Chapter 12: Because Christopher Isn't A Race
Eunha was absolutely done with humans.
Walking with the group of boys who had apparently spotted her on the verge of murdering Jeongin, she wondered how in the actual hell the act of murdering turned into a lie of her dating him. Either Jeongin was a skilled liar, or the rest of them were just straight-up dumb.
However, one person in that group was still skeptical of this relationship... at least the thought of it. Surprise surprise, he still had some brain cells left. By now, you must know his name.
"So," Seungmin spoke as they all approached the canteen, "Since when did you both start dating?"
"Yesterday," Eunha mumbled, finding a table and plopping down on a chair.
"Uh huh?" he raised his eyebrows, "What sparked it? I mean, didn't you dislike Jeongin until yesterday itself?"
Everyone, sitting around the table, snapped their heads to look at Eunha. Now, surrounded by the male gaze (I bet Y/N is jealous), she opened and closed her mouth several times, "U-Uhm..."
Jeongin looked around frantically. He didn't want her secret to be out because he felt cool to be the only one knowing that secret. You know, like in those ride-or-die mission movies. So, he inwardly prayed to God... for the Deviless. He's demented, let's just let him be.
She then made up a terrible lie, "I... got infatuated. That's what humans say when they like people only sexually, right?"
Jeongin literally paused. Literally. And so did everyone at the table. Silence prevailed for about an entire minute when Jeongin inwardly screamed — IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT?
Then, Jisung snickered. Everyone looked at him in silence... until Hyunjin and Felix snickered as well.
"What's so funny?" Eunha questioned, the effect of her lie just beginning to register in everyone's minds, and hers too. Her face reddened when she realized that she had just ventured out there to embarrass herself.
"Oh... damn," Chan blinked, "So are you guys in a sexual relationship or what?"
"How polite, Bang Christopher Chan! That's exactly what you ask a lady!" Minho sarcastically clapped for him.
"You don't say, Lee Minho!" Changbin piped up, "You dropkicked a girl because she ate your cupcake."
"Didn't you listen to Elsa? The past is in the past, let it go."
"Hold up!" Eunha spoke up, "Why did you call Chan 'Christopher'? What's that?"
"It's his name," Felix said.
"But isn't he Chan? So what does 'Christopher' stand for? Is that his breed?" it's been two days and her brain cells are gone.
"My what?" Chan gasped.
"Your breed? What do you humans call it? Your race?" she remarked.
"Hawww she's being racist!" Hyunjin gasped like Chan, but add a gallon more drama to it.
"She's not being racist BECAUSE CHRISTOPHER ISN'T A RACE!" Seungmin needed to calm down because he was being too loud. Get it? Get it?
Suddenly, that same old Banger mentioned earlier moonwalked into the scene, "HE'S THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, THE REASON I BREATHE, THE REASON I SURVIVE!"
"..." nobody spoke a single syllable. That Banger blew a kiss to Chan, and now she's irrelevant in the story.
Jeongin looked around, and before another skeptical question could brew in Seungmin's mind, he got up, grabbed Eunha's wrist, and fake-laughed, "Ahahaha... haha... we have some u-unfinished business. We'll be right back!"
The boys hooted as the two of them walked away, and Eunha hung her head in shame. Now that wasn't a walk of shame she would want (not that she wanted any, but get my point). As soon as they were out of sight, she yanked his hand off her arm and held his collar, "If you dare to touch me without my consent, I will rip your lungs out!"
"So is there a scope for you giving me consent?" Jeongin giggled, finding it strangely cute how she was shorter than him but she still dared to threaten him by holding his collar. If she wasn't the Deviless, then he would've called her cute, too.
But she literally rules Hell. If that wasn't scary, then he didn't know what was (other than the exams' results day).
As she left his collar in frustration, he cleared his throat and spoke, "So... what's your homeland like?"
Great question, Yang Jeongin. He deserves a medal for that one.
Eunha smirked, "You'd shit your pants if I told you."
"N-Now you're scaring me..."
She grinned evilly, "You better be scared, human. Your mind would collapse if I told you what goes on in my homeplace; the way your mere human souls are tortured and-"
"Okay, that's enough!" Jeongin closed his eyes and shut his ears with his hands, shaking his head. Eunha laughed; that seemed low-key cu-
So Cu-no it is.
(a/n: AYE HELLO!! Shorter chapter but it's there!!
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