadi.

"Wait Rajpurohit," Maharaj Drupad said getting up from his seat."Before I can allow this wedding to proceed, I want some solutions to my questions, Maharishi Vedvyas."

Bhagwan Vedvyas got up and walked towards the Pandavs and Draupadi.

"My daughter is stepping into a life that will be more painful that being burned alive. Maharishi, you have considered this marriage dharma but will the world accept this as dharma? How will she ever gain happiness from her unconditional surrender?" asked a concerned Drupad.

"You are right, Maharaj."Maharishi addressed the Pandavs," Putron, the foundation of a successful marriage is the seven vows exchanged by the bride and groom. But this marriage is unique. To make this marriage successful and pious, you must swear a few more vows. Just like one cannot be hold the position of minister to two Kings at the same time, one cannot be completely devoted to more than one person at a time. So, how will a woman carry out her responsibilities and be devoted to five husbands?"

"One cannot be devoted to five at the same time but five can be devoted to one, Bhagwan. We five brothers will always remain devoted to Draupadi at all times and accept her decisions," Yudhisthir said.

Draupadi who had her eyes on the ground till now looked up to see her soon-to-be husbands looking at her solemnly.

"Splendid, putra Yudhisthir. For an entire year,Draupadi will be wife to only one of you. During that period, only the one ,whom Draupadi would have given the right, will be able to enter her chambers. I am asking this difficult vow for the sake of Draupadi's happiness," Vedvyas said.

"But isn't the basis of relationship remembrance, Bhagwan? Then how will my sister overcome the memories of joys and sorrows of a year? She will get crushed under the memories, Bhagwan," said a worried Shikhandini.

"Every year I shall perform an austere meditation infront of the holy fire," Draupadi spoke up. "By forgetting all the memories of past relationship, I shall purify my soul." She looked at Govind for reassurance who smiled in approval.

Everyone present were deeply moved by Draupadi's tough decision. Arjun said while looking at Draupadi," Not just her, Bhagwan. We five brothers too swear to perform such meditation along with her every year."

There was no mistaking the look of relief and naked hope on Draupadi's face. She felt comforted that the Pandavs would be with her every step of her life from now on.

Abhijishya clutched the plate of sweets tightly. She waited with bated breath for the final vow.

"I have one last question," Maharaj Drupad said loudly. "For various reasons, Princes have to marry multiple times. If the Pandavs bring their other wives, then what will become of my daughter?" Nakul's head snapped towards Maharaj upon hearing the question.

"This question relates to me, Bhagwan as I have already married once," Bheem said. "I give my word that I will not bring my wife inside the city in which Draupadi shall reside."

Draupadi looked at Bheem in astonishment while the later smiled reassuringly. Nakul remained quiet.

"What about her?"Drupad gestured towards Abhijishya. "As I have given my blessings to Rajkumar Nakul and Abhijishya's wedding I cannot ask Rajkumar Nakul to leave her. But if Rajkumari Abhijishya stays with Rajkumar Nakul, the other wives of the Pandavs will not accept to stay away from their husbands."

Everyone was quiet. No one had the solution apart from asking Abhijishya to leave for Dwarka with Vasudev Krishna.

Abhijishya looked at Nakul who was standing with clenched fists resolutely quiet. She couldn't bear to see him look so helpless.

"Maharaj, may I suggest something?" Abhijishya spoke up gathering her resolve.

Maharaj Drupad nodded in affirmation.

"The year which Panchalratna Draupadi shall decide to be wife to Arya (my husband) Nakul, I shall relinquish my rights as his wife for that year," Abhijishya said. Everyone looked at her in utter astonishment.

Nakul could at stare at her. The very idea of separation ,even one year in every five, was pushing his self restraint to raise his voice against his brothers. But he couldn't disrespect them. He couldn't disrespect the sacrifice of Panchal Rajkumari. He couldn't disrespect his Abhijishya's sense of righteousness. So he gritted his teeth and kept quiet.

She continued,"That year Arya shall not enter my chambers. I shall only reside as a well wisher of the Pandavs and Rajkumari Draupadi's companion and if she wishes, perhaps a friend and sister. There shall be no queen of the Pandavs other than your daughter Draupadi. I shall only be known as Nakulamohini Abhijishya, wife of Panduputra Nakul, well wisher of the Pandavs."

Once again Abhijishya did something that completely exceeded Draupadi's expectations. She couldn't deny the awe and warmth she felt at Abhijishya's effort to grant her a place in her family and make her feel accepted.

Maharaj Drupad was relieved. He smiled and said," Putri Abhijishya has managed to soothe this worried father's concern. I hope her word is acceptable by Rajkumar Nakul and the Pandavs."

Nakul inclined his head and said," I shall respect my wife's decision. Let it be as she said." He smiled at Abhijishya with pride in his eyes; despite the reluctance of his heart.

"Once putri Abhijishya was ready disappear from the lives of the Pandavs for the sake of my daughter. Again, today, she has decided to sacrifice one year in every five of her married life in an attempt to be fair towards my daughter Draupadi when life has become unfair towards her. I give Nakulamohini Abhijishya the name 'Dhruvi', one who remains firm in every situation. Let her be known for her firm righteousness along with her wisdom and beauty," Maharaj Drupad announced.

Abhijishya bowed her head and said,"I shall always try to be worthy of this name that you bestowed upon me, Maharaj."

The wedding premise broke out in cheers.

"Praise be to the ever righteous Dhruvi."

After the cheers died down, Bhagwan Vedvyas said," Now that the oaths have been given, let the wedding ceremony commence."

The ambience was solemn. Every ritual was repeated five times expect the last three steps of the Saptapadi. For the last three steps, Draupadi stepped before her five husbands. Her veil was tied to their five aangavastras. They circled the holy fire together.

The churamani was brought to them by Mata Kunti. The five Pandavs placed it on Draupadi's head together.

Draupadi's expression was more like a warrior putting on chainmail before setting out for the battlefield than a happy bride. Her eyes stared blankly ahead as if trying to comprehend her future from here on.

Abhijishya couldn't stop her tears from escaping her eyes. She discreetly wiped them with her left hand.

It was time for Kansar Bhojan. Abhijishya presented the plate of sweets to the Pandavs and Draupadi.

The Pandavs took a sweet and feed Draupadi together. Then Draupadi fed each Pandav a sweet.

The wedding was complete. Abhijishya passed off the plate to a nearby dasi. She then approached Draupadi.

Before she could say anything, Draupadi said," Thank you."

Abhijishya didn't need to ask why Draupadi said so. She simply embraced and said," Welcome to our family, Rajkumari."

Draupadi returned her hug. "Sister, Dhruvi," she gently clarified.

Abhijishya smiled. "Sister Draupadi."

The foundation of a revolution was laid.


A.N. - Draupadi and the Pandavs are married. Woosh!

Sorry for the late update. I was supposed to update yesterday but I got stuck mid chapter. I had to figure out how to proceed.

What do you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments section below.

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I'll updating again on Saturday 11th July. [ IST]

Until the next time,

Byee ;")

P.S. My friend DrKanu has started writing her own Mahabharata fanfiction. Please go to her profile and check out her work 'The Delightful Trauma ( a Mahabharata Fiction)'.

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